
星期二, 1月 04, 2022

麻州新冠病毒疫情持續嚴重 1月4日新增16621例

               (Boston Orange 整理) 麻州的新冠病毒(COVID-19)疫情,今(4)日居高不下,新增16.621例確診,94人死亡,2,372人住院,441人住在重症病房,262人插管。2040歲之間年輕人成為確診率最高族群。







波士頓市府 1/10 舉辦網上職業博覽會


The City of Boston is holding various job fairs for residents to learn more about the work of city departments and apply to open roles across City departments
BOSTON - Tuesday, January 4, 2022 - Building on her commitment to bring City Hall out of City Hall and into each of Boston’s vibrant neighborhoods, today Mayor Michelle Wu announced that the City of Boston is holding various virtual job fairs throughout January for Boston residents to learn more about employment opportunities with the City.

The first set of job fairs will start on Monday, January 10th at 5:30 p.m. with the Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT), a key City department that builds and maintains the technology tools that improve residents’ experience and keep the City running.

“As we take on our biggest challenges, there are many critical positions that we need to fill in city government,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “Our goal is to connect directly with community for job fairs to make sure the City’s workforce represents all of Boston’s diversity, reflects the expertise in our communities, and moves with urgency to deliver for our families across our neighborhoods.”

“Getting dedicated, talented people to come be part of our workforce is one of the most important things we as City leadership can do,” said Alex Lawrence, Interim Chief Information Officer. “I am thrilled we are launching these job fairs, and that the Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT) will be piloting this program. We have so many critical roles open right now across the city-- especially in IT as technology continues to be an increasingly critical component of how we deliver services to our workforce and residents.  For those who want to make a difference by serving Boston residents, I personally believe there is no better way to do that more directly than coming to work for the City.”

The job fairs are open to all Boston residents with the goal of reaching as many residents of Boston that are currently seeking employment opportunities. This initiative will serve as an opportunity for individuals across each of our neighborhoods who may not have considered working for the City to gain a better understanding of what departments do and what roles are available.

Several departments will participate in one or multiple job fairs, including: Boston Public Schools, Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT), Boston Fire Department, Office of Police Accountability & Transparency, Environment, Parks and Recreation, Age Strong, SPARK Boston, Operations, and Inspectional Services Department.

The first round of Job Fairs in January will be held virtually through Zoom sessions in order to prioritize accessibility and participation. If an individual is unable to attend virtually, please complete this form to schedule a conversation with a relevant department’s Human Resources (HR) representative.
If you are interested in DoIT’s January 10th Virtual Job Fair, please register here. Following registration, The Mayor’s Office will reach out to you to verify confirmation and provide additional information about the DoIT Job Fair.
To register for future Job Fairs with participating departments and any questions regarding participation in this initiative, your principal point of contact with the City will be:

NAME: John Paul Gervais
NUMBER: 671-635-5795 

波克萊台商會換屆 徐小玲交棒 李孟潔接會長 率年輕團隊上任


(Boston Orange 周菊子麻州牛頓市報導)波克萊台灣商會




波克萊台灣商會顧問游勝雄 (左)代表前任北美洲台灣商會總會長吳怡明,送防護衣



      李孟潔說明自己是牙醫師,在北岸地區工作,經由高雄醫學院學長蘇鴻昌的介紹,加入波克萊台灣商會。他謙稱自己經驗還淺,但很願意學習,並奉獻心力,還特地招募了一批年輕的幹部團隊,加入服務行列,包括現任武田製藥公司生產及發展經理的副會長洪維謙,現任武田製藥癌症研發科學家,獲有德國慕尼黑博士學位,曾在哈佛做研究的秘書長李典璋,目前在劍橋市Mega System的資訊長葉南谷。


      波克萊台商會前會長楊羅東也在會中說明,該會是北美洲台商會,世界台商會的會員團體,今年325日到27日,將在亞特蘭大舉行年會,並有會後旅遊,可和來自世界各地的商會理事們交流。 (更新版)

星期一, 1月 03, 2022


波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu)為13名新屆波士頓市議員主持宣誓就職典禮。(周菊子攝)

                (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓綜合報導) 波士頓市於13日在氣溫僅約華視30度,一小群民眾在市府大樓外高分貝抗議戴口罩及打疫苗規定中,舉行了歷年來最短的一次市議員就職典禮,整個典禮過程不到30分鐘。

                     這場就職典禮原本預定在當年以華裔電腦大王,王安姓氏命名的王氏劇院 (Wang Theatre)舉行,由於新冠病毒變種奧米克戎 (Omicron) 造成的確診病例陡然遽增,臨時改為在市政府大樓內的戶外舉行。

