星期五, 2月 17, 2017

張藝謀新片"長城" 2/17 全美上映

大導演張藝謀最新鉅獻“長城”2 月 17 日全美上映 由 巨星 馬特戴蒙、 令人矚目 的女星 景甜、 和 華裔超級巨星 共同 領銜主演 古裝 奇幻歷險大片

由傳奇娛樂和環球電影公司共同出品的鉅製“長城”(THE GREAT WALL)訂明天 2 月 17 日 在美國上映。這部由著名中國導演張藝謀(“大紅燈籠高高掛”、“英雄”、“十面埋伏”)執 導的古裝奇幻歷險大片是他的第一部英語作品,也是有史以來完全在中國境內拍攝的最大 型電影。

“長城”講述的是一支精英隊伍在全世界最具代表性的建築物上,為保護人類生存進行最 後決戰的故事。這個故事以古老中國的奇幻世界為背景,在這個世界裡,修築長城的目的 是為了防禦名叫饕餮,生性兇殘,狼吞虎嚥的怪獸。

奧斯卡金像獎得主馬特戴蒙(Matt Damon)在片中飾演身經百戰的僱傭兵和射箭高手威 廉加林(William Garin),被由精銳戰士組成的秘密部隊無影禁軍俘虜。在一望無際的軍 事要塞 Fortress City 中,他們為保護全人類,在史上最偉大的防禦建築萬里長城上與超自 然能力決一死戰。在這場戰役中,威廉加林還得到由佩德羅帕斯卡(Pedro Pascal) (Netflix “Narcos”、HBO “權力遊戲”(Game of Thrones))飾演,聰明過人的西班牙硬漢 和劍術高手 Pero Tovar 的鼎力相助,並成為他倚重的左右手;和兩度得到奧斯卡提名的威 廉達佛(Willem Dafoe)(“野戰排“(Platoon)、”我和殭屍有約”(Shadow of the Vampire)、“布達佩斯大飯店“(The Grand Budapest Hotel))飾演的陰險罪犯巴拉德 (Ballard)。長期被囚禁在城堡中的巴拉德不但密謀逃亡,而且策劃在逃亡過程中盜取戰 士最精密的武器。

張藝謀為了拍攝“長城”,召集了東西方電影界最堅強的演員和攝影陣容,以少見的環球聯 手製作方式,創造出規模難得一見,不容錯過的空前鉅製。

華裔超級巨星的陣容包括香港紅星劉德華(“十面埋伏”、“暗戰”、“無間道”)。他再次與 張藝謀導演合作,在“長城”中飾演術士王軍師,是常駐城堡的科學家兼歷史學家。林更新 (”步步驚心“、“智取威虎山”)飾演鷹軍將領陳將軍。台裔加拿大籍演員彭于晏(“戀 香”、“黃飛鴻之英雄有夢”)飾演虎軍將領吳將軍。黃軒(“激浪青春”、“黃金時代”)飾演 騎兵隊將領鄧將軍。鄭愷(中國紅火電視綜藝節目“奔跑吧兄弟”主持人)飾演王軍師的特 使沈大人。陳學冬(“小時代 1.0”三部曲)飾演御林軍軍官。

“長城”堅強的演員陣容還包括兩位中國流行音樂巨星 – 鹿晗(EXO 男團)飾演士兵彭 勇。他是熊軍將領邵將軍的部下,必須在怪獸入侵時克服恐懼,奮力掙扎,證明自己的勇 氣。“長城”也是王俊凱(中國男團 TFBOYS 主唱)的第一次職業性演出,他在片中飾演 少年皇帝宋仁宗,在 17 歲的年紀就必須面對空前考驗。

“長城”將在 3D 和 IMAX 銀幕放映,也將在 2D 影院上映。  

Zhang Yimou’s THE GREAT WALL Opens in the U.S. on February 17
Epic Fantasy-Adventure Stars Matt Damon, Breakout Actress Jing Tian and a Superstar Chinese Cast

Legendary and Universal Pictures release THE GREAT WALL in U.S. theatres, tomorrow, Feb. 17. The epic fantasy-adventure from acclaimed Chinese director Zhang Yimou (“Raise the Red Lantern,” “Hero,” “House of Flying Daggers”) is his first English-language production, and the largest film ever shot entirely in China.

THE GREAT WALL is the story of an elite force making a last stand for humanity on the world’s most iconic structure. The movie takes place in a fantasy vision of ancient China, in which The Wall was created to defend against ravenous predatory creatures called Tao Tei.  In the film, Academy Award® winner Matt Damon stars as William Garin, a battle-scarred mercenary and master archer taken captive by a secret army of elite warriors known as The Nameless Order.  In a vast military outpost called the Fortress City, they fight to protect humanity from supernatural forces upon one of the greatest defensive structures ever built: The Great Wall.  On his journey, Garin is joined by Pedro Pascal (Netflix’s “Narcos,” HBO’s “Game of Thrones”) as his sword-wielding sidekick, Pero Tovar, a tough, wise-cracking Spaniard who has become a brother-in-arms to William; and two-time Oscar®-nominee Willem Dafoe (“Platoon,” “Shadow of the Vampire,” “The Grand Budapest Hotel”) as Ballard, a shadowy prisoner inside the fortress who plans his escape from his longtime captors while hoping to pilfer their greatest weapon during his getaway.

To create THE GREAT WALL, Yimou assembled a formidable cast and filmmaking team that represents the best of East and West in a unique global production that delivers unmissable spectacle on the grandest scale. 

The superstar Chinese cast includes renowned Hong Kong actor Andy Lau (“House of Flying Daggers,” “Running Out of Time,” “Internal Affairs”), who reunites with director Yimou as Strategist Wang, the fortress’ resident scientist and historian; Lin Gengxin (“Bubu Jingxin,” “The Taking of Tiger Mountain”) as Commander Chen,  the leader of the Eagle Corps; Taiwanese-Canadian actor Eddie Peng Yu-Yen (“Scent of Love,” “Rise of the Legend”) as Commander Wu, who leads the Tiger Corps; Xuan Huang (“Breaking the Waves,” “The Golden Era”) as Commander Deng, leader of the fortress’ cavalry; Zheng Kai (China’s TV hit “Running Mann”) as Shen, Strategist Wang’s imperial liaison; and Chen Xuedong (the “Tiny Times 1.0” trilogy) as one of the fortress’ Imperial Guards.

THE GREAT WALL also welcomes to its cast a pair of China’s pop-music sensations—Lu Han (the band EXO) as Peng Yong, a soldier struggling under the command of the Bear Corps’ Gen. Shao, who must overcome his fear and prove himself heroic during the creature onslaught; and Junkai Wang (frontman for China’s TFBOYS), who makes his professional acting debut as The Emperor, the 17-year-old royal ruler tested before his time. 

THE GREAT WALL will show on 3D and IMAX screens, as well as 2D theaters.
