
星期五, 9月 21, 2018


2018 Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL) is Now Accepting Applications!

The Education Division of the Taipei Economic and Culture Office (TECO) in Boston will administer the 2018 Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL) and Children Chinese Competency Certification (CCCC) on Sunday, October 28, 2018, 2:00-4:00 pm, at the Lexington Chinese School (221 Concord Ave.,Belmont, MA 02478) and on Sunday, November 4, 2018, 11:30 am-1:30 pm, at the Tzu Chi Academy Boston (9 Mudge Way, Bedford,MA 01730).
The TOCFL is intended for those that wish to measure their Chinese proficiency and is available in both traditional and simplified character versions. Since 2014, the levels of the TOCFL have been reformed in order to correspond to the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment). The new version of the TOCFL has three proficiency bands: Band A, Band B, and Band C. Each of the bands has two levels.
According to the AP Course Description, “Course work provides students with opportunities to perform Intermediate to Advanced level tasks, and students are expected to achieve proficiencies throughout, and sometimes beyond, the Intermediate range as described in the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Proficiency Guidelines.” Therefore, if students want to pass the AP test, they have to reach the intermediate level of the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines, which corresponds to level 3 of the TOCFL. The students could take the TOCFL as a practice test for AP test preparation.TOCFL is designed for non-native speakers of Chinese. Those who wish to know about their level of Chinese proficiency, or those who want to study, work or do business in Chinese speaking countries are welcome to take the test.

Examinees who pass the test will receive a Chinese Proficiency Certificate as a credential for the following:
       Eligibility for the “Taiwan Scholarship” and “Ministry of Education Huayu Enrichment Scholarship” for government sponsored studying in Taiwan.
       Qualification for admission to academic programs at colleges or universities in Taiwan.
       Proof of Chinese language proficiency for individuals who wish to obtain Chinese-inclusive, bilingual employment globally.
       Incentive for those who are interested in learning Chinese.
Registration is accepted from now to October 1, 2018. Please register at the website: https://usa.sc-top.org.tw/usa/ .  In order to complete the registration process, please print out the registration form and mail it along with the registration fee to Education Division, TECO in Boston (99 Summer Street, Suite 801, Boston, MA 02110 ) before 10/08/2018. The registration will be cancelled if the examinees fail to submit the registration fee before 10/08/2018 .

Required documents and fee are as follows.
1. Confirmation form
2. Registration fee: Check only ( payable to: Education Division, TECO in Boston)
Traditional Character: $30 USD
Simplified Character:  $40 USD

Please direct all questions to the Education Division of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Boston at 1-617-737-2055 or  boston@mail.moe.gov.tw

 駐波士頓辦事處教育組 2018-09-17


   有鑒於全世界學習中文者日眾,為協助學習者有效了解及評估學習效果,中華民國教育部特別成立「國家華語測驗推動工作委員會」,由該會聘請華語教學及測驗專家依據嚴格標準程序專為母語非華語之人士研發「華語文能力測驗(Test of Chines as a Foreign Language,簡稱TOCFL)」及兒童華語文能力測驗 (Children Chinese Competency Certification,簡稱 CCCC), 以提供華語文能力標準化測驗工具,考試合格者將獲中華民國教育部頒發之及格證書,依據我國相關法令規定,華語文能力測驗可以持憑申請臺灣獎學金、華語文獎學金,做為僑生海外聯招一般免試地區中文成績證明、臺灣各大學校院招收外籍學生之入學或畢業門檻,也可以做為僑外生留臺工作評點積分及職場上語言能力的證明。

   波士頓臺北經濟文化辦事處教育組訂於 20181028下午兩點至四點,麻州勒星頓中文學校  (Lexington Chinese School, 221 Concord Ave.,Belmont, MA 02478) 2018114上午 11:30 至下午1:30波士頓慈濟人文學校(Tzu Chi Academy Boston, 9 Mudge Way,Bedford,MA 01730)舉辦2018華語文能力測驗 (TOCFL)及兒童華語文能力測驗 (CCCC)

  華語文能力測驗 (TOCFL)共分為三等六級。三等分別為入門基礎級(Band A)、進階高階級(Band B)及流利精通級(Band C),而每一等又可再依據測驗成績細分為兩級,分別為入門級( level 1)、基礎級(level 2) 、進階級(level 3)、高階級(level 4)、流利級(level 5)和精通級(level 6),共六級。兒童華語文能力測驗

華測會研發的華語文能力測驗是一個可以精準對應美國外語教學學會(American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages., 簡稱ACTFL)及歐洲語文共同參考架構(Common European Framework of Reference CEFR)的測驗,而且採用國際上大型測驗,如TOEFL等,一樣的標準設定專業技術,可以更準確地對考生的真實語文能力進行切合實際的評估。通過測驗者將獲頒華語文能力證明書,可做為申請「臺灣獎學金」與「教育部華語獎學金」等語文能力證明用途,具有就學及就業優勢。亦可以做為中文AP考試的模擬測驗。歡迎波士頓地區想瞭解自己華語文能力者踴躍報名參加!

  波士頓地區華語能力測驗報名費為40元,為推廣正體字,報考正體字版本的考生可享優惠價30元。報名日期自即日起至101請至線上註冊報名: https://usa.sc-top.org.tw/usa/ 並列印出報名表,請於2018108日前將報名表及報名費支票(支票抬頭為Education Division, TECO in Boston)郵寄至駐波士頓臺北經濟文化辦事處教育組:99 Summer Street, Suite 801 Boston, MA 02110 U.S.A.


 駐波士頓辦事處教育組 Education Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Boston
   電話 TEL
+1-617-737 2055
傳真 FAX
+1-617-951 1312
電子信箱 Email
99 Summer Street, Suite 801 Boston, MA 02110 U.S.A.
