Thousands Participated in
AARP Virtual Reality Tour Powered by Google
at San Francisco’s Chinese New Year Festival and Parade
SAN FRANCISCO, February 13, 2017 – This weekend, at the Chinese New Year Festival and Parade in San Francisco, the highlight of the AARP Block Party was AARP’s new virtual reality experience powered by Google.
Thousands of Chinese New Year Festival and Parade attendees had the opportunity to try out the experience, which was designed to make attendees feel like they, themselves, were in the middle of a traditional lion dance. This is the first time AARP has partnered with Google to provide such a unique virtual reality experience. Participants were able to demo an exciting virtual reality experience and take home a free AARP-branded Google Cardboard device.
Also, AARP built a large “Commitment Wall” where participants wrote their thoughts on what they wished the Year of the Rooster would bring, and had the opportunity to spin a prize wheel, for a chance to win various prizes, including a special AARP Year of the Rooster fan.
“AARP is thrilled to be part of the community and take an innovative approach to the Chinese New Year Festival and Parade in San Francisco by bringing ‘possibilities’ to attendees and our members,” said Daphne Kwok, AARP Vice President of Multicultural Leadership, Asian American and Pacific Islander Audience Strategy. “We are also excited to have teamed-up with Google to bring a new virtual experience to thousands. AARP is eager to continue to work with innovators to bring new technology to the 50-plus community in the Bay Area.”
The event spanned over two days and brought in nearly 200,000 celebrators from around the world.
The San Francisco Chinese New Year Festival and Parade is held annually in San Francisco and is directed by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. The first festival took place in 1858, along what is today Grant Avenue and Kearny Street. It is the oldest and largest celebration of Asian culture outside of Asia.
【加州三藩市訊, 2017年2月13日】這個周末,AARP除了參加三藩市農曆新春花車大遊行,還額外舉辦了一個園遊會與民眾共同慶祝雞年的來臨。當天眾多活動紛呈,特別是谷歌公司3D技術支援的AARP全新虛擬實境體驗,更大受民眾歡迎。
“AARP很榮幸能夠成為亞裔社區的一分子,我們並將創新思維帶進三藩市農曆新春花車大遊行之中,為所有遊客及我們的會員呈現‘無限可能’。” AARP多元文化引領亞太裔受眾副總裁Daphne Kwok(郭為婉)說:“另外,我們也非常高興與谷歌公司合作為數千人帶來全新的虛擬體驗。AARP致力與創新行業的佼佼者合作,為灣區50歲以上的民眾帶來更多新技術。”
三藩市農曆新春花車大遊行慶典跨越兩天,合共吸引了來自世界各地 200,000民眾前來同慶。
三藩市農曆新春花車大遊行年年舉辦,從不間斷。主辦單位三藩市中華總商會於1858年在都板街(Grant Avenue)及乾尼街(Kearny Street)推出第一次遊行以來,經過多年發展,目前已演變成為亞洲地區以外最古老、最大型的亞裔文化慶典。