
星期二, 6月 11, 2019

The New Normal: The perils of being a Chinese scientist and engineer in the U.S. 6/27

 China Institute
 Center For Business

The New Normal: The perils of being a Chinese scientist and engineer in the U.S.

U.S. government concerns about alleged intellectual property theft are driving what feels to many Chinese scientists and engineers like a witch-hunt. A string of actions, including the arrest of Chinese-born American scientists, the firing of several others and closure of their labs, frequent FBI calls and visits to many individuals without any charge, and a tightened visa process for Chinese STEM students-have shocked the Chinese science and technology community, raising concerns about racial profiling. 

What is the new reality for the Chinese science and technology community? And how to legally navigate the storm? Is it okay to do research both here in the U.S. and also in China? What is the guideline for academic and entrepreneurial exchange and cooperation? Is the U.S. government being paranoid, or are the spying concerns valid? 

Join Temple University Professor Xiaoxing Xi, who was charged with spying by the Justice Department (the charge was dropped and he is suing the FBI), Peter Zeidenberg, partner at Arent Fox LLP, and Aaron Wolfson, former prosecutor and current partner at King & Wood Mallesons law firm, for a timely discussion of the perils of being a Chinese scientist or engineer in the U.S.

*Additional panelists to be announced shortly.

Thursday, June  27, 6:00 PM -8:30 PM

Event Fee: Members $5; Non-Members $15; Students $8 
Location: 40 Rector Street, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10006

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300 Hongkongers Took Street in Boston Against Extradition Bill

300 Hongkongers Took Street in Boston Against Extradition Bill

Today, on June 9, a record high of 1.3 million people in Hong Kong protest against the extradition bill proposed by the Hong Kong government. Clashes with the police broke out at night when people stayed after the march was done. Tear gas bomb, pepper spray, batons and tear liquid were used by the police force on protestors. The government immediately release a statement saying that they acknowledge the major opposition in the society but will proceed to the second and third reading of the bill on June 12, stirring up the heat among the people.

In Boston, eight people went to the opening ceremony of Boston’s Dragon Boat Festival and protest in front of the Chinese embassy representative on stage. Look at Facebook live stream video: https://www.facebook.com/frances.huiwingting/videos/604394776735990/

Boston rally against the bill started in front of the State House as scheduled. An estimated 300 people in black and white shirts attended with signs and posters. Organizer Frances Hui started with updates from different cities and chants like “No China Extradition,” “Protect Hong Kong,” “Safeguard Hong Kong.” Hui delivered a statement written by Uighur Adila Sadir in Boston whose father in Xinjiang has been imprisoned since a year ago. Another Uighur in Boston, Maya Mitalipova, went up to the stage to talk about her experience as a Uighur and how the Chinese government torturing religious Muslims relates to Hong Kong people.

The crowd started walking, through the Boston Common, to the Chinatown Gate with chants in different languages. Hui delivered a speech after arriving the Gate about her feeling after her article went viral and the reason Hongkongers need to speak up in against of this bill. The march ended at 3:45 p.m. peacefully.

“I have heard of people saying, ‘HK’s future is yours,’ or ‘you are the future of HK’ … To be honest, it does put on the extra burden on me that I feel like, why is the future of HK only on me, not on us? Why are people leaving everything to young people? Yes, the future belongs to the next generation, but does that mean it’s only on us to fight against the regime? No. We need every single one of you to do whatever you could. We need each and everyone to tell our friends, “We are from Hong Kong. Hong Kong is different from China and now the government is making us be part of them.” Although the next generation is going to take over the future, you also have the responsibility to make the future bright before you let go.” ––Frances Hui

Global citizens from 29 cities abroad gathered to present a united front in support of their fellow citizens of Hong Kong and have coordinated an unprecedented global protest. Australia had 4,000 people showing up while London had 4,000. 

