
星期二, 3月 30, 2021

波士頓市長Kim Janey 宣佈5000萬元租金紓困款

波士頓市代理市長 Kim Janey.

(Boston Orange周菊子綜合報導)波士頓市代理市長Kim Janey(30)日宣佈,不但聯邦政府的暫停逼遷令效期將展延至630日,波士頓市還將撥發5000萬元「租金紓困款(Rental Relief Fund)」,在新冠病毒大流行期間幫助租戶穩定居所。



波士頓鄰里服務局局長Sheila Dillon。

            鄰里可負擔住宅(NOAH)主任Philip Giffee表示,這筆新資金將可確保居民持續有瓦遮頂。





               波士頓市政府在發出的新聞稿中稱,華人前進會行政主任陳玉珍表示,新冠病毒大流行對少數族裔的打擊尤其大。這筆新款項將幫助數以百計,千計的居民。非常謝謝Kim Janey市長幫助受打擊的民眾。

                      查詢相關資訊可發電郵 rental.relief@bostonhousing.org,並註明姓名,聯絡資訊,以及所居住樓宇名稱。


 New funding will create housing stability for thousands of Boston households 


BOSTON - Tuesday, March 30, 2021 - Today Mayor Kim Janey announced that the City of Boston is making a record $50 million in federal funding available to help Boston renters stay stably housed during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Rental Relief Fund was one of the first funds in the nation created to offer financial support to residents at risk of losing their housing due to impacts from COVID-19. The new funding will enable the City of Boston to help residents pay their rent and assist in preventing evictions leading up to the federal eviction moratorium that expires on June 30. The new funding will expand the scope of the current program beyond solely paying for rent, allowing the City to assist eligible renters with utility bills, and moving costs, including the first and last month’s rent and security deposit. Approximately $3 million from this funding is being allocated to assist Boston Housing Authority (BHA) public housing tenants, with rental arrears.

“We know that many Bostonians continue to struggle to make ends meet, and need assistance with housing costs, which we have been proud to make available,” said Mayor Kim Janey. “This new infusion of funding will go above and beyond what the City has made available in the past to support renters to now include funding for utilities, moving costs within the city, and partial payments of rent. I am proud of the work we are doing with our partners, as we know it is important that we leverage every resource available to ensure the health and safety of all our residents and to keep them stably housed, and ensure an equitable recovery from the pandemic.”

Since it was established in April of 2020, the Rental Relief Fund has awarded more than $7.8 million to more than 1,860 households across the City of Boston. Funds have been distributed to support residents in every Boston neighborhood. More than 70% of individuals who have applied for financial assistance are Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) households and more than 30% of applicants reported that they work or formerly worked in the hospitality industry. The hospitality industry in Boston has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, with roughly half of the more than 34,000 Boston residents working in the hospitality sector claiming unemployment at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, 46% of applicants reported that their employers shut down or reduced operations and 10% experienced income loss due to childcare and school closures.  

“We look forward to continuing to provide Rental Relief Funding to families who are at risk of eviction due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This new funding from the City of Boston will ensure that residents continue to feel safe and have a roof over their heads," said Philip Giffee, Executive Director of Neighborhood of Affordable Housing (NOAH). "I am proud of the work NOAH’s great team has done assisting families in our community with eviction prevention resources and funding. Our partnership with the City of Boston during this pandemic has helped provide housing stability to hundreds of families in Boston. The City is both compassionate and equitable and we want to thank Mayor Janey and the Department of Neighborhood Development (DND) and the Office of Housing Security (OHS) for making safe and stable housing a priority in our City."

The new Rental Relief Funds may be used for rental assistance for up to 12 months and can cover past, current, and prospective rent. Additionally, these funds may be used to pay for utilities, including internet service, moving costs within the City of Boston, or to supplement partial payments of rent. The City of Boston works with partner nonprofit agencies to assist tenants throughout this process, including determining eligibility, calculating the amount of assistance, and distributing payments directly to the landlord or utility provider. 

For each household, including recipients from previous application rounds, total financial assistance may not exceed more than $15,000 in a 12-month period. Anyone who has previously applied or received rental assistance in the past is encouraged to re-apply for this new funding since they may be eligible for the expanded amount of funding.

