
星期一, 4月 01, 2019




Full participation in the 2020 Census will rely on outreach in hard-to-count communities

Mayor Walsh and supporters from CPA, etc.
(photo from CPA)

Mayor Walsh and supporters from CPA, etc.
(photo from CPA)

BOSTON - Monday, April 1, 2019 Mayor Martin J. Walsh, nonprofit leaders and community members today launched a year-long outreach campaign to ensure a fair and complete count in the 2020 U.S. Census. At a kick-off event held today at the East Boston branch of the Boston Public Library, the Mayor announced the City will invest an additional $100,000 in his FY20 budget that will be released next week to support Boston's outreach efforts by providing grants to community-based organizations and more support to City departments. This is in addition to a FY19 investment of dedicated staffing resources to support the City's census efforts announced in the Mayor's 2019 State of the City address.  

The census will be issued exactly one year from today, starting the decennial count that determines everything from representation in Congress, to federal funds for schools, affordable housing, infrastructure and health care programs.

"We have been hearing threats from Washington to use the 2020 Census as another weapon to intimidate residents and weaken our democracy," said Mayor Walsh. "This is unacceptable at a time when our representation and federal funding are at stake. We recently appointed a census liaison within my administration and are kicking off this outreach campaign a year in advance to make sure every resident of Boston is counted, because every resident of Boston counts."

The kickoff event highlighted a range of collaborations across the city focused on ensuring that all Boston residents are aware of the upcoming census, know why it's important, and are prepared to participate. Next year's Census faces unprecedented challenges, including significant underfunding of the U.S. Census Bureau, the nearly all-digital nature of the surveys, and the possible inclusion of a citizenship question.

Data from the 2010 Census determine around $16 billion every year in federal spending for critical programs such as Medicaid, Medicare, affordable housing initiatives, Title I education funding, and infrastructure in Massachusetts. For every one person that's not counted on the Census, the state loses out on roughly $2,400 of federal funding.

Despite the amount of federal resources at stake, there are multiple hard-to-count populations that reside in Massachusetts that historically have made a complete census count difficult. This is due in part to the state's population of recent immigrants, renters, college students, and other hard-to-count populations. Boston is the ninth hardest-to-count city among the largest 100 cities nationwide, according to a recent report  by Boston Indicators and the Boston Foundation.

"The library's mission is to support this work of civic engagement," said David Leonard, president of the Boston Public Library, where today's kick-off event was hosted. "We will continue being a trusted information provider, a safe space, and help everyone be counted, whether you arrived yesterday, ten years ago, or have been here for many, many generations."

Alexie Torres, chair of the Massachusetts Census Equity Fund, said trusted messengers will play a particularly important role in compelling individuals from hard-to-count communities to participate in the 2020 Census.

"The Massachusetts Census Equity Fund just announced the first half a million dollars in grants to over 40 organizations across the state, all to ensure that fear doesn't drive us into darkness," said Alexie Torres. "Darkness can only be cast out when we stand in the light. We must come together and support trusted messengers to highlight what's at stake for the 2020 census."

For more information on the City's outreach efforts to ensure a fair and complete count, please visit boston.gov/2020-census.

B.A.A. Announces Meb Keflezighi as 2019 Boston Marathon Grand Marshal

B.A.A. Announces Meb Keflezighi as 2019 Boston Marathon Grand Marshal
Boston Marathon Schedule of Events Released
BOSTON (1-April) – Today, the Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.) announced the Grand Marshal for the 123rd Boston Marathon, to be run on Monday, April 15, 2019. Meb Keflezighi, winner of the 2014 Boston Marathon, will serve as Grand Marshal on Patriots’ Day, leading the way for 30,000 participants on their journey from Hopkinton to Boston. 
The Boston Marathon is the oldest consecutively run marathon in the world and is annually held on Patriots’ Day in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. For the 34th year, John Hancock is the principal sponsor of the Boston Marathon.
Five years ago, Keflezighi broke the finish tape in memorable fashion with a time of 2:08:37, becoming the first American man since 1983 to win the open division of the Boston Marathon. His victory was especially significant considering it came one year after the tragic acts of April 15, 2013. Keflezighi sported the names of those lost on his bib number as he ran in front towards Boylston Street. 
A four-time Olympian, Keflezighi is the only athlete in history to have won both the Boston and New York City Marathons and an Olympic Marathon medal. As Grand Marshal, he will once again lead the field, this time riding in an INFINITI QX50, the official vehicle of the Boston Marathon, from Hopkinton to Boston.
Throughout race week, Keflezighi will also serve as a John Hancock Elite Athlete Ambassador, cheering on participants and making many appearances including at the Boston Marathon Expo, Runner Seminar Series, and at Boston Marathon Fan Fest on Copley Square Park. Keflezighi recently published a book titled 26 Marathons.
“We are proud to welcome back Meb on the five year anniversary of his triumphant victory,” said Tom Grilk, Chief Executive Officer of the B.A.A. “Running to the chants of ‘USA! USA!’, Meb’s victory five years ago was a symbolic moment that transcended sports. Meb helped our entire community celebrate the resilient and determined spirit of Boston, and we look forward to having him back in Boston as Grand Marshal of this year’s race.” 
The B.A.A. also today released a detailed schedule of events celebrating Boston Marathon week. Members of the media are encouraged to attend and cover all events. 

