星期五, 11月 18, 2022

City of Boston Funding update



The Funding Update

Veterans Affairs, 12/30/2022

Legal Services for Veterans: up to $150,000

National Endowment for the Arts + Mid-America Arts Alliance, 1/19/2023

Creative Forces Community Engagement: $10,000 - $50,000

AmeriCorps, 2/1/202
Seniors Workforce Development: a total of $5M is available

Federal funding opportunities are continuously updated on grants.gov


EOPSS, 11/30/22
Project Safe Neighborhoods: a total of $198,248 is available

MBTA, 12/6/2022
Workforce Assessment Consultant: Fee for Service

Department of Agricultural Resources, 12/14/2022
Local Food Policy Councils: up to $20,000

MA STEM TECH Academy, 12/31/2022
Exploration Grant: up to $1.25M

Massachusetts Gaming Commission, 2/1/2023
Community Mitigation Fund: $20,000 - $5M (municipal entities only)

Scroll down to "Important Links" on CommBUYS to see Newly Posted Bids.


Office of Workforce Development/Neighborhood Jobs Trust, 12/5/2022

A Request for Proposals is issued for
1- Occupational Skills Training Programs; awards will range from $90,000-$150,000.
2- Supportive Partnerships; awards will range from $200,000-$250,000.

Bids are updated continuously on the City of Boston Supplier Portal.


Haymarket People’s Fund, 11/30/2022
Sustaining grants: up to $15,000

American Association of University Women, 12/1/2022
Community Action: $3,000 to $10,000 - education and equity for women and girls. 

Teagle Foundation, 12/1/2022
Education for American Civic Life: $100,000 - $300,000

NFL Foundation, 12/1/2022
Social Justice: $5,000 matched by eligible players  

Venturous Theater, 12/1/2022
Venturous Capital: up to $30,000

South Arts, 12/1/2022
Jazz Road Tours: up to $15,000

Nora Roberts Foundation, 12/1/2022
Literacy, children’s programs, arts, and humanitarian efforts: up to $7,500

Resist, 12/2/2022
Social Justice: up to $4,000

Paralyzed Veterans of America Education Foundation, 12/2/2022
Consumer, Caregiver, and Community Education; Professional Development and Education; Research Utilization and Dissemination; Assistive Technology; and Conferences and Symposia. $10,000 to $50,000.

Clipper Ship Foundation 12/5/2022
Concept papers requested

Mosaic, 12/9/2022
Movement Infrastructure: $50,000 - $300,000.

WITH Foundation, 12/9/2022
Healthcare for adults with developmental disabilities: $30,000 - $50,000

TD Bank + Arbor Day Foundation, 12/9/2022
Green Space: $20,000

RPM Foundation, 12/9/2022
Educational programs: $10,000

Saucony Run For Good Foundation, 12/15/2022
Running programs: up to $10,000

Air & Space Forces Association, 12/15/2022
Educator Grants: up to $500

Robert Schalkenbach Foundation, 12/16/2022
Economic and social justice: up to $10,000

New England Foundation for the Arts, 12/19/2022
Public Art Learning Fund: $500 - $2,000

Cambridge Savings Charitable Foundation, 12/31/2022
Human Services, Affordable Housing, Community Development: $1,000 - $5,000

JAMS Foundation/ACR Initiative, 1/9/2023
Conflict Resolution Education: $20,000 - $40,000

Bob Woodruff Foundation, 1/12/2023
Veterans’ health and well-being: unspecified award amounts

National Endowment for the Arts + Arts Midwest, 1/18/2023
The NEA Big Read: $5,000 - $20,000

Boston College, 1/31/2023
Dissertation Fellowship: $28,000

Bob Barker Foundation, Open
Reducing Recidivism: up to $25,000

Henry E. Niles Foundation, Open
Self=Help: up to $100,000

Check the Funding Update Archives for back issues with open deadlines.


The Human Services Cabinet of the City of Boston is sponsoring an application to the Massachusetts Gaming Commission for a grant from its Community Mitigation Fund to address the impact of Problem Gambling in Boston communities.

The City of Boston seeks to partner with a community-based organization or organizations to deliver harm reduction services that are specific to problem gambling. Contact igr[at]boston[dot] gov to receive the Request for Qualifications.


Daily Updates from the City of Boston

News, Resources, Applications, Permits, Jobs, Events and more!

The Funding Update will return on December 2, 2022.
Happy Thanksgiving!
