
星期四, 1月 28, 2021

疫情期間 波士頓僑教中心線上推動僑務

           (Boston Orange)波士頓華僑文教服務中心121日下午530分舉辦「波士頓地區僑務工作線上座談會」,說明僑務工作重點,討論與協調2021年度文教中心各重要活動安排及意見交流,會議由波士頓文教中心主任潘昭榮主持,計有波士頓地區僑務委員蔣宗壬等僑務榮譽職人員、各僑團(校)負責人及青年代表近30人參加,獲致多項具體建議。






Facilities in Marlborough and Lowell Billed for Services Not Provided and in Violation of MassHealth Regulations

            BOSTON – Attorney General Maura Healey announced today that two adult day health centers in Marlborough and Lowell will pay more than $1 million to resolve allegations that they improperly billed the state’s Medicaid Program (MassHealth) for adult day health services.

            Fun Life Adult Day Care (Fun Life) in Marlborough and Monarch Elder Care (Monarch) in Lowell will pay $1,060,957.92 to resolve allegations that, since 2014, the companies improperly billed MassHealth for adult day health services that were not provided or that were in excess of permissible billing practices, in violation of MassHealth regulations. Both facilities are owned and operated by Malay Patel of Lowell.

            “False and improper billing to MassHealth takes away critical funds from a program that provides health care to some of our most underserved populations,” said AG Healey. “Companies must follow MassHealth billing regulations to ensure these critical resources are being allocated appropriately.”

“Today’s outcome is the result of MassHealth’s strong program integrity efforts to prevent inappropriate payments, and demonstrates the important partnership between MassHealth and the Medicaid Fraud Division to hold providers accountable for violating MassHealth regulations,” said Assistant Secretary for MassHealth and Medicaid Director Dan Tsai.​

            The AG’s Medicaid Fraud Division began investigating these two companies after referrals from MassHealth. The investigation found that, on numerous occasions, Fun Life and Monarch billed for more hours than members actually attended adult day health programs. The companies also improperly submitted claims in excess of per diem billing requirements. 

In addition to the financial settlement, both facilities have agreed to contract with an independent compliance monitor to oversee a three-year independent compliance program. The program will include updated policies and procedures on billing, new training for billing staff, and yearly audits conducted by the monitor, at Fun Life’s and Monarch’s expense. 

The AG’s Office has resolved previous cases of improper billing at adult day health facilities. In August 2020, the AG’s Office settled with two adult day health centers in Boston and Dartmouth for $186,000 to resolve allegations that they improperly billed MassHealth. In November 2019, AG Healey secured a settlement with an adult day health facility in Springfield, recouping nearly $275,000 for MassHealth for improper billing. In November 2018, three adult day health facilities agreed to pay more than $500,000 to settle allegations that they too engaged in improper billing.

This matter was handled by Managing Attorney Kevin Lownds, Assistant Attorney General Ali Russo, Senior Healthcare Fraud Investigator Aleksandra Andriyevskaya, and Investigator Johan Gonzalez, all of AG Healey’s Medicaid Fraud Division, with substantial assistance from MassHealth and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Inspector General. The Medicaid Fraud Division receives 75 percent of its funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under a grant award. The remaining 25 percent is funded by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

波士頓市長選戰出現第3名參選者 波市議員Annissa Essaibi George宣佈參選


Annissa Essaibi George宣佈參波士頓市長,全家人一起亮相。(圖片來自宣佈競選信件)

            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓綜合報導)波士頓市長競選這下子真的升溫了,出現第三個宣佈參選人,也是波士頓市不分區市議員,曾擔任東波士頓公校老師13年,現年47歲的Annissa Essaibi George,今早10點多發信通知選民,她要參選波士頓市長啦!

