
星期三, 12月 20, 2017

民主黨波士頓第四選區聚會 介紹州長候選人華倫 (Setti Warren) (圖片)

Setti Warren 即將卸任牛頓市市長,早已宣佈參選麻州州長。(周菊子攝)



波士頓市議員查金( Josh Zakim)已宣布參選麻州州務卿。(周菊子攝)


雷鳴上MIT-CEO 直言人工智能 中國機會大 (圖片)

【MIT CEO】共话中国机会 ——与顶级成功企业家、天使投资人雷鸣老师面对面

2017-12-14 MIT CEO MITCEO

雷鸣先生,百度创始合伙人之一, 成功创立百度后赴美获Stanford MBA, 后再次成功创立酷我音乐盒,现已成为国内顶级音乐产品。作为一名连环成功创业者,雷鸣老师将分享他眼中“人工智能时代的中国机会”和对年轻创业者的建议。活动分为两部分:

01 面向潜在创业者:

12月19日 2: 00-5: 00pm


BP,或个人/团队/项目介绍 请投至:

02 面向所有感兴趣的同学:

12月19日 7: 00-9: 00pm

MIT Building 3-333
33 Massachusetts Ave (Rear)
Cambridge, MA 02142

潜在的 AI 创业机会有哪些?



雷鸣先生是百度七人创始团队之一。 自2000年百度创始,他担任百度搜索系统首席架构师,领导核心技术团队设计并开发百度搜索引擎,使之成为世界上最好的中文搜索引擎。百度搜索在中国拥有70%以上的市场份额并持续排名第一。

雷鸣先生在2005年创立了酷我音乐,担任首席执行官兼董事长。他领导酷我音乐,秉持以技术和创新改变产业的思想,成为了中国领先的互联网音乐平台,拥有2亿活跃用户。在2014-2016年,酷我音乐先后与酷狗和QQ 音乐合并,形成腾讯音乐娱乐集团。新集团拥有70%以上的中国在线音乐市场份额。


雷鸣先生2000年获得北京大学计算机硕士学位2005年获得斯坦福商学院MBA 学位。他曾任北京大学信息科学技术学院学生会主席,斯坦福大学中国学生与学者协会副会长。雷鸣也是“千人计划”特聘专家。



BOSTON - Wednesday, December 20, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh and Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) Director Brian Golden today joined Related Beal to break ground on Innovation Square (iSQ) in the Raymond L. Flynn Marine Park and announced that Mass Innovation Labs, a biotech research accelerator, will anchor the first two floors, approximately 54,000 square feet, of the new life sciences development.

"Innovation Square will further position Boston as a leader in the life sciences industry, attracting new companies and a range of job opportunities to benefit Boston residents and the region," said Mayor Walsh. "I am pleased to welcome Mass Innovation Labs to the Raymond L. Flynn Marine Park, building on our work to fuel this area of the South Boston Waterfront with economic activity."

iSQ, is a phased, 375,000 rentable square foot, research and development life science campus. It is the first new construction, multi-tenant lab building in the Raymond L. Flynn Marine Park on the South Boston Waterfront. Construction of Phase I, which consists of a four story, 125,000 rentable square foot R&D building, is expected to be completed in 2019. Related Beal, with its partner Kavanagh Advisory Group, signed a long term ground lease with the BPDA and closed construction loan financing for the development with East Boston Savings Bank. Once complete, Innovation Square will boost 900 jobs.

Founded in 2015, Mass Innovation Labs offers flexible lab space solutions to help life sciences companies at various stages reach their next milestones. The company's success in Cambridge's Kendall Square has continued to evolve and the progression of customers such as Editas Medicine and CRISPR Therapeutics has fueled the need to expand to Boston, including iSQ. This week, Mass Innovation Labs also announced plans to open a facility in Brighton.

"It's incredible to have witnessed the growth of Mass Innovation Labs over the past two years -- both from a brand perspective as well as seeing firsthand the progress our customers have made by utilizing our services to advance and streamline their workflows," said Amrit Chaudhuri, CEO and co-founder of Mass Innovation Labs. "With our recent expansion to Innovation Square, we're excited to be one of the first companies to participate in the long-term vision of the Eastern Seaport."

Located at 6 Tide Street, on the corner of Tide Street and Northern Avenue, iSQ is designed to meet  today's flexible research and development requirements, including robust infrastructure and business amenities. The development will include a collaboration center, fitness center, interior bike storage, ample parking with electric vehicle charging stations, and green space. Innovation Square features an on-site MBTA Silver Line stop.

"Mass Innovation Labs is the perfect tenant to kickoff iSQ," said Stephen Faber, Executive Vice President with Related Beal. "They nurture innovative, entrepreneurial, high growth organizations with the potential to create a substantial economic engine for Boston and the Commonwealth. We believe the Raymond L. Flynn Marine Park in the Eastern Seaport has all of the ingredients to be the next great life science cluster."

