
星期五, 9月 09, 2016

麻州初選 投票率低 張禮能挑戰參議員功敗垂成

(Boston Orange 周菊子麻州報導) 98的麻州分黨派初選,州政府參眾議會多個議員席位無人角逐競爭,選民出席投票意願低落,估計投票率甚至不足10%

麻州州務卿威廉蓋文(William F. Galvin)選前預測選民出席投票率大概會在8%10%之間,但有些大選區,出席投票率甚至比那還低。

華裔參選人部分,除2009年聯袂首度當選,現競選連任的麻州眾議員,代表索格斯鎮等地的黃子安(Donald Wong),代表昆士市的陳德基(Tackey Chan)之外,僅新添劍橋市在位議員張禮能(Leland Cheung)一人,角逐麻州參議員席位。


的黃子安,還得打敗民主黨籍的Jen Migliore,才能保住議員寶座。



    不過,挑戰在位議員一向都不容易,更何況張禮能自己也承認,他所挑戰,已在位21年的參議員,Patricia Hehlen做得並不差,偏低的選民出席投票率使他挑戰未能竟功,也就毫不出奇了。

    若擴大為亞裔來檢視時,2015年首度上任的麻州首名柬埔寨裔眾議員 Rady Mom,順利擊敗民主黨及競爭對手,將於118日的大選,再和共和黨籍競爭對手一爭高下。

    亞裔今年還有一名新人參選,45年前從南韓移民來美,現年77歲,住在Brockton的共和黨員Danny J. Yoon。他參選第9普利矛斯(Plymouth)選區的眾議員席位。初選無競爭對手。

    其他和亞裔社區熟稔,初選獲勝的參眾議員候選人,有轄區包括牛頓市的Kay Khan,轄區包括第二薩福克區的陳翟蘇妮(Sonia Chang Diaz),以及518日才在特別選舉中獲勝,初選、大選都無競爭對手,已鐵定將續任,轄區包括華埠的麻州參議員賓加利 (

Joseph Boncore),無競爭對手,轄區包括華埠的第三薩福克郡麻州眾議員麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz)

    其他和華埠社區有關的初選結果,包括都獲選為民主黨籍代表,7日晚到華埠居民會拜票的薩福克郡治安官Steve Tompkins,州長委員會第6區代表Terrence Kennedy,曾任波士頓市議會議長的史蒂芬墨菲(Stephen Murphy),在7人角逐的激烈競爭中,當選為民主黨籍的薩福克郡契約註冊官(Register of Deeds)候選人。


    初選結果中,較特別的包括27歲新人,曾任麻州參議員陳翟蘇妮助理的Chynah Tyler,贏得了民主黨提名,將角逐洛士百利區資深眾議員Gloria Fox不再競選連任所遺席缺,以及兩名在位者輸給競爭者。它們分別為劍橋市的Tim Toomey敗給Mike Connolly






今年11月的全美选举日,加州地方各级议会和政府的选举也将同期举行。劳工节过后,各个候选人全力通过各种渠道,深耕基层宣传自己政治理念,争取选民认同。南加州地区知名华裔草根政治组织98日晚,参加在加州众议员David Hadley的竞选连任办公室举办的亚裔选民支持活动,表示将提供支持。前华裔丽浪多滩市市长甄荣峰参加了当天的活动。
距离投票选举日还有60天,各族裔的民间草根政治组织,或出于政治热情、或出于支持符合自己的政治理念的候选人,正全面、广泛、深入的投入到今年的选举进程之中。 积极为自己选定的候选人以各种形式进行拉票。
加州众议员David Hadley选区在洛杉矶国际机场的南部多个海滨城市和Palos Verde半岛等南湾区域,追求较为理想化的政治环境,力图塑造独立的南湾领袖形象。作为政治素人,两年前当选加州众议员,今年正在竞选争取连任。David Hadley在投资银行业服务多年,是一个成功的企业家。大儿子现在西点军校读书,一个女儿刚刚进入威廉玛丽学院就读。他对华裔友善、愿意倾听华裔的诉求,并表达支持,特别是在加州关于族裔划分、有可能影响华裔子弟被大学入取的法案上,投下了反对票,为加州华裔所认同。
橙县金橙俱乐部的陈郁、魏广平等表示,众议员David Hadley选区虽然在南湾,但是是加州的众议员,在加州议会中可以发挥重要的作用。而加州的法案都是和我们日常生活、子女教育有直接关系的。 今年的选民动员活动,既要有所创新,也需要进一步分析选民结构。
加州众议员David Hadley对华裔一直以来的支持表示印象深刻。他提到,曾收到来自北加州华人的捐款,捐款者表示, 从华裔草根组织中获悉他在有关的法案中的表决对华裔有利,所以捐款表达支持。David Hadley也表示在两年的任期内,除了积极参与选区内华裔社区的各项活动之外,也在有关选区内的公共设施、水务等拨款法案上,采纳了选区内华裔的意见,并力促在州议会获得通过。(AACYF洛杉矶讯)

