星期三, 2月 17, 2021

NAPCA Launches a National COVID-19 Vaccine Resource Map and In-Language Support


NAPCA Launches a National COVID-19 Vaccine Resource Map and In-Language Support to Book Vaccination Appointments


NAPCA is excited to announce the launch of a multilingual COVID-19 Vaccine Resource Map (accessible in 10+ languages through the website's translation bar). The map and supplementary in-language resources are intended to be used in conjunction with the NAPCA multilingual Helpline for older adults and caregivers. Helpline counselors can help navigate English resources and state public health information, as well as set up vaccine appointments for eligible older adults.




Over the last year, the pandemic has disproportionately affected immigrant communities, communities of color, and older adults. By sharing accessible COVID-19 vaccine information, NAPCA can work towards a much more equitable distribution of resources and vaccines. The COVID-19 Vaccine Map and Helpline counselors exist as a unified information center for our limited English proficient (LEP) and vulnerable populations.

The COVID-19 Vaccine Map webpage covers Frequently Asked Questions and resources, includes multi-lingual fact sheets on the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines, in-language CDC information and materials, information about a post-vaccine symptom tracking app, and more.

If anyone needs help navigating the map or determining the best course of action to receive their vaccine, they’re encouraged to call the NAPCA Helpline to speak to a bilingual counselor. 


NAPCA offers assistance in the form of live, in-language Helpline counselors to support seniors and caregivers who wish to learn more about the vaccine and/or schedule a vaccination appointment in their state. Bilingual operators in English, Vietnamese, Korean, Mandarin, and Cantonese are available Monday, Wednesday and Friday between the hours of 8:30 am – 1:00 pm (PST). 

English: 1-800-336-2722

廣東話/Cantonese: 1-800-582-4218

普通话/Mandarin: 1-800-683-7427

한국어/Korean: 1-800-582-4259

Tiếng Việt/Vietnamese: 1-800-582-4336