             波士頓市最早宣佈參選市長的是波士頓市有史以來的第一位華裔,第二位亞裔市議員,現年36歲的吳弭(Michelle Wu)。她在2020915日宣佈參選。

             一星期之後,波士頓市第四區市議員,現年38歲的Andrea Campbell,也宣佈參選了。

             這時候,波士頓的現任市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)還未表態,是否競選連任,人們普遍認為,如果馬丁華殊競選連任,由於在位者參選必贏的歷史有前證,其他人的機會都很渺茫。當時坊間議論的重點是,這兩名宣佈參選者,無論哪一個人當選,都將為波士頓市締造出現首名有色人種,女性市長的歷史紀錄。

             今年17日,拜登總統提名馬丁華殊出任勞工部部長,波士頓市長選戰於是一下子局面完全不同,某某某可能參選的消息滿天飛,波士頓警察局局長葛羅斯說他90%可能,波士頓市健康及人民服務長Marty Martinez也說他當然考慮參選。



             Annissa Essaibi George今早才發信通知選民,我正在參選波士頓市長(I’m running for Mayor of Boston)”,但波士頓環球報,波士頓前鋒報等報章,昨(27)晚就已經發佈了這消息。

             Annissa Essaibi George在她發給選民的信上說,波士頓市我家,我根植於此,這個關係促使我更辛勤的要為波士頓做更多事

             Annissa Essaibi George2015年當選為波士頓市不分區市議員,並連任迄今。之前,從2001年起,她在東波士頓高中教經濟,企業管理,以及健康及人民服務。她還擔任軟球助理教練。




             波士頓環球報在報導中說,Annissa Essaibi George稱自己為阿拉伯裔美國人。她那第二次世界大戰後,在一個德國流離失所人士營中出生的波蘭裔母親,在波士頓環球報擔任電話接線生長達25年,直到被裁員為止。她父親在波士頓大學當警衛20多年,1972年才從突尼西亞移民來美,是虔誠穆斯林教徒。她自己在天主教教義中長大,但深受父母的文化薰陶。

             波士頓環球報指出,去年的波士頓市預算投票,彰顯了Annissa Essaibi George和吳弭,Andrea Campbell的極大不同。馬丁華殊去年夏天提出的36億美元營運預算,吳弭和Campbell都投了反對票,認為那不足以處理波士頓市內的系統性種族歧視。Annissa Essaibi George則是投贊成票的其中一人。他們那批人認為,否決馬丁華殊提出的預算案是財政上的不負責任,因為其中包括了很好的項目及服務。該預算案最後以85票通過。

             在競選經費上,最早宣佈參選的吳弭和Andrea Campbell,依序各籌得535,000元,




The annual count of Boston's homeless individuals guides the City's resources


Mayor Walsh and volunteers speaking with unsheltered individuals for the 2021 Census

BOSTON - Thursday, January 28, 2021 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh yesterday led a reduced group of volunteers, including City and State officials, homeless services providers, and public health and safety first responders, in conducting the City of Boston's 41st annual unsheltered homeless street count. Census organizers intentionally reduced the number of volunteers this year as a safety measure in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The street count also started later and did not include the usual kickoff event at City Hall, to prevent volunteers from gathering as a large group. The street count is part of the City's comprehensive census of homeless adults, youth and families in emergency shelters, transitional housing, and domestic violence programs, and individuals staying outside in Boston each year. 

"Every year, our homeless census guides our work to dedicate programs and resources to support individuals who face homelessness, and it plays a vital role in our larger goal to prevent and end homelessness in the City of Boston," said Mayor Walsh. "The homeless census also serves as an important reminder of our shared commitment to helping our most vulnerable residents. In Boston, we know everyone should be cared for and respected, and deserves a place to call home."

The annual homeless census is usually required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as a key component of Boston's $31 million federal grant for housing and services for homeless households. This year due to the COVID-19 pandemic the homeless census was not required by HUD, but was still conducted. The census also helps inform the City of Boston's policy development and allocation of resources. The information gained through the census is shared with other homeless service providers to aid in the coordination among the Continuum of Care members. Boston continues to have the lowest percentage of unsheltered people living on the street of any major city conducting a census, with under 2 percent of Boston's homeless population sleeping on the street in 2019, the most recent year for which HUD has published national data. Nationwide, 37 percent of all homeless persons were unsheltered in 2019.