To qualify for assistance, tenants must:

·    Earn less than 80% Area Median Income (AMI) or $96,250 for a family of four, 

·    Be financially impacted by COVID-19, 

·    Be a renter in Boston, 

·    Certify they do not receive a rental subsidy or have funds to meet their needs, and 

·    Not be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student. 

"The new commitment of resources by the City is a strong statement that eviction must be avoided as a part of our response to the public health crisis,” said Steve Meacham, Organizing Coordinator for City Life. “It's especially important that these funds are available to families without documents. We look forward to working with DND on the non-payment cases this fund addresses and also on the growing numbers of no-fault cases that threaten our communities, especially communities of color."

A person's immigration status is not asked during the Rental Relief Fund application process, and receiving funds does not impact other financial assistance that a person may be already receiving. Additionally, assistance from the Rental Relief Fund does not affect immigration applications as a "public charge" ground of inadmissibility. Qualified residents interested in applying to this round of funding can submit their application here, available in 11 languages.

"This pandemic has been devastating for many Bostonians but has been particularly cruel to minority residents," said Karen Chen, Executive Director of the Chinese Progressive Association. "These new funds will help keep hundreds of residents in their homes and safe as we continue to battle both the Coronavirus and the economic challenges associated with the pandemic. We thank Mayor Janey for supporting and protecting the vulnerable residents of our community."

To ensure that the Fund is disbursed promptly, the City of Boston has continued its partnership with nonprofit partners Metro Housing | Boston, NOAH, and Project Hope to process applications received and disburse payments directly to landlords.

To further support tenants, the BHA recently announced that it has extended its moratorium for nonessential evictions for public housing residents through June 30, 2021, consistent with the federal Center for Disease Control extension. Residents of BHA properties who are interested in the Rental Relief Fund should not apply for the Rental Relief Fund via the online application, and are advised to check with their building supervisor or a property manager for more information on resources available to them, or email rental.relief@bostonhousing.org, including their name, contact information, and the building they reside in. 

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the Office of Housing Stability (OHS) has provided programs and services to assist both renters and landlords so they remain safely and stably housed. The OHS established the Rental Relief Fund to provide funding to landlords to pay overdue and future rent to keep Boston residents safely housed. It has established a robust court intervention program as well as landlord mediation and virtual and walk-in legal clinics to serve tenants and landlords in the City of Boston. It has continued to work with all tenants to provide wraparound housing services and supports.

星期一, 3月 29, 2021

City Councilor Michelle Wu Calls for Steps to Improve Boston’s Vaccine Equity at Hearing

City Councilor Michelle Wu Calls for Steps to Improve Boston’s Vaccine Equity at Hearing 

Boston, MA - City Councilor Michelle Wu held a hearing today on ways to improve equity in the Covid-19 vaccination progress in the City of Boston. Amidst an inequitable and confusing roll-out, Michelle Wu has called for easily accessible vaccination sites with convenient hours for working Bostonians, linguistic and digital appointment access, and a regular release of information on vaccination progress by racial, ethnic and other demographic information. She has also proposed an ordinance extending paid sick time to City employees to receive the vaccination and, if necessary, recover from any possible side effects.


At the hearing, Councilor Wu also proposed opening vaccination sites to walk-in appointments, modeled after a successful pilot in Philadelphia that resulted in a dramatic increase in the proportion of Black and Latinx residents receiving the vaccine.


“Boston’s communities of color have been most impacted by COVID-19, and must be prioritized in the vaccine rollout,” said Michelle Wu. “The City of Boston has immense healthcare resources, and we must make it easier for every community to access vaccine appointments at hours and locations that work for them, coupled with a full outreach plan. We need to have trust and confidence that the vaccine rollout is fair, effective and works for every Bostonian.”

Though some strides have been made in equity, white Boston residents are still more likely than any other racial group to have received a shot, despite Black and brown communities being disproportionately affected by COVID-19. As Boston prepares for statewide vaccination guidelines to extend eligibility to all adults on April 19, it’s essential that City officials plan proactively for equitable next steps.

