
Office of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention, 4/22/2019 Mentoring Opportunities for Youth grants support programs to reduce juvenile delinquency, drug abuse, victimization and high-risk behaviors such as truancy. Priority consideration will be given to projects in Qualified Opportunity Zones. Grants range from $500,000 to $1.25M.
AccessLex, 3/31/2019 The Diversity Pipeline Research Grant supports programs and initiatives aimed at helping college students and/or college graduates from historically underrepresented groups successfully matriculate into law school and the legal profession.
Fields Pond Foundation, Rolling The Foundation provides grants to nonprofit organizations in the six New England states and upper New York State. Funding priorities: enhanced public access to conservation areas; land acquisition for conservation; endowments for stewardship of conservation areas; and support for related education programs and publications as components of a land protection project.
American Psychological Foundation, 4/1/2019 Visionary Grants seed innovation through supporting research, education and intervention projects and programs that use psychology to solve social problems in APF’s priority areas: 1) Applying psychology to at-risk, vulnerable populations; 2) Preventing violence; 3) Understanding the connection between behavior and health; 4) Understanding and eliminating stigma and prejudice. Maximum grant: $20,000.
Boston Mayor's Office of Food Access, 4/5/2019 OFA has partnered with Project Bread’s Child Nutrition Outreach Program and YMCA of Greater Boston to support the Summer Food Service Program in Boston to ensure that low-income children ages 18 and under receive nutritious meals when school is not in session.
Hidden Heroes Fund, 4/5/2019 This fund is dedicated to supporting innovative programs that make a direct impact on the lives of America’s military and veteran caregivers. 2019 funding priorities: Caregiver Case Management, Employment and workplace support, Mental Health and Respite.
Hanley Family Foundation, Open Grants support qualified organizations whose primary purpose is to operate treatment programs to help individuals recover from alcoholism, drug addiction, and other forms of substance use disorder. Letters of inquiry and grant requests must be submitted online.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation, Rolling The Catalyst Fund supports community-based health care organizations to strengthen their capacity to expand access to health care in Massachusetts, with non-renewable grants up to $5,000.
U.S. Health and Human Services - FORECAST Grants from the Basic Center Program at the Administration for Children & Families provide temporary shelter and counseling services to youth who who might otherwise end up in law enforcement, child welfare, mental health, or juvenile justice systems. Monitor the grants [dot] gov webpage for the release of the funding guidelines.
JAMS Foundation and the National Association for Community Mediation, 4/2/2019 Community Mediation mini-grants for prison re-entry and re-integration focus on conflict related to employment, education, family and community involvement. Services should replicable by community mediators and also inform the development of training, evidence-based strategies, policy and research at the national level.
Amelia Peabody Foundation, 4/9/2019 Peabody grants can support existing and new programs, capital acquisitions, renovation of existing buildings and facilities, repair, maintenance and purchase of equipment. Grants range from $10,000 to $50,000
Impact Fund, 4/9/2019 Grants of up to $25,000 will be awarded to legal services nonprofits, private attorneys, and/or small law firms who seek to advance justice in the areas of civil and human rights, environmental justice, and/or poverty law. Most grants are for class actions, but multi-plaintiff and environmental justice cases that aim to significantly affect a larger system are encouraged.
The Herman and Frieda L. Miller Foundation, 4/10/2019 The Herman and Frieda L. Miller Foundation supports civic engagement, advocacy, and community organizing in Greater Boston and Eastern Massachusetts.
Mifflin Memorial Fund, 4/15/2019 Grants support human services, education, low income and minority populations; environmental or conservation organizations; cultural organizations for special purposes.
Mass Humanities, 4/15 to 5/6/2019 Scholar in Residence grants support small organizations in welcoming a scholar to research their historical collections—ultimately producing a paper, a bibliography, and a public presentation—in order to advance the organization’s historical interpretation and visibility. Maximum award: $3,500.
AARP Foundation, 4/17/2019 Community Challenge grants support improvements to housing, transportation, public space, smart cities and other community elements. Grants range from several hundred to several thousands.
Mary Kay Foundation, 4/30/2019 The Foundation’s Domestic Violence Shelter Grant Program annually awards grants of $20,000 to at least one domestic violence shelter in every state. Remaining funds are distributed based on state population. Applying organizations must offer immediate overnight housing to women and children affected by domestic violence.
Sasaki Foundation, 5/10/2019 The Foundation is committed to empowering communities by tackling the issue of inequity in design. If you have ideas on how to tackle climate adaptation, housing or transit inequities or displacement of residents, or how to foster community building, apply for a resilience design grant.
George B. Henderson Foundation, 5/10/2019 In 2019, the Designators are particularly interested in requests for support of permanent public art projects, projects focused on outdoor spaces, and historic preservation projects. Priority neighborhoods: East Boston, South Boston, Mission Hill, Allston/Brighton, Charlestown, Chinatown, Mattapan, and Roslindale.
Gladys Brooks Foundation, 5/31/2019 The Foundation was created under the will of Gladys Brooks Thayer of New York. Its purpose is to provide for the intellectual, moral and physical welfare of the people of this country by establishing and supporting non-profit libraries, educational institutions, hospitals and clinics. Grants range from $50,000 to $100,000.
Agnes M. Lindsay, Rolling The Trust supports a number of health projects; oral health, special needs, blind, deaf and learning disabled, elderly, children's homes, youth organizations, youth and family services, homeless shelters, soup kitchens, food pantries, and summer enrichment programs/camps to name a few. Nonprofit
Fidelity Foundation, Rolling The Foundation supports non-profit organizations making high impact in 1) Community and social services; 2) Museums, historical, and other cultural organizations; 3) Financial literacy for youth; 4) Educational institutions
Kresge Foundation, Rolling Local “place-based opportunity ecosystems” – comprising mutually reinforcing public and nonprofit organizations working across systems – hold enormous promise in advancing social and economic mobility in particular cities. Kresge seeks to promote collaborations across sectors and integrating service delivery, community engagement and economic development at local levels.
How to Get Artist Grants & Funding Courtesy of Artwork ArchiveeBooks, Courtesy of the Funding Information Network Subjects include nonprofit management, proposal writing, strategic planning, and fundraising.
Visit the Intergovernmental Relations Resource Page for a wide variety of research, nonprofit guidance, blogs, foundation tips and more.