Boston has become a leader in the life sciences industries and will host the 2018 BIO International Convention in June.


ABCC’s Operation Safe Holidays program steps up enforcement efforts around the state

BOSTON –  This weekend Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission (ABCC) Investigators charged two Hyannis bars for overserving a visibly intoxicated individual. The incidents occurred on Friday, December 15th at The Duck Inn Pub, located at 447 Main Street and on Sunday, December 17th, at The Embargo, located at 453 Main Street. The bars will be summonsed before the ABCC to address the charges. If found to have violated the state Liquor Control Act, the bars’ liquor licenses will be subject to suspension.

This enforcement effort was conducted as part of the ABCC’s Operation Safe Holidays program, which focuses enforcement efforts at bars throughout the Commonwealth that have been most identified as the last bar to sell alcohol to a convicted drunk driver this holiday season.

This effort supports safer roads throughout Massachusetts during the holiday season,” said Treasurer Deborah Goldberg. “This kind of enforcement prevents the sale of alcohol to intoxicated people who could put the public at risk. It also establishes a long-term deterrence for bar owners from over-serving.”

Run in conjunction with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) Impaired Driving Crackdown, the ABCC’s Sale to Intoxicated Persons (SIP) enforcement will be in effect Thanksgiving Eve through New Year’s Eve.

The ABCC will also be working with local police departments that have identified high risk locations in their communities.

Alcohol is involved in 40 percent of traffic crash fatalities resulting in 17,013 fatalities and injuring an estimated 275,000 people annually. Data indicates that well over 50% of impaired driving arrests originate at bars.

Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission is an agency under the Office of the State Treasurer and Receiver General Deborah B. Goldberg. Its overall objective is to provide uniform control over the sale, purchase, transportation, manufacture, and possession of alcoholic beverages in the state.



Desktop304BOSTON  December 20, 2017 – Boston Public Library’s top borrowed adult titles of 2017 feature a range of acclaimed, prize-winning, and bestselling works by talented writers.

“Bostonians continue to value staying up to date with popular media and culture; three of our top ten books were recently adapted to film or television, while Hillbilly Elegy addresses current political and social issues,” said Jessica Tackett MacDonald, Collection Development Librarian. “Cardholders also love a good Pulitzer Prize winner: The Underground Railroad, All the Light We Cannot See, and The Goldfinch were all given this honor.”

1.       The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins
2.       The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt
3.       The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead
4.       Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis by J.D. Vance
5.       A Man Called Ove by Frederik Backman
6.       Truly Madly Guilty by Liane Moriarty
7.       The Girls by Emma Cline
8.       Commonwealth by Ann Patchett
9.       The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood
10.   All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr

星期二, 12月 19, 2017


(Boston Orange 周菊子劍橋市報導) 成立於1992年的劍橋合唱團,1217日在麻省理工學院的沃克紀念廳(Walker Memorial Hall),以記憶童年為主題,舉行冬季音樂會,慶祝25週年。
合唱團應聽眾要求,安可一曲"Can you Feel the Love Tonight"。
            經由指揮顏毓芬,以及團長屠澤寬,行政總監曾莉涵等人的策畫,劍橋合唱團當晚演唱的歌曲,一大半來自動漫影片。上半場演唱的6首歌曲,有海洋奇緣中的”We Know the Way””How Far I’ll Go”獅子王”Circle of Life”美女與野獸”Beauty and the Beast”小美人魚""Part of your World""阿拉丁""A Whole New World",下半場演唱的"冰雪奇緣"”Do you Want to Build a Snowman”“In Summer””Let It Go”愛神組曲鳳飛飛組曲玫瑰玫瑰我愛你
            該團行政總監曾莉涵指出,該團現有團員35人,分女高,女中,男高,男低四個聲部,團員年齡從20幾歲到七,八十歲的都有,其中至少3名音樂專業人士,包括做指揮的伊利諾大學藝術博士顏毓芬,正在波士頓大學主修鋼琴演奏博士的伴奏林宜穎,以及聲樂專業畢業,唱女中音,目前在音樂學校任教的她自己。劍橋合唱團每週五晚 上 8:00-10:00 M.I.T. 4-270 教室練唱,雖時歡迎有興趣者加入,聯絡方式為contact@mitcccs.org



