
星期五, 10月 09, 2020

波士頓市長今早打流感預防針 鼓勵市民一起來


波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)以身作則,鼓勵市民
         (Boston Orange)波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)(9)日一早10點,在波士頓市政府大樓前接種流感疫苗,以身作則的鼓勵市民今年儘快打流感預防針,以避免感染,傳染流感。


該流感門診將從今早10點起至下午4點,在波士頓市政府大樓向大眾開放。預約可上網 here




         波士頓公共衛生局醫療主任Jennifer Lo表示,流感是嚴重病毒,人們是有可能同時染患流感和新冠病毒。雖然現在還沒有新冠病毒疫苗,但是流感有。那也是為什麼每一名6個月大以上的人,每6個月打一次流感疫苗很重要。



COVID-19 新冠病毒

Flu 流感













  • 耆英
  • 有某種病症的人
  • 懷孕婦女


  • 耆英
  • 有某種病症的人
  • 懷孕婦女
  • 5歲以下幼童,特別是2歲以下



Remdesivir 是抗病毒藥,目前用於症狀中等到嚴重病患








「僑見世界臺灣」徵短片 總獎金台幣30萬元

                (Boston Orange) 僑委會與全球華人同慶雙十,刻正以「僑見世界臺灣」為主題,徵短片,要讓在臺灣的我們看見你,讓臺灣被世界看見。比賽總獎金高達新臺幣30萬元,社會人士組首獎獨得8萬元,學生組首獎獨得6萬元。





星期四, 10月 08, 2020

10/8 新冠確診新增個案 美國53,051, 麻州409,波士頓68 新增死亡人數美國900,麻州8,波士頓0



                 (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)波士頓急難關懷救助協會和波士頓僑教中心,慈濟功德會波士頓聯絡處等機構,104日合作舉辦”COVID-19防疫無所不在講座。吳佳璇、劉禹秀陳慧盈3名講者,從心理諮商,中醫養生角度,分享了許多有用知識。




吳佳璇指出,市面上現在已有簡單的小城市,可以幫人做自我檢查。例如心情溫度計,專注於冥想和睡眠的Calm,做每日自我照顧的Fabulous等。麻州的有保險計畫,也提供這類軟體,例如藍十字藍盾(blue cross blue shield)就是其中之一。



劉禹秀專長創傷、家庭婚姻療法,精通中文、英文、台語、日語以及客語,目前在Bright Approach Counseling Center服務。她列出的心理諮商流程,有3個簡單步驟。先依照自己的保險,選擇心理醫師或心理諮商師,再依自己的需求,譬如希望做個人諮商,或是團體治療,是想要處理憂鬱,喪偶,退休恐懼等來選擇類型,然後聯絡諮商中心,或預約私人診所等。如果排期的等候時間過長,可以另外再找。






Statement from Boston City Councilor and Mayoral Candidate Michelle Wu regarding BPS


Statement from Boston City Councilor and Mayoral Candidate Michelle Wu regarding BPS


Boston, MA— “From the outset of the coronavirus outbreak, teachers, students, and families have offered recommendations for a reopening plan that prioritizes the health and well-being of our school communities; that centers the disparities in infection rates between neighborhoods and the needs of specific student populations for in-person learning; and that provides needed predictability to allow for families and teachers to make plans under these difficult circumstances. Instead of listening to and learning from those on the frontlines of this crisis, what we have seen is a failure of leadership -- continued tweaks that undermine long-term planning for recovery and risk health and safety. 


Although postponing the return of large groups of students to school buildings is safer than the original phasing-in schedule, it is unacceptable that BPS has been overseeing remote learning since March and we still lack clarity and predictability about the larger plan. Today’s announcement suggests a reversal of previous safety guidance. Teachers and families must be part of decision-making, and administrators must be accountable to prioritizing the safety and health of school communities.”

星期三, 10月 07, 2020

波士頓市新冠確診率躍升至4.1% 公校第三階段重新開放推遲至10月22日


            (Boston Orange周菊子綜合報導)波士頓市新型冠狀病毒確診率陡升至4.1%。市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)(7)日因此宣佈暫緩學校重新開放步驟,第三階段重新開放日期將從1015日推遲至22日,各年級學生回校上課日期,未來將視實際情況做調整。






波士頓公校特別教育家長委員會主席Roxann Harvey也說,波士頓市共有大約11,000名需要特殊教育的學生。回學校上課,對這些學生格外重要。在不能上學6個月之後,這些學生只不過回學校2天,就已經有如完全不同的人。她強調新冠病毒大流行對每個人所造成的影響不一樣,在公共教育領域還使得原本就已存在著的不公平更加明顯。

波士頓公校總監Brenda Cassellius也在疫情匯報記者會上表示,波士頓公校已做好準備,讓學生安全回校上課。


波士頓市長馬丁華殊及健康及人民服務長(Chief of Health and Human Services) Marty Martinez認為,波士頓市的確診率的陡升,和人們開始對病毒掉以輕心有關,海德公園及多徹斯特的確診率都出現大增情況,反倒是原本確診率最高的東波士頓降下來了。他們提醒人們現在仍然應該出門戴口罩,勤洗手,保持6英尺的安全距離。