4/11歡迎宴已衝72桌 波士頓喊口號要韓國瑜選總統

            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)331日,高雄市長韓國瑜在台灣說, 我堅持不考慮2020”。波士頓韓迷在紐英崙中華公所會議廳說,我們口號照喊,韓國瑜,選總統,選總統。歡迎宴籌辦負責人馬滌凡也報告,僑胞反應太熱烈,411日桌數增至72
          籌備會上,出席者紛紛發表意見,找停車位,安全考量,拍照合影,顧慮不少。劉泰國的發言格外不同。 他表示,如果韓國瑜真的不出來選總統,失望的絕不只是他一個人,而是海內外千千萬萬有血性,有良知的同胞。他認為,台灣已經搞到今天這種地步,如果再被不入流,如阿扁那樣的政客蒙蔽,欺騙,唬弄人心的話,台灣的將來就是一片灰暗。他說,波士頓的僑胞應該要有使命感,喚醒韓國瑜,讓韓國瑜知道他不只對黨,也對台灣所有人民的未來福祉,負有責任。他希望波士頓精英們能團結起來,做韓國瑜的後盾。(4/5更新版)

You & Me樂隊創辦人黃崇校(左)將負責音響。(周菊子攝)

全球中國聯接波士頓開峰會 談科技,媒體、金融

(Boston Orange 張雨坤波士頓報導)全球中國聯接(Global China Connection)的波士頓大學分會,331日和布蘭岱斯大學(Brandeis),東北大學(Northeastern),塔芙茨大學(Tufts)合作,在該校法學院禮堂舉辦本年度峰會。
科技板塊的講者有ARM公司市場發展負責人Bill NeifertBitblock資本執行合夥人兼註冊會計師紀滄海,求職網站Monster.com前任副總裁Paul Neilson
Bill Neifert介紹自己公司和網路技術行業的發展趨勢,指出越來越多行業都在應用網路技術,也會在網路基礎上做更多的跨領域合縱連橫。紀滄海談虛擬貨幣和區塊鍊市場的職業前景。Paul Neilson提供了很多實際的求職技巧,以及職場注意事項。
Ted Chan用Care Dash來舉例分析。(張雨坤攝)
由於不少出席者提出求職問題,紀滄海建議,先進入自己感興趣的公司工作幾年,再在工作中不斷調整和尋找自己的方向Bill Neifert指出,建立關係的重要性。他舉例道,曾有一名波士頓大學學生打電話問他,在機器學習領域求職,要注意什麼,當時正好有一名招聘經理坐在他旁邊,他就把這學生的簡歷,放在近千份簡歷的最上面,讓這名招聘者馬上就看了。和許多其他應聘者相比,這學生雖然沒跑到終點,卻是憑關係,贏在起跑點。
Lena Hu的"一只火豚"有150萬粉絲。(張雨坤攝)
             媒體板塊的講者,有波士頓大學市場分析學教授Ted Chan,時尚美妝自媒體經營者Lena Hu,愛聲存娛樂(Love Survive)創辦人暨柏克萊音樂學院學生高力。
             Ted Chan談投資時如何選擇低風險公司,並以他自己投資Care Dash這病患點評醫生的平台為例,做說明。Lena Hu是波士頓大學三年級學生,她的微博帳號一只火豚,有粉絲大約150萬。她認為自媒體行業未來發展機會大。高力認為自己的公司是中美音樂人橋梁。他從建立可靠團隊一路說到如何製作刷爆社交平台的爆款文,有如給人上了一堂媒體企業入門課。
             金融板塊的講者,有Purinomia生物科技聯合創始人王喆,前摩根大通執行董事暨Block Test聯合創始人蔣紅波,波士頓大學商學院教授Greg Stoller
             在一整日的會議中,不少講者建議出席學生向專家請教,國際學生如何在美國找到工作。Greg Stoller還強調,你需要比你身邊的美國男生,女生,更聰明,更努力

Bio-IT World 2019 to Highlight the “Data-Driven” Innovations Shaping Precision Medicine

Bio-IT World 2019 to Highlight the “Data-Driven” Innovations Shaping Precision Medicine
From AI to Data Science, 3,400 Participants to Explore New Frontiers from April 16-18 in Boston

Boston, MA, March 12, 2019—From improving drug safety to diagnosing rare diseases to visualizing cancer genomics datasets, the future of precision medicine is being shaped by “data-driven” technologies and innovations such as AI, deep learning and data science. Indeed, the ability to harness, share, visualize, analyze and act on data is opening new frontiers in drug discovery and development, biomedical research and clinical and healthcare initiatives.