New Report Finds Governor Baker’s Medicaid Plan ‘Would Threaten Health Coverage for Tens of Thousands’
Massachusetts Democrats: ‘Governor Baker Should Be Ashamed’
BOSTON – The Massachusetts Democratic Party today responded to a new report from the national Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, which found that Medicaid waiver proposals in Arkansas and Massachusetts “would threaten health coverage for tens of thousands of low-income individuals.” If the waivers are approved, Massachusetts and Arkansas would be the first two states to roll back the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid coverage for low-income working people.
“As Republicans in Congress work to repeal part of the Affordable Care Act this week, Governor Baker is asking the Trump Administration for permission to take away health coverage from tens of thousands of hard-working people across Massachusetts,” said Massachusetts Democratic Party Chair Gus Bickford. “Governor Baker should be ashamed that he’s trying to join Arkansas in kicking working parents off of Medicaid.”
The report found that “approval of Arkansas’ and Massachusetts’ partial expansion requests would mean that low income adults with incomes between 100 and 138 percent of the poverty line would no longer qualify for Medicaid coverage,” and that “although many of those affected would be eligible for federal tax credits to help buy coverage in the individual health insurance market, solid evidence indicates that a sizable number of them would become uninsured, while others would be left with less affordable or less adequate coverage.”
“That’s partly because individual market plans, even with tax credits, are less affordable than Medicaid for people with incomes just above the poverty line,” the report reads. “It’s also because some in this group would be ineligible for tax credits because their employer offers them coverage, even though that coverage would require them to pay a substantial share of their income in premiums.”
“Governor Baker’s plan to take Medicaid away from working families won’t reduce the overall cost of healthcare one cent. By forcing people onto higher-cost private insurance plans with less generous coverage, he’s just trying to shift the cost to hard-working families who are already struggling to pay their bills,” said Bickford. “Baker should stop his attacks on Medicaid and listen to Democrats in the Legislature who are working to reduce the real cost of health care by cracking down on the high cost of prescription drugs, investing in addiction prevention and recovery, and reducing hospital admissions.”
Background on the Massachusetts Republican Assault on Our Healthcare
In April, House Republicans announced a plan to charge premiums to 1.2 million Massachusetts residents who receive MassHealth, raising their annual costs by an average of $2,000.
Outside Section 72 of Governor Baker’s proposed FY2018 budget would have eliminated certain healthcare benefits for close to 300,000 people in the MassHealth CarePlus program for Obamacare beneficiaries in Massachusetts.
In July, Democratic members of the House and Senate rejected Baker’s initial attempt to kick 100,000 working parents off of Medicaid and onto private insurance plans with less generous coverage and higher out-of-pocket costs.


Franchisee with 43 Massachusetts Stores Agrees to Pay Citation for Violations of Child Labor Laws Including Teenagers Working Past 3 a.m.

BOSTON – A Burger King franchisee with 43 stores in Massachusetts has agreed to pay a $250,000 penalty and has come into compliance with state law after an investigation found more than 800 child labor violations at stores across the state, Attorney General Maura Healey announced today.

The AG’s Office cited Northeast Foods, LLC, headquartered in Sugarland, TX, and owner Shoukat Dhanani, for violating state child labor laws by employing minors who were working too long, too late, and without proper work permits. Dhanani is the second largest Burger King franchise owner in the country and owns Burger King locations in several states. 

            “Many fast food employees are young, working their first jobs, and do not know their rights,” said AG Healey. “It’s important that this major national Burger King franchisee, which employees a number of young people, complies with child labor laws and ensures that minors are safe in its restaurants.”

The AG’s Fair Labor Division began an investigation after it received a single complaint that a minor employee was working too late at a location in Tewksbury. 

The AG’s investigation revealed that between January and May 2017 there were 843 violations of child labor laws at nearly 30 locations in Massachusetts. Among the violations uncovered were minors working shifts that exceeded the total maximum daily hours allowed or shifts that ended later than allowed under state law, in some instances past 3 a.m. Many of the minor employees also did not have the proper work permits. Along with agreeing to pay the penalty over the next year, Northeast Foods swiftly updated its practices and has since come into compliance with all Massachusetts child labor laws.

Child labor laws prescribe how many hours minors can work each day or per week and how late they can work, depending their age. Employers must also obtain work permits for all minors in their employment.

Child labor laws require the following to ensure a safe and positive work experience for minors:
·         Minimum wage. The minimum wage in Massachusetts is $11 an hour. 
·         Minors younger than 14 may not work. There are a few exceptions, such as babysitting, working as a news carrier, working on farms, or working in entertainment (with a special permit).
·         Work Permits. Workers under 18 years old need a new work permit for every job. The application for a work permit must be filled out by the parent or guardian, the minor, and employer and submitted to the school district where the child lives or attends school. Minors who are 14 or 15 also need a physician’s signature. For more information about work permits and to download an application, visit www.mass.gov/dols/youth.
·         Hazardous Jobs. Teens under 18 years of age are prohibited from doing certain kinds of dangerous work. For a list of prohibited tasks for minors 14-15 and 16-17 years old, go to www.mass.gov/ago/youthemployment.
·         Supervision. After 8 p.m., all workers under 18 must have the direct and immediate supervision of an adult supervisor who is located in the workplace and is reasonably accessible to the minor.
·         Legal Work Hours for Minors. Massachusetts law controls how early and how late minors may work and how many hours they may work, based on their age. To determine the relevant the legal work hours go to www.mass.gov/ago/youthemployment.
This matter was handled by Assistant Attorney General Amy Goyer and Investigator Christina Proietti, both of AG Healey’s Fair Labor Division.