
星期一, 2月 19, 2024

耶路薩冷暈眩舞團再訪波士頓 4月5、6兩日搬演"和平"

            (Boston Orange 編譯) 著名的耶路薩冷 (Jerusalem)暈眩舞蹈團 (Vertigo Dance Company) 闊別波士頓5年後,將於456兩日,帶著該團2022年作品 “MAKOM”,回到波士頓,在Boch Center Shubert劇院演出。

            “MAKOM”是藝術總監兼編舞家 Noa Wertheim創作,晚間演出長度的作品。



            Rina Wertheim-Koren共同編導的這場舞,還有Etai Peri, Sian Olles等其他9名舞者。 :MOAKOM”的原創音樂由Ran Bagno創作。

            波士頓名人系列董事長暨執行主任Gary Dunning表示,從2016年第一次在波士頓表演後,暈眩舞團這次再回到波士頓,讓人十分期待。

            “MAKOM”將於 4 5 日星期五和 4 6 日星期六在Boch中心舒伯特劇院演出,兩場演出均在晚上 8 點舉行。票價為 35-75 美元,購票上網 celebrityseries.org

              44 (週四)下午,Noa Wertheim將和團員到位於碧肯丘,18 Phillips Street 波士頓猶太文化中心Vilna Shul演講並示範表演。

星期日, 2月 18, 2024

NH 州歷史農舍免費 買家得自己搬走房子

                (Boston Orange 編譯) 新罕布夏州 (NH) Rye鎮一棟還保有原始松木地板、農舍,鐵模、凸起鑲版,座落在大西洋岸風景點上,有200多年歷史的農舍,只要你願意自費把這農舍從土地上搬走,就可以免費拿。


               鎮議員Bob McGrath表示,他們希望有人把這農舍買走,並在另外一個地方重組起來。鎮上有許多人在努力,想要確保這農舍不會很浪費的被拆毀。

               Rye鎮上年已78歲的歷史學者Alex Herlihy說,使得每一棟這種房屋成為我們傳統中的重要部分的原因是它的梁柱建造架構容許輕易拆卸、組裝。過去200年來建造的房子,幾乎都不能這麼做。

               緬因州Berwick的木材保護農夫 (Preservation Timber Framers)估計,拆卸及運送這棟農舍到其他地方的費用,大約要1520萬元。這估價還不包括重新組裝房屋,以及搬走後要放這房屋的土地費用

               Rye鎮上的人都擔心,越來越多人買物業,只為了那塊地。Rye鎮占了幾乎一半,新罕布夏州的海岸線,空土地越來越稀有。現年61歲,在Rye鎮上已住了16年的Bob McGrath表示,土地已經變得比蓋在土地上的房屋值錢了。


               週五早上,有3名潛在買家參觀了這棟房子。由於越來越多鎮民加入支持保護歷史物業,Alex Herlihy希望這事有個圓滿結局。

麻州10家Big Y 超市發現卡片盜刷器 顧客資訊可能被偷

                (Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州超市再次出現消費者信用卡資訊被偷事件。Big Y超市稱,麻州有10Big Y超市發生讀卡機偷取消費者信用卡資訊情況。

               1219日至112日之間,有10個地點的Big Y發現了一個讀卡機上有偷盜信用卡資訊設備。這些地點分別是春田市 (Springfield) St. James AvenueChicopee Big Y ExpressNorthamptonWareSouthbridgeWorcesterMilfordWilbraham Big Y Express Ludlow,以及在Westfield東銀街 (East Silver Street)

               Big Y發佈聲明表示,一旦獲悉有任何特定顧客資訊被偷,將立即通知顧客,並提供額外資訊,以便顧客可以採取保護自己的步驟。


               Big Y聲明稱,已檢查該公司所有的讀卡機,並和警察合作調查,請顧客們檢視各自的銀行卡、信用卡帳單是否有異常活動,發現不妥,應立即連繫銀行及信用卡公司。

               Big Y顧客若有疑問,或憂慮,可在週一至週五的早上8點至下午4點半之間,撥打1-800-828-2688

               過去幾個越來,麻州有其他幾個地方超市也發現過信用卡盜刷器 (skimmer),包括聖誕節期間在5個麻州市鎮的羅氏兄弟(Roche Brothers)”超市,以及12月初時,雀喜市(Chelsea) 警察警告民眾,在一家市場籃子(Market Basket)"發現盜刷器。去年11月時,在新罕布夏州Concord,麻州Reading、尚莫維爾(Somerville)Haverhill等地的Market Basket,以及新罕布夏州ConcordWalmart都發現過盜刷器。