Today, Cambridge Healthtech Institute announced highlights of the annual Bio-IT World Conference & Expo—where more than 3,400 life sciences, pharmaceutical, clinical, healthcare and IT professionals from more than 40 countries will explore these advances together. Now in its 18th year, Bio-IT World 2019 is the premier event focused on the IT and informatics applications and enabling technologies that are pushing precision medicine ahead. The event will take place April 16-18 at the Seaport World Trade Center in Boston and will feature several distinguished plenary keynoters:

·        John Wilbanks, Chief Commons Officer, Sage Bionetworks will discuss Open Science: From Ideology to Methodology.
·        Panelists looking at AI in Practice: How New Technologies are Changing Bio-IT will include Anne E. Carpenter, Ph.D., Senior Director of the Imaging Platform, Institute Scientist, Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT; Iya Khalil, Ph.D., Chief Commercial Officer and Co-founder, GNS Healthcare; Mariana Nacht, Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer, Vivid Biosciences; and Susie Stephens, Ph.D., Senior Director, Oncology & Vaccine R&D Information Technology, Pfizer.
·      Vijay K. Bulusu, Head, Data & Digital Innovation, Pfizer, will keynote the concluding day of sessions.

“The Bio-IT World Conference & Expo has both depth and breadth of insights. Here, our community can dig deep, applying the latest research and new products to propel their work forward, or use the event to gain a wide understanding of trends and areas of opportunity, sparking new ideas and collaborations. There are exciting technologies maturing in the bio-IT space, and there’s no better place to really develop your understanding of what’s available, what’s possible, and where to go next,” said Allison Proffitt, Editorial Director, Bio-IT World, who will moderate the plenary AI panel.

Bio-IT World 2019 will feature more than 280 educational sessions in 17 tracks, including three separate AI tracks focused on Pharma & Biotech, Genomics and Healthcare. It will also feature in-depth pre-conference workshops; 1-on-1 Networking; a FAIR Data Hackathon; awards for innovation (practices and technologies) and open access; and an Exhibit Hall with more than 185 leading companies and startups.

Register online for the full conference, an Exhibit Hall and Keynote Pass (free through April 5) or a press pass. A full conference overview is available at bio-itworldexpo.com

星期日, 3月 31, 2019

徐翔音樂會 鄧泰山捧場

(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 2017年范克萊本(Van Cliburn)國際鋼琴大賽銅牌得主,鋼琴家徐翔(Daniel Hsu),三月三十日應中華表演藝術基金會之邀,首次來到紐英倫音樂學院喬登廳(Jordan Hall)舉辦鋼琴獨奏會,頻頻贏得觀眾熱情歡呼,起立鼓掌
波士頓音樂雜誌(Boston Musical Intelligencer)的音樂評論家Leon Golub,也寫了一篇名為大師風度的徐翔演出大師的音樂畫作作品,他說出生在舊金山的徐翔這場鋼琴獨奏會,既強而有力又細膩引人深思,依稀展現法國的神秘俄羅斯的圖像。他像一個充滿好奇的藝術家,內心深沉的探索渴望所賦予樂音的偉大新意義,遠遠超出了他對技術難度的驚人掌控。今晚的演奏是中華表演藝術基金會主辦一系列一流音樂會中的又一場令人讚嘆的演出
 Leon Golub 還說簡短的舒曼Traumerei安可曲,溫柔奇妙,讓我們處於一個完全舒適的夢幻狀態。真是一場華麗,令人難忘的演出。
徐翔現年21歲,目前是柯蒂斯音樂學院學生。在音樂之外,喜歡寫電腦程式他設計Workflow2015年贏得 Apple設計獎,20173月被Apple收購。今年(2019)421日,他應邀台灣中山堂,和芬蘭廣播交響樂團音樂總監與指揮Hannu Lintu,以及台北交響樂團,攜手演出柴可夫斯基第一號協奏曲(內容資料:中華表演藝術基金會提供)


星期六, 3月 30, 2019


