
星期四, 2月 07, 2013



Projects will create over 1,700 construction jobs across Massachusetts

REVERE – February 7, 2013 – Continuing the Patrick-Murray Administration’s commitment to improving housing infrastructure to support growth and opportunity throughout the Commonwealth, Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Greg Bialecki today announced $67 million in affordable housing resources and tax credits for 23 developments in 21 communities.

The announcement of the funding was held at 525 Beach St. in Revere, where 30 new units of low-income housing, including six units for extremely low-income families, will be built with the support of $2.2 million in federal and state tax credits and housing subsidies, and will create 57 jobs. In all, the 23 projects across Massachusetts will create 1,326 units of housing and an estimated 1,710 construction jobs.

“Creating affordable housing helps to generate jobs, grow local businesses and strengthen our communities,” said Governor Deval Patrick. “Government’s role is to help people help themselves, and sustainable affordable housing will build a better Commonwealth for generations to come.”

“All families deserve access to quality housing in Massachusetts,” said Lieutenant Governor Timothy Murray, Chair of the Interagency Council on Housing and Homelessness.  “Our Administration is committed to providing more affordable housing options for low-income families, and this latest round of resources and tax credits will increase our housing infrastructure and lead to improved community development in regions across the state.”

The $67 million investment includes more than $9 million in federal low-income housing tax credits, $7.7 million in state low-income housing tax credits, and $47.7 million in state and federal housing program subsidies.

Of the 1326 units, 1,164 will be affordable to low- and moderate-income individuals and households, with 298 units reserved for extremely low-income families, including those making the transition from homelessness.

"I am pleased that two projects in my district will receive funding to build affordable housing and as a result will create jobs," said House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo. "I would like to thank the Patrick-Murray Administration, the town of Winthrop and city of Revere for their commitment to these projects."

“I am grateful two of the communities I represent, Revere and Chelsea, will benefit from the funds awarded by the Department of Housing and Community Development,” said Rep. Kathi-Anne Reinstein (D-Revere). “These funds allow us to invest in projects that are crucial to community development and creating affordable housing opportunities for residents and families across the commonwealth.”

In November, Governor Patrick announced a goal of creating 10,000 multi-family units of housing per year, the first production goal of this kind set by any state in the country.  Increasing market-rate housing for families and individuals is part of the Patrick-Murray Administration’s comprehensive plan for improving housing at all levels. Along with creating new housing, the Administration has made significant investments in the Commonwealth’s public housing stock, by preserving and improving the 46,000 housing units in the system through increased capital funding, increased operating subsidies, and changes in management of those resources.

“Having good, affordable housing at every level is important to our continued economic recovery, as we work to make sure we maintain our strong, well-trained young workforce,” said Secretary Bialecki. “By setting a goal of creating 10,000 multi-family units of housing a year, Governor Patrick has made housing creation an important goal for Massachusetts.”

Since 2009, Governor Patrick and Lieutenant Governor Murray have worked with the Legislature and Congress to direct over $700 million in federal and state tax credits and state housing program subsidies to projects that improve the state's affordable housing, create jobs and build stronger communities. These investments have generated more than 14,000 jobs and 10,000 housing units; 9,000 of which are affordable.

Funding, which is handled by the Department of Housing and Community Development, will support projects in:

Village Green Phase I, Barnstable: Dakota Partners will use $2,250,000 in DHCD housing subsidies and $1,360,000 in federal and state Low Income Housing Tax Credits to produce 60 units of affordable family housing. The project is expected to generate 87 jobs.

Jackson Commons, Boston: Urban Edge Housing Corporation will use $2,940,000 in DHCD housing subsidies and $910,094 in federal and state Low Income Housing Tax Credits to produce 37 units of affordable family housing. The project is expected to generate 114 jobs.

MHNHS Roxbury Crossing Senior Building, Boston: Mission Hill Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc. will use $2.8 million in DHCD housing subsidies to create 39 units of affordable elderly housing. Twenty units will be reserved for extremely low-income individuals or households. The project is expected to create 85 jobs.

St. Kevin’s Residential, Boston: The Planning Office for Urban Affairs will use $2,708,806 in DHCD housing subsidies and $768,950 in federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits to redevelop a former school building and build 33 units to serve families who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness. Services will be provided by St. Mary’s Center for Women and Children. The project is expected to produce 85 jobs.

