
星期六, 10月 31, 2015

王健林在哈佛談中國未來 娛樂,體育及旅遊機會大

哈佛大學商學院教授柯偉林(William Kirby)和施威利(Willy Shih)合開的一門課,明年一月要開到中國去。1029日先請中國首富,萬達集團王健林到哈佛來談“萬達式走向全球(Going Global, the Wanda way)”。



波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)昨(30)日宣佈,市所有8000個有停車計時收費錶的停車位,現在都可以用”波士頓停車(ParkBoston)“這軟件來付費了。
            波士頓的街道長(Chief of Streets)奧斯古(Chris Osgood)表示,“波士頓停車“是由市長的”新市區機器(New Urban Mechanics)“部門和交通局承辦的活動。
            波士頓市長馬丁華殊昨日下午在南端(South End)天滿街541號街頭,送出“波士頓停車”主題的小禮物,玩了一局遊戲冰棍球,以示慶祝。
            “波士頓停車”是一個可免費軟體,民眾可上網到 Park.Boston.gov ,或是頻果的應用程式店(App Store),或谷歌遊戲(Google Play )來下載,手機無法上網的人,還有用聲音付款的選擇。
            在同一時期,2011年開始以預付卡形式出售,最低5元,最高100元的波士頓計時收費卡(Boston Meter Card),將逐漸淡出市場。
詢可洽617-635-4410,上網 http://www.cityofboston.gov/cityhalltogo。





今天(1031日)是萬聖夜(Halloween),有心領略這西方習俗的人,既可參加美國各鄰里社區為鄰居們舉辦的“不給糖就搗蛋(Trick or Treat)“遊戲,也可以參加華人青年協會的萬聖節派對,波士頓大學的”萬聖驚悚夜“,或是看一場帶點恐怖,這晚上映的電影”無名證人“。
華人青年協會(CYPN)和波士頓留學生網合作,將在Club Envy為萬聖節開化妝舞會,呼朋引伴的微信群,至少開了二個,群主吳迪一還分享經驗,約人一起去買打扮搞怪的服裝,還要求參加的人,扮成“血腥瑪麗”,“開膛杰克”,‘狼人野獸“,”電鋸狂人“,”貞子小姐“,要在這從晚上9點開到凌晨2點的“萬聖節狂歡派對”中,選出最驚悚獎,最雷人獎,最腦洞大開獎等等。
波士頓信息收集網為新開,在天滿街279號的糖果吧(Candi Bar)宣傳“扮裝晚會”,還要選出讓人尖叫的前 3名。




            市議員們通過的加薪案是由波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)提交的。依慣例,波士頓市長的年薪是市議員的兩倍,馬丁華殊本人的年薪,將因此可提高至199,000元。不過,目前年薪為175,000元的馬丁華殊,已表態不會接受加薪。
            波士頓的加薪率和其他相若城市相比,包括巴爾的摩(Baltimore),明尼蘇達(Minneapolis),費城(Philadelphia),舊金山(San Francisco),西雅圖(Seattle)等地相比,都好得多。
            4名投反對票的波士頓市議員為普斯莉( Ayanna Pressley),吳弭(Michelle Wu),楊西(Charles Yancey),以及查金(Josh Zakim)。

星期五, 10月 30, 2015


Boston Meter Card Phasing Out as ParkBoston Usage Grows

BOSTON - Friday, October 30, 2015 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today hosted a street arcade in the South End to celebrate the expansion of the ParkBoston app to all 8,000 metered parking spaces in the City of Boston. The app allows drivers to quickly and easily pay a meter with their mobile phone, avoiding the hassle of finding quarters or running back to meters to add more time before it expires. To date, there have been more than 150,000 downloads of the app.

"Updating parking meters so that they accept smartphone payments is a huge step forward in our goal of using technology to improve basic city services," said Mayor Walsh.  "People are embracing ParkBoston as a new way to pay their parking meter, and there are currently over 100,000 active users of the app. We expect that number to continue to grow as people learn how easy and convenient it is to pay a parking meter with their phone."

The average number of transactions taking place per day in July was 3,361; in August, 4,665; and in September, 6,054.  A one day high of 9,486 transactions was reached on October 29th.

"Developing and implementing ParkBoston has been a joint effort of the Mayor's Office of New Urban Mechanics and the Boston Transportation Department," said Chris Osgood, Boston's Chief of Streets.  "It is a perfect example of the good work that is being accomplished as City agencies combine resources and collaborate to bring useful initiatives to our constituents."

As part of the celebration of the success of ParkBoston, the street party featured games such as Whack-a-Mole and Ms. Pacman, as well as ParkBoston themed giveaways, and a bubble hockey tournament with app users. These games are aimed at highlighting the entertaining ways that people can use their quarters now that they are no longer needed for parking meter payments. During the arcade event, Mayor Walsh teamed up with Boston Bruins alum Rick "Nifty" Middleton to challenge users in a competitive game of bubble hockey.

"ParkBoston is a customer service enhancement that provides both convenience and time-savings," said Boston Transportation Department Commissioner Gina Fiandaca.  "Using this form of payment, there is no need to feed an individual meter or seek out a pay station.  Motorists may simply pull into a legal space in a metered parking zone, access their ParkBoston account, and pay the meter fee remotely by phone with a credit card."

"We know that parking in Boston isn't always easy, but the ParkBoston app improves at least one aspect of the experience," said Kris Carter, co-chair of the Mayor's Office of New Urban Mechanics.  "People have been using ParkBoston since it was first introduced in January as a pilot program in the Back Bay. Today is a way to bring a little bit of fun to the street and celebrate the completion of the citywide expansion of the ParkBoston program."

