星期日, 11月 13, 2022

G-20習拜要晤談 百人會有話說

            (Boston Orange) 美國總統拜登 (Joe Biden) 和中國國家主席習近平即將於111516日在印尼峇里島舉行的20國峰會中見面,美國的華人組織百人會趕發聲明,呼籲找出共識,減少誤解,為有利世界的解決方案努力。

            百人會會長黃征宇表示,「沒有什麼事是一次會議就可解決的,但這可以是了解每個國家在關鍵議題上的立場,並尋找共識的好開始」。 「美國和中國都面對著諸如食物供應、能源安全、氣候變遷,以及全球和平等的過渡挑戰。這2個國家必須致力減少對彼此的誤會,並努力爭取對世界有利的明確解決方案。

 Statement by Committee of 100 on the Planned Meeting Between

President Joe Biden and President Xi Jinping at the G-20 Summit
New York, NY (November 13, 2022) -- Committee of 100, a non-profit organization of prominent Chinese Americans, today released the following statement on the eve of the meeting between U.S. President Joe Biden and China President Xi Jinping at the G-20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia.
“Nothing can be completed in one meeting, but what can start is a better understanding of each country’s position on key issues and the search to find common ground,” said Zhengyu Huang, President of Committee of 100. “The U.S. and China both face transnational challenges such as food supply, energy security, climate change, and global peace. The two countries must work to reduce mutual misunderstandings and strive towards tangible solutions that benefit the world.”
