
星期四, 4月 05, 2018

波士頓經文處長賴銘琪榮調返台 數百僑胞歡送

                (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長賴銘琪,帶著數百名紐英崙僑胞的滿滿祝福,今(45)日上午揮別波士頓,搭機回台,就任外交部非政府組織國際事務會執行長。
               大波士頓在過去這廿多年間,歡送過不下五、六名經文處處長。這次很特別,不但有僑胞,還有美國民意代表。麻州眾議員黃子安,波士頓市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu),愛德華費林(Ed Flynn),牛頓市議員約翰萊斯(John Rice)都出席了,還送上表揚狀。
其他僑團在現場送出的禮物,包括紐英崙中華公所的一張五名職員和賴銘琪夫婦合影照片,波士頓洪門致公堂,波士頓國民黨,紐英崙昭倫公所,紐英崙玉山科技協會等包裹的大大小小禮物,波士頓安良工商會上寫謙和的鑲框書法作品,紐英崙至孝篤親公所框裱了一首詩,初始波城又四年,辛勞證物夢魂牽,敬君更盡一杯酒,寶島征途有後賢,連同一個水晶表揚牌,陳建立為賴銘琪榮調,以及他們夫婦倆結婚28週年寫了首詩。紐英崙婦女新運會的惠澤僑社,持之以恆長軸,伍胥山公所送給賴銘琪刻有他英文名字的特製名片盒,送給雲雯蓁一個精緻粉餅盒,波克萊台灣商會,波士頓華裔退伍軍人會的感謝狀,感謝牌,波士頓至德三德公所的一幅波士頓牌樓水彩畫等。                                                                                                                        會末,賴銘琪夫婦逐桌拜謝出席僑團,一一合影留念,才帶著滿滿祝福,依依不捨的和僑團揮別。










2018 Boston Marathon® Will Mean Over $200 Million For Greater Boston Economy

2018 Boston Marathon® Will Mean Over $200 Million For Greater Boston Economy

BOSTON (April 5, 2018) - The 122nd Boston Marathon on Monday, April 16, 2018, and surrounding Marathon-related events including the John Hancock Sports & Fitness Expo and the B.A.A. 5K, will bring an estimated $201 million (USD) in spending impact to the Greater Boston region, according to Greater Boston Convention & Visitors Bureau (GBCVB) President and CEO Patrick Moscaritolo. Held annually on Patriots’ Day, the Boston Marathon is the world’s oldest consecutively run marathon and ranks as one of the world’s most prestigious road racing events. The Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.) has managed and organized the Boston Marathon since the event’s inception in 1897.

This is the first year that the Boston Marathon’s Estimated Economic Impact will surpass the $200 million mark. There will be 30,000 official participants in the Boston Marathon, including more than 7,100 runners traveling from 98 countries outside the United States. In addition, over 1,000 members of the media from more than 200 outlets are expected to cover the Boston Marathon, providing the Greater Boston region with unparalleled international exposure.

“The Boston Marathon and its related events provide an extraordinary kick start for our visitor season,” Bureau President and CEO Patrick Moscaritolo explained. “The Boston Marathon is the premier and most beloved event in our city, and region and our community looks forward each year to welcoming runners and media from around the world.”

“The Boston Athletic Association looks forward to welcoming participants, spectators, and media members from around the world to Boston for the 122nd running of the Boston Marathon,” said Tom Grilk, Chief Executive Officer of the B.A.A. “Each year the Boston Marathon brings people from all backgrounds together, uniting to celebrate athletic excellence and the spirit of competition. From the 40,000 athletes in the Boston Marathon and B.A.A. 5K, to the hundreds of thousands of spectators that line the course, and more than 9,500 volunteers, nearly all will patronize local businesses throughout Greater Boston.”

The 2017 Boston Marathon generated $192.2 million (USD) and had an entry field of 30,816 athletes.

The estimated $201 million (USD) in spending impact will be generated from the following categories:

Total spending by more than 30,000 runners and their guests at Marathon and Marathon related events    $106.8M (USD)
Charity fundraising by Marathon participants                                                                                             $35.0M (USD)
Total spending by spectators & visitors at Marathon and Marathon related events                                       $32.2M (USD)
Total sponsor and media-related spending                                                                                                $15.6M (USD)
Total spending by the Boston Athletic Association                                                                                     $11.4M (USD)

                                                                                                                                       TOTAL             $201M (USD)

For the 33rd consecutive year, the principal sponsor of the Boston Marathon is John Hancock. John Hancock provided the first-ever prize purse for the Boston Marathon in 1986 and has provided over $19 million (USD) in prize money for the event. This year’s prize purse totals $830,500 (USD), plus bonuses.

