星期六, 2月 25, 2017


(Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)波士頓交通局(BTD)224日宣佈,將採取措施改善波士頓交通繁忙的華埠街道安全。

波士頓交通局將在未來數個月內和亞美社區發展協會(ACDC),波士頓主街,華埠安全委員會,華埠居民會,以及華埠社區議會(Chinatown Neighborhood Council)合作這一行動,並將採納華埠暑期青年領袖項目學生們的意見。

波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)表示,華埠是個活躍社區,街道安全對居民及地方商家,遊客,通勤者都很重要。他感謝華埠社區對華埠一帶街道安全的特定需求提供看法,希望能和居民們持續合作,為華埠街道營造最佳狀況。

截至224日止,波士頓交通局已在尼倫街(Kneeland)和華盛頓街(Washington),以及大西洋道(Atlantic Ave.)等的6個交口,完成了改善安全措施,包括在相關人行道路口安裝的不要阻擋告示,重新油漆了所有的十字路口,延長了行人過馬路的路燈時間,重新設定了尼倫街交通號誌的時間,以改善車流。重新安置了泰勒街(Tyler)和乞臣街(Hudson)上的停車計時收費錶,以期能見度更高。增設了兩個紅燈不准轉彎的號誌,以因應十字路口上駕車者和行人之間的衝突。



City of Boston to partner with the Asian Community Development Corporation and Chinatown Main Streets to improve safety 

BOSTON - Friday, February 24, 2017 - The Boston Transportation Department (BTD) today announced measures to improve safety on local streets in Boston's bustling Chinatown neighborhood, as well as additional enhancements planned for the coming months. The work is being accomplished in partnership with the Asian Community Development Corporation, Chinatown Main Streets, Chinatown Safety Committee, Chinatown Residents Association and Chinatown Neighborhood Council, with input from Chinatown Summer Youth Leadership students.

"Chinatown is a vibrant community and it is vital the neighborhood's streets are both safe and functional for residents, local businesses, daily commuters, tourists and visitors," said Mayor Martin J. Walsh. "I'd like to thank the Chinatown community for partnering with us and providing insight into the specific transportation needs of their neighborhood. We look forward to continuing to work with residents to create the best street conditions in Chinatown."

To date, BTD has completed the following improvements at six signalized intersections on Kneeland Street between Washington Street and Atlantic Avenue:
  • "Do Not Block" Intersections signs posted and new related pavement markings installed.
  • All crosswalks repainted.
  • Pedestrian crossing times increased.
  • Traffic signals retimed to improve traffic flow on Kneeland Street.
  • Parking meters between Tyler and Hudson Streets relocated to allow for better visibility.
  • Two "No Turn on Red" signs added to address conflicts between turning drivers and pedestrians in the crosswalk.
BTD crews have also repainted all crosswalks at the following nearby intersections in the neighborhood:
  • Tyler Street and Beach Street
  • Hudson Street and Beach Street
  • Harrison Avenue and Beach Street
  • Harrison Avenue and Essex Street
  • Essex Street and Chauncey Street
"The modifications made at these intersections will work to reduce congestion, increase sight distance and enrich the travel environment for all users of the roadway along Kneeland Street and throughout Chinatown," said Boston Transportation Commissioner Gina N. Fiandaca.  "BTD will continue to monitor safety and movement on local streets in the neighborhood and make adjustments as necessary."

Plans are also underway to repaint pavement markings this upcoming construction season on Kneeland Street, from Washington Street to Atlantic Avenue.
