星期五, 3月 01, 2019


New Letter Head Topper (Mayors Office).PNG
Snow Emergency
Friday March 1

Snow emergency parking rules will be in place beginning at 9:00 PM, on Friday, March 1, 2019.
Residents may park on the EVEN numbered side of non-emergency neighborhood streets, but should always park in driveways if available.
Parking is prohibited on all designated emergency arteries. Click here for a complete list of emergency arteries.
Residents on side streets posted permanently as one-side parking should park on the side always allowed.
Cars parked in violation of emergency rules or that impede snow plowing operations pose a public safety risk, and WILL BE TOWED. Regardless of parking rules, vehicles determined to be in obstruction of snow removal or emergency vehicles are subject to towing if not moved.
For updates and emergency notices, please tune to Quincy Access Television; follow the City of Quincy's Facebook page or via Twitter @CityofQuincy.
