
星期六, 9月 16, 2023

麻州長Healey 解除暴風雨緊急狀態

(Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey) 今 (16)日中午12點左右,解除之前發佈的麻周進入暴風雨緊急狀態。

早前在 9 月 12 日至 15 日時,奚莉州長宣佈因天氣預報颶風 Lee 將帶來狂風暴雨,並造成淹水等狀況,因此宣佈麻州進入暴風雨緊急狀態。9月16日時,因氣象局已把颶風 Lee的嚴重程度降級為後熱帶暴風雨,因此宣佈解除緊急狀態。

麻州州長奚莉Maura Healey) 表示,讓人欣慰的是颶風 Lee 對麻州各地的影響很小。她很感謝公安人員在過去這星期中快速因應地方上的天氣及淹水狀況。由於數個社區的淹水及道路坍方情況嚴重,州政府相關人員將持續支援,協助地方恢復正常。她也感謝麻州人民的配合防範災害。

Governor Maura Healey Lifts Stateof Emergency 

BOSTON – Governor Maura Healey has lifted the states of emergencies she declared on September 12 and 15 related to severe weather and flooding. Hurricane Lee has been downgraded to a post tropical storm. 

“We’re relieved that the impacts of Hurricane Lee have been minimal across Massachusetts and grateful for the public safety officials who have been responding to and preparing for severe weather and flooding throughout the week,” said Governor Maura Healey. “Flooding devastated several of our communities this week and we will continue to support them as they move into the recovery phase. We thank the people of Massachusetts for their preparation and resiliency.” 