                      穿著一襲銀藍色,剪裁精緻,款式別出心裁的套裝,已於去年1216日宣誓就任的波士頓市長吳弭 ( Michelle Wu) 這天在恩師,麻州參議員伊莉莎白沃倫(Elizabeth Warren)夫婦,已於去年12月中獲確認為麻州的美國檢察官 ( U.S. Attorney)Rachael Rollins,現為勞工部部長的前任波士頓市長馬丁華殊 (Martin Walsh )出席觀禮中,正式展開她一任四年的波士頓市長任期。


                      吳弭在提醒大眾今年是波士頓市正式升格為市的200週年之際,也點出新一屆的波士頓市議員,有多名新人,以及歷史締造者,新人包括不分區的Erin Murphy Ruthzee Louijeune;第4區的Brian Worrell,第6區的Kendra Hicks,第7區的Tania Fernandes Anderson

             其中的Ruthzee Louijeune是波士頓市有史以來的第一位海地裔市議員, Tania Fernandes Anderson是第一位佛德角(Cape Verdean)”移民後裔的回教市議員。Kendra Hicks是第6區的首名有色女性市議員,

左起,勞工部部長馬丁華殊 (Martin Walsh),即將出任駐麻州美國檢察官的Rachael Rollins,
以及聯邦參議員Elizabeth Warren夫婦都出席了吳弭市長的正式就職典禮。
Brian Worrell則是波市議會自2017年以來才又再出現的黑人男性市議員。

             當選連任的市議員有不分區的米高法拉提 (Michael Flaherty)Julia Mejia,以及第2區,這天正是當選為新屆市議會議長的愛德華費林 (Ed Flynn),以及第3區的Frank Baker,第5區的 Ricardo Arroyo,第8區的 Kenzie Bok,第9區的 Liz Breadon

             當選連任第一區市議員的Lydia Edwards已於去年12月贏得麻州參議員補選的初選,預定111日的大選將同額當選,所以雖然這天她就職波士頓新屆市議員,估計將於1月底正式上任為麻州參議員,遞補轄區代表華埠,已出任麻州生物科技協會 (MassBio) 執行長的Joe Boncore         

波士頓市長吳弭(中)和13名市議員在1月3日的本年度第一次市議會會議中與13名市議員合影,(周菊子攝,Photo by Chutze Chou)


Mayor Wu held swearing-in ceremony to formally inaugurate new and returning City Councilors

            (City of Boston) Mayor Michelle Wu today held an outdoor swearing-in ceremony at Boston City Hall to formally inaugurate new and returning City Councilors. The Mayor previously announced the event was moved outdoors because of the surging Omicron variant. A previously planned inaugural celebration has been postponed until spring.

Photo provided by City of Boston.

“I know the deep responsibility that our constituents place upon us and I know the power of the Boston City Council to make sure that we are moving forward,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “As our new colleagues join alongside our returning colleagues, those who I have been proud and honored to serve alongside for many years, I know the progress that we will continue to see in this City. In this moment, our constituents in our community expect us to move with urgency, to open doors for everyone and to deliver results.”

Boston’s swearing-in for newly-elected City officials is required by City Charter to take place on the first Monday in January. At-large Councilors include sitting Councilors Michael Flaherty and Julia Mejia, along with new Councilors Ruthzee Louijeune and Erin Murphy. Districts 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, and 9 will be represented by sitting Councilors Lydia Edwards, Ed Flynn, Frank Baker, Ricardo Arroyo, Kenzie Bok, and Liz Breadon, respectively. Brian Worrell is a new Councilor who will represent District 4, Kendra Hicks is a new Councilor who will represent District 6, and Tania Fernandes Anderson is a new Councilor who will represent District 7.

The incoming Councilors sworn in during Monday’s historic ceremony represent many key milestones: Tania Fernandes Anderson is the first African and first Muslim City Councilor, Kendra Hicks is the first woman of color to represent District 6, and Ruthzee Louijeune is the first Haitian-American City Coucilor. Also newly-sworn into the City Council is Erin Murphy, a dedicated BPS teacher, mother, and advocate for those struggling with substance use; and Brian Worrell, a small business owner and the first Black man to serve on the Council since 2017.

“As we mark this new year, it’s truly not just about the passage of time, but the progress that the City has seen and that we will continue to rush into in this time of great consequence,” said Mayor Wu. “I’m so excited to join my colleagues in celebrating our five new City Councilors.” 





This month, we discuss setting realistic goals and self-care in the new year.

2022 is here. After two tough years that featured several starts and stops, many are eager to start this January and set and achieve new personal goals. This is where a classic tradition of making New Year’s resolutions, or what we will refer to interchangeably as goals or intentions, can be really helpful in centering yourself and setting attainable goals for the New Year.