波士頓代理市長Kim Janey 宣佈三項人事任命


左起,將出任波士頓市營運長的Dion Irish,財務長Justin Sterritt,副財務長Drew Smith。(波市府提供)

          (Boston Orange 周菊子綜合報導)波士頓市代理市長Kim Janey(29)日一口氣宣佈三項人事任命,明確展現波士頓市在今年11月的選舉之前,就已在Kim Janey打破歷史紀錄,成為波士頓市成立391年以來的首名黑人女性市長後,跨入全新年代。

              3名新人及職務分別為Dion Irish出任營運長(COO)Justin Sterritt出任財務長(CFO)Drew Smith出任副財務長。

              2015年起擔任波士頓市現任營運長,已在波士頓市服務26年的Patrick Brophy,將於416日離職,轉往薩福克建築公司(Suffolk Construction)出任東北地區外部事務資深主任。在他任內,波士頓市闢設了不少公共空間,包括在波約斯頓街(Boylston)上的波士頓馬拉松賽爆炸案受害者紀念碑,海港區的馬丁的公園,市府廣場上季節性的溜冰場,表演台,還有斥資8000萬元,預定2022年春天竣工的波士頓市府廣場第一次大翻修。

              Patrick Brophy 也經手了波士頓市的大型學校設施項目,包括在洛士百利的8000萬元Dearborn STEM學院,正斥資12000萬元在芬衛區(Fenway)建造的波士頓藝術學校。

              Dion Irish2019年擔任稽核服務局(Inspectional Services)局長時,已於ISD服務17年,之前還在住宅稽核部門服務12年,在波士頓民權辦公室當過主任,2014年獲波士頓地方市政研究局頒給Henry L. Shattuck公共服務獎,2015年波士頓前市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)指派他擔任波士頓選務局局長。他將於下個月,Patrick Brophy離職後接任波士頓市營運長一職。


              波士頓市現任財務長Emme Handy將回到麻省理工學院和哈佛大學合作設立的博德研究院(Broad Institute)出任新的領導職務。

              Justin Sterritt201710月起,擔任波士頓市的預算主任,416日他將接替Emme Handy,出任市長內閣的行政財務長(CFO),負責波士頓市有關財務管理的各方面事務,包括債務及投資管理,財務報告,預算研擬及監管,稅務行政,以及財務系統,監管300多個市府信託基金。他在擔任市府預算管理主任期間,成功管理了波士頓市每年35議員的營運預算,以及為期5年的30億元資本計畫。

              Justin Sterritt出任新職後,他原來的職務將由Drew Smith 以副財務長職稱接管。




Current Chief of Operations Patrick Brophy will depart on April 16 for new opportunity with Suffolk Construction

Dion Irish

BOSTON - Monday, March 29, 2021 - Mayor Kim Janey announced today that the City of Boston’s Chief of Operations Patrick Brophy will depart his role on April 16 for a new opportunity with Suffolk Construction. Mayor Janey will appoint Dion Irish, who currently serves as the Commissioner of the Inspectional Services Department, to be Chief of Operations after Chief Brophy leaves the post next month. Chief Brophy and Commissioner Irish are both veterans of city government in Boston, having each served decades in various leadership positions. The Chief of Operations role oversees hundreds of city employees within three critical operational departments, including the Property Management Department, Inspectional Services Department, and the Public Facilities Department.

“I can’t thank Chief Brophy enough for his steadfast leadership and dedication to the City of Boston during his 26 years of service across three administrations,” said Mayor Janey. “It’s not an exaggeration to say that the people of Boston have benefited tremendously from Pat’s work, which future generations will continue to enjoy. Whether it’s new libraries, schools, police and fire stations, community centers, or the ambitious redesign of City Hall Plaza, Pat’s impact on Boston can be felt throughout our neighborhoods. We wish him the best in his new chapter and thank him for his many years of service.”

As Chief of Operations since 2015, Brophy worked with public and private partners to create many notable public spaces throughout the city, including the Boylston Street Memorial to the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing, Martin’s Park in the Seaport, a seasonal skating rink and other programming on City Hall Plaza, and the first major renovation of City Hall Plaza. The $80 million project to reimage City Hall Plaza as an accessible and sustainable family-friendly destination with seating and gathering areas, play space, public art, and an iconic water feature is due to be completed in spring 2022. Additionally, Chief Brophy managed major school facilities projects, including the construction of the $80 million Dearborn Stem Academy in Roxbury and the new $120 million Boston Arts Academy in Fenway. 

