
星期六, 12月 08, 2018

MIT-CEO 駐波XLightelligence AI 深度對話 (圖片)

MIT-CEO組織者管越(後右一),韓烜(後左一),Lightelligence 的兩名創辦人沈亦晨(前左三),孟懷宇(前右三)和部分出席者合影。(周菊子攝)


曾入選富比士"30 Under 30"的沈亦晨,暢談公司創辦緣起。(周菊子攝)

【CEO炉边谈话|05】驻波X Lightelligence AI 深度对话
MIT CEO 联合驻波将于12月7号晚间6-8点在MT 举办一次围绕人工智能的深度对话。此次我们有幸邀请到了明星初创公司Lightelligence 的两位联合创始人:沈亦晨博士以及孟怀宇博士。Lightelligence 是一家利用光子代替电子进行深度学习计算的芯片初创公司。此次对话将会围绕人工智能,分享AI 芯片创业的心得与收获,分析现状,探究未来。机会难得,名额有限(20人),欢迎大波士顿地区对人工智能,半导体芯片感兴趣的朋友们参加!

MIT CEO & Zhubo will together hold a closed-door fireside chat about AI on Friday, Dec. 7th, 6pm - 8pm. Two of the co-founders of the very well-known Boston local startup Lightelligence: Dr. Yichen Shen and Dr. Huaiyu Meng will be our guest speakers. At this event they will cover topics related with Artificial Intelligence, and the emerging domain of AI semiconductor & chips, and analyze the current situation and share their future perspectives. We sincerely welcome students, professionals, faculties and VCs who have strong interest and/or work in this domain to join us. Because space is limited (only 20 slots available), only individuals with relevant background will invited to attend.