The free ParkBoston app is also available online at Park.Boston.gov and through the App Store or Google Play for iPhone and Android users.  A pay-by-voice option is offered for those without web-enabled phones.

Additionally, the Boston Meter Card will be phased out as a meter payment option. The Boston Meter Card, a pre-paid card sold in denominations from $5 to $100, was made available in 2011 as a parking meter payment option at single space meters.  At that time, Boston's multi space meter pay stations accepted dollar bills, quarters and credit cards, but the City's single space meters only accepted quarters.

Although Boston Meter Cards are no longer for sale, they will continue to be accepted as payment for another few months. Those with an existing Boston Meter Card balance have the option of transferring their balance into a ParkBoston account.  Please contact the Office of the Parking Clerk at 617-635-4410 for more information on completing this transaction. City Hall to Go Truck staff will also assist with this process.  The truck's schedule may be viewed at http://www.cityofboston.gov/cityhalltogo/.

Passport, an industry leader in mobile payments, worked with the City of Boston in bringing ParkBoston to local motorists.

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Solar Canopy Grant for Roxbury Community College

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Solar Canopy Grant for Roxbury Community College
Solar canopy will provide power, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save on energy costs

BOSTON – October 30, 2015 – The Baker-Polito Administration today announced grant funding for a solar canopy at Roxbury Community College (RCC) that will supply a significant portion of the electricity needed by the college. The $600,000 grant from the Department of Energy Resources (DOER) is the third to be awarded from DOER’s Leading by Example Solar Canopy Grant Program.

“Solar canopies are shining examples of Massachusetts’ commitment to clean, local energy, particularly at our state colleges, universities, state agencies and authorities,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Massachusetts’ pledge to lead by example benefits every ratepayer in the Commonwealth as state facilities secure long-term energy savings and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”

“This $600,000 grant for Roxbury Community College will allow the college to cut down on its energy costs and reduce its carbon footprint,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “This array represents the commitment of state government to lead by example by pursuing large scale renewable power as part of the Commonwealth’s efforts to reduce harmful emissions associated greenhouse gas emissions.”

“Roxbury Community College will save more than $5 million over 20 years, thanks to reduced electricity costs and the projected revenue it will get from Solar Renewable Energy Certificates through DOER,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Matthew Beaton. “Not only does this project save taxpayer money, it also helps Massachusetts achieve our Global Warming Solutions Act targets and our goal of reaching at least 1,600 megawatts of solar in Massachusetts by 2020.”  

The 937kW project could generate enough electricity to power 136 Massachusetts homes each year and is expected to reduce 369 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions annually, equal to taking 78 cars off the road a year. 

“Solar canopies create an additional use for parking lots, reducing the heat created by the pavement, creating shelter from weather and providing a visible learning tool,” said DOER Commissioner Judith Judson. “State projects such as this help us protect ratepayers and meet the goals of the Global Warming Solutions Act as we stay at the forefront of innovation and lead by example.”

The 2015 Leading by Example Clean Energy Grant Program – Solar Photovoltaic Canopies seeks to increase installations of solar photovoltaic (PV) parking canopies and innovative solar PV technologies at state facilities. All projects will also add electric vehicle charging stations. 

Solar canopies provide opportunities to generate clean renewable electricity at operating parking areas, while reducing heat absorption on parking surfaces and shading parked vehicles.  DOER is supporting large, public solar PV canopy projects that will assist in meeting the Leading by Example Program energy goals, reduce or have no impact on agency/facility energy costs and provide ancillary benefits, such as shading and a reduction in the heat island effect. Massachusetts agencies have installed some 3.5 megawatts of solar canopies, with studies underway that could lead to dozens more megawatts from additional canopy installations over the next several years.

The program is funded by an allocation of Alternative Compliance Payment (ACP) funds. ACP funds are paid by electric retail suppliers if they have insufficient Renewable or Alternative Energy Certificates to meet their compliance obligations under the Renewable and Alternative Portfolio Standard programs.

The Leading by Example (LBE) program works with state agencies to meet specific targets for greenhouse gas emission reductions, energy consumption reduction and renewable energy procurement. Since 2007, state agencies have made significant progress, meeting the 25 percent greenhouse gas reduction target, generating 15 percent of electricity demand from onsite renewable and combined heat and power systems, and reducing heating oil use by 72 percent.

“We are excited and honored to receive this grant,” said Dr. Valerie Roberson, president of Roxbury Community College. “This funding will enable us to become a community leader in clean and renewable energy.  Long-term, this project will provide a sustainable solution to our energy needs, thereby saving money and improving the student experience.  We are thankful for this tremendous opportunity.”

“The new solar canopy will help the City of Boston achieve its sustainability goal for institutions like Roxbury Community College, resulting in cleaner, low-carbon fuel sources,” said Mayor Martin J. Walsh. “We hope it serves as an example for others to invest in similar renewable technologies.”

“As a Commonwealth, it’s critical we continue to invest in robust and renewable energy plans that include solar and other natural resources,” said State Senator Sonia Chang-Diaz (D-Boston). “I’m proud of the initiative RCC has taken to reduce electricity usage in their facilities, and to lead the way for other institutions in identifying opportunities to shift our reliance on costly, unsustainable energy sources. It’s my hope that RCC will leverage the resources from this DOER grant to expand both student services and access to innovative technologies.”

“I am thrilled to see Roxbury Community College leading neighborhood institutions in the shift to sustainable energy use and look forward to seeing solar photovoltaic canopies installed in RCC’s parking lot,” said State Representative Elizabeth Malia (D-Jamaica Plain).

“As the State Representative for Roxbury, and a strong supporter of innovation, clean energy, clean air, and sustainability, I am excited to see Roxbury Community College bring solar energy to the community by receiving this grant,” said State Representative Gloria L. Fox (D-Roxbury).