Pictures and videos of the Boston rally: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1GtwDf7bnFiN80RrhvV1jDraC-_ix08EO  
Explanatory video made by Frances Hui: https://youtu.be/qadY2QMogVM
(Via Frances Hui)

星期日, 6月 09, 2019

波士頓僑胞卡特約商再添一家 Sudbury 蓮花苑加入行列

 Lotus Blossom Sudbury店加入僑胞卡特約商店 今年6月起提供消費優惠】

波士頓地區僑胞卡持卡人有福了,位於波士頓西郊Sudbury 的中餐館「Lotus Blossom」,也就是著名的中餐連鎖店「荷花苑」分店之一,正式加入海外特約商店的行列,成為波士頓地區第20家僑胞卡特約商!
Lotus Blossom歷史悠久,已經營30年以上,提供自助午餐、中式晚餐和日本料理,也專長臺灣點心。東家陳永茂表示,非常高興能成為僑胞卡特約商店,為海內外僑胞提供專屬優惠,將從今年6月起提供持卡人9折的消費優惠,希望能讓更多僑胞鄉親感受到政府的用心與美意。

Lotus Blossom 餐廳地址:394 Boston Post Rd, Sudbury, MA 01776電話:(978) 443-0200網址http://www.lotuscuisine.com/ 歡迎前往消費。(圖與文:僑教中心提供)

新英格蘭台商會高爾夫球賽 蔡高進組再度奪冠 (圖片)

星期六, 6月 08, 2019

波士頓支援香港人反引渡條例 6/9 遊行

Boston Solidarity with Hong Kong Against the Extradition Law

The Hong Kong government has recently proposed an amendment to the Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Ordinances. The bill, which followed a minimal public comment period and could face a final vote before July 2019, would amend Hong Kong’s laws to allow extraditions to mainland China. A broad range of offenses would be eligible for extradition, and the bill would remove independent legislative oversight in the extradition process. Such changes would undermine the strong legal protections guaranteed in Hong Kong and leave the territory exposed to Beijing’s weak legal system and politically motivated charges. The US-China Economic and Security Review Commission has also taken a position against the proposed bill as it will severely undermine Hong Kong autonomy and threaten United States citizens presently living or working in Hong Kong.

On June 9, global citizens from a totaled of 27 cities, will come together to present a united front in support of their fellow citizens of Hong Kong and have coordinated an unprecedented global protest––from Boston to Washington DC, New York City, as far as the UK, Germany and Australia––to oppose this massive threat to the “One Country, Two Systems” promise.

The Boston March details:
Date: 9th June, 2019
Time: 2 PM (Eastern Time)
Starting Location: Massachusetts State House (24 Beacon St)
Ending Location: Boston Chinatown Gate (John F Fitzgerald Surface Rd)

The Boston crowd will gather in front of the State House with Hong Kong-based U.S. citizens, students, and groups like the Association of Overseas Hong Kong Chinese for Democracy and Human Rights, Friends of Hong Kong and Macau, and Tibetan communities. Frances Hui, whose article “I am from Hong Kong, not China” has drawn attention and threats from the Chinese student community, will be moderating and speaking in the protest. She will share her experience as a Hongkonger and the negative impact the bill would bring. A speech from a Uighur girl in Boston would be delivered by Hui as well due to the safety issue. Before the walk starts, MIT Lab Director Maya Mitalipova, who is a Uighur from Kazakhstan, will talk about the situation of Uighurs in Xinjiang and her opinions on Hong Kong’s extradition bill.

Our group will be present in Boston’s Dragon Boat Festival at 12 pm before the rally to promote and expose our advocacy to the public, as well as the Chinese officials who are invited to open the ceremony.

To learn more of the bill, its impact, and the global campaign against the bill, please check out Hui's newly released explanatory video here.

List of all rallies for the global solidarity with Hong Kong on 9th June 2019: https://www.facebook.com/globalsolidarityHK

Governor Baker Signs $200 Million Chapter 90 Bill

Governor Baker Signs $200 Million Chapter 90 Bill
Chapter 90 provides reimbursements to communities for local infrastructure projects

BOSTON – Governor Charlie Baker has signed H.69, An act financing improvements to municipal roads and bridges, which authorizes $200 million in Chapter 90 transportation funds to support all 351 cities and towns in Massachusetts.

Since taking office in 2015, and including the FY20 signed bill, the Baker-Polito Administration has awarded a total of $1.14 billion through the Chapter 90 formula, including $100 million on its first day in office.