During the pandemic, Chief Brophy wrote Boston’s COVID-19 construction safety protocol and the COVID-19 control plan for the City’s municipal buildings. Brophy will begin his new position as Senior Director of External Affairs in the Northeast for Suffolk Construction next month.

When Chief Brophy departs, Commissioner Irish will assume the duties of Chief of Operations, where he will bring a deep knowledge and understanding of key operational departments. Commissioner Irish has served the City of Boston for 25 years in various leadership positions, most recently as Commissioner of the Inspectional Services Department (ISD) since 2019. Prior to becoming commissioner, Irish worked at ISD for 17 years, serving previously Assistant Commissioner and Director of Housing Inspections for 12 years. In that role, he helped establish nationally recognized programs such as Breathe Easy at Home, Rental Property Registration, and the statewide comprehensive certification training for housing inspectors.

“I’m excited to appoint Dion Irish to the role of Chief of Operations, and I want to thank him for his continued service to the people of Boston,” said Mayor Janey. “Few individuals have the level of expertise and knowledge that Dion will bring to this critical position on day one. Dion’s robust understanding of municipal operations and permitting issues make him uniquely qualified to take on the responsibilities of the job and continue to advance the progress made under Chief Brophy’s leadership. I am fortunate to welcome such an experienced leader to my cabinet.”

In 2012, Irish stepped away from ISD when he was appointed Executive Director of Boston’s Office of Civil Rights (now known as the Office of Fair Housing and Equity). Here, he established interagency collaborations to address housing discrimintation and lead paint in homes, both of which limited opportunities for families and children. In 2014, Irish received a Henry L. Shattuck Award for public service from the Boston Municipal Research Bureau. In 2015, former Mayor Martin J. Walsh appointed Irish as Commissioner of Boston’s Election Department, where he oversaw the implementation of early voting initiatives, the administration of 11 elections, and improved technology and cybersecurity for the department. Irish also helped expand civic engagement through collaborations with the Boston Public Schools and other partners.

As Chief of Operations, Irish will oversee the Property Management Department, ISD, and the Public Facilities Department. The Property Management Department is responsible for the use, management, maintenance, building security, and repair of the City’s municipal building inventory. ISD enforces building, housing, health, sanitation, and safety regulations as mandated by the city and state. The department’s mission is to permit, regulate, and inspect construction work, homes, and businesses in a strategic effort to protect and improve the quality of life for all Boston residents and the business community. The Public Facilities Department is the City’s construction management arm, responsible for executing Boston’s multi-year, $900 million capital building program.



Current CFO Emme Handy will return the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard in a new leadership role

Justin Sterritt

BOSTON - Monday, March 29, 2021 - Mayor Kim Janey today announced that Emme Handy will be departing the City of Boston after three successful years of managing City finances to return to the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. Handy first joined the Broad in 2015 after working for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts since 2007. Justin Sterritt has been appointed to the role of Chief Financial Officer, effective April 16, 2021 after serving as Budget Director for the City since October 2017.

“Emme has overseen the budget soundly and thoughtfully for a number of years and I thank her for her contributions to the City of Boston,” said Mayor Janey. “The experience she brought to the City of Boston from state government and the Broad has proved critical, especially as she had to navigate uncharted waters over the past year. Emme has been steadfast throughout the pandemic to ensure that critical programs, from testing in every neighborhood to reliable food sites for families to re-opening our schools for families, could move forward for the people of Boston, while still ensuring the City’s budget was in a strong position to support our needs for years to come.”

As CFO, Sterritt will serve as the Chief of the Administration and Finance Cabinet, where he will be responsible for all aspects of financial management for the City of Boston. In this role, he will continue the sound fiscal stewardship of the City’s human and financial resources to support the long term growth and stability of the city. His financial responsibilities include debt and investment management, financial reporting, budget development and oversight, tax administration, and administration of enterprise-wide financial systems. As Collector-Treasurer, he is the custodian of more than 300 City trust funds. 

“I want to welcome Justin as the City of Boston’s new CFO, a role that is so important to the financial well-being of the city as we begin to recover from the pandemic, and plan for a brighter and more equitable future,” said Mayor Janey. “Justin brings a wealth of knowledge to this role, and I am confident that his years of experience in being a fiscal steward of public dollars on behalf of our residents make him well-suited to lead this office. I look forward to working alongside him as we make bold investments in our neighborhoods, and in the people of Boston.” 

