Maura Healey (左),Kim Driscoll(右)當選麻州正副州長。 (Boston Orange 圖片) |
Maura Healey誓言要當所有人的州長,帶麻州做出改變。(Boston Orange 圖片) |
在連任的麻州財政長Deb Goldberg,很可能當選麻州稽核長的Diana DiZoglio也都是女性的情況下,明年的麻州政府首長幾乎清一色的是女生。
目前在位,競選連任的威廉蓋文 (William Galvin) 也將打破紀錄,成為麻州在位時間最長的州務卿,打破麻州首名州務卿John Avery, Jr. 從1780年1月到1806年6月的在位26年紀錄。
Maura Healey喜悅之情,溢於言表。(Boston Orange 圖片) |
Maura Healey (右),Kim Driscoll(左)當選麻州正副州長,攜手向支持者致謝。勝選派對 出席人數太多,一度暫停的不讓更多人進場。 (Boston Orange 圖片) |
Maura Healey還說,她有特別的訊息要給每一名小女孩和每一個年輕的同性戀者。她希望這晚讓她們看到,她們可以成為任何他們想要成為的人,除了自己的想像力之外,沒有任何事或任何人可以阻擋他們。
波士頓市長吳弭(後)也是Maura Healey的支持者。(檔案照片,周菊子攝) |
人們是從8點前後陸續入場,不到9點就有政要陸續上台講話。波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) ,麻州聯邦眾議員Ayanna Pressley,聯邦眾議院副議長Katherine Clark,準副州長Kim Driscoll等人一一上台發表簡短講話。
波士頓市長吳弭(右起)和Maura Healey,Andrea Campbell,麻州聯邦眾議員 Steven Lynch 一起爭取支持者。(檔案照片,周菊子攝) |
去年競選波士頓市長,敗在吳弭手下,如今有Maura Healey支持,當選麻州總檢察長,Andrea Campbell的經歷,似乎佐證了政治這條路的曲折迂迴。
截至晚上11點34分,還只有48.4%的投票站回報了開票結果。州長選舉部分,Maura Healey 得 836,457票,得票率63.4%, Geoff Diehl得462,296票,得票率35%。總檢察長部分,民主黨籍的Andrea Campbell得票率62.5%,約811,014票,共和黨籍的James Mcmahon得票率37.5%,約495,304票。麻州州務卿部分,民主黨籍在位已逾20多年的William Galvin得票率67.6%,約894,070票,共和黨籍的Rayla Campbell得票率29.5%,約388,743票。 (更新版)
麻州州長候選人Maura Healey 在臉書上直播競選夜派對。(臉書截圖) |
Healey Makes History as First Woman Elected Governor of Massachusetts
Pledging to move Massachusetts forward together, Healey and Driscoll will meet with Gov. Baker and LG Polito Wednesday afternoon
Maura Healey visited Somerville this morning. (Photo: Boston Orange) |
Maura Healey, Ayanna Pressley and Mayor of Somerville. (Photo: Boston Orange) |
In a speech to supporters in Boston on Tuesday night, Healey touched on the importance of representation, saying: “Tonight, I want to say something to every little girl and every young LGBTQ person. I hope tonight shows you that you can be whatever you want to be. And nothing but your own imagination should ever get in the way. I want you to know that tonight, we made history!”
Her running mate, Kim Driscoll, added: “We want to bring the Get Stuff Done approach to Beacon Hill so that ALL of our hometowns have a brighter future… Today, Massachusetts voters stood proud, spoke with one, powerful, clear voice and said, ‘It’s her time.’”