This year, roughly 80 volunteers canvassed 45 areas after midnight, covering every city neighborhood, Logan Airport, and the transit and parks systems. Volunteers canvassed their assigned areas, identified those sleeping on the street, and conducted a short survey, when that could be conducted safely, per COVID-19 guidelines. The surveys will be closely analyzed to ensure accuracy and then cross-checked and combined with the results of the simultaneous shelter count. 

"When we first thought about conducting our street count this year, we wondered how to do so given concerns about the coronavirus," said Jim Greene Assistant Director for Street Homelessness Initiatives for the City of Boston. "We surveyed long time census team leaders and the response was amazing; everyone agreed to help in any way they could. The overnight and daytime emergency shelter staff, street outreach teams, homeless youth workers, substance abuse and mental health clinicians, and first responders who joined us for the count have been on the front lines of this work every day throughout the pandemic. They have the skill and experience to conduct a count and keep homeless people safe. We appreciate them stepping up again tonight."

The City of Boston's collaborative work to house, shelter, and keep homeless individuals and families safe has continued throughout the pandemic. In December, Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced that, despite the pandemic, since the launch of Rising to the Challenge: Boston's Plan to Prevent and End Youth and Young Adult Homelessness in December 2019, the City of Boston has housed more than 100 youth between the ages of 18 and 24 years old experiencing homelessness. As part of the continued effort to end youth homelessness and support youth at risk of becoming homeless, the Mayor also announced $335,000 to support career training and college courses for 40 young people aged 18-24 at risk of homelessness. 

Boston's Way Home, the City's plan to end chronic and veteran homelessness prioritizes the housing first approach, an evidence-based approach to ending homelessness that uses principles such as everyone is deserving of permanent and stable housing without preconditions like sobriety or treatment. Since the plan's launch in 2015, City agencies and community partners have dramatically redesigned the way services are delivered to homeless individuals, increasing resources devoted to housing and deploying new technologies to match homeless individuals with housing and services.

Since the launch of Boston's Way Home, the City has:

  • Housed more than 1,064 chronically homeless individuals, representing more than 6,700 years of homelessness ended. (The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services defines chronically homeless individuals as adults with a disability who have been either living in an emergency shelter or a place not meant for human habitation continuously for 12 months or more, or who have had four occasions of homelessness in the past three years that total 12 months or more.)
  • Reduced chronic homelessness in Boston by 19 percent since 2016, at a time when chronic homelessness has been rising nationally
  • Housed more than 1,300 homeless veterans and ended chronic homelessness among veterans
  • Reduced the number of homeless veterans in Boston on a single night by 32 percent since 2014, when Mayor Walsh launched his Homes for the Brave Initiative to end veteran homelessness
  • Partnered with six affordable housing owners in Boston to create a homeless veteran preference within their housing
  • Announced an action plan to support young Bostonians experiencing homelessness and awarded $4.7 million to create 157 housing opportunities for youth and young adults that have already housed more than 100 young people experiencing homelessness.
  • Reached the goal of raising more than $10 million for the Boston's Way Home Fund to build 200 new units of supportive, long-term housing for chronically homeless men and women.

The City of Boston anticipates receiving more than $31 million from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to support Boston's homelessness programs in 2021 through HUD's McKinney Homeless Continuum of Care program. The funding was awarded through the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, which renewed existing Continuum of Care grants for another year. 