去年 11 月,新罕布夏州康科德市、雷丁市、薩默維爾市和黑弗里爾市的 Market Basket 門市以及新罕布夏州康科德市的一家沃爾瑪也發現了撇渣器設備。

李孟潔、Riva Chan將接任波士頓台灣世衛協進會會長

波士頓台灣世衛協進會新會長,Riva Chan (左)、李孟潔 (右)。
                 (Boston Orange周菊子報導) 波士頓台灣世衛協進會 (TAGHB) 新年新氣象,216日在2024年第一次理事會中推舉出李孟潔、Riva Chan 接任會長,任期2年,並訂323日下午,在屋本市 (Woburn)舉行會長交接儀式。

波士頓台灣世衛協進會 (TAGHB)召開2024第一次理事會,由會長林思妤(上左二)

               兩名新任會長,李孟潔是牙醫師,即將卸任波克萊台灣商會會長一職,Riva Chan是精算師,曾任成功大學校友會會長,近年來2人都積極參與社區活動。

               Riva Chan表示,新年度由她和李孟潔來當共會長,主要原因是希望兩人互補有無,分擔責任,增加力量。



TAGHB目前暫定每季或每三個月一次的開會,聯絡感情。三月舉辦會長交接,新春聚餐活動後,將陸續舉辦科普獎座,醫療健診,支持捐血,郊遊烤肉,參與素食,學打匹克球 (Pickleball),以及年終感恩聚餐等活動。




               聯繫該會,可發電郵到 TAGHB.MA@gmail.com

星期五, 2月 16, 2024


 (Boston Orange 摘譯) 波士頓市長吳弭 ( Michelle Wu)Vertex製藥執行長Reshma Kewalramani博士,以及其他的業界領袖一起,15日宣佈,推動生命科學人力計畫,撥款470萬元培訓、安插波士頓市居民進入生命科學領域工作,並期盼到2025年時,可聘用1000名人。

            吳弭市長還宣佈,波士頓市和麻州生物科技協會 (MassBio),以及年上 (YearUp)這兩個培訓機構合作,研擬培訓計畫,促使大波士頓生命科學企業擬訂更具包容性的聘用及招募人才計畫。她也大略說明,這筆經費將在多方合作下,把410名波士頓居民帶進生命科學業。

            和吳弭市長,Vertex製藥執行長Reshma Kewalramani博士一起出席宣佈會的還有麻州生物科技協會執行長Kendalle Burlin O’Connell,年上創辦人暨資深顧問 Gerald Chertavian,麻州生命科學中心主任 Jeanne LeClair,邦克丘 (Bunker Hill) 社區學院校長余慕潔 (Pam Eddinger) LabCentral Ignite主任Gretchen Cook-Anderson麻州醫藥健康科學學院(Mass College of Pharmaceutical Health Sciences) 8週證書培訓項目的第一個生物科技職業基金會學生 Josiah Wade-Green

            補助款來自美國援救計劃法 (ARPA),鄰里工作信託 (NJT), 以及波士頓市2024會計年度營運預算。

           七個獲得補助款的機構有BioversityMCPHS,邦克丘社區學院,麻州Brigham 總醫院(Mass General Brigham)、只是個開始 (Just-A-Start)、昆士學院, (Quincy College) 生物處理集團 (Bioprocessing Group),法蘭克林Cummings科技研究院,洛士百利社區學院(Roxbury Community College)NuSq 生命科學訓練中心,麻州生物科技教育基金會 (MassBioEd)


Healey-Driscoll Administration Releases First-Ever Environmental Justice Strategy for Massachusetts

New Strategy will Integrate Environmental Justice Principles into Policies, Programs, and Practices

BOSTON – As the Healey-Driscoll Administration works toward positive and proactive solutions to combat climate change, the Executive Office of Energy of Environmental Affairs (EEA) unveiled Massachusetts’ first-ever Environmental Justice (EJ) Strategy today to ensure an equitable and just transition for all residents. The strategy is a roadmap that will embed environmental justice and equity into the work of EEA and its agencies when planning and implementing programs and policies under its purview. The EJ Strategy includes universal themes across all agencies and offices under EEA, such as meaningful community engagement, analysis of project benefits and burdens, language access plans, staff training, and metrics and tracking. It also includes each agency’s plan to embed environmental justice that is tailored to its mission.  

