
星期三, 9月 12, 2018

麻州眾議員黃子安競選連任 麻州長站台支持

貝克(Charlie Bkaer)合影。(黃子安提供)
麻州眾議員黃子安(Donald Wong)於9月7日在他家族的九龍餐廳舉辦競選連任籌款會。他那高齡91歲的母親也親自出席支持。他說,是他的父母教會他要回饋社區。他競選連任,就是要為大家,以及下一代努力。作為一名兒子,丈夫,父親,祖父,他都很幸運,從這四個角色,他學到很多書本上學不到的東西。他也從政府工作,經商,以及扶養家庭中,學到很多,尤其是扶養家庭,要顧到醫療保險,貸款,稅,學費,就業,為家人安排時間各方面事務。
這天的籌款餐會有很多發言者,其中最特別的是麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)。

Friday, September 7, 2018
My re-election fundraiser
I would love to thank everyone for coming and making this re-election fundraiser such a success. We had some great speakers. 
But the most important persons were my Mother who is 91 years old and my wife. My parents are the ones that has taught me to give back to the community. 
Today, I’m running for re-election for all of us and future generations. 
I’m fortunate to be a son, husband, father, and grandfather. I have learned a lot about life from those four positions, that you can’t learn from books.
Being in government, business, and raising a family has taught me so much. Especially raising a family; Health Care, Morgage’s, Taxes, Tuitions, Work, and scheduling your time for family.
We need a person, who is not in government for themselves but for the quality of life of people in this Commonwealth.
I humbly ask for your vote in November。(all pictures are provided by Donald Wong)