Sterritt brings a decade of public sector finance leadership experience including most recently serving as Director of the Office of Budget Management for the City. During his three year tenure as Budget Director he successfully developed and managed the city’s $3.5 billion annual operating budget and $3 billion five-year capital plan, while also improving the effectiveness and efficiency of municipal government. Central to the budget during this time were historic and strategic investments in public education, public health, and housing. 

Sterritt has also led key strategic efforts on behalf of the City including increasing engagement and equity in the annual budget process, managing state funding dynamics including recent successful efforts to increase state funding support and supporting the City’s response and recovery to the COVID-19 pandemic during a rapidly changing and evolving economic climate. Sterritt has overseen the City’s strategy to manage both City resources but also access and maximize hundreds of millions of dollars in new federal funding and ensure it is deployed equitably in the areas it’s needed the most like public health, economic recovery and housing supports. 

As CFO, Sterritt will oversee a number of City departments, including Assessing, Auditing, Budget, Community Preservation, Human Resources, Labor Relations, Purchasing, Registry, the Retirement Board, Collecting, and Treasury. 

“I’m humbled and excited by the opportunity to serve my City in this new capacity, and thankful to Secretary Walsh and Mayor Janey for their faith in bringing me in to serve the City and appointing me Chief Financial Officer,” said Justin Sterritt. “I have been fortunate over the past three years to learn from the integrity, skill and vision that Emme Handy brought to the CFO role, and the A&F team she assembled is the envy of any major local government in the country. I’m thrilled to help build on the City’s strong financial standing and help implement a bold agenda under Mayor Janey while we continue the City’s robust response to COVID-19.”

Prior to joining the City of Boston, Sterritt spent over six years in various finance and policy roles for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. He spent three years with the Massachusetts House Committee on Ways and Means, departing as Budget Director. In this role, Sterritt oversaw the analysis, development and execution of the House of Representatives' annual State operating budget. Sterritt directed a staff that reviewed, analyzed, and recommended funding for $40 billion in state spending and revenue.

Before joining House Ways and Means, Sterritt served in the Executive Office for Administration and Finance (A&F), the state agency charged with managing the Commonwealth's finances, where he was responsible for the fiscal and policy recommendations of the Early Education, K-12, Local Aid and Higher Education systems. Prior to A&F, Sterritt served in the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development on state and local infrastructure projects, and public financing for economic development initiatives throughout the Commonwealth.

With the appointment of Sterritt, Drew Smith will assume the role of Deputy Chief Financial Officer. As Deputy CFO, Smith will support the CFO in overseeing management of the City’s financial resources. Smith has served as Head of Treasury since November 2017 and brings over three years of experience managing the City’s revenue and distributions, long-term debt and trust funds. In his current role, he has overseen initiatives to modernize and maximize revenue collection, managed successful bond sales and led an initiative to update the City’s Cash Policy, which included launching the City’s Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) Investment Initiative and Boston’s Community Bank Investment Initiative.

Drew Smith

Prior to serving as the City’s Head of Treasury, Smith brought over ten years of experience in treasury roles, including his most recent role serving as Deputy Assistant Treasurer for Debt Management at the Massachusetts State Treasury.

Emme Handy will be rejoining the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, where she previously worked for nearly three years. Handy served as CFO and Chief of the Administration and Finance Cabinet for the City since January 2018. As CFO, Handy has successfully maintained the City’s commitment to the sound fiscal stewardship of the City’s human and financial resources. During her time as CFO, the City achieved AAA bond ratings for three years in a row and the seventh consecutive year overall. She has overseen the transformation of the City into a modern, employee-focused employer, led a cross-cabinet initiative to implement improvements to internal business processes and procedures aimed at creating a more equitable and diverse procurement process as well as increasing transparency, accessibility and efficiency in the City’s procurement processes, and expanded the City’s paid parental leave benefit available to eligible employees.

Additionally, she has played a leadership role in supporting City through the COVID-19 pandemic, overseeing both the financial and workforce related responses. 