“Chapter 90 funding provides cities and towns with critical resources to carry out important projects like highway construction and road paving to improve local infrastructure in communities across Massachusetts,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We thank the Legislature for working with our administration to pass this bill and continue our support for local officials this construction season.”

“Investing in local infrastructure helps improve travel for residents and connect them to economic opportunities,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “Providing consistent Chapter 90 funding is one of the many ways in which our administration continues to serve as a reliable partner to all 351 cities and towns in the Commonwealth.”

“Chapter 90 funding is a critically important program that provides flexibility to cities and towns to prioritize important local projects,” said Administration and Finance Secretary Michael J. Heffernan. “We are pleased to continue to support these infrastructure investments through our Administration’s capital investment plan.”

“As the Governor’s Commission on the Future of Transportation in the Commonwealth report pointed out, transportation needs, challenges and solutions vary across the state, so it is appropriate that communities have Chapter 90 funds to use on their specific priorities,”said Transportation Secretary and CEO Stephanie Pollack. “That is also why the Administration’s additional transportation funding programs are so vital, such as the Municipal Small Bridge Program, Complete Streets Funding Program and Safe Routes to School.”

Chapter 90 reimburses cities and towns for costs incurred for eligible transportation projects. Cities and towns must submit receipts to the MassDOT Highway Division district in which they are located which verifies that the expenditures qualify for reimbursement under Chapter 90. The Highway Districts in turn submit these receipts to the Department of Transportation’s Fiscal Department which facilitates the reimbursements to cities and towns.

More information about the Chapter 90 program is available here. To search for current-year Chapter 90 funding apportionments by municipality, please visit here.


(Boston Orange編譯) 波士頓華埠和皮革區邊界的林肯街125號,將要蓋起24層高辦公大樓了。
牛津物業(Oxford Properties)剛在67日遞出詳細計畫,要在林肯街(Lincoln)125號這老舊停車場地塊,建一座佔地625000平方呎的辦公室大樓。這是向波士頓計畫發展局申請施工許可的第一步,
 牛津發展副董事長及發展長Mark McGowan表示,對我們來說,和南車站很近,已經是很了不得啦。在波士頓城中心,已經沒有多少塊地能像這樣蓋一座辦公大樓。
牛津物業是一個大型加拿大退休基金的地產部門,近年來已成為波士頓市內大房東,在後灣區買下幾棟著名的辦公室大樓。他們在紐約,多倫多等市場都蓋過房子,但這將是他們在波士頓的第一個土地發展項目。Mark McGowan表示,他們從許多公司想要在這市場核心成長,看到強勁需求。
由於這大樓的預定地,一樓有人們熟悉的喜臨門大酒樓,中國超市,許多人關注該發展計畫。Mark McGowan表示,在計劃期間,這些店會持續營業。然後他們會協助這兩家店另覓門市。他們也已經在和華埠,皮革區,以及鄰近的城中區代表洽談,以確保在計劃期間鄰居們的感覺都有人知道。

星期四, 6月 06, 2019

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Fiscal Year 2020 Capital Investment Plan

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Fiscal Year 2020 Capital Investment Plan
$2.43 billion plan prioritizes investments to improve the Commonwealth’s existing assets while making targeted new investments, focusing on climate resiliency

BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration today released its Fiscal Year 2020 (FY20) Capital Investment Plan, a fiscally-responsible blueprint for capital spending that builds on the Administration’s efforts to maintain and modernize the Commonwealth’s existing assets while approaching expansion in a targeted way. The plan also prioritizes climate response, by once again considering the potential environmental impact of all capital investments as well as evaluating their resilience to climate change.

The FY20 plan supports capital investments in every region of the Commonwealth and across all areas of government, including transportation, housing, higher education, and the courts. The plan also funds more than 20 municipal grant programs that will assist cities and towns to improve local infrastructure, develop new housing, create new jobs, and protect police officers and firefighters by supporting investments in protective equipment.