The John Hancock Sports & Fitness Expo will be located at the Seaport World Trade Center at 200 Seaport Boulevard from Friday, April 13, through Sunday, April 15. The Expo is widely regarded as the running industry’s premier expo for new products and services, features more than 150 exhibitors, and is estimated to attract more than 100,000 attendees. Boston Marathon participants must claim their bib numbers for this year’s race at the John Hancock Sports & Fitness Expo.

Also among 2018 Marathon-related events is the B.A.A. 5K on Saturday, April 14, two days prior to the Boston Marathon. The B.A.A. 5K will feature 10,000 entrants, including nearly 1,000 international participants. The 3.1-mile course starts and finishes at historic Boston Common and takes participants across the Boston Marathon finish line.

加斯林糖尿病中心進昆士 鼓吹 Screen at 23

南岸青年會執行長Paul Gorman,麻州眾議員陳德基,昆士亞協服務會
執行長莊健豪,加斯林糖尿病中心醫師Greeshma K. Shetty。(周菊子攝)
               (Boston Orange 周菊子昆士市報導) “身高體重指數(BMI)大於23時請做糖尿病篩檢!”。加斯林糖尿病中心首席科學家金良城和麻州眾議員陳德基(Tackey Chan)Fuji集團董事長梁戰士合作,43日在南岸青年會舉辦說明會,籲請社區機構協助宣傳”Screen at 23”活動。
               根據維基百科,身高體重指數,又稱身體質量指數的這Body Mass Index,是19世紀中期,比利時統計學家及數學家凱特勒(Lambert Asolphe Jacques Quetlet)最先提出來的一個概念,藉以從個人的整體營養狀態來檢視患病可能。
金良城,徐千田等醫師深入研究,除了創辦AADI,提供不下20餘種亞裔語言翻譯的糖尿病教材,設計美食鍋(Drag’nCook)”,提供健康食譜給亞裔做參考,近年還積極推動身高體重指數23時就做篩檢(Screen at 23)”的宣傳活動,從20151021日,加州舊金山通過法案,鼓勵醫療機構採取這作法後,陸續有紐約,麻州加入。
麻州在眾議員陳德基,麻州參議員Jason Lewis提案下,也在今年(2018)通過了”Screen at 23”法案,並於125日舉行了宣佈儀式。
加斯林糖尿病中心認為,一旦採行screen at 23做法後,麻州會發現大約6000個亞裔患糖尿病個案,以及大約2萬名亞裔準糖尿病患者,就可以幫助他們及早治療或預防。
43日傍晚,富士集團(Fuji Group)執行長梁戰士應邀出席。他也有親人患糖尿病,已支持加斯林糖尿病中心薑味(A Taste of Ginger)”活動多年。他坦言做為企業經營者,自己一向強調社會責任,每年都捐款資助地方活動,自從集團擴展到擁有5家以上餐廳後,捐款總額更是增加了不少。他呼籲個人,企業各盡其力做好事,積沙成塔的匯聚力量,使社會變得更美好。
當天的”Screen at 23”宣講活動,由麻州眾議員陳德基主持,加斯林糖尿病中心營養師劉嘉曦也在會上進一步解說,為什麼亞裔要在身高體重指數達到23時就做糖尿病篩檢,如何評估患糖尿病的風險,到哪裡可以找到有關糖尿病的預防,治療資源,呼籲社區大眾提醒身邊亞裔,以23為標準,檢視各人的身高體重指數,及早改變生活,飲食習慣,平日適量運動,查詢相關資訊可上網https://aadi.joslin.org/en/about-aadi,或screenat23.org
加斯林糖尿病中心醫師Greeshma K. Shetty,南岸青年會董事長兼執行長Paul Gorman,昆士亞協服務中心執行長莊健豪,亞裔康泰福利會行政主任陳王錫萍(Sara Tan),麻州亞美局主席梁永基等人都出席支持活動。

星期三, 4月 04, 2018

Governor Baker and Lt. Governor Polito Honor 50th Anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Death

Governor Baker and Lt. Governor Polito Honor 50th Anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Death

Governor Baker, Lt. Governor Polito, members of the Black and Latino Legislative Caucus, the Black Advisory Commission, the Latino Advisory Commission and other members of the Legislature gathered on the front steps of the State House to commemorate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

For more photos, click here.