Residences at Centre and Main – Phase 1A, Brockton: Trinity Financial will use $2,378,000 in federal and state Low Income Housing Tax Credits and $1,750,000 in DHCD housing subsidies to produce 71 units of housing, with 21 units restricted as affordable. This project is the first of several Trinity projects that will result in the redevelopment of the Enterprise Block in downtown Brockton. This project is expected to create 244 jobs.

Chapman Arms, Cambridge: Homeowner’s Rehab, Inc., DHCD's designee under the Chapter 40T preservation statute, will use $1.975 million in DHCD housing subsidies and $236,868 in federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits to preserve 25 units of affordable family housing for low-income households. Chapman Arms is expected to create 29 jobs.
Choice Veterans Housing, Chelmsford and Westford: CHOICE, Inc. will use $1.62 million in DHCD housing subsidies to develop 13 units of rental housing for veterans on two different sites – one in Chelmsford (new construction) and one in Westford (rehabilitation). The project is expected to create 23 jobs.

Standard Box Apartments, Chelsea: Mitchell Properties will use $1,550,000 in DHCD housing subsidies and $366,000 in federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits to build 21 new affordable units and 29 additional apartments in the Box District in Chelsea. The project is expected to generate 73 jobs.

Parsons Village, Easthampton:  The Valley Community Development Corporation will use $2,533,234 in DHCD housing subsidies and $1,084,988 in federal and state Low Income Housing Tax Credits to produce 38 units of affordable family housing. The project is expected to produce 71 jobs.

Edmands House, Framingham:  Beacon Communities will use $2,933,388 of federal and state Low Income Housing Tax Credits and $1,000,000 in DHCD housing subsidies to preserve 171 units of affordable housing in this 190 unit development in Framingham. This project is expected to generate 87 jobs. 

Chestnut Park, Holyoke:  Weld Management will use $1,694,534 in DHCD housing subsidies and $990,000 in federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits to redevelop a former school complex in downtown Holyoke into 55 new units of affordable family housing. The project is expected to produce 104 jobs.
Counting House Lofts, Lowell:  Winn Development will use $2,012,792 in federal and state Low Income Housing Tax Credits and $2,000,000 of DHCD housing subsidies to develop a former mill into 52 housing units of housing, including 26 affordable units.  This project is expected to create 116 jobs.

Marion Village Estates, Marion:  Baywatch Realty Trust will use $2,715,000 in DHCD housing subsidies and $989,470 in federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits to build 60 new affordable family apartments in Marion. The project is expected to produce 93 jobs.

Mashpee Village Phase II, Mashpee:  The Community Builders, Inc. will use $1,000,000 in DHCD housing subsidies and $493,762 in federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits to renovate and preserve 145 units of family housing in Mashpee. The project is expected to produce 79 jobs.

Leeds Veterans Housing Cooperative, Northampton:  The non-profit Soldier On, Inc. will use $1.844 million in DHCD housing subsidies to create 44 units of limited equity cooperative housing for formerly homeless veterans. The project is expected to generate 60 jobs.

Central Annex/Union Court, Pittsfield: The non-profit Preservation of Affordable Housing (POAH) will use $2.75 million in DHCD housing subsidies and $380,512 federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits to preserve 101 units of affordable housing for families and seniors, with eleven units reserved for extremely low-income families. The project is expected to create 37 jobs.

525 Beach, Revere:  The Neighborhood Developers will use $710,629 of federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits and $1,520,261 of DHCD housing subsidies to develop 30 units of affordable family housing on the site of a former warehouse. This project is expected to create 57 jobs.

Old Farm Inn, Rockport:  The non-profit Supportive Living Inc. will use $600,000 in DHCD housing subsidies to create eight units of affordable housing for persons with disabilities. The project is expected to create nine jobs.

Outing Park Apartments I, Springfield:  First Resource Development Company will use $3,550,000 in DHCD housing subsidies and $1.2 million in federal and state Low Income Housing Tax Credits to acquire and renovate 94 existing family housing units.  The project is expected to produce 119 jobs.

Saint Joseph’s Hall, Watertown:  Metro West Collaborative Development, Inc. will use $1,663 million in DHCD housing subsidies and $153,243 in federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits to preserve 25 units of affordable housing, with 20 units reserved for extremely low-income households. The project is expected to create 23 jobs.

Sitkowski School, Webster:  Neighborhood of Affordable Housing will use $1,275,361 in federal and state Low Income Housing Tax Credits and $2,715,000 in DHCD housing subsidies to develop 66 units of affordable senior housing. This project is expected to create 125 jobs.

