
星期二, 1月 30, 2018


【波士頓佛光山餐會聯誼  感謝義工付出奉獻】




應邀出席的波士頓僑教中心主任歐宏偉表示,波士頓的三佛中心和僑教中心有很多類似之處,例如,場地規模雖然不大,但都能在覺謙法師、知深法師以及所有義工的協助下,展現小而精和小而美的精神與績效,積極舉辦多項大型活動並致力推展多元社區服務;歐宏偉也向與會僑胞鄉親賀歲,並轉達僑委會委員長吳新興博士和駐波士頓臺北經文處處長賴銘琪對大家的問候與祝福。 (文稿僑教中心提供,照片由波士頓三佛中心提供)

Baker-Polito Administration Testifies on Housing Choice Initiative

Baker-Polito Administration Testifies on Housing Choice Initiative
Governor Baker, Secretary Ash, Under Secretary Kornegay appear before the Joint Committee on Housing

BOSTON— Today, Governor Charlie Baker, Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Jay Ash and Undersecretary of Housing and Community Development Chrystal Kornegay testified at a hearing of the Joint Committee on Housing in support of the administration’s Housing Choice Initiative to substantially increase housing production across the Commonwealth, including legislation titled “An Act to Promote Housing Choices.”


Chairman Honan, Chairman Boncore, and Vice Chairman McGonagle and members of the Joint Committee on Housing, thank you for opportunity to provide testimony in support of House  4075, “An Act to Promote Housing Choices.” 

As I emphasized in my State of the Commonwealth speech last week, we are grateful for our productive partnership with the Legislature.  We have a track record of success on issues like economic development, opioids, energy, and more.  Now, together, we must confront the issue of housing production in the Commonwealth.

It has been decades since this state produced enough housing to keep up with demand.  The result has been predictable.  A limited supply creates overheated demand and rising prices. 
Young people --- seniors --- young, working and middle class families can’t afford to rent or buy a home here in the Commonwealth.

We know that the Legislature recognizes the importance of this issue.  Senate President Chandler has championed the housing issue for decades.  Likewise, the House has been a great partner on housing issues like the Housing Bond Bill.  I also want to recognize that Chairman Honan and former Vice Chairwoman Dorcena Forry filed legislation that lowered voting thresholds for adoption of 40R smart growth zoning.

Thanks to this committee’s leadership, the House just engrossed the Housing Bond Bill, which will fund important programs to build and preserve affordable housing, to support our community development corporations, and to rehabilitate our state public housing stock.  I hope that the Senate will quickly take up that legislation.

The gap between housing demand and housing supply in the Commonwealth is one of the thorniest issues for State and local governments.  Massachusetts is one of the most expensive states to find a home, and it poses the most serious long-term hurdle to continued economic growth. 

This proposed legislation is part of our comprehensive strategy to build 135,000 new housing units over the next seven years. 

It builds on our new Housing Choice Initiative, and will facilitate housing production in partnership with our municipalities.

The Housing Choices bill before you offers a new approach to address that challenge by making it easier for local decision-makers — city and town officials —to adopt best practice zoning policies that will facilitate sustainable housing production across the Commonwealth.
We live in a great state.  U.S. News and World Report ranked Massachusetts the #1 state in which to live, work, and raise a family.  Education Week ranked our K-12 schools #1 in the country.  Bloomberg named Massachusetts the most innovative state.  And we offer incredible cultural, recreational, and other assets that make Massachusetts a place where families want to live and where employers want to grow.

Yet, we are building less than half the housing that we were building in the 1980s.  And we are not building the number of multi-family housing units that we need in diverse locations across the Commonwealth to accommodate the workforce we need to continue our economic growth. 

The bottom line: Massachusetts needs to build more housing to remain competitive economically and to serve the needs of all of our residents. 

Our Administration has been committed to a robust housing agenda, significantly expanding our investments in workforce and affordable housing and committing more than $1.1 billion in capital funding over the next five years, offering state land for housing development, and making a series of reforms to prompt housing production.

However, we also understand that there is no way that the State can fund enough subsidies to drive the level of housing production that we need to meet demand.
To really move the needle on housing production, we need to rely on the power of the market. That means we need to work with municipalities to set the conditions that will allow the market to meet housing demand.

Both Lt. Governor Polito and I served as members of our town select boards, and we understand that local government is closest to the people. 

Cities and towns are on the front lines of development issues.  As we seek to promote housing production, we believe this must be done in partnership with local elected and appointed officials.   Working with the Massachusetts Municipal Association and other municipal stakeholders, we are seeking to create a comprehensive system of incentives, rewards, and technical assistance to encourage municipalities to plan and encourage housing production.