The nonprofit Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard aims to empower the next generation of creative scientists to transform medicine with new genome-based knowledge and develop effective new approaches to diagnostics and therapeutics. Handy will be serving as Senior Advisor to the Chief Operating Officer, supporting the Broad as it responds to the COVID-19 pandemic, including providing testing services in partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Public health for local hospitals, clinics and high-need communities, colleges and universities, and many Massachusetts K-12 schools; advances therapeutics and drug discovery; and launches a new initiative to use machine learning and artificial intelligence to advance connections between data and life sciences to transform biology and ultimately improve human health.

“It has been an incredible honor to serve the City of Boston as Chief Financial Officer,” said Emme Handy. “I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to serve my community and my neighbors, the residents of Boston, over the past few years. I would like to thank Secretary Walsh and Mayor Janey for the opportunity to serve in this capacity. It has been an honor to serve Mayor Janey during the mayoral transition. Justin Sterritt, my friend and longtime colleague, is a model public servant who brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to this role. The City is lucky to have him and I know he will continue the City’s commitment to fiscally responsible management as CFO. I’m thrilled to return to the Broad at this pivotal time to support the Institute’s transformative work to improve human health.”

The Administration and Finance Cabinet ensures that city services are delivered with high quality, with high ethical standards, are financially prudent, are responsive to the needs of the citizens of Boston, and consistent with the laws and ordinances governing municipal government.

Most recently, the City of Boston announced that it has maintained triple-A bond ratings, as assigned by Moody's Investor Service and S&P Global Ratings, in advance of its 2020 bond sale. Since 2014, the City has continued to receive the top credit rating from both rating agencies. The agencies' affirmations of Boston's strong financial health are a recognition of the City's fiscal management during the COVID-19 pandemic. For more information about the City’s budget, visit boston.gov/budget. For more information about the City’s investor relations, visit BuyBostonBonds.com.

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波士頓市長 Kim Janey要求MBTA恢復全面服務 將發放1000張免費查理票

波士頓市代理市長Kim Janey(左三)和"燒酒"餐廳老闆梅沛傑(右二)等
          (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)波士頓代理市長Kim Janey(29)早和宜居街道聯盟(LiveableStreets Alliance),波士頓本地商家代表人在交通大樓前集會,呼籲麻州交通局(MBTA)董事財政管理及控制委員會通過恢復地鐵、巴士服務方案,以期仰賴公眾交通工具的人們,生活不致受到太大影響。

Kim Janey還宣佈,329日起至419日,將為受新冠病毒打擊最嚴重的5個主街區域的民眾,提供價值60元的免費查理票(Charlie Ticket),幫助他們減輕生活負擔。


波士頓市代理市長Kim Janey表示,MBTA的刪減服務,忽視了波士頓打工人們的需求,以及他們為保持城市運作的犧牲。服務刪減後,巴士及地鐵就更為擁擠,和新冠病毒疫情間人們需要保持安全距離的要求,背道而馳。

Kim Janey宣佈,將推出公共交通試驗計畫,在329日至419日之間,為住在努比亞廣場(Nubian Square),傑克遜廣場(Jackson Square),海德廣場(Hyde Square),以及牙買家平原內的金絲雀廣場(Canary Square),使命丘(Mission Hill),東波士頓(East Boston)和菲爾茲角落(Fields Corner)5個主街區內的雇員,大約1000人,各提供一張已預儲值60元的免費查理卡,以及2個月的藍單車免費套票。

查詢這項目詳情及資格要求,可上市府網站boston.gov/freeride,或者發簡訊free ride 866-396-0122這電話號碼。


宜居街道聯盟的Stacy Thompson,社區勞工團結(Community Labor United)執行主任Lee Matsueda,社區及環境替代方案(Alternatives for Community & Environment)主任Dwaign Tyndal等人,也都發言表示公共交通工具對人們維持正常生活的重要性,將繼續推動麻州地鐵恢復全面服務。


1,000 employees across five Main Street Districts to receive $60 credit towards MBTA and Bluebikes passes

BOSTON - Tuesday, March 30, 2021 - Mayor Kim Janey has announced that the City of Boston is piloting a new program to offer up to a $60 credit for MBTA and Bluebikes passes for 1,000 employees who work in five Main Street Districts: Three Squares in Jamaica Plain, Mission Hill, Nubian Square, East Boston, and Fields Corner. Registration for the pilot is now active and will end on April 19. All five Main Street districts are served by MBTA subway and Bluebikes stations. To learn more about the pilot or to sign up for the program, please visit: boston.gov/FREEride or text FREEride to 866-396-0122.

“Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, many essential workers have continued to utilize public transportation because they have been unable to work from home,” said Mayor Janey. “I’m proud to launch this pilot program with the MBTA and Bluebikes to learn more about the impacts on commuter patterns when the cost of public transit is covered. And as more workers begin in return to workplaces, making transit more accessible is critical to our equitable recovery from the pandemic.”

The goal of the program is to incentivize employees returning to work and workers who currently drive to work to use public transit. With an expected increase in post-COVID-19 traffic, the City of Boston is piloting this incentive program to help alleviate small business districts of congestion and free up curb space for local neighborhood customers. The pilot program also seeks to lessen vehicular traffic to help reduce its environmental impact.  

“We are excited to partner with our local Main Street Districts to pilot free public transit options for those working in Boston’s neighborhoods,” said Transportation Commissioner Greg Rooney. “Creating incentives to use public transit or bike to work options helps our economy, our environment and our local businesses. As more workers plan on restarting their commute, the Boston Transportation Department is committed to exploring creative ways to reduce traffic, carbon emissions and support Boston’s workers.”

The pilot program, which will be managed by the City of Boston Transportation Department, is structured to measure how financial incentives for public transit impact commuting behavior. The program will be phased over the next two months. Of the 1,000 qualified workers, some individuals will be randomly selected to get an MBTA pass with the full $60 credit loaded, and the remainder of the individuals will receive smaller stipends over time, which will end up totaling $60. Bluebikes pass-holders will be able to take unlimited trips during the two-month period. Bluebikes trips must be completed within 45 minutes to avoid usage charges. There is no obligation to continue paying for the Bluebikes pass once the two months are over.

Results from the pilot program will be used to inform the City of Boston’s long-term transportation demand management strategy. The pilot is run through a partnership between the Boston Transportation Department, including its Bluebikes program, Boston Main Street organizations, the MBTA, and the American Cities Climate Challenge

The pilot also coincides with the MBTA’s continued efforts to expand CharlieCard access and to safely welcome riders back to the T. The MBTA cleans and sanitizes every location every 24 hours, cleans high-contact areas every four hours, and has installed hand sanitizer dispensers, disinfectant wipes, and cleaning sprays at stations throughout the system. There is also a systemwide mask mandate on all MBTA vehicles and property.

The City of Boston has been committed to making transit, pedestrian, and bicycle improvements that promote the health, equity, and future of Boston’s communities. This includes installation of new bus lanes on high-ridership corridors and over seven miles of a connected network of protected bike lanes through the Healthy Streets program, which was developed as part of the City’s COVID-19 recovery efforts. 

Reducing congestion is in adherence with our Go Boston 2030 goals to reduce drive-alone rates in the city and increase the use of public transportation. Less congestion means fewer hours lost to traffic, better commutes, better air quality, and make the most of limited space on our roads

星期五, 3月 26, 2021

The Roots of Anti-Asian Hate in America


The Roots of Anti-Asian Hate in America

Join American Experience for a virtual conversation on America’s history of discrimination against Asian Americans. Featuring clips from American Experience’s documentary "The Chinese Exclusion Act," the discussion will explore the experiences of Chinese immigrants when they arrived in the U.S. in the mid-19th century, examine how anti-Asian sentiment has continued into the present day, and discuss ways that the AAPI community, their allies, and elected officials can work to put an end to racial violence and discrimination. #StopAsianHate
Featured guests include:
Erika Lee - Award-winning historian and author, Regents Professor of History and Asian American Studies, and Director of the Immigration History Research Center at the University of Minnesota. Author of America for Americans: A History of Xenophobia in America.
Hoon Lee - Award-winning stage and screen actor
Li-Shin Yu - Producer, co-director, and editor, The Chinese Exclusion Act
The conversation will be moderated by Stephen Gong, Executive Director of the Center for Asian American Media.
This event is presented in partnership with WORLD Channel and the Center for Asian American Media.

"COVID-19疫苗的面面觀" 今晚8點 (美東時間)