To further prevent displacement, which can lead to homelessness, Mayor Walsh filed and advocated for several pieces of legislation during the 2019-2020 Massachusetts legislative session aimed at protecting residents. The bills passed provide the City of Boston with more flexibility to leverage the strong development market to fund affordable housing and workforce training programs, and increase the State CPA match, allowing Boston to invest more in our communities and support affordable housing, historic preservation, and parks and open space. This work builds on Boston's commitment to ensure all neighborhoods have affordable and equitable housing options to benefit the most vulnerable and least represented communities. Mayor Walsh was supportive of Governor Baker's housing choice legislation that was recently signed into law. This policy supports other municipalities in building up their affordable housing stock which will provide more options for residents across the Commonwealth and help ease Boston's housing burden.

The results from this year's homeless census will be available in the coming months.

About the Department of Neighborhood Development (DND)

The Department of Neighborhood Development is responsible for housing the homeless, developing affordable housing, and ensuring that renters and homeowners can find, maintain, and stay in their homes. As part of the ongoing coronavirus response, the Office of Housing Stability is also conducting tenant's rights workshops to educate residents about the eviction moratorium and their rights. The Boston Home Center continues to provide down payment assistance to first-time home buyers and home repairs for seniors and low-income residents. The Supportive Housing Division is working with various partners around the city to rapidly house individuals who are experiencing homelessness. For more information, please visit the DND website.



Baker-Polito Administration Awards Over $45 Million in Grants to 1,100 New Small Businesses Through COVID Relief Program

To date, over $277 million in direct financial support has been distributed to more than 5,800 small businesses

PLYMOUTH — Today, Governor Charlie Baker, Lt. Governor Karyn Polito, and Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Mike Kennealy joined small business owner Raquel Mullaney and state and local officials representing Plymouth to announce an additional $45.3 million in grants to 1,100 small businesses in the fifth round of awards through the COVID-19 Small Business Grant Program administered by the Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation (MGCC). Among the key industries most impacted by the pandemic, restaurants, bars and retail stores comprise the leading groups to receive grants. Today’s announcement was held at The 1620 Winery, located at Cordage Park in Plymouth, a recipient of a small business grant in a previous award round.

To date, the Baker-Polito Administration has awarded more than $277 million in direct financial support to 5,857 small businesses. This funding has been made available through a $668 million business relief fund set up in December 2020, as well as $50.8 million for small and diverse businesses included in the economic recovery package announced in October of last year. 

Additional grants will be announced in the coming weeks for thousands of additional businesses. 

“Our administration remains committed to supporting the needs of businesses as we continue to navigate the pandemic and its economic impact," said Governor Charlie Baker. "We are pleased to award this latest round of grants to help a total of more than 5,800 small businesses cover expenses like payroll, rent and utilities, and look forward to getting more funding into the hands of small businesses across the Commonwealth as soon as possible to support their recovery."

“Our small businesses have been challenged throughout this crisis, and each has played an important role in stopping the spread of this deadly virus,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “Since the first applications came in for relief, we have been working to prioritize the small business owners that need the help the most, and I am proud to see so many woman-owned businesses, as well as priority sectors, included in this round of grant awards.”

“Prior to the pandemic, our administration had already identified opportunities to enhance access to capital, space, and networks for women- and minority-owned businesses, and our work today is aimed at ensuring that these enterprises make it to the other side of this crisis,” said Secretary of Housing and Economic Development  Mike Kennealy. “MGCC will continue to expertly administer both of these grant programs to provide cash assistance to struggling businesses, as well as partner with organizations across Massachusetts helping these businesses tap into new federal resources.” 

Separate from this round of small business grants, MGCC continues to review applications submitted for its Sector-Specific Small Business Relief Grant Program. Based on the success of MGCC’s first grant program targeting small businesses, the sector-specific program targets businesses in the industries experiencing the greatest economic hardship, regardless of employee headcount. 

The industries that will be given preference in the new program include:

  • Restaurants, bars, caterers and food trucks;
  • Indoor recreation and entertainment establishments;
  • Gyms and fitness centers;
  • Event-support companies (photographers, videographers, etc.);
  • Personal services (nail salons, barbershops, independent pharmacies, etc.);
  • Independent retailers.