The plan also includes major new investments in climate resiliency, enabled by the Administration’s proposal to dedicate new revenue to fund climate-resilient infrastructure investments. If enacted, the pending legislation would support an estimated $75 million in new funding for climate investments in FY20, more than doubling the current $60 million in investments in the plan that are targeted specifically at addressing the causes and effects of climate change, and annualizing to $137 million.

“This is a responsible plan that will meet many of the Commonwealth’s most significant needs, including reliable transportation and increasing housing production, while supporting local communities, promoting economic development opportunities, and protecting infrastructure from the impact of a changing climate,” said Governor Charlie Baker.

“With our fifth capital budget, the Administration continues to partner with cities and towns to enable major investments in local infrastructure, increase access to housing in our communities, and improve the efficiency of local government with technology investments,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “Our capital grant programs serve as an important vehicle for increasing economic activity in the Commonwealth and creating new jobs.”

The plan dedicates more than $1 billion in state bond cap in FY20 for investments in the Commonwealth’s transportation infrastructure, supporting investments in all transportation modes and regions of the Commonwealth. With funding from all state and non-state sources, the combined MassDOT/MBTA capital investment plan is expected to total $18.3 billion over the next five years and focus on continuing to improve the condition of MassDOT roads and bridges, building capacity to support projects at the MBTA and across the MassDOT system, while partnering with cities and towns to address local transportation needs.
Over five years, across sources, MassDOT will invest:
                    $2.1 billion for bridge investments
                    $800 million for projects on the Metropolitan Highway System
                    $350 million in bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure
                    $766.9 million to improve the pavement condition on non-Interstate highways, an increase of $155 million

The MBTA continues to make investments to improve the reliability of the system, which will be supported in the FY20 state capital plan, across sources, with:
                 $429.5 million for the Green Line Extension project
                 $282.2 million to continue improvements on the Red and Orange Lines, including the delivery of new vehicles
                 $115 million for South Coast Rail
                 $60 million transfer for MBTA capital needs

MassDOT’s final project lists are anticipated to be approved by the MassDOT Board of Directors and the MBTA Fiscal Management and Control Board on June 17.

The FY20 plan also includes $10 million for a major harbor dredging project in New Bedford, part of the Administration’s continuing commitment to economic development in the Southeastern region of the Commonwealth.

“As we developed this FY20 plan, we were mindful of the need to balance the Commonwealth’s capital infrastructure needs with prudent management of our long-term financial obligations,” said Administration and Finance Secretary Michael J. Heffernan. “Our FY20 plan is fiscally-responsible, affordable, and leverages significant investment from other sources, to ensure that we are achieving the greatest sustainable impact with our spending.”

The $2.43 billion bond cap represents a responsible $90 million (3.8%) increase over Fiscal Year 2019, in line with the recommendations of the Debt Affordability Committee. The total capital investment in FY20, after accounting for all funding sources, will be $4.7 billion.

To view the full FY20 Capital Investment Plan, visit: www.mass.gov/capital.

Responsible Asset Stewardship

Like the Administration’s four previous capital budgets, the FY20 plan focuses primarily on repairing and modernizing the Commonwealth’s existing assets. Approximately 73% of the plan is dedicated to maintenance and modernization, including rebuilding, reconstructing or reconditioning existing assets. The remaining 27% of the plan is dedicated to targeted growth through creation of new assets, or increasing investments in priority areas.

The plan funds:
                 More than $1 billion in bond cap for investments in the Commonwealth’s transportation infrastructure
                 $182 million for projects on higher education campuses
                 More than $100 million to support maintenance and improvements at local housing authorities
                 $67 million for improvements to state court facilities
                 $33 million for investments in the state’s two Soldiers’ Homes, including $27 million to support the state’s share of funding for a new long-term care facility for veterans at the Soldiers’ Home in Chelsea; and $6 million for repairs and improvements at the Soldiers’ Home in Holyoke, including state and federal funding.

Supporting Local Communities

The FY20 plan funds more than 20 grant programs that help cities and towns invest in infrastructure to support economic development, build libraries, replace bulletproof vests for police officers, develop new housing, improve parks and protect open space, and other programs.