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito joined members of the Black and Latino Legislative Caucus, the Black Advisory Commission, the Latino Advisory Commission and other members of the Legislature to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the tragic death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and honor his legacy by lowering the United States and Commonwealth of Massachusetts flags to half-staff at the Massachusetts State House. The Governor ordered the flags to be lowered at all state buildings on Wednesday, April 4, 2018 from sunrise to sunset.

“We are immensely proud to honor the life of a man whose activism and leadership transformed the country,” said Governor Baker. “Dr. King spent some formative years here in Boston, and his heroism and bravery left a legacy that continues to inspire leaders today.”
“Fifty years ago today, the world lost one of the most articulate and impactful voices in the fight to end racism,” said Lt. Governor Polito. “While he was taken from this world too soon, Dr. King’s legacy lives on to make our country a better place.”

“Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. dedicated his life to the advancement of people of color and families in poverty. He challenged the status quo by leading marches from Selma to Montgomery and mobilizing activists across the nation,” said Representative Frank Moran, Chairman of the Massachusetts Black and Latino Legislative Caucus. “Today, let us reflect with gratitude on the progress he helped make possible and his passionate civil rights work, which ultimately cost him his life.”


Funding will sponsor eight additional nurses and 12 additional psychologists, social workers for Boston students
BOSTON - Wednesday, April 4, 2018 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the proposed Boston Fiscal Year 2019 budget (FY19) will include a new $2.4 million investment that will fund eight additional nurses and 12 additional psychologists and social workers for Boston students. The $1.109 billion BPS budget marks the largest in City history, and a $48 million increase over last year's budget. Last week, the Boston School Committee passed the FY19 BPS budget with a unanimous vote.

"As we reviewed this year's overall City budget, we found additional cost savings thanks to our commitment to strong fiscal management over recent years, and we are pleased to redirect those savings back into Boston's largest and most important investment -- our kids," said Mayor Walsh. "Providing students with resources to help foster their physical, emotional, and mental health goes a long way on putting them, and keeping them, on a path to success."

"Our students arrive in our schools with a myriad of needs -- from trauma and social-emotional support to health issues," said BPS Superintendent Tommy Chang. "As educators and caretakers, it's our job to ensure the needs of the whole child are being met in order for them to be successful in school and in life. Increasing the number of school psychologists, nurses, and counselors will have a long-lasting, positive impact on students."

The City of Boston is proud of its track record of effectively managing healthcare costs, in the face of national trends that have put significant upward pressure on such costs. As a result of Boston's ongoing commitment to review internal costs and redirect savings into impactful programs and services, the City has identified $2.4 million that was previously budgeted for healthcare costs, and will shift those funds into creating increased supports for BPS students. The City continues to benefit from the Walsh Administration's proactive approach to reducing costs, including saving $50 million over five years as a result of healthcare cost reforms achieved with the Public Employee Committee.

"We applaud the City and the District for taking proactive steps towards addressing the gaps within the critical services that Boston Public School students and families depend on," said Jessica Tang, President of the Boston Teachers Union. "BTU school psychologists, nurses, teachers, counselors and social workers have consistently advocated for increased investments in these services, and this allocation is evidence that our voices, along with those of students and families, are being heard. We will continue to advocate jointly with the City for adequate state and federal resources to ensure Boston Public Schools is a place where all students can learn and thrive. While there is more to be done, we welcome these allocations as a positive action aimed at achieving our shared goal of bolstering supports for all Boston students."

This new $2.4 million investment will add eight nurses, seven psychologists, four social workers, and a director of social work services. Eight new nurses will bring the number of schools with at least one full-time nurse to 74.

The seven new psychologists who will be integrated into student services include five bilingual school psychologists and two district-wide psychologists, which will significantly increase the amount of mental health services available to students. In addition, BPS will hire four bilingual trauma and resiliency social workers, who will focus on helping students and families address trauma that may have occurred in their lives. A director of social work will also be hired to support these four new front-line social workers, in addition to BPS' 55 current school-based social workers, as well as student interns deployed to schools. The director will provide supervision of school-based social workers as well as assistance, and will develop partnerships with mental health organizations and higher education institutions, focused on advancing mental health for all BPS students.