Sector-specific applicants are able to review the status of their application through the Submittable portal found on www.empoweringsmallbusiness.org. Award notifications for the sector-specific program will be made in February. 

Small Business Technical Assistance Grant Program

The Baker-Polito Administration and Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation also announced nearly $5 million in small business technical assistance grants to 63 non-profit organizations across the state. The state-funded Small Business Technical Assistance Grant Program, administered by MGCC, aims to expand economic and entrepreneurial opportunities in underserved communities throughout the Commonwealth.

These technical assistance grants enable nonprofit organizations throughout Massachusetts to provide crucial services such as help with applying for pandemic-related grant and loan programs, like the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), as well as individualized business management assistance, financial training, access to non-COVID capital and loan packaging services to under-resourced small businesses in urban and rural communities. The grant recipients, selected through a competitive process, are as diverse as the businesses they serve, including community development corporations, micro lenders and chambers of commerce.

Since Fiscal Year 2015, the program has awarded more than $15 million in grants. These funds have directly benefited more than 15,000 jobs and served over 12,500 small businesses, including 2,682 startups across Massachusetts.

波士頓警察局局長葛羅斯退休 1月29日離任 表態不參選市長

波士頓警察局局長葛羅斯(William G. Gross)(左)突然宣佈退休。
          (Boston Orange 綜合編譯)波士頓市有史以來的第一位黑人警察局局長,葛羅斯(William G. Gross)突然退休,明天(29)生效。波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)辦公室今早10點多發出聲明。

波士頓警察局副局長(Superintendent ),也是黑人的Dennis White將接任成為第43任波士頓警察局局長。








129日開始,在波士頓警察局已服務32年的Dennis White,將以代理身分接任波士頓局局長,直到他正式宣誓上任該職為止。

在喬治弗洛伊德被殺案於全美掀起要求警察問責,改革後,Dennis White是波士頓市警察改革工作小組成員之一。在晉升為葛羅斯的幕僚長,職級副局長之前,他曾經在總副局長辦公室擔任執行副局長(deputy superintendent),以及現場服務夜間指揮部服務。

                       麻州生活(Mass Life)電子報指出,葛羅斯從22歲加入波士頓警察局服務迄今,頭10年在東波士頓,多徹斯特,南波士頓及查理士城等區域巡邏。波士頓警察局是在他任內才成立了社區參與局(Bureau of Community Engagement)”

                     去年會見美國總檢察官William Barr時,葛羅斯遭遇批評。最近幾個月,波士頓警察局也面對外界砲火,尤其在許多抗議警察暴力的活動出現之後。




早前坊間傳聞,葛羅斯有90%的可能會參選波士頓市長,但他宣佈退休後沒多久就表示不會參選市長了。反倒是另一名波士頓市不分區市議員Annissa Essaibi George今早宣佈參選,成為正式宣佈參選波士頓市長的第三人。(第二次更新版)

波士頓警察局長葛羅斯退休 市長指派Dennis White接任



Newly appointed Boston Police Commissioner Dennis White


BOSTON - Thursday, January 28, 2021 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the appointment of Dennis White as the 43rd Commissioner of the Boston Police Department (BPD), and the second African American to hold the role of Police Commissioner. White, who is currently a Superintendent in the department and Chief of Staff to the Commissioner, will assume the duties and responsibilities of Commissioner William G. Gross, who is set to retire from BPD on Friday, January 29, 2021. 

"I want to thank Commissioner Gross from the bottom of my heart for his 37 years of service to the Boston Police Department and for his two and a half years leading the department as Commissioner. Throughout his decorated career, he's always embodied the spirit of community policing that is so important to building trust with the people we serve," said Mayor Walsh. "Anyone who knows Willie can instantly feel his love for the job and his passion for keeping communities safe. No matter the situation, his warm smile, dedication, and love for meeting people made him uniquely capable of taking on the toughest challenges." 

