
星期四, 8月 31, 2017


Mayor Koch Launches Harvey Fundraiser

QUINCY - Mayor Thomas Koch today announced a special community fund-raiser to assist Hurricane Harvey victims from 6-8 p.m. on Thursday, September 7, at Zef Cicchetti restaurant in Quincy Center, and he launched the effort with a $50,000 contribution from the annual Mayor's Cup Charity Golf Tournament.
All are welcome at "Quincy For Houston," which will support the relief fund created by Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner and administered by the Greater Houston Community Foundation, a registered 501(c)(3) public charity. Checks should be made payable to the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund, and all collections will be sent in one package as a gesture from the people of Quincy.
There will be entertainment and food courtesy of Zef owner Leo Keka, and event-goers are welcome to stay to watch the Patriots game later that night.
"I've been incredibly heartened by the number of people in Quincy who've approached me asking to do something, anything to help. We just thought an informal event like this where we can come together and show our support as a community would be a nice way to harness that energy," said Mayor Koch. "These families suffering right now may be pretty far away, but they are very much our neighbors. They need our help now, and they are going to need it for some time to come."
The City decided to collect monetary donations on the advice of several relief organizations, which say that financial resources are - and will be - the most pressing need for the agencies that charged with assisting in the monumental relief and recovery effort in Texas.

Anyone who wishes to donate, but cannot attend the event can go to www.ghcf.orgto contribute online. The Mayor also suggested that residents look to well-known and established relief agencies such as the Salvation Army at www.salvationarmyusa.org

Our neighbors in Texas need our help. Join us for a special community fundraiser next Thursday, Sept. 7 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Zef Cicchetti in Quincy Center. Checks can be made payable to Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund, and we'll be sending all donations in one package as a gesture from the people of Quincy.


Breakfast with the Mayor

Thursday, August 31, 2017
In keeping with a tradition he established several years ago, the last raffle ticket drawn by Mayor Christenson at the Annual Senior Citizen’s Cookout is the person who joins him at a local restaurant as his guest.  Ward 7 resident Ji Di Wen was this year’s lucky winner and she, along with City employees Jason Law and Frankie Lam who attended to assist with translation, enjoyed a fantastic breakfast, courtesy of Mayor Christenson at Cornucopia.

星期三, 8月 30, 2017


(Boston Orange) 孔子學院總部主辦,羅德島大學孔子學院於82527日間承辦,在該校主校區金士頓舉行的”美東地區漢語教師培訓”,共有54名美國本土及中國公派教師,志願者參加。
            中國浙江大學傳媒與國際文化學院教授王建剛談的是理論性較強的”日常生活中的語言問題 – 兼談漢語惡質化現象”。他從語言及其功能開講,藉中國歷史事蹟和歷史人物來闡述日常生活中的語言及其功能,再談及當代漢語的惡質化問題。
            第二天由兩位美國的漢語教授和專家主講。夏威夷大學中國研究中心副主任,也是孔子學院院長的任友梅教授談”美國最好的語言教學 – 2017年精彩回顧”。她指出有效教學的原則及有效語言課程的特點,並以她教授印度語,德語等多門外語的方法,讓教師學員們深刻體會到集文化,學科內容、語言為一體的外語課堂是甚麼樣子。她的第二場講座談從可理解性輸入到可理解性輸出準備表演式評估。她利用學生們的故事展開漢語教學,提倡由學生們自己發現,總結語法。
            唐力行還為第三天的培訓做開場。他先介紹了美國如今流行的”TPRS”教學法,也就是經由閱讀和說故事來教授流利應用語言(Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling)”。他介紹了”TPRS”的各個步驟,操練方法,還和出席學院討論利弊。



(Boston Orange) 臉書快要成為劍橋市的最大雇主之一了,明年將在劍橋市開張新辦公室,增聘500名員工,總員工數將跳升為650
            臉書創辦人馬克祖柏格(Mark Zuckerberg)在哈佛校園推出這家公司後,就遷到西岸去了,直到幾乎4年之後,才在波士頓安插了一小組工作人員,辦公室都是和其他公司共用的。現在臉書在坎德廣場辦公室有100多名員工。臉書波士頓主管Ryan Mark表示,地方不夠用了。

            將來的新辦公室將座落在由Elkus Manfredi所設計的100 Binney 100號大樓,佔用3樓。明年啟用後,將和Bristol-Myers Squibb300名員工共用空間。


(Boston Orange)波士頓大學(BU)和惠洛克(Wheelock College)829日表示,兩校正式談判合併。
            近年來,該校財務捉襟見肘,2016會計年度營運損失申報260萬元,2015年虧損250萬元,此外還負債3880萬元。去年才接替Jackie Scott,出任校長的David J. Chard表示,他們還可以繼續撐下去,但那樣做十分危險。

            惠洛克學院去年才新聘來自南浸信大學的David J. Chard為新任校長。
去年,波士頓音樂學院和柏克萊音樂學院合併了。安多幅牛頓神學院(Theological Seminary)賣掉了牛頓校區,成為耶魯大學的宗教學院。



Seeking Winter Contractors 2017

Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Before you know it, it will be that time of year again! The City of Malden Department of Public Works is looking to hire Contractors to plow and/or sand this winter. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and must be fully equipped. Acceptable vehicles are pick-up trucks with an eight foot plow, larger trucks with 26,000 GVW or greater, sanders, loaders and backhoes. The City of Malden requires certification of comprehensive general liability insurance coverage in the minimum amount of $1,000,000.
Applicants must submit name, address, telephone number, email address and other pertinent information to Robert Knox, Department of Public Works Director at rknox@cityofmalden.org by no later than Wednesday, October 25th. For more information, please call 781-397-7162.

Washington Monthly Names BHCC Among Best Colleges for Adult Learners

Washington Monthly Names BHCC Among Best Colleges for Adult Learners
BOSTON, August 30, 2017 — Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) was named one of “The Twelve Most Innovative Colleges for Adult Learners” by Washington Monthly. The article appeared within the publication’s 2017-2018 College Rankings, an annual report released as the September/October 2017 issue.
Just breaking the top 50, the College ranked 49 nationally among the publication’s ranking of “Best Colleges for Adults Learners,” but it was BHCC’s holistic approach to serving the needs of its students that caught the attention of reporter Joshua Alvarez.
The College takes “a particularly innovative approach to a problem that is startlingly common among community college students: hunger,” he said, pointing to a recent study that found 67% of community college students in America are “food insecure.”
Within the article, Alvarez highlights BHCC’s implementation of One Solid Meal, a program that provides free cafeteria meals and food gift cards to students, and the College’s on-campus branch of Single Stop, a national nonprofit organization that provides students with resources for healthcare, taxes, housing, food and financial aid.
Adult Learners, students 25 years or older, constitute approximately 40% of the overall population of college-goers, but according to Alvarez, most colleges and universities have not adapted to the trend.
“Elite colleges don’t make the cut,” he said, pointing to the majority of college-level courses at these institutions being scheduled midday, over evening and weekend options. “It’s the unheralded schools that are figuring it out.”
Beyond meeting basic needs such as food and housing, Alvarez notes BHCC’s commitment to the Open Educational Resources (OER) Degree Initiative as a way to further reduce costs for its students. OER is a growing national effort to create college courses and degree programs that use only freely accessible, openly licensed textbooks and other media instead of the usual expensive proprietary materials.