波士頓教師工會會長Jessica Tang呼籲立即調整,降低學校建築物內的非必要工作人員人數。她還認為波士頓市府目前的作法,會讓數以千計的教職員及學生,暴露在不必要的危險中。

10/7 新冠病毒確診新增人數麻州509, 美國38,984 新增死亡人數麻州19,美國672



Boston's Latest Numbers (As of October 7, 2020): (Updated Monday-Friday)

  • 17,774 confirmed cases 

  • 14,981 recovered

  • 764 deaths





Pledges Prosecution of Voter Intimidation; Establishes Task Force to Ensure Election Protection; Launches Voter Education Campaign Across Massachusetts

            BOSTON With a clear message that her office will protect the right to vote in Massachusetts, Attorney General Maura Healey today announced major initiatives to ensure election integrity in the weeks leading up to November 3.


“As Election Day approaches, I want each and every voter to know that my office is working hard to ensure your vote is counted, your voice is heard, and our elections have integrity,” AG Healey said. “We are here to strengthen trust in our democratic process and protect your right to vote.”


Election Protection Task Force


AG Healey has made voter protection and election integrity a priority of her office and is taking action to ensure a free and fair election. She convened an internal task force to coordinate election protection related priorities across the office and with state attorneys general across the country. 


The task force includes attorneys in the AG’s Office with expertise in civil rights, civil litigation, and criminal prosecution. Its work is focused on ensuring that every ballot cast is counted and preparing to respond to and prosecute voter intimidation, which includes staffing the office’s civil rights hotline to address concerns of interference at the polls.


Voter Education Campaign


The AG’s Office has launched a new website with resources available for voters, including important dates, information about voting options, and how the AG’s Office is protecting your right to vote. For more information, visit mass.gov/protectthevote.


This week, the AG’s Office will also distribute thousands of voter protection flyers in multiple languages to the state’s community-based organizations, faith-based groups, neighborhood associations, disability rights advocates, senior centers, colleges and universities, government officials, and municipalities. The flyers have been translated to Arabic, Chinese, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, Spanish, and Vietnamese, and are also available online at mass.gov/votingflyers.


            The AG’s Voter Protection Flyer has information about how to vote, including making sure voters register or confirm their voter registration at www.RegisterToVoteMA.com by the deadline of October 24, 2020. Voters can vote four ways:


  • Vote Early by Mail: Apply now at www.MailMyBallotMA.com. We recommend you submit your application by October 20. Return your ballot by mail or deliver it in person to your local election office, an official ballot return drop box, or any early voting location in your city or town during early voting hours. Your ballot must be postmarked or dropped off by November 3 and, if mailed, must be received by your local election office by November 6. Track your ballot at www.TrackMyBallotMA.com or look up drop-off locations at www.mass.gov/vote.
  • Vote Early in Person: Vote at an early voting location in your city or town between October 17 and October 30. Early voting locations and hours will be posted by October 9 on www.MassEarlyVote.com.
  • Vote Absentee: You can vote absentee if you will be out of town or have a physical disability or a religious belief that prevents you from voting at your polling location. Request an absentee ballot by October 28 and postmark or drop off your ballot by November 3. If mailed, your ballot must be received by your local election office by November 6. Request an absentee ballot application by calling 1-800-462-VOTE or visiting www.mass.gov/vote.
  • Vote in Person on Election Day: On November 3, vote at your polling location between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. If you are in line by 8 p.m., you have the right to vote. Confirm your polling location at www.WhereDoIVoteMA.com.


The AG’s flyer also discusses voters’ rights to equal access, to vote without intimidation and to have their vote counted. 

  • Right to Equal Access: All polling locations are required to be accessible, have an accessible voting booth, and have a system that allows voters with disabilities to mark their ballot privately and independently. People with disabilities may also have someone assist them at an early voting or polling location, use the accessible vote-by-mail system, or vote absentee. Call 1-800-462-VOTE / TTY: 1-800-720-3480 for more info or visit www.mass.gov/vote.
  • Right to Vote without Intimidation: State law prohibits election interference and voter intimidation. If someone verbally or physically confronts you while you are trying to vote, requests documentation where none is required, follows you, or interferes in some other way with your right to vote, call the Attorney General’s Office at 617-963-2917.
  • Right to Have Your Vote Counted: If you vote by mail, track your ballot at www.TrackMyBallotMA.com to make sure it is received and accepted. If your ballot is rejected, your local election official should contact you and send another—you can submit the ballot or vote in person. If you receive a mail ballot but do not return it or if you are concerned your election office will not receive it in time, you may vote in person.


Protecting Against Voter Intimidation 

Voters have the right to cast their ballot free from intimidation, harassment, or interference. State and federal laws protect this right and AG Healey has said that those who engage in this type of illegal activity will be prosecuted. The law prohibits voter intimidation by public officials and private citizens alike.


In September, after President Trump threatened to send law enforcement officials to polling locations to monitor elections, AG Healey’s Office issued an advisory to make clear that intimidating or interfering with voters is illegal. The advisory reminds voters that their right to vote safely and free from intimidation, harassment, and coercion is protected under federal and state law.


AG Healey is reminding voters that if someone verbally or physically threatens or harasses you while you are trying to vote, or interferes in some other way with your right to vote, you can call the AG’s Civil Rights Division for help at 617-963-2917. If you need immediate assistance, dial 911 or contact your local police department.


Multistate Action

AG Healey joined a coalition of attorneys general in filing for a preliminary injunction, which was granted, in a lawsuit seeking an immediate halt to illegal changes to the United States Postal Service (USPS) that interfere with postal workers’ ability to effectively deliver the mail. In their lawsuit, the attorneys general assert that in some parts of the country, USPS’s actions from July 2020 have led to significant delays, harmed veterans, seniors, and rural communities, and could disrupt the November election without court intervention.


Information regarding voter registration and voting procedures in Massachusetts can be found on the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s Elections Division website at: www.sec.state.ma.us/ele.





Property Assessed Clean Energy provides commercial, industrial, and large residential buildings with a financing tool for renewable energy and efficiency upgrades


BOSTON - Wednesday, October 7, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced he has proposed an order that will allow the City of Boston to participate in the Massachusetts Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy Program (PACE), a tax-based financing mechanism that enables low-cost, long-term funding for energy improvements in existing commercial, industrial, nonprofit, and multifamily buildings with five or more units. By adopting this program, the City of Boston is building on the strategies identified in the 2019 Climate Action Plan to accelerate decarbonization in the city's largest buildings and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.


"Boston has set ambitious and necessary climate action and energy efficiency goals to protect our neighborhoods and create a resilient, healthy city," said Mayor Walsh. "PACE will help building owners access critical financing needed to complete energy improvements that will make their buildings healthier and more efficient, supporting the City's progress in reaching its goal of carbon neutrality by 2050." 


According to the 2019 Climate Action Plan, buildings in Boston account for approximately 70 percent of citywide emissions. Under the PACE program, MassDevelopment uses an open market, third party direct financing model for qualifying energy projects. Existing buildings in the City of Boston can secure long-term financing for eligible energy improvements through a voluntary better assessment on property tax bills, therefore eliminating certain barriers to traditional financing and possibly alleviating pandemic-related financial impacts. 


"As the single greatest source of emissions citywide, buildings in Boston also represent the greatest opportunity for reductions," said Chris Cook, Chief of Environment, Energy, and Open Space. "While we continue to implement actions to reduce Boston's overall carbon emissions and develop a building emissions performance standard, PACE is one in a set of tools that will assist building owners in meeting our goals and building a cleaner, healthier future for Boston."


In order to decarbonize large buildings, the City of Boston is currently developing an emissions performance standard that, when implemented, is projected to decrease citywide emissions nearly 40 percent by 2050. To lead by example, Mayor Walsh last year signed an Executive Order for all new City-owned buildings to target a Zero Net Carbon standard, and recently required that all new affordable housing construction funded by the City must meet Carbon Neutral performance standards


"Climate action is first and foremost about protecting people - and Boston is helping to show the way. PACE is one tool in the kit that will allow the City to drive down harmful climate pollution, accelerate its clean energy goals, and make communities more resilient. As an American Cities Climate Challenge city, Boston is leading by example and charting a cleaner, healthier future for all," said Jay Orfield, Interim Director of Buildings, Energy & Finance for the American Cities Climate Challenge at NRDC.


PACE offers private building owners access to long-term financing that is paid back through energy savings, similar to the City's Renew Boston Trust program, a performance contract for municipal buildings. There are no savings guarantees involved with PACE, but the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER) conducts a technical review of projects to ensure that projected savings will exceed the PACE assessment.


"PACE Massachusetts is a forward-thinking financing tool for energy improvements to commercial and industrial properties," said MassDevelopment President and CEO Lauren Liss. "We are thrilled the City of Boston is pursuing 'opting into' PACE Massachusetts, a key step to enabling local property owners to take advantage of the program, and look forward to supporting projects that create jobs, encourage business growth, and reduce energy consumption."


Legislation signed by Governor Baker in August 2016 and amended in August 2019 directed MassDevelopment, in conjunction with DOER, to create a PACE program. The program officially launched July 28, 2020, with twenty eight municipalities participating to-date. Twenty-three states and the District of Columbia have active commercial PACE programs. 


About the Environment Department

The City of Boston Environment Department's mission is to enhance the quality of life in Boston by protecting air, water, climate, and land resources, and preserving and improving the integrity of Boston's architectural and historic resources. To learn more, visit the website at boston.gov/environment.