A critical component of the EJ Strategy was a public process that incorporated comments, input, and feedback from residents across Massachusetts. Recognizing the importance of continued engagement with environmental justice communities, community-based organizations, and municipalities, EEA will revisit and update the EJ Strategy every three years. Starting in December 2024, the EJ Office will also release an annual progress report. 

“We are addressing systemic environmental injustice by incorporating practices based on equity and inclusion into our everyday work. This strategy is a significant step in identifying concrete ways to increase public participation and ensure the voices of marginalized communities are at the table,” said Governor Maura Healey. “Environmental justice is at the heart of our climate efforts. Our administration is committed to securing clean air and water for every resident and ensuring the benefits of our clean energy transition are distributed in an equitable way.”  

“A just transition requires strong, transparent partnerships with municipalities and environmental justice populations. There are tremendous opportunities in clean energy and innovation, and as a former mayor, I understand the importance of bringing communities to the table,” said Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll. “Our EJ Strategy is a testament to our commitment in ensuring nobody is left behind as we transition to a clean energy economy.”  

The Environmental Justice Strategy reflects the Healey-Driscoll Administration’s deep understanding that all communities deserve environmental protection regardless of race, national origin, or income bracket. One of Rebecca Tepper’s first acts as EEA Secretary was establishing an Office of Environmental Justice and Equity and appointing María Belén Power as the first-ever Undersecretary of Environmental Justice and Equity. Governor Healey’s first budget increased EEA’s funding by 27 percent, which included hiring new environmental justice staff.  

“This Strategy puts concept into action. We are working to reverse the environmental burdens that have plagued communities of color and economically marginalized residents for decades and setting Massachusetts on a new path that centers equity in our work,” said EEA Secretary Rebecca Tepper. “People are policy, and a just transition requires intentionality and commitment from all of us. This guidance will help shape our policy decisions and create clean, healthy communities and a large, diverse workforce across Massachusetts.” 

“The EJ Strategy allows us to have measurable outcomes and ensure we are achieving our goals and building upon successes year after year,” said Environmental Justice and Equity Undersecretary María Belén Power. “I am proud of the EJ Strategy we are releasing today, and to be working with all of our agencies and offices under EEA to ensure environmental justice is imbedded into the fabric of our everyday work.” 

Environmental Justice Strategies include:

  • Meaningful Engagement: EEA and its agencies will cultivate new and strengthen existing relationships with environmental justice communities, including community-led processes designed with and for EJ communities.
  • Project Impacts Analysis: Agencies will assess the impacts of its projects using available state mapping and screening tools to identify EJ neighborhoods and evaluate project impacts in these areas.
  • Language Access Plans: The secretariat will develop and adopt Language Access Plans (LAP) consistent with and under the Executive Office for Administration & Finance (A&F) Bulletin #16 and Executive Order (EO) 615 to ensure meaningful access to agency services, programs, and activities for people who have limited English proficiency. EEA and its agencies will evaluate the circumstances and language access needs to determine the tasks needed to provide access to services.
  • Staff Training and Hiring: EEA and its agencies will implement an environmental justice training program series to educate and inspire EEA agencies to understand and value environmental justice and equity, as well as to ensure they remain priorities.
  • Metrics and Tracking: EEA and its agencies will work to quantify current baseline and future environmental justice metrics to measure progress, including developing metrics considering new data infrastructures and practices.

2月1日起 麻州托兒照顧補助費調整約13%~34%

                (Boston Orange 摘譯) 麻州州長奚莉215日到麻州西部Westfield的根苗學習中心 ( Roots Learning Center) 慶祝麻州政府所推動,促使托兒照顧經費補助更公平的革命性變動,將從21日起,讓麻州西部托兒照顧業者得到的補助增加了13%34%


               21日起,麻州西部的托兒照顧供應業者得到的照顧嬰兒補助額度,將增加34% (從每名小孩每天72.37元增加到91.18),照顧幼兒的補助,增加14% (從每人每天66.36元增至75.48),照顧學齡前兒童的補助增加13% (45.82元增加到57.23)。以提供照顧的成本來算,在和其他地區相比時,麻州西部得到的補助向來都比較少,在麻州政府提案的費率變動,麻州早期擊托兒照顧委員會於2024110日通過後,麻州西部托兒照顧業者得到的補助現在和麻州中部及東南部都一樣了。




星期四, 2月 15, 2024

BPDA approves new affordable housing in Brighton, Dorchester

BPDA approves new affordable housing in Brighton, Dorchester

New project in Fenway will create new civic and open space

BOSTON - February 15, 2024 - The Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) Board of Directors Thursday approved three new development projects representing approximately 1,027,190 square feet (SF). The new projects will create 152 residential units, 127 units, or 84 percent of these units are designated income-restricted, and will support approximately 841 construction jobs and 1,799 permanent jobs. These projects will make Boston a more resilient, affordable, and equitable city. 