We want to take the time, before addressing that, to emphasize first that for many, maintaining yourself through essential self-care (sleep, food, hydration, and scheduled rest) may be the most helpful and attainable goal, and it is ok for it to be the primary focus. Many people, such as these local NBC anchors, go so far as to say “just wing it,” in the face of traditional resolutions. Here are some examples of essential self-care, and the line between self-care and seeking further support. 

Alongside self-care, if and when you seek to accomplish these changes, it is helpful to set a few small, concrete attainable goals alongside longer term ones. Sometimes people set themselves up for failure by aiming for too many changes too quickly, or attempting too broad or sweeping a change out the gate. Instead, focus on a few goals that can be turned into digestible steps. For instance, “lose weight” can be turned into “eat servings of vegetables or fruit three times this week,” or “go for a brisk walk at least twice this week.”  It can be helpful to track your progress as well, making self-care an active routine increases the odds of success. A calendar or daily checklist can help, or one of the apps listed here.  This series of tips and stories from NPR offers realistic tailored wellness tips and tricks for those who do wish to set an approachable goal for the new year.

Often what impacts success is expectations, and the way you frame your goals can affect them! Many feel that a phrase like “New Year, New You” can be an incentive to push themselves forward on a goal, but for others, the phrase itself sets forth difficult expectations. Expecting enormous change of oneself, (pandemic or not) can set you up for a loss of momentum. Think about how you name and affirm your resolutions.    

Many people become discouraged and self-critical if they begin to slip up or struggle with meeting their goals. You are only human! Set your expectations appropriately, some days you will miss your goals and that does not mean you have failed to achieve them for the year. Remember, it’s OK if the goal is not met. Sometimes people find it helpful to take a longer look back and forward instead, asking themselves where they want to be a year from today, and focus on general self-care.

Finally, we want to acknowledge that for many, 2021 has been a difficult year, and sometimes talking to a professional can help with setting goals, as well as providing support, connection, and an outlet for stress, depression, anxiety, and more. As always, please feel free to reach out to us at the Employee Assistance Program at 617-635-2200 for immediate assistance.  We can help connect you to long-term resources as well.

We wish you good luck and good health going into the New Year.

黃氏、李氏宗親會換屆 黃光沐,黃偉健,李源沛,李德源任新屆主席

駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長孫儉元 (右三),僑教中心主任潘昭榮 (右二)到訪,祝賀黃市公所新屆職員就任。右起為黃偉健,黃國威,


               (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 跨入2022年,各社團新屆職員、幹部陸續就職。許多社團去年礙於新冠病毒疫情,以不變應萬變,今年有變有不變。12日在紐英崙中華公所新屆職員就職日,黃氏和李氏宗親會也都趕在近午時分舉行了新屆職員就職典禮。





駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長孫儉元 (左一),僑教中心主任潘昭榮 (右一)應邀出席李氏公所新舊主席交接。李奇舜(左三),李炳輝(左二)交棒給李源沛(右三),李德源 (右二)。

波士頓市府要部分員工遠距工作 市長吳弭親自拆箱防疫用品 照顧公校教師

波士頓市長吳弭(和波士頓公校總監 Brenda Cassellius。(圖片來自推特)
                (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓綜合報導) 波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 發給市府員工的一份「遠距工作」通知,在推特上引發公校教師質疑。吳弭一大早5點半,趕往多徹斯特的坎貝爾資源中心 (Campbell Resource Center) 拆箱,分發新冠病毒檢測劑及KN95口罩等防疫工具給老師。

                  吳弭在發給市府員工的一份通知中說,由於麻州及波士頓市的新冠病毒確診病例大增,根據波市府公共衛生人員建議,將採取額外步驟來紓緩疫情,保護員工及社區。市府員工從14日起,包括公校系統人員在內,將暫時減少在市府大樓內工作的員工人數,以確保員工及他們所服務的大眾身體健康。市府將指示 (directing) 某些波士頓公校及市府員工從家中遠距工作,直到118日為止。

波士頓市長吳弭(和波士頓公校總監 Brenda Cassellius 在Campbell資源中心拆箱,整理


              Heshan Berents-Weeramuni以一張圖片告訴麻州州長,人們在街上大排長龍,得等上一、二個小時才能排到做聚合酶連鎖反應 (PCR) 檢測。吳弭在推特上回應表示,這情況完全不可接受,她和團隊會在明日(3)的就職典禮結束後,馬上採取步驟擴大檢測。


波士頓市長吳弭邀民眾上網參加波士頓市就職典禮 1/3 早上10點



Dear Boston,

Today, the City of Boston will hold an outdoor swearing-in ceremony to formally inaugurate our new and returning City Councilors. I wanted to invite you to attend virtually via livestream at Boston.gov.

