Joslin Diabetes Center Launches The Lawrence and Evelyn Wing Family Lectureship Series
Inaugural lecture by Maria Rosario (Happy) G. Araneta, Ph.D., on type 2 diabetes among Asian Americans
The lectureship series was established in memory of Lawrence “Larry” and Evelyn Wing, founders of the AADI and key members of the Joslin family for more than 40 years. Larry was a Joslin patient as well as a member of Joslin’s Board of Directors for many years and Evelyn was a fixture at the AADI’s signature fundraising event, “A Taste of Ginger.” Their children hope that the establishment of the series will enable the memory and legacy of their parents to live on and continue to help the AADI grow and flourish.
The series’ inaugural lecture, The “Skinny” on Type 2 Diabetes among Asian-Americans: Revised screening guidelines and the UCSD Filipino Health Study, will be presented on Wednesday, March 1, 2017 by Maria Rosario (Happy) G. Araneta, Ph.D., Professor of Epidemiology in the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health at the University of California San Diego, Division of Epidemiology.
Dr. Araneta co-authored the American Diabetes Association (ADA) position statement, along with Dr. William Hsu, Medical Director of the Asian Clinic at Joslin Diabetes Center, to revise diabetes screening guidelines among Asian Americans and was appointed to the NIH Advisory Council for the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities. She also serves as principal investigator of the UCSD Filipino Health Study, the oldest and largest clinical study of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and osteoporosis among Filipino men and women.
“The Wing family has supported Joslin's initiatives to improve diabetes care in the Asian-American community for more than 40 years which is especially important as diabetes is occurring at a much higher rate in that population compared to others,” said Dr. George King, Chief Scientific Officer at Joslin. “Dr. Aranata, who will give the inaugural lecture, is a national leader in the area of health and diabetes among Asian-Americans and, along with Joslin researchers, is spearheading a national awareness campaign to screen for diabetes in the Asian-American communities at a lower body mass index.”
Dr. Araneta’s lecture will take place on Wednesday, March 1, 2017 at 12:00pm in the third floor lecture hall at Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston.