
星期日, 10月 27, 2019

科技部GLORIA計畫組團訪波士頓 簽4項合作協議

科技部國際產學聯盟與波士頓企業簽合作協議。右起,波士頓科技組組長謝水龍,政大國際笧學聯盟執行長王世方,EGI資本合夥人黃筑筠,成功大學副校長蘇芳慶,台北醫學大學副校長吳介信,康衛生保健共同創辦人Flexi Oen,高曼計量財務創辦人Peter C. L. Lin,劍橋區塊鍊執行長Mathew  Commons。(周菊子攝)

財務創辦人Peter C. L. Lin交換證書。(周菊子攝)
            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 科技部國際產學聯盟 (GLORIA)訪問團,由科技部前次長現任成功大學副校長蘇芳慶率領,1023日訪問波士頓,在波士頓世貿中心舉辦媒合說明會,簽署4宗產學合作案,為台灣與波士頓地區的科技產學合作,進一步打開局面。
             著眼於以學校為核心,搭建平台,深化產業與學界合作,促進創新,連接國際市場,為產業提供人才與科研服務的國際產學聯盟(Global Research & Industry Alliance ,簡稱GLORIA)”是科技部於20179月成立的計畫。
執行長Mathew Commons交換證書。(周菊子攝)
共同創辦人Flexi Oen握手慶祝簽合作協議。(周菊子攝)
23日在波士頓的媒合說明會中,GLORIA訪問團簽署4件產學合作案。以金融科技為發展重點的政治大學,由該校國際產學聯盟執行長王世方分別和劍橋區塊鍊執行長Matjew Commons,高曼計量財務(Gamma Paradigm Capital)創辦人Peter C. L. Lin簽署共2個協議,依序合作開放金融身分認證技術落地台灣,探析證券型代幣實務應用研究。另外有台北醫學大學副校長吳介信和康衛生保健(Kang Healthcare Pte)有限公司共同創辦人Felix Oen, 成功大學副校長蘇芳慶和EGI資本合夥人黃筑筠分別簽署了合作協議。
GLORIA辦公室的Liang Chao Chun在媒合會中介紹,台灣是企業在亞洲的最佳夥伴,有宏觀經濟穩定排名第一,全球人才競爭力在亞洲排名第一,以每百萬人口計的專利發明數排名第一,是國際上的半導體業和資訊通訊科技(ICT)領域領導者,在美國醫藥研究及生產評估中排名第三等優勢,而GLORIA計畫設有企業聯絡專員,可為加入國際產學聯盟的會員,依照美金7千元,3萬元,20萬元等三種等級,享有瞭解台灣資源等一站式服務,並可得到設計特定研發項目的協助。

                   據悉,GLORIA訪問團在波士頓期間,透過波士頓科技組安排,還拜會了IBM Watson 研究中心,麻省理工學院及紐約的媒體實驗室,哥倫比亞科技創投機構。




麻州企業發展署助理署長范文南(Nam Pham)也出席了GRORIA的活動。

星期三, 10月 23, 2019

林口新創園加入"麻州挑戰"白金夥伴圈 今日掛牌

主任Brittany McDonough(右)為林口新創園掛牌。(周菊子攝)
          (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 台灣經濟部林口新創園 (Startup Terrace)(23)日在麻州挑戰(Mass Challenge)波士頓總部正式掛牌,成為該機構在亞洲的第二個白金級合作夥伴。
台灣數位機會無任所大使,也是數位經濟暨產業發展協會理事長的陳正然,駐美投資貿易服務處主任孫良輔,資策會副執行長蕭博仁等,今日聯袂出席,見證經濟部中小企業處創業育成組組長雷世謙和麻州挑戰全球夥伴主任Brittany McDonough為正式建立合作關係揭牌。
資策會早在七年前就和麻州挑戰達成過合作協議,礙於無適當項目,一直沒有後續動作。去年底,經濟部在林口成立新創園,推出國際創業聚落計畫,斥資25萬美元,促成台灣與麻州挑戰落實合作,由社團法人數位經濟暨產業發展協會(Digital Transformation Association, DTA)承辦,今年五月從206個團隊中挑出14個初創團隊,接受為期四個月的孵化培訓,其中包括進駐麻州挑戰波士頓總部,參訪學習三天以上。
右起,比異資本執行董事陳彥諭,孫良輔,Brittany McDonough,
             陳正然在掛牌儀式致詞時表示, DTA在去年台灣主辦2018 GEC+ Taipei時和麻州挑戰簽署了合作備忘錄,要聯手培養能夠帶動社會與經濟創新的創業家,後來由經濟部支持,DTA又再促成麻州挑戰和台灣的創育機構資育公司,以及比翼資本合作,共同推動今年林口新創園的Bridge to MassChallenge (B2MC) Taiwan國際加速器計畫,
將以林口新創園為基地,推動 橋接麻州挑戰台灣(Bridge to MassChallenge (B2MC) Taiwan)”國際加速器計畫,要把台灣打造為亞洲最好的創業基地。
駐美投資貿易服務處主任孫良輔主任表示,波士頓在20162017連續兩年打敗矽谷,名列美國創業環境最佳城市。林口新創園和麻州挑戰的 搭橋練接,將有助於台灣打入麻州挑戰的全球創新創業網,讓更多國際投資人看見台灣的技術與人才優勢。
經濟部中小企業處創業育成組組長雷世謙表示,林口新創園和麻州挑戰今年初首度合作推出B2MC Taiwan計畫,六個星期就收到來自全球44國的206個團隊申請加入。
負責執行林口新創園B2MC Taiwan國際加速器計畫的資育公司董事長龔仁文指出,和麻州挑戰合作,最重要的是可幫助新創公司得到麻州挑戰深企業家導師輔導;此外,也幫台灣吸引最具潛力的創新科技。
根據數位經濟暨產業發展協會的資料,B2MC Taiwan 國際加速器項目,今年有206件申請案,92個團隊符合資格,經麻州挑戰散佈全球的30名導師做線上篩選後,選出26個團隊參加5月在台灣舉行的第一階段創業輔導,由6名波士頓及以色列創業家提供諮詢輔導,最後有14個團隊晉級,來到波士頓的麻州挑戰,接受第二接度輔導,前兩名優勝團隊將獲邀參加麻州挑戰在波士頓或以色列的加速器團隊複賽。
今晚在麻省理工學院史隆商學院與麻州挑戰辦的全球峰會交流接代會(Global Summit Networking Reception )上,林口新創園獲得機會向200多名來自世界各地的出席者,展示園區介紹影片。經濟部中小企業處表示,行政院長蘇貞昌上周主持林口新創園啟動儀式後,這是林口新創園的第一個海外宣傳活動。(更新版)

B.A.A. Announces 2020 Boston Marathonâ Official Charity Program

B.A.A. Announces 2020 Boston Marathonâ Official Charity Program

BOSTON – The Boston Athletic Association has announced the 43 organizations selected for the B.A.A.’s Official Charity Program for the 2020 Boston Marathon. Seven new organizations have joined the B.A.A.’s Official Charity Program for the 124th Boston Marathon, to be run on Monday, April 20, 2020.

Entering its 31st year, the B.A.A.’s Official Charity Program enables selected charitable organizations to raise millions of dollars for worthwhile causes surrounding the annual Patriots’ Day race. In 2019, the program surpassed the $250 million mark in total funds raised since its inception in 1989. A total of $20.3 million was raised through the 2019 Boston Marathon Official Charity Program, with an average of more than $10,000 raised per entry. Combined with the John Hancock Non-Profit Program and fundraising by other qualified and invitational participants, a race record $38.7 million was raised this year – a 6-percent increase over 2018.

The B.A.A.’s official charities began accepting registration submissions in September. For more information on all 43 charities among the Boston Marathon Official Charity Program, and to apply to participate in the 2020 Boston Marathon as a member of one of their teams, please visit www.baa.org.

For the second consecutive year, the Boston Athletic Association will field its own fundraising team for the Boston Marathon. B.A.A. Charity Team members fundraise to help expand the B.A.A.’s youth and community initiatives, bringing the benefits of running and healthy lifestyles to the greater Boston community. Applications are currently being accepted for the 2020 B.A.A. Charity Team at www.baa.org.

The seven new organizations to join the B.A.A.’s Official Charity Program for the 2020 Boston Marathon include Community Rowing; Herren Project; John M. Barry Boys & Girls Club of Newton; Massachusetts Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired; MEB Foundation; TB12 Foundation; and Thompson Island Outward Bound.

A complete list of Boston Marathon Official Charity Program members can be found below.

·      Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
·      Brigham and Women's Hospital
·      261 Fearless, Inc.
·      American Liver Foundation, N.E. Division
·      American Red Cross of Massachusetts
·      B.A.A. Charity Team
·      Back on My Feet
·      Boston Bruins Foundation
·      Boston Celtics Shamrock Foundation
·      Boston Children's Hospital
·      Boys & Girls Clubs of Dorchester
·      Camp Shriver at UMass Boston
·      Community Rowing
·      CYCLE Kids, Inc.
·     Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism, Inc.

·      Dream Big!
·      Esplanade Association
·      Girls on the Run Greater Boston
·      Good Sports, Inc.
·      Hale
·      Herren Project
·      IMPACT Melanoma
·      John M. Barry Boys & Girls Club of Newton
·      The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
·      Martin Richard Foundation - Team MR8
·      Massachusetts Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired
·      MEB Foundation
·      MetroWest YMCA
·      Michael Lisnow Respite Center
·     Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation
·     National MS Society, Greater New England Chapter
·     New England Patriots Foundation
·     Red Sox Foundation
·     Scholar Athletes
·     Semper Fi Fund
·     Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital
·     Squashbusters
·     TB12 Foundation
·     Tedy’s Team
·     Tenacity, Inc.
·     Thompson Island Outward Bound
·     Trinity Boston Connects
·     Tufts Medical Center

科技部人工智能中心訪問團波士頓參訪 與玉山科協交流 (圖)

                   (Boston Orange)科技部人工智慧技術暨全福健康照護聯合研究中心為加強台灣與波士頓的醫療影響技術交流,由中心主持人傅立成,執行長曾柏元,與台大應用數學科學研究所教授王偉仲,陽明醫學院楊教授等人組團,1022日起,陸續拜會了哈佛大學醫學院生物醫藥資訊系,麻省總醫院臨床數據科學中心,Aetion公司,以及Marcus老化研究院等機構。21日晚和紐英倫玉山科技協會聯誼,加強和波士頓本地的聯繫。

Baker-Polito Administration Announces $1.8 Million from American Student Assistance for High Schools to Launch Innovation Pathways Programs

Baker-Polito Administration Announces $1.8 Million from American Student Assistance for High Schools to Launch Innovation Pathways Programs
Twenty-one high schools also received $354,000 in grants to develop new college and career pathway programs

LAWRENCE – Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito were joined by officials from American Student Assistance (ASA) today at Lawrence High School to announce the availability of $1.8 million in grants to help high schools across the Commonwealth develop programs that prepare students for college and careers. The Baker-Polito Administration also awarded grants to 21 Massachusetts high schools approved to develop Innovation Pathways programs aimed at giving students knowledge and internship experiences in growing industries in the Commonwealth. The grants totaled more than $354,000.

American Student Assistance, a national nonprofit based in Massachusetts that helps students find their path and plan for their future, chose to award the grant to the Governor’s Workforce Skills Cabinet to help fund college and career preparation programs, known as Innovation Pathways. This is the first time the organization has awarded a major grant to support college and career pathways in high schools.

“Innovation Pathways are designed to engage students who are trying to discover what the next steps in their future careers are and help them succeed through college-level courses and internships,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We are proud to continue investing in these important programs and appreciate American Student Assistance’s support with this generous award, and are pleased that high schools across the Commonwealth will be able to give students better insight into the choices available to them.”

“Innovation Pathways builds strong partnerships created with local employers to give students exposure and experience in their chosen field of study,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “These new pathways give students a head start to succeed in Massachusetts’ high-tech economy, prepare them for their futures and create more opportunities for success.”

The announcement was made at Lawrence High School, which received $30,000 to create three new Innovation Pathways programs in the fields of health care and social assistance, information technology, and business and finance. Lawrence Mayor Daniel Rivera and Lawrence Superintendent Cynthia Paris joined the Governor and Lt. Governor, along with Secretary of Education James Peyser, for the event - one of nearly a thousand events held across the Commonwealth to celebrate the second annual statewide STEM Week, running from October 21 to October 25. The Baker-Polito Administration launched STEM Week in 2018, in partnership with the Massachusetts STEM Advisory Council, aiming to inspire more students to consider careers involving science, technology, engineering and math.

Many of the Innovation Pathways programs at high schools are in STEM-related fields. Launched in 2017, Innovation Pathways give students experience in a specific high-demand industry through coursework and internships at local employers. Students earn college credits, at no cost to them, and gain insight as to whether the field is something they want to pursue in college or as a career. Industry sectors include manufacturing, information technology, environmental and life sciences, health care and social assistance and business and finance.

“When students have a sense of purpose they become more interested and engaged in their studies, able to easily see how it all fits into their future,” said Secretary of Education James Peyser. “As more students gain skills and knowledge in different fields of study, they will have a better sense of what courses to pursue in college or additional career training, increasing the likelihood of their success.” 

“We believe Massachusetts is way ahead of the curve in providing career exploration and skill building opportunities to all students – not just those in career and technical education programs. There is a true commitment from the Baker-Polito Administration to ensure all students across the Commonwealth have the skills they need to succeed in college and career. Innovation Pathways are an excellent way to provide these opportunities, and that is why ASA is so committed to their expansion,” said American Student Assistance CEO Jean Eddy. 

