QMAAAC Update – Feb 2017/ Quincy Mayor's Asian American Advisory Committee
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1. Changes in the QMAAAC:
Entering the New Year, the Committee will adopt some new policies. A short survey conducted resulted in an agreement to continue producing the Eye on Quincy TV Show on QATV. The Show not only provides updated information on Quincy happenings, it also gives us, producers a chance to get closer to the community pluse. We certainly played a role in bridging gaps between Asians and non-Asians through the TV Shows, the monthly luncheon with some community activists, the annual Cleaner Greener Quincy event, many lunar new year activities and the August Moon Festival of the QARI's ... etc. We are working on expanding volunteer opportunities to reach out to the wider scope of community groups. We are looking for intern(s). Any person interested, please contact Betty Yau at byau@quincyma.gov. Bilingual is preferred but not necessary. Being social media savvy is always helpful.
2. The Chinese/ English bilingual Quincy Service Handbook 2017
This popular publication has been updated recently.
To request hard copies, please contact Betty Yau at byau@quincyma.gov
Digital copy is avaliable on-line on http://www.quincyasian.org
3. "The Eye on Quincy TV Show"
The Show is as strong as ever. Come join us to learn about basics of studio production and/or to watch us on QATV.
(live broadcast on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of every month at 7pm on QATV, except holidays)
The next live broadcast is scheduled to March 6, 2017 on QATV-8 at 7pm.
For more INFO: http://www.quincyasian.org or on facebook: Eye on Quincy.
4. Recent Quincy News Headlines:
on Quincy Sun: http://www.theQuincySun.com & on the City’s Web: http://www.quincyma.gov
* Mother, Grandson Victims of Houghs Neck Fire
* Mother, Grandson Victims of Houghs Neck Fire
* Cajun Seafood Restaurant To Open In Quincy Center
* Welcome to the New City of Quincy website
* Presidents Day Winter Festival (Mon., 2/20/2017, 4p - 7p at Hancock Adams Green, City Hall)
5. The "Quincy Monthly Luncheon"
The “Quincy Monthly Luncheon” is a self-pay luncheon which was started in Quincy by a group of Asian community workers in the early 1990s. "New comers" are welcome to join this informal social gathering. To request an evite to the luncheon to meet new and old friends, feel free to write an email to Betty Yau at Kfyau@aol.com or byau@quincyma.gov
6. The 29th Annual Lunar New Year Event organized by QARI, Quincy Asian Resources, Inc. (2/12/2017)
We were there. It was another year of success. Congratulations!
Until next time.
Respectfully submitted,
Betty Yau, (member)
co-writer: Tom Fabrizio of the City of Quincy
on behalf of
co-writer: Tom Fabrizio of the City of Quincy
on behalf of
Fire Inspector Jimmy Wong (co-chair)
Mayor's Asian American Advisory Committee
(producer of the "Eye on Quincy" TV Show:)
to help create a unified community environment.
to provide a bridge between the City and the Asian American residents
Who we are:
We are a dedicated volunteer group. Many of us are Chinese Americans and long time Quincy residents. Our enthusiasm on community matters makes us realize that civil responsibilities are as equally important as civil rights.
facebook: eye on quincy
facebook: eye on quincy