Haydenville Village Center Apartments, Williamsburg and Chesterfield:  The Hilltown Community Development Corporation will use $2.892 million in DHCD housing subsidies to preserve 24 units of affordable housing, with 6 units reserved for extremely low-income households. The project is expected to create 17 jobs.

Winthrop Apartments, Winthrop:  Chelsea Jewish Foundation and Affirmative Investments will use $1,133,200 in federal and state Low Income Housing Tax Credits and $1,550,000 in DHCD housing subsidies to develop 40 senior housing units, including 37 affordable units. This project is expected to create 55 jobs.


摩頓市長葛帝生(Gary Christenson)當天不但准時抵達,用市長辦公室助理于豔教他的中文向大家拜年,還捧場的幾乎從頭坐到尾,讓許多摩頓市民紛紛稱讚,這市長真親民。
            當天陸續排出的節目還有華林派功夫示範,摩頓高中亞裔俱樂部演唱「We are never never getting back together」,表演「Remix」舞蹈,國際時裝秀,楊氏太極拳協會示範打太極,摩頓華人合唱團和華夏文協藝術團在劉曉梅指揮下演唱「「夢中的卓瑪」和「友誼天長地久」,黃美桃率領紐英崙養生舞協會演出「慧海福源」,王斯若古箏獨奏「雪山春曉」、「戰馬奔騰」,以前從沒公開演唱過的趙寶玲,在波士頓中國音樂家協會琵琶好手甄若茅以電吉它伴奏下演唱「我的心裏沒有他」,摩頓高中學生表演時裝秀、街舞,兩名個人示範武當拳、劍,廉豔獨唱「好運來」,華夏文協藝術團跳「美麗的西班牙女孩」等,內容十分多元。
            華夏文化協會行政主任洪梅在會末表示,該會已於最近遷址摩頓市青年會(99 Dartmouth St., Malden, MA),地方更為寬敞。表演節目中的許多人,都在該會開班,有意學習樂器演奏,聲樂技巧或武當功夫者,都可在該會找到好老師。該會為促進中西文化交流,每個週末都辦有講座,下一場是二月十七日(週日)的下午二點至四點,邀起曾任華梵大學文學院院長的周春塘教授,講談「中美節慶和傳統文化的比較」。


            華夏文化協會行政主任洪梅(右一)和聯歡會總策劃劉曉梅(左二)歡迎摩頓市市長葛帝生(Gary Christenson)(右二),以及于豔。(菊子攝)






華埠治安委員會昨()日在月例會中,再度拒絕支持晚餐俱樂部的開業申請,但基本上同意W酒店內重開夜總會式吧廊,聽取了「真味中國屋(Authentic China House)」的開業計劃,支持肥牛火鍋店擴張。
      有意在華盛頓街533號開張晚餐俱樂部(Supper Club)形式餐廳的東主Sam Sokol,以及律師Mark Evlogiadis,餐館顧問Richard Brackett,以及房東Mimi Beldehas等人,昨日再度到華埠治安委員會備詢。
      波士頓警察局A-1區警長李湯姆(Tom Lee)、社區小組長利瑪(Tom Lema),以及華埠治安委員會共同主席陳灼鋆等人,昨日再度重申他們對晚餐俱樂部的疑慮,指稱一棟四層樓,有可跳舞的娛樂牌照及酒牌的營業場所,隨時有搖身變成夜總會的可能。李湯姆表示,他最擔心的是該店可容六、七百人,一旦這些人在凌晨兩點左右,各店關門時,和金融區、劇院區的其他娛樂場所消費者,同時湧上街頭,A-1區警察很可能要面對更多鄰近地區居民抱怨深夜吵雜,或者打群架、械鬥等地方治安困擾。
      Sam Sokol等人再三強調,他們經營的是餐廳,不是夜總會。波士頓重建局也支持他們的看法,認為華埠一帶,金融區及劇院區,越來越多三十多歲的年輕專業人士,市場有紐約式晚餐俱樂部的需求。此外,他們也已因應華埠治安委員會的顧慮,修改了營業設計,包括可跳舞的娛樂牌照,不包括一樓等。
      華埠治安委員會共同主席陳灼鋆表示,礙於他個人認知,以及社區內的反應,他不認為華埠治安委員會目前可就此一申請支持案進行投票。他建議Sam Sokol等人,先到中城區陳情,看反應如何再說。
      波士頓W酒店原本自營降落(Descent)夜總會,但已於去年年底停業。律師Karen Siamo昨日與有夜總會凱薩(nightclub czar)之稱的Brian Lesser出席華埠治安委員會,說明Brian Lesse已與W酒店取得協議,將在降落夜總會原址,開張新店,可容人數將從之前的120,增加到包括工作人員的兩百人。其他營業內容,與前相同。波士頓W酒店總經理William P. Bunce也特地出席,做補充說明。
      波士頓警察局A-1區警長李湯姆(Tom Lee)表示,他曾經去過降落夜總會,未在該營業場所發現任何問題。
      南北風味餐廳東主之一的陳利民,昨日與圓鼎工程呂孟德向華埠治安委員會陳情,說明刻正籌備在南北風味對面,原本為中華行的樓面,開張一家新的,名為「Authentic China House(暫譯,真味中國屋)」的中餐館。該一地點約2500平方呎,減掉廚房所用面積後,約可擺放八、九十個座位,希望委員會支持。
      波士頓警察局A-1區警長李湯姆(Tom Lee)昨日也照例做了上個月的華埠一帶犯罪記錄,共有3宗搶劫案,1宗激烈攻擊案,一宗破門而入偷竊案,一租偷車案,六宗偷盜案,一宗從移動車輛偷竊案。警方上個月開出65張駕車違規罰單,159張停車違規罰單。