"As Boston's first Black Police Commissioner, Willie reflects the great diversity of our city," added Mayor Walsh. "We can all be proud of the legacy he'll leave behind, from reducing major crime to helping undertake the most ambitious set of police reforms in the department's history."

"It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as Police Commissioner, leading a department of hardworking men and women who serve this city day-in and day-out, and put the safety and well-being of our community first," said Commissioner Gross. "They have shown time and again their unwavering commitment to our residents, rising to the occasion during moments of crisis, reaching out a helping hand to those in need, and running towards danger in the name of public safety for all. I am immensely proud of their performance under tremendous pressure. It is only after long and careful consideration that I have made the decision to retire from my role. My heart will always remain alongside my brothers and sisters of the BPD, who over the course of my 37-year career have become my village. I will continue to be one of their biggest champions as I move forward with my next chapter." 

As of Friday, January 29, 2021, Superintendent White will serve as Acting Commissioner until he is formally sworn in as Commissioner. A swearing in ceremony will be announced in the coming days.

"Superintendent White is a proven leader who is trusted and respected in the community and by his colleagues in the Boston Police Department," said Mayor Walsh. "I'm confident that Dennis will continue to advance the progress made by Commissioner Gross, including implementing community-led recommendations for police reform, while drawing on his own extensive career experience to bring fresh ideas and innovative thinking to the department."

"The women and men of the Boston Police Department have become my extended family over the course of my three decades of service," said White. "I want to thank Mayor Walsh for entrusting me with this incredible opportunity and the responsibility of leading our historic department. To the community and all the members of the Boston Police Department, I pledge to uphold our mission of community policing each and every day. Serving as Commissioner is the honor of a lifetime, and I will never take this sacred duty for granted."

A member of Mayor Walsh's Boston Police Reform Task Force, Superintendent White is a seasoned veteran of the police force, having served the community for 32 years. Prior to being promoted to Chief of Staff to Commissioner Gross and to the rank of Superintendent, White was a Deputy Superintendent in the Office of the Superintendent-in-Chief and in the Bureau of Field Services Night Command.

As Boston's first Black police commissioner who rose through the ranks of the department, having joined as a cadet in 1983, Commissioner Gross appointed and oversaw the most qualified and diverse command staff in the department's history. Throughout his career, he has cultivated and maintained a strong connection with the community, and has prioritized community engagement as part of his community policing model. As Commissioner, he established the first-ever Bureau of Community Engagement at BPD, which is charged with overseeing a citywide effort focused on building relationships and trust between law enforcement and residents, creating new and innovative partnerships, and promoting inclusion and diversity within the department. During Commissioner Gross' tenure, part one crime, which includes the most serious offenses, declined.

As Police Commissioner, Gross worked to ensure that BPD lived up to the ideals of community policing. He took steps to further accountability and transparency at the department, including completing a review of Boston Police's policies against the recommended use of force policies outlined in the "8 Can't Wait" effort, resulting in clarified rules and the implementation of several reforms. Under his leadership, BPD has issued body-worn cameras to more than half of the department, and the program continues to expand to cover more officers.

Previous Police Commissioners Gross and Evans started as police cadets. After the cadet program was suspended in 2009 for financial reasons, Mayor Walsh reinstated the program in 2015 as a way to diversify the force and create a pipeline for Boston residents seeking a career in law enforcement. The cadet program is a 2-year apprenticeship designed for Boston residents between the ages of 18-24 interested in joining the ranks of one of the most storied and professional police departments in the county.

星期三, 1月 27, 2021

波士頓市議員吳弭: 疫苗注射站應一個郵遞區號設一個

波士頓市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu)刻正競選波士頓市長。
             (Boston Orange 編譯)新冠疫苗注射地點到底該怎麼安排?麻州政府近日稱,2月中以後,麻州將有至少165個疫苗注射站。波士頓市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu)呼籲,波士頓市內每一個郵遞區號都應該設一個,還要優先設在黑人、拉丁裔人聚居地方。