Across the Commonwealth, 26 high schools have designated Innovation Pathways, totaling 61 different programs. The 21 schools awarded grants today will be eligible for official designation from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Department of Higher Education in spring 2020.

“Massachusetts is home to one of the world’s leading innovation economies, and programs like Innovation Pathways make that critical connection between employers and promising talent, setting the stage for rewarding careers that help propel our economy and Commonwealth forward,” said Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Mike Kennealy.

“The Workforce Skills Cabinet is grateful to ASA for our work together over the last year. We are aligned on vision and mission to transform education in ways that leverage real world work experience as part of the learning process,” said Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development Rosalin Acosta. “Our work with ASA to invest in schools and build Innovation Pathways for students is one of the most important strategies to build our future workforce in the Commonwealth.”

Schools that apply for designation for an Innovation Pathways are required to follow five design principles:
  • Equitable access for all students
  • Guided academic pathway, which, in the case of Innovation Pathways, must relate to one of five specified broad industry sectors
  • Enhanced student supports
  • Relevant connections to career
  • Deep partnerships between high schools and employers or workforce development boards

星期二, 10月 22, 2019

Baker-Polito Administration Celebrates STEM Week with New Automation Robotics Mechatronics at Montachusetts Regional Vocational Technical School

Baker-Polito Administration Celebrates STEM Week with New Automation Robotics Mechatronics at Montachusetts Regional Vocational Technical School

For high resolution and additional photos, click here.

FITCHBURG – Lt. Governor Karyn Polito visited Montachusett Regional Technical Vocational School to help the school officially open its new automation robotics mechatronics lab (A.R.M), which will prepare students and adult learners interested in careers in advanced manufacturing and automation. Monty Tech received a $500,000 Skills Capital Grant from the Baker-Polito Administration last spring to purchase the equipment. School officials decided to hold a ribbon cutting ceremony today as part of STEM Week, a statewide initiative aimed at encouraging more young people to consider studies and careers in science, technology, engineering and math.

Students in the electrical, engineering, and computer design courses will learn skills that could lead to careers in manufacturing and robotics as automation technicians, manufacturing production technicians, mold-makers, drafters and CNC machinists. The lab will also teach adult learners in off school hours. 

“We are proud to increase access to high-quality career education for students by strengthening vocational schools and creating opportunities for students across the Commonwealth to explore STEM fields,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “STEM Week is just one more way to draw attention to the diversity of careers that are growing here in Massachusetts so students consider these fields as part of their future.”

“With these Skills Capital Grants, our aim is to create more opportunities for students to be successful by providing more training, knowledge and experience in developing industries,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “In order to keep up with Massachusetts’ thriving economy, we need to have trained, skilled workers to meet businesses’ needs for new talent.”

Strengthening STEM education in the Commonwealth’s K-12 schools and deepening the STEM workforce pipeline is a priority of the Baker-Polito Administration. Lt. Governor Karyn Polito co-chairs the STEM Advisory Council along with Congressman Joseph P. Kennedy III and Jeffrey Leiden, chief executive officer of Vertex Pharmaceuticals. The STEM Advisory Council is appointed by the Governor and includes education and business leaders in STEM industries that work to promote STEM education, partnerships among industries and schools and internships for students.

The Baker-Polito Administration awards Skills Capital Grants to educational institutions that demonstrate partnerships with industry, as well as align curriculum and credentials with businesses’ demand, to maximize hiring opportunities in each region of the state. The goal of the grants is to update capital equipment at educational institutions that create career pathways for young people and adults.

“When young people have a sense of purpose to their studies, they become interested, engaged students who are capable of great things. Skills Capital Grants give more students opportunities for applied learning experiences so they develop real world skills and knowledge in STEM-related fields,” said Secretary of Education James Peyser.

Monty Tech has received more than $1.4 million in Skills Capital Grants since 2016. In total, the Baker-Polito Administration has awarded nearly $65 million to more than 230 educational institutions across the Commonwealth.

“Since 2016, thanks to the Baker-Polito Administration and support from our state legislature, Monty Tech has received almost $1.5 million in Skills Capital grants, allowing us to make much-needed large equipment updates, and expand seven of our technical programs,” said Superintendent Sheila Harrity. “These equipment upgrades are directly in line with industry standards and expectations and will provide the most current training for our students in both the high school and continuing education programs. These grants have provided Monty Tech with unique opportunities to partner with local businesses to improve training for all students."

星期一, 10月 21, 2019


岱斯大學國際商學院院長Kathryn Graddy,EGI合夥人

布蘭岱斯大學國際商學院院長Kathryn Graddy以數據展示