We think that municipal legislative bodies are the best place to set local housing policy.  Accordingly, our legislative proposal makes no changes to local zoning bylaws but instead improves flexibility for town legislative bodies to make best practice, smart growth zoning changes.  It accomplishes this by removing a barrier that makes it hard for towns adopting these changes, even where they are broadly supporteda state law requiring a supermajority vote to change zoning. 

Nothing in the bill requires a municipality to change its zoning laws.  The bill simply makes it easier for cities and towns that do want to make zoning changes that promote smart housing growth to do so.

The bill also reflects a belief that policies encouraging housing growth should align with other values our Administration has championed, such as our commitment to encourage good stewardship of our environment and reduce greenhouse gases. 

Accordingly, our Housing Choice Initiative creates incentives and provides resources to adopt planning policies that direct growth toward downtowns and transit oriented locations.  Our legislation encourages municipalities to protect undeveloped land by adopting best practices, like cluster zoning and transfer of development rights.

We are pleased that this proposal has been well received by a variety of stakeholders.  When announcing our comprehensive Housing Choice Initiative, we were joined by the Massachusetts Municipal Association, individual municipal elected and appointed leaders, major business associations, planning organizations, housing advocates, and environmental groups. 

As we strive to find more creative ways to encourage more housing developments, our administration believes this bill is a key component of our long-term plan.  With your support, we can promote housing growth that is smart, responsive to local needs, and environmentally friendly.

Thank you for your time and attention.  With your leadership, we can make progress on an issue that has stubbornly resisted reform for a generation.  Working together, I am confident that we can find a way forward to a better Commonwealth.


 “An Act to Promote Housing Choices”

Massachusetts has a long and proud tradition of local home rule and the Baker-Polito Administration has a culture of respecting the role of municipal leaders in shaping their community’s future.  As the former City Manager of Chelsea, I appreciate that local decision making and buy in is key to successful housing production. 

In fact, I’m proud to be here as someone who helped facilitate the development of more than 2,000 housing units in Chelsea.  That housing production was a key part of the redevelopment of Chelsea as a vibrant and financially stable municipality.

I carry that experience across the Commonwealth as I travel to cities and towns and consult with municipal leaders about their own economic development and community visions. 

Housing, including multi-family housing, is a cornerstone of how we revitalize our downtowns, convert underutilized shopping centers, and build sustainable municipalities that are places where people want to live, work, and play.

For communities that want to pursue zoning that produces housing in sustainable locations, however, there’s long been a legal barrier that we believe the Legislature should eliminate:

·       State law bars cities and towns in Massachusetts from adopting changes to zoning laws unless the municipality is able to secure a 2/3 “supermajority” vote of its legislative body.

Only a handful of other states have similar requirements and none of our neighbors in New England place this sort of restriction on local decision making.

It is time to remove this barrier to the adoption of zoning changes that promote sustainable, appropriate and much needed housing production. 

Our legislation allows cities and towns to adopt best practice zoning techniques by majority vote of their legislative bodies.  These best practices will facilitate diverse housing production, they will revitalize our downtowns, and they will promote land conservation and environmental stewardship.

The legislation is simple. 

·       If a municipality wants to reduce house lot sizes or other dimensional restrictions so that homebuilders can create housing that is more affordable to the average buyer, then the voting threshold is a simple majority.
·       If a municipality wants to allow mixed use zoning in a downtown, then the voting threshold is a simple majority.
·       If a municipality wants to create zoning that clusters houses together and conserves land compared to a typical suburban development, then the voting threshold is a simple majority.
·       If a municipality wants to adopt 40R “smart growth zoning,” including our new starter home 40R districts, then the voting threshold is a simple majority.
·       If a municipality wants to allow accessory dwelling units – small apartments in the same building or on the same lot as an existing home — then the voting threshold is a simple majority.

If a municipality wants to allow changes to its zoning that foster the creation of more housing, then the voting requirement is a simple majority.  And if a municipality does not want to change its zoning, it does not have to.


Housing Choice Initiative

In December, the Baker-Polito Administration announced the Housing Choice Initiative and filed “An Act to Promote Housing Choices.”  There are five parts to our comprehensive housing production strategy:

·       The first element is the Housing Choices bill that Secretary Ash just described.
·       Second, we announced a goal of creating 135,000 housing units by 2025.   It is important to set a target and then monitor progress, and we will do that.  In fact, working with Massachusetts Housing Partnership, we are working to improve housing data across the board.
·       Third, the administration has launched a “Housing Choice Designation” for cities and towns, modeled on the Green Communities Program.  We want to recognize those municipalities who are helping us meet our housing challenge.  Communities that achieve Housing Choice Designation will receive extra points on a wide variety of state capital grants as an incentive to build housing and to adopt housing production best practices.
·       Fourth, Housing Choice municipalities will have exclusive access to a new state grant program that will make grants of up to $500,000 for local capital projects.  Because we recognize that our smallest municipalities have different challenges, there will be a separate Small Town Grant Program for towns with less than 7,000 people. 
·       Fifth, we are streamlining access to technical assistance and adding resources for municipalities who want to plan for sustainable housing production.  Our new Housing Choice Program Director will coordinate the variety of technical assistance programs to make sure that any municipality that wants to plan for housing will have the right resources and expertise.  As part of this, MassHousing recently announced a new $2 million grant program that will support municipalities that want to drive their own housing future. 