"We are all grateful to Mayor Walsh for once again putting Boston Public Schools' students first," said Boston School Committee Chairperson Michael Loconto. "Our school staff assist students with real-life issues that go beyond academics everyday. It is heartening to see the City of Boston using savings to invest in our students despite declining state aid."

Mayor Walsh has increased the BPS budget by $170 million, or 18 percent, over the past five years. During the same time, BPS has continued to achieve its highest four-year high-school graduation rate and more high-ranking Level 1 and 2 schools than ever before.

The FY19 budget features investments in individual school budgets, extended learning time, hiring effective teachers, supports for students experiencing homelessness, and an empowerment program for young men of color, among other vital supports.

"This additional investment is important and crucial for the social and emotional well-being of Boston Public School students," said City Councilor Annissa Essaibi-George, Chair of the Education Committee. "I'm glad that the testimonies given by school psychologists, nurses, and social workers at School Committee meetings were not unheard. We are heading in the right direction and I hope that soon these professionals will be in every Boston Public School."

The FY19 budget increases funding to individual schools by $40 million, which includes approximately $30 million toward higher teacher salaries and an additional $10 million in further investments.

Those additional investments are focused on the district's highest-need schools and supporting schools in transition due to enrollment shifts. In the FY19 budget, no school will see a financial impact for the first one percent of an enrollment decline. In total, BPS has proposed dedicating $3.8 million to ensure smooth transitions for schools with fluctuating enrollments, including a $1 million reserve to support lower performing schools.

The district will provide an additional $3 million to schools through the Opportunity Index to assist high-need students through the Opportunity Index, an innovative tool that quantifies differences in experiences, opportunities, and needs between students, allowing BPS to allocate resources more equitably BPS will also use the Opportunity Index to reallocate $5.8 million in external partnership funding to schools with our highest-need students.
The increased funding from the City comes despite the Governor's proposed budget that would decrease net state education aid to Boston by $21 million. While Mayor Walsh has increased BPS' annual budget by $170 million since taking office, the state's Chapter 70 funding has only increased by $8 million. The Commonwealth also continues to underfund charter school reimbursements for cities and towns, which under the Governor's proposed budget translates into $27 million in lost funding in Boston in FY19 alone and more than $100 million over the last five years. The City is bridging this gap and contributing additional resources to strengthen BPS' efforts to provide each of its students a high-quality education in a 21st-century learning environment.

The approved budget will be submitted to the Boston City Council for final approval later this spring.

星期二, 4月 03, 2018

ACE NextGen mixer | April 11th 6.30 PM | Fuji at Assembly

ACE NextGen mixer | April 11th 6.30 PM | Fuji at Assembly
Our sales mixer is next week! Join our networking event, paired with a panel discussion on Sales for Small Businesses. Our panelists are renowned business people with expertise in real estate, law and entrepreneurship. The discussion will be moderated by Kit Pang, CEO at BostonSpeaks. The discussion will  include anecdotes of how the panelists learned to be good at sales, and about times when they failed at sales and what helped them to pick up. 

- Nancy Lee, president and managing attorney of Lee & Associates, P.C.
- Jeff Chin, MassChallenge Finalist, serial entrepreneur and BBJ Best Real Estate Business in 2001
- Janak Sanariya, founder and CEO of Kahoots Software, and Adjunct Professor at Boston University
- Katie Ng-Mak, Sales Director at HubSpot
- Jesse Nandhavan, founding partner at The Conjugate Group, LLC

Check out our speaker Katie Ng-Mak's interview here for a sneak peek on her views about what the ideal sales persona looks like in the current business world and how it is expected to evolve in the future.

We are kicking off the event with appetizers and networking at 6.30PM. The panel will begin at 7.30PM with our speakers sharing their experiences and answering questions from the audience.

6:30PM-7:30PM - Relationship Building & Appetizers
7:30PM-8:00PM - Intros & Best Practices followed by moderated discussion
8:30PM-9PM - Meet the panelists
9PM-9:30PM - Mix & Mingle

Event is $5 for non-members and FREE for paid members. Our membership is $100 charged annually and members get first priority for all our events, with either discounted or free tickets. Join our membership here.

Members please email infonextgen@nationalace.org to RSVP.
Purchase Ticket