星期四, 9月 08, 2016










(一)  透過活絡創新人才、完善資金協助、優化法制環境等措施,完善創新創業環境。

(二)  設立一站式服務中心,整合矽谷等國際研發能量,並積極參與國際制定物聯網標準及認證機制。

(三)  引導國內硬實力跨入軟體應用,並積極促成學研機構研發成果產業化。

(四)  建置高品質網路環境,打造智慧化多元示範場域,並優先發展智慧物流、智慧交通、智慧醫療等應用。



Treasurer Deborah Goldberg Announces Latest Release Of Unclaimed Property Listings

Treasurer Deborah Goldberg Announces Latest Release Of Unclaimed Property Listings
Over 57,000 New Properties are Owed to Individuals and Businesses Including the Boston Red Sox and the New England Patriots

BOSTON - Massachusetts State Treasurer Deb Goldberg today announced the latest grouping of names that have been added to the states list of unclaimed property owners. Over 57,000 new properties worth millions of dollars are owed to individuals and businesses throughout the Commonwealth, including two of Massachusetts’ favorite sports teams, The Boston Red Sox, and the New England Patriots.

"Give us a call today,” said Treasurer Deb Goldberg. “We currently hold over $2 billion in unclaimed property at Treasury and it could be yours. One in ten Massachusetts residents are owed money.”

Unclaimed property includes forgotten savings and checking accounts, un-cashed checks, insurance policy proceeds, stocks, dividends, and the contents of unattended safe deposit boxes. Most accounts are considered abandoned and are turned over to the state after three years of inactivity. Last year Treasury returned over $114 million in property to its rightful owners, making the Commonwealth the state to return the most money on a per-capita basis.

This newly released list includes only individuals and businesses with unclaimed property over $100. Treasurer Goldberg urged all citizens to check the comprehensive list for all amounts atwww.findmassmoney.com or to call our live call center at 888-344-MASS (6277).

The full list of the new individuals and businesses added to the unclaimed property list will be published in the Boston Globe on Sunday, September 11 and in the Boston Herald on Sunday, September 18. In addition to these two papers the list of names will be published in over 30 regional and local papers.

The Treasury releases an updated list of unclaimed property assets every six months as the new accounts are turned over to the Commonwealth. There is no time limit for a person to claim this property and, in many cases, claimants will receive interest.

MIRA 匯報移民事務新況

From our friends at The Immigrant Legal Resource Center:
USCIS has announced that some requests for renewal of Deferred Action for Childhood Considerations (DACA) filed between February 14, 2016 and May 16, 2016 are delayed because of technical difficulties and may be outside of processing time. These delays may lead to both timely (filed 120 days or more before expiration) and untimely filed requests (filed 120 days or less before expiration) to not be adjudicated before the expiration of the previous grant of deferred action and employment authorization. These delays are also contributing to the delay of Application Support Center (ASC) biometrics notices and appointments for these cases.

This email provides steps that practitioners can take to elevate these cases directly to USCIS.

Practitioners may use the following link to contact USCIS’s online customer service division to elevate these types of cases and request resolution (including expedited review):

NOTE: Please note that there are technical issues with USCIS’s online e-request tool for requests outside of processing times and that portal (https://egov.uscis.gov/casestatus/landing.do) often does not allow DACA recipients who are outside processing time to elevate their cases.

Practitioners may also contact the National Customer Service Center via phone at 1(800) 375-5283. The instructions for the correct prompt to reach the relevant customer service agents for this issue are as follows:

§  Push 1 for English or 2 for Spanish;
§  Then 2 for latest information on pending case;
§  Then 1 if you have your receipt number;
§  Then after getting the status of your case you can choose 3 to talk to a Customer Service Representative.

Practitioners who attempt both of the above solutions and are not able to resolve their cases, or for cases where expiration of a DACA renewal is imminent or where there are other emergent circumstances, may contact Bertha Anderson, USCIS Customer Service Liaison, at bertha.i.anderson@uscis.dhs.gov with a request to elevate their cases.

Please provide the following  information when contacting Bertha:

Subject Line: [elevation] (Name of Client) (A#)
Body of Email:
1. Name of client
2. A#;
3. I-821D and I-765 Receipt Numbers;
4. Date of Receipt by USCIS;
5. Brief (1-2 sentences) explanation of issue.

Practitioners that take all above steps and are still not able to successfully resolve their DACA renewal case may contact the Immigrant Legal Resource Center by emailing Jose Magana-Salgado at jmagana@ilrc.org. Please include the information outlined in step 3 (e.g. name of client, A#, receipt numbers, etc.).

Please note that elevation to the USCIS Ombudsman and in-person InfoPass appointments are of limited to no helpfulness in addressing these delays. Practitioners should take the steps in this email when possible to resolve these cases in a prompt manner.

星期三, 9月 07, 2016

Baker-Polito Administration Announces First Statewide Safe Medication Disposal Program with Walgreens to Fight Substance Misuse

Baker-Polito Administration Announces First Statewide Safe Medication Disposal Program with Walgreens to Fight Substance Misuse
Take-back program allows safe and convenient disposal of unwanted medications in Walgreens Pharmacies across Massachusetts

QUINCY, MA— Governor Charlie Baker, joined by state and local officials, today announced that Walgreens is the first pharmacy in Massachusetts to launch a new safe and convenient medication disposal program to reduce prescription drug misuse while visiting a new kiosk at the Walgreens Quincy Avenue store in Quincy. Walgreens installed 13 drug take-back kiosks in pharmacies throughout Massachusetts for easy disposal of unwanted, unused or expired medications at no cost and no questions asked.

“Opioid misuse and addiction can often start at home in our own medicine cabinets, and today we are pleased to partner with Walgreens to take more steps toward combating this public health crisis,” said Governor Charlie Baker.  “Increasing drug take back opportunities and installing free safe disposal kiosks in pharmacies across the Commonwealth is another step in the right direction as the Commonwealth works collaboratively to bend the trend on opioid and heroin misuse.”

Installation of the statewide kiosks is another step forward in the Commonwealth’s commitment to battling the opioid and heroin epidemic that has impacted communities from Cape Cod to Western Massachusetts. Take-back kiosks are located at Walgreens stores in East Boston, Fall River, Framingham, Gloucester, Lowell, Malden, Quincy, Randolph, Roxbury, Stoneham, Stoughton, Springfield and Worcester.

“We applaud Walgreens for responding to our call for safe, convenient ways to dispose of unused medications,” said Health and Human Services Secretary Marylou Sudders. “People aren’t always sure how to safely dispose of unneeded medicines. Having these receptacles readily accessible to the public will help to reduce misuse of medication and safely eliminate unneeded prescription medication.”

In addition, Walgreens, as well as several other pharmacies statewide, have made naloxone available without requiring a prescription from a physician. Naloxone is a life-saving drug which is administered in the event of an overdose and immediately reverses the effects of heroin or other opioids.

The kiosks are heavy metal containers with a top, one-way opening drop slot and lock that will be mounted to the ground or wall with direct or video surveillance while the pharmacy is open. Individuals can dispose of all prescriptions including controlled substances and over-the-counter medications. The kiosks at Walgreens pharmacies will be available for use during regular pharmacy hours.

We need to make the safe disposal of medication easier, and these kiosks do just that,” said Walgreens Regional Vice President for Massachusetts Brad Ulrich,  “Using a safe medication disposal kiosk at a participating Walgreens is one of the best ways to ensure medications are not accidently used – or intentionally misused – by someone else.”

To date, Walgreens has installed take-back kiosks in more than 500 of its stores in 35 states.

“Governor Baker’s commitment to tackling the tragedy of substance abuse affecting so many of our families across the Commonwealth has been unrelenting since the day he took office, and I applaud Walgreens for echoing that commitment with this new program. There is much we must continue to do, but every new tool like this is vitally important,” said Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch.

“With the number of overdose-related deaths on the rise, the legislature has made tackling the opioid epidemic a priority. Partnering with Governor Baker and his administration, we have enacted landmark legislation aimed at fighting this public health crisis. It’s also important to partner with the private sector, and having a business like Walgreens join us in this fight is a big step. These free, anonymous drug take-back kiosks for unused medications are a positive development in some of our hardest-hit areas, like the city of Quincy,” said Representative Bruce J. Ayers.
“We’re pleased today to see another ally join the fight against prescription drug misuse, an issue that has fueled the crisis we face today,” said State Senator John F. Keenan. “The Commonwealth is asking every stakeholder to join this fight. We are preparing to implement the nation’s first statewide drug takeback requirement at the manufacturer level, and I commend Walgreens for this step to help make that program successful.”

Fighting the ongoing opioid epidemic has been a priority of the Baker-Polito Administration since day one.  Earlier this year, Governor Baker signed landmarkopioid legislation into law to address the deadly opioid and heroin epidemic plaguing the Commonwealth.  The law includes numerous recommendations from the Governor’s opioid working group, including prevention education for students and doctors, and the first law in the nation to establish a seven-day limit on first-time opioid prescriptions. It also requires that doctors check the Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) database before writing a prescription for a Schedule 2 or Schedule 3 narcotic. 
In 2015, the Governor’s Opioid Working Group released recommendations and a comprehensive Action Plan aimed at curbing the opioid epidemic. These short and long-term recommendations focus on prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery support.  Approximately 90 percent of the initiatives in the Governor’s action plan are complete or underway.
More information is available at mass.gov/stopaddiction.


Day-long celebration of getting Boston moving to be held Saturday, Sept. 17 on City Hall Plaza 
BOSTON - Wednesday, September 7, 2016 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh and the City of Boston's Office of Tourism, Sports and Entertainment, in partnership with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts and in collaboration with the City's Property Management Department, today announced the launch of the inaugural Boston Social Fitness Festival to be held on Saturday, September 17th on City Hall Plaza. The free day-long celebration of getting Boston moving will feature numerous participatory events to encourage Bostonians of all ages to move, cycle, play and dance together.

"Boston is one of the most active cities in the country and this first-ever Social Fitness Festival is an opportunity for our whole community to come together and engage in a wide range of free fun activities," said Mayor Walsh. "I thank Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts for partnering with us on this effort, and encourage all residents to join in on the fun on September 17."

Following is a list of some of the activities currently scheduled:

DAYBREAKER (7:00-10:00 a.m.):  Following an early morning yoga session, DAYBREAKER will kick the day off with a high-energy beat and an 80s throwback aerobics jam. This memorable experience will feature healthy nourishment, live performers, and special surprises for a morning dance party & workout unlike any other. #WakeMeUpBOS

BOSTON SWEAT CRAWL (10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.): Take the ultimate fitness challenge and sweat your way through one of five 60-minute courses, designed by Social Boston Sports to test your stamina through an upbeat set of Yoga, Kickboxing and Cycling exercises. #SweatCrawl

CYCLING SPIN SESSIONS (10:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m.): Register in advance for one of three free Open Air Rides on City Hall Plaza, presented by The Handle Bar Indoor Cycling Studios. The Handle Bar features music-driven classes, packed with energy, bumping beats and hard-earned sweat. #TheHandleBar