New in the FY20 plan is funding to develop a grant program that will help municipal fire departments invest in critical protective equipment for firefighters, authorization for which is pending in the Administration’s recently-filed General Governmental Bond Bill. The program would assist local fire departments to invest in updated protective equipment for firefighters including turnout gear and self-contained breathing apparatus, as well as special extractors to adequately clean personal protective gear.

The plan also includes funding to establish a new Southeastern Massachusetts Training Center in Bridgewater for the Department of Fire Services, which would reduce travel time and training wait lists for fire departments in the region. Governor Baker included $10 million in the recently-filed General Governmental Bond Bill seeking authorization for the new fire training facility.

The plan also funds:
                 $200 million in Chapter 90 funding for local road and bridge repairs
                 $20 million for library construction grants
                 $5 million for capital projects in communities that have achieved the Housing Choice designation
                 $3 million in Community Compact information technology grants
                 $2 million for the Municipal ADA grant program, which enables cities and towns to improve accessibility to municipal facilities for people with disabilities

Economic Opportunities for All

The plan provides for investments to promote economic development in every region of the Commonwealth. The plan funds:
                 $100 million for the MassWorks program, which funds local infrastructure improvements that pave the way for major economic development projects (of this, $80 M will be spent on new grant awards, and $20 M will be spent on existing obligations)
                 $40 million for the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center capital program
                 $15 million for the Broadband Last Mile infrastructure program, for Western Massachusetts towns that lack residential broadband service
                 $10 million for a major harbor dredging project in New Bedford

Customer Orientation

The Baker-Polito Administration is committed to providing efficient, secure, and reliable service to the public as they conduct business with government agencies, visit recreational facilities, and make use of other public resources. The FY20 plan funds significant investments in technology and other public assets that improve the customer experience. The plan funds:

                 $27.2 million to continue implementing a new technology platform at the Registry of Motor Vehicles, improving the licensing and registration processes, assisting in the processing of millions of transactions daily, and improving the overall customer experience
                 $2 million in funding to support the IT infrastructure needed for the new Department of Family and Medical Leave

Value Optimization

The Administration prioritizes investments that leverage other sources of funding and promote partnerships and collaboration across agencies. For example, the FY20 plan includes a total of $1.37 billion in federal funding to support investments across the Commonwealth, among them the Soldiers’ Home in Chelsea, local highway investments, information technology investments that support the delivery of services at government agencies, and other investments. The plan also funds:

                 $16.3 million for the Massachusetts Manufacturing Innovation Initiative, a matching federal grant program that supports research centers around emerging manufacturing technology
                 $15 million in Workforce Skills Capital Grants,  awarded to educational institutions that demonstrate partnerships with local businesses and align their curriculum with industry demand
                 $1 million for the Massachusetts Food Trust program, which leverages private funding to expand healthy food access in underserved communities

Preparing for a Changing Climate

The FY20 plan continues the Administration’s focus on infrastructure investments that help strengthen the Commonwealth’s resiliency to the impact of climate change. The plan includes approximately $60 million in investments that are targeted specifically at addressing the causes and effects of climate change. The plan funds:

                 $21 million for state-owned facilities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for the impact of climate change
                 $12 million for repair of Inland Dams and Seawalls
                 $11 million for grants to cities and towns to help plan for climate change resiliency and implement priority projects through the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) program
                 $5 million for sustainability and resiliency improvements in public housing
                 $5 million for Critical Coastal Infrastructure and Resilience Grants
                 $4.2 million for Dam Rehabilitation
                 $1 million for the Greening the Gateway Cities tree-planting program

In addition to those investments, the Administration’s proposed climate-preparedness legislation, if enacted, would support an historic level of investment in resilience, more than doubling the current investment.

台灣美食國際巡迴展波士頓站最特別 素食飄香

                (Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)2019年僑務委員會臺灣美食國際巡迴講座」於六月一、二兩日來到波士頓,由新英格蘭台灣商會(TCCNE)承辦,分別在波士頓佛光山三佛中心滴水坊,慈濟功德會波士頓聯絡處舉行,逾百學員食指大動,滿心歡喜。
波士頓慈濟負責人吳建發送感謝狀給潘盟仁。 (主辦單位提供)