Thank you again for the opportunity for us to come here in support of “An Act to Promote Housing Choices.”

We’re happy to take any questions.

星期一, 1月 29, 2018

中華公所2018首次董事大會 重點談官司、蓋樓

                  (Boston Orange)紐英崙中華公所即將於130日晚,在華埠泰勒街會所召開2018本年度第一次董事大會。中華公所主席陳家驊已預先送交公所董事們的3頁長主席報告,揭露中華公所今年仍將埋頭處理官司訴訟,籌備發展大同村南停車場,喜露街50號。
中華公所董事大會在七月份董事大會中已通過聘請Tarlow, Breed, Hart and Rodgers的律師Al DeNapoli 在這宗案件上為中華公所辯護。全案目前仍在聽證中。
            第三點是中華公所已經找了Peter MunkenbeckDavid Traggorth來辦理大同村南停車場發展案的招標書發佈,資格鑑定邀請。他們向一共13個曾表示有興趣,具發展可負擔住宅經驗的發展商來參與競標。
這些機構包括華人經濟發展協會(CEDC),亞美社區發展協會(ACDC),保留可負擔住宅(POAH),社區建造者(TCB)EA FISH發展公司,戴維斯(Davis)公司,HYM,榮氏(Winn)發展,三一金融/阿瑞斯塔發展(Trinity Financial/Arista Development),溫格(Wingate),畢肯(Beacon)Penrose,以及瑞聯置業(Related Beal)
第五點,孔子像損壞的速度很快。Arthur Choo已制定一套孔子像和殘障者坡道的修復規範。中華公所只收到兩份競標書。後來要求一向很幫中華公所的總承包商NEI來審核競標書,結果收到更多競標書。NEI已同意幫中華公所監管合約,內容將包括水泥工,以及塑像修復。在11月份的會議中,中華公所董事大會授權最高九萬元來修理,也和NEI簽署了總承包商合約。在冬天來到之前,NEI已經做了一些工作,希望在天氣漸暖中很快能做好。
第七點是中華公所主席陳家驊邀請中華公所前董事暨物業小組委員會委員梅伍銀寬,李錦堂,以及Robert Ng加入成為務業小組顧問。李錦堂和Robert Ng因為參與其他活動,拒絕了。梅伍銀寬已接受。根據章程,陳家驊要求中華公所董事大會同意這一聘請。

第九點是在慶祝新年時,中華公所要頒發社區服務感謝獎給哈佛大學的菲利普布魯克斯屋協會(Phillips Brooks Housing Association),以及波士頓學院的Carina Katigbak,感謝他們致力為社區內的小孩及耆英提供服務。菲利普布魯克斯為兒童辦理課餘輔導項目,為老人開公民課,英文班。波士頓學院助理教授Carina Katigbak做老年身體及精神健康研究


(Boston Orange) 麻州的南特基旅館及休憩地(Nantucket Hotel and Resort),今年被旅遊顧問網站TripAdvisor使用者再度選為全美最佳旅館,全世界第二佳旅館,全美第三家服務最佳旅館。
旅遊顧問網站Trip Advisor根據數百萬計旅客在2017年送交的評論,選出了優勝者,原本建於1891年,2012年從頭到腳翻修過的南特基旅館及休憩地。2017年的全球評論把這旅館形容為一個堅實,舒適的地方,有著鱈魚角遇上美國名設計師Kelly Wearstler的那種味道",而且還對該旅館極佳的服務給予極高評價。

            麻州還有其他幾家旅館也在旅遊顧問的美國旅館調查中,名列前茅,包括位於Stockbridge1862主街季節(1862 Season on Main)早餐及睡房旅館(B&B)在全美的早餐及睡房旅館類中排名第二,在普域斯城(Provincetown)的大地盡頭客棧(Lands End Inn)在旅館類中排名第三,羅曼史(Romance)旅館在小旅館類別中排名第六,在最佳服務類別中排名第八。

Over 2,300 Boston residents benefit from job training

Over 2,300 Boston residents benefit from job training and education through Neighborhood Jobs Trust
Trust funded by development projects in Boston 
Boston – Monday, January 29, 2018 - The Mayor’s Office of Workforce Development today announced that between 2016 and 2017 the City’s of Boston’s Neighborhood Jobs Trust (NJT) helped more than 2,300 low- and moderate-income Boston residents access job training and education programs crucial to economic mobility. After job placement, graduates of 17 training programs funded through NJT’s request for proposals (RFP) earned an average wage of $15.23 per hour with 72% earning benefits as well.