The event will take place at 10 a.m. Join us on the City’s website to welcome our new City Council!
2022 City of Boston Inauguration Ceremony
In accordance with the City Charter, our swearing-in ceremony takes place on the first Monday in January. I’m looking forward to joining sitting At-Large Councilors Michael Flaherty and Julia Mejia; new At-Large Councilors Ruthzee Louijeune and Erin Murphy; our sitting Councilors Lydia Edwards, Ed Flynn, Frank Baker, Ricardo Arroyo, Kenzie Bok, and Liz Breadon, who represent Districts 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, and 9, respectively; and our new Councilors Brian Worrell, Kendra Hicks, and Tania Fernandes Anderson, who will represent Districts 4, 6, and 7, respectively.

I’m looking forward to joining you to swear in our new Boston City Council — then continue our work to make Boston a city for everyone in the new year.


Michelle Wu
Mayor of Boston

星期日, 1月 02, 2022

波士頓市長吳弭監交 雷國輝接任紐英崙中華公所主席


波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu,右)監交,雷國輝(左)從鄭慧民(中)首中接下紐英崙
           (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 紐英崙中華公所2日中午在花團錦簇,政要雲集,波士頓市有史以來首名華裔女市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 出席監交的隆重中,由雷國輝從鄭慧民手中接下中華公所主席重任,完成新屆職員就職典禮,為中華公所揭開新篇章。

波士頓經文處處長孫儉元 (右),僑教中心主任潘昭榮(左)送上感謝狀與賀函給新舊任
中華公所主席雷國輝(左二),鄭慧民(右二)。 (周菊子攝)
              波士頓市長吳弭之外,麻州眾議員麥家威 (Aaron Michlewitz),波士頓市議會新任議長愛德華費林 (Ed Flynn),駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長孫儉元,僑教中心主任潘昭榮,全美安良工商會總理暨新任波士頓僑務委員陳仕維,波士頓洪門致公堂主席湯偉立,以及各僑團首長,會場嘉賓眾多。


(Aaron Michlewitz),新任中華公所主席雷國輝,卸任中華公所主席鄭慧民,波士頓市長
吳弭 (Michelle Wu) ,波士頓市新任市議會議長愛德華費林   (Ed Flynn) ,全美波士頓安良


波士頓僑教中心主任潘昭榮 (左)代表僑委會委員長童振源,送上賀狀,恭喜吳弭 (Michelle 
Wu,中) 當選波士頓市長。波士頓經文處處長孫儉元(右)代表台北市市長送上賀信。


           麻州眾議員麥家威 (Aaron Michlewitz)說,作為民選議員,他對鄭慧民的抉擇困難,無奈樹敵深有同感。他週到感謝鄭慧民,恭喜雷國輝,點出吳弭將於13日正式開始一任四年的完整波士頓市長任期,還提醒愛德華費林 (Ed Flynn) ,他的轄區有了最有權勢的盟友,承諾他將從旁協助每一步行動。

                   即將於3日就任波士頓市議會議長的愛德華費林,則分享了一段讓他印象深刻的經歷。他說2年前新冠病毒大流行剛開始時,吳弭特地邀請波士頓公共衛生局的羅博士到昆士小學舉辦說明會。一名波士頓拉丁學院 (Boston Latin Academy) 青少年學生說他上學搭地鐵,一進車廂,所有白人乘客把他和新冠病毒連在一起,立刻都走出了車廂。這段話讓他記憶深刻,因為緊接著沒多久,社會上就出現 反亞裔仇恨,以及歧視事件。他說要感謝吳弭市長當初的領導力,也要提醒大家在這方面還有很多工作要做。


鄭慧民卸任中華公所主席 感慨良多

             (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 紐英崙中華公所主席鄭慧民12日卸任,感謝任內團隊成員協助,感慨自己締造多個第一記錄,明言 ”I will be around”,將繼續為僑社服務。


鄭慧民透露,中華公所職員換屆選舉後的次日一早,有中華公所董事發去塞翁失馬,焉知非福簡訊。他非常認同,直言最高興的是他太太,而且他也必須承認,”Happy wife, happy life (快樂太太,快樂人生)”




              他點名感謝過去的團隊成員,感謝行政主任朱蘇珊讓他的工作輕鬆了不少,也祝福所有人有更光明、健康的新的一年。他在話音中透著無限感慨地的說:See you and goodbye, because I’ll be around (再會,再見,因為我會在附近)」。