      波士頓警察局A-1區警長李湯姆(Tom Lee)(左起)、華埠治安委員會共同主席陳灼鋆、塔芙茨醫療中心社區健康主任曾雪清等人與出席會議者交流意見。(菊子攝)

      波士頓W酒店總經理William P. Bunce(立者)補充說明,開有故事村(Storyville)、迷你吧(Mini Bar)Brian Lesser,是很有經驗的夜總會經營者。(菊子攝)

      南北風味餐廳東主之一的陳利民(立者)有意開張「真味中國屋(Authentic China House)」。(菊子攝)

星期三, 2月 06, 2013


Funds will support development of educational innovations that close achievement gaps, help all students achieve at high levels
BOSTON – Wednesday, February 6, 2013 – Education Secretary Matthew Malone today announced $80,000 in grants to eight potential Innovation Schools across the Commonwealth. This funding builds on the Patrick-Murray Administration's continued efforts to close persistent achievement gaps, promote innovative and bold strategies in education and give students and their families greater access to high-quality public schools.
"I am extremely proud of the progress we’ve made on the Innovation School initiative as more and more schools step up to provide improved educational opportunities for Massachusetts students," said Governor Deval Patrick. "This robust and diverse group of schools demonstrates what can be achieved when local school communities are given the flexibility to be creative in their approach to helping all students achieve at high levels."
Initial prospectuses for these schools have already been approved by local stakeholders including superintendents, school committee members and union leaders and the grants will be used to develop robust innovation plans that will be presented to local school committees for final approval. Many of these schools could open as early as September 2013.
A signature component of Governor Patrick’s Achievement Gap Act of 2010, Innovation Schools are in-district, charter-like public schools that use inventive strategies and creative approaches to education while keeping school funding within districts. Innovation Schools can utilize greater autonomy and flexibility with regard to curriculum, staffing, budget, schedule/calendar, professional development and district policies.
There are currently 44 operational Innovation Schools across Massachusetts.  If these eight plans are fully approved, over 50 Innovation Schools could be up and running by fall 2013. The Administration awarded over $850,000 in Innovation School planning and implementation grants last year. Funding for Innovation School planning and implementation grants have been made available as part of a total of $2 million in support from the state's successful Race to the Top proposal and additional support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Secretary Malone announced today’s round of planning grants at the Blackstone Elementary School in Boston, one of today’s recipients whose Innovation School prospectus proposes seeking autonomies in the areas of curriculum, instruction and assessment, staffing, professional development and budget to sustain its success in improving student achievement outcomes as a turnaround school.
“It is exciting to see a school community, like the Blackstone School, that has made significant academic progress with its students, using the Innovation School model to sustain the gains made by seeking autonomies and flexibilities to continue to meet the needs of its students,” said Education Secretary Matthew Malone.
In addition to the grant funding announced today, Governor Patrick recently proposed a $550 million investment in education, reaching $1 billion over four years, to expand access to high quality educational opportunities and make higher education more affordable for all students in Massachusetts. This historic investment would provide universal access to high quality early education for all children in Massachusetts from birth through age five; allow additional resources for high-need schools to extend learning time for students; increase Chapter 70 funding to K-12 districts; make higher education more affordable for students; and allow our community colleges to expand successful programs that are preparing students to thrive in the workplace. The Governor’s plan also includes $1.5 million in funding to support the planning and implementation of additional innovation schools across the state. 
For more information about Innovation Schools, please visit  www.mass.gov/edu/innovationschools.
The list of grant recipients, districts in which the schools will be located and amounts granted is as follows:
INNOVATION SCHOOLS PLANNING GRANTS – awarded with state Race to the Top funding.
Partner District
Proposed Innovation School School
Boston Public Schools
Blackstone Elementary School (preK-5, proposed conversion of existing school)
Boston Public Schools
William Monroe Trotter School (K-8, proposed conversion of existing school)
Boston Public Schools
John F. Kennedy Innovation School (K-5, proposed conversion of existing school)
Fall River Public Schools
Fall River Innovation Academy (proposed new school, 7th-12th)
New Bedford Public Schools
Esperanza School of Language and Culture (proposed new school, K-8)
New Bedford Public Schools
Renaissance Community School for the Arts (proposed new school, PK-5)
Somerville Public Schools
Kennedy Innovation School (K-8, proposed conversion of existing school)
Somerville Public Schools
Somerville STEAM Academy (proposed new school, 9th-12th)
TOTAL = $80,000