“The Neighborhood Jobs Trust changes lives,” said Mayor Martin J. Walsh. “By investing in workers’ potential, the trust helps Boston families achieve new realities, including greater economic stability, more attainable financial goals, and a clearer path to a brighter future.”

The Neighborhood Jobs Trust is a public charitable trust replenished by linkage fees from developers of large-scale commercial projects in the City of Boston. The trust offsets impacts of development by funding jobs, job training, and related services for Boston residents. The Mayor’s Office of Workforce Development (OWD), which released the impact report, stewards NJT funds.

“For many residents, a gap in education or job skills can pose a formidable barrier to a good job,” said Trinh Nguyen, NJT trustee and director of OWD. “NJT helps to remove those barriers. It gives Boston residents the opportunity to hone their talents and strengthens the city’s overall workforce.”

The 2016-2017 Neighborhood Jobs Trust Impact Report details the trust’s $2.2 million investment in programs ranging from industry-specific job training to English language instruction to tuition support for community college. 

In many cases, NJT-funded programs targeted their services to the needs of specific populations throughout the City of Boston. For example, Boston Housing Authority (BHA) Charlestown’s Adult Education program focused instruction on the neighborhood’s BHA residents, while English for New Bostonians provided specialized language instruction for such groups as small business owners and professionals re-entering fields they had trained for in their native countries.

NJT-funded job training programs also prepared participants for specific industry sectors, such as banking/finance, hospitality, healthcare administration, and human services. North Bennet Street School, one of several grantees highlighted in the impact report, used its NJT funds to train urban youth in carpentry and locksmithing – trades known for their high demand and good pay. 

Thanks to the program, graduate Krsna Clark, 20, discovered he had a natural talent for locksmithing. Clark, who had formerly dropped out of high school, landed a job in a locksmith’s shop even before completing the 9-month program.

“I get in my zone,” Clark said. “Someone said to me once, 'When you're working on the bench, I can see the fire coming out of you.’ This program changed my life.”

Many of the residents served by NJT came from economically disadvantaged populations documented in the recent Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) report, “Boston’s Workforce: An Assessment of Labor Market Outcomes and Opportunities.” Among participants in NJT grantee programs, 88% were people of color, 77% had less than a college or vocational degree, and 38% were non-native English speakers.

The OWD is an affiliate of the Boston Planning & Development Agency.

About the Mayor's Office of Workforce Development
The Mayor's Office of Workforce Development (OWD) is an innovative agency within the Boston Planning & Development Agency that seeks to ensure the full participation of all Boston residents in the city's economic vitality and future. The OWD funds and oversees programs that promote workforce development through education, jobs training, apprenticeships, financial coaching, career pathways, literacy initiatives, and the like. Please visit OWD.Boston.Gov to learn more about the OWD's work.


譚雯颯(左)在波士頓市議員愛德華費林(Ed Flynn)主持宣誓中連任波士頓同源會會長。(周菊子攝)

星期日, 1月 28, 2018

波士頓慈濟歲末感恩 盼人人發揮大愛精神


(Boston Orange周菊子牛頓市報導) 慈濟基金會波士頓聯絡處127日下午在牛頓市會所舉辦歲末感恩會,播映慈濟人的2017年全球行腳,發送證嚴上人的福慧紅包,與百餘名出席者一同祝願,來年世界人心淨化、社會祥和、天下無災
              波士頓慈濟負責人吳建發特地送上鮮花與紀念品,轉達慈濟人對賴銘琪處長的依依不捨之情。                                                         當天有不少嘉賓出席活動,除了經文處處長賴銘琪,雲雯蓁夫婦之外,還有波士頓僑教中心主任歐宏偉、駐波士頓辦事處領務組副組長洪麗玲、僑務諮詢委員王本仁、僑務委員蔣宗壬、新英格蘭大波士頓臺灣商會會長歐陽露、波克萊臺灣商會顧問游勝雄、昭倫公所主席謝如鍵、波士頓僑界關懷救助協會會長王志維等。
                        吳建發表示,  波士頓慈濟希望未來這一年,人人發揮大愛精神,同為天地人間付出,凝聚眾人善念,讓社會祥和,大地平安,也祈願人人心想好意,口說好話,身行好事,使天下平安,大地祥和。



(Boston Orange) 大波士頓地區的牛頓臺灣日活動,今年訂於55日舉行。