Development Projects

St. Mary’s Center for Women and Children at 90 Cushing Avenue in Dorchester to get new housing, renovated building
Live: 122 residential units, 71 permanent supportive housing units + 51 renovated shelter units
Work: Approximately 177 construction jobs, St. Mary’s Center will continue operations throughout construction
Connect: Bike parking, accessibility improvements throughout campus
Sustain: LEED Gold certified

This project will create 71 new income-restricted housing units for low-income families, as well as renovate 51 current shelter units at St. Mary’s Center for Women and Children. St. Mary’s is housed in the former St. Margaret’s Hospital, a retrofitted maternity hospital with buildings dating to the early and mid-to-late 20th century. Situated in close proximity to Uphams Corner in Dorchester, St. Mary's annually provides support to more than 500 women and children through its facilities in Dorchester and East Boston. The services offered include shelter, clinical and educational assistance, job training, employment placement, and assistance in securing permanent housing. The new income-restricted housing will replace what is currently a parking garage and current transitional housing building on the St. Mary's campus. Both will be demolished to provide these new housing units, which will include a mix of two and three-bedroom units. The renovated building includes 51 shelter units. It will also continue to house the St. Mary’s adult family shelter program, Margaret’s House, and the Young Parenting Living Program. This a transit-oriented project, as it is in close proximity to public transportation. It is also near important resources such as a branch of the Boston Public Library, grocery stores, and other retail options.

1400 Boylston Street project to build new mixed use development in the Fenway, construct new space intended for use as a BPL branch
Live: Support for 48 off-site income-restricted homeownership units, $5.8 million in linkage funding to support affordable housing
Work: Approximately 644 construction jobs, approximately 1,798 permanent jobs, $1 million in linkage funding to support jobs training
Connect: 1,000 feet of new bike lanes, new civic building
Sustain: Publicly accessible green space, net zero carbon hybrid electric building

What is currently a grocery store and several parking lots will be converted into a large, mixed-use development completing the western entrance to the City from Boylston Street. This mix of retail, restaurant, office/lab space, and green space will create a vibrant public realm for pedestrians, and improve what is a currently underutilized site. Adjacent to the new half acre of green space on site, this project has committed $12 million to building a brand new civic building which is intended to be used as a new branch of the Boston Public Library. The project will contribute $250,000 to the Boston Parks and Recreation Department to support Ramler Park and $1.5 million to Parks and Recreation to mitigate any possible project impacts to the Emerald Necklace. To support the creation of affordable housing in the City, this project will contribute $5.8 million in linkage funding, and it will also contribute $18 million to subsidize the creation of income-restricted homeownership units at the nearby 165 Park Drive project. In support of the bikeshare program, the project will contribute $147,830 to the Boston Transportation Department and provide two bikeshare stations onsite. In addition, this project will invest $2.7 million in enhancing Park Drive and Boylston Street with pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure.

Project at 358 Chestnut Hill Avenue to bring new housing to Brighton
Live: 30 residential units, five income-restricted units
Work: Approximately 20 construction jobs, retail space
Connect: Close proximity to public transit
Sustain: LEED Gold certified, all electric building systems

Located in Brighton, this project is a six-story building with 30 new residences, five of which will be income-restricted. The units will be a mix of studios, one, and two-bedroom units. In addition, this project will include indoor and outdoor bike parking, as well as ground floor retail space. As part of the mitigation for this project, it will contribute $8,250 in support of the City’s bikeshare program. This project is located within the study area of the Allston-Brighton Needs Assessment, which was adopted by the BPDA Board in January. This project meets the community needs identified in the report by providing transit-oriented housing including four
income-restricted units.

In addition to these projects, the board approved:

  • The Notice of Project Change for 3 Aspinwall Road which increases the size and unit count of the project.