牛曉林 2/19 講彩色鉛筆素描


Feb 19, Tuesday, 7:30 Pm
Greater Boston Chinese Cultural Association
437 Cherry Street, West Newton, MA 02465




Light reception will be provided; books are available for viewing or purchasing.

Question? Please contact GBCCA at 617-332-0377 or e-mail gbccaorg@aol.com


有「中國管樂四大金鋼」之稱的包鍵、胡建兵、陳濤、及郭雅志等人,日前應中華表演藝術基金會之邀,在紐英崙音樂學院喬登廳 (Jordan Hall),以「玄門步虛」為主題,首度舉辦專場佛道教音樂會,帶聽眾穿越時空,回到明代,領略一如五、六百年前宗教音樂的遠、虛、淡、靜意境。






台學聯 2/15 春吶 2/17改選會長

                            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 新英格蘭台灣同學會聯合會日前舉辦學聯說明會,向新舊學生介紹該會功能、活動,邀請參加服務,並預告二月十五日將辦春節吶喊歌唱大賽,二月十七日將辦理第八屆台學聯會長改選。
新英格蘭台灣同學會聯合會的下一場活動為二月十五日(週五)下午五點起,在波士頓大學學生活動中心(BU GSU) 禮堂,舉辦「春節吶喊」2013學聯新年歌唱大賽。查詢詳情可上網http://www.facebook.com/events/373435596087619



      駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處文化組組長黃薳玉(前左三)和新英格蘭台灣同學會本屆幹部合影。第一排(由左自右)學聯副會長呂承翰、學聯副會長/東北大學同學會會長林俞安、經文處文化組組長黃薳玉、學聯公關/布蘭岱斯(Brandeis)大學同學會副會長林郁晴、學聯公關/東北大學裴家瀅、學聯公關/波士頓大學黃家琪、學聯副會長/東北大學王一涵,文化組黃秘書。第二排(由左自右) 學聯活動/東北大學黃達民、學聯活動/波士頓大學林子為、學聯會長/波士頓大學王俊凱(周菊子攝)

星期二, 2月 05, 2013

湯偉麟宣佈參選康州 Stamford 市長

As many of you know, I've spent the last few weeks traveling around Stamford talking to voters - from the A&P grocery store in North Stamford to Elm Street Diner off Cove Road - hearing many things we love about Stamford and also the things we must change to make it a better city.  
Yesterday, we made it official and announced our campaign to run for mayor of Stamford.
Stamford has been going through the motions lately. But I do not believe we can reach our future by neglect. As mayor, my focus will be giving Stamford the long term vision it needs to succeed.With the right leadership and visionStamford can be the finest small city in the country for our families.
Click the image below to watch coverage of our announcement!
 Click for Its Relevant Coverage
The campaign is just getting started. We're going to need your help to win this race and give Stamford and its families the future we deserve.
I want your input and help. Email me at william@williamtong.com and let's get this campaign off the ground!
All the best,
William Tong

文協迎蛇年會長換屆 周一男交棒給黃淑英

由於文協有下屆幹部隨同本屆幹部服務,以茲實習的傳統。司儀馬滌凡、談繼欣當晚特地介紹了待任會長冼鳳明,以及2014年度幹事,包括陳式儀、李希青、王淑玲、白松(Oren Robinson)、Jenis Gee、姜銓等人。