MAYOR'S CUP PRO CYCLING RACES (11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.): After you've participated in your own sweat session, cheer on the pros as USA Cycling's top road tour returns to Boston for the 8th annual Mayor's Cup Pro Cycling Classic.  This year's races will again feature more than 200 of the world's top amateur and pro riders competing on a tight, high-speed criterium course, zipping past City Hall Plaza, Faneuil Hall, and the Sierra Nevada Beer Garden at the finish line.  #MayorsCupBOS

KIDS' CRIT (1:30 p.m.): The day's cycling action will include participants from pros to pee-wees, as kids (5-15)will also have a chance to race along the closed criterium course in several age brackets of competition. In addition, mascots from several Boston pro sports teams will be on hand to cheer them on, and participate in their own comedic attempts at cycling glory. #KidsCrit
YOGA ON THE PLAZA (3:30 p.m.):  Yoga Around Town, presented by Social Boston Sports, will host an afternoon vinyasa flow practice for all levels. Whether you're a beginner or seasoned yogi, make it a festive and energizing afternoon by joining in this unique outdoor session in the heart of the city. #YogaAroundTown

THE DANCE MILE (6-8 p.m.):  The Dance Mile will conclude the day's festivities with 5,280 feet of pure awesomeness... a chance to grab your crew, don your costumes, and celebrate the city with friends. Led by a mobile DJ on a custom sound truck, this interactive dance parade moves at 1mph down a closed mile loop, cranking tunes along the way. Prepare to sweat, laugh, and high-five your way through the most fun hour of the year, followed by a finish line dance party with performances and contests.#TheDanceMile

The Boston Social Fitness Festival will also feature a large climbing wall on City Hall Plaza, as well as walk-up games and family-friendly activities such as Giant Jenga, Kan-Jam, Cornhole and more. Sponsors of the inaugural festival include the City of Boston, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Sierra Nevada, Larabar, Daybreaker, The Dance Mile, Social Boston Sports, The Handle Bar Indoor Spin Studios, Barry's Boot Camp, Boston Bikes and USA Cycling.

For more information, including the full weekend event schedule and free advance registration, please visit www.SocialFitnessFestival.com, or follow along using the hashtag #SocialFitnessFest.


Winter Activations Include Unique Skating Path and Holiday Shopping Market

Rendering of the Winter Activations on City Hall Plaza, courtesy of Boston Garden Development Corporation

BOSTON - Wednesday, September 7, 2016 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the City of Boston has signed a contract with Boston Garden Development Corporation (BGDC), a subsidiary of Delaware North, owner and operator of TD Garden, as the vendor to enhance City Hall Plaza.  The contract represents the next step forward in Mayor Walsh's commitment to creating a City Hall that is a vibrant public space and welcoming for all.  

"I am pleased about this important next step in our efforts to activate City Hall Plaza, and I thank the Boston Garden Development Corporation for their partnership and creativity in this effort," said Mayor Walsh. "This endeavor is the beginning of a joint venture that will help transform the plaza into a year-round destination, inviting the people of Boston to see the plaza come to life in new and exciting ways." 
"We are truly excited to move forward with this partnership with the City of Boston and get activations started on City Hall Plaza," said Charlie Jacobs, CEO for Delaware North's Boston Holdings.  "City Hall Plaza is the heart of the City, and we share Mayor Walsh's vision to provide a welcoming, enticing communal space that better serves the residents and visitors of Boston.  Delaware North is committed to Boston, and our team is actively working to create an engaging winter experience for the plaza as well as unique activations for every season."  

Winter activations on City Hall Plaza will include New England's first, custom-designed outdoor skating path and a European inspired holiday shopping market.  Skaters of all ages are welcome to try this new twist on the traditional ice rink, a nearly 11,000 gross square foot outdoor ice path that will be open after Thanksgiving through February 2017.  Resident and youth skating programs will be announced at a later date.

At the free outdoor holiday shopping market, visitors can experience seasonal delicacies and interactive attractions in a celebratory winter atmosphere. The market is set to open after Thanksgiving and continue through New Year's Day 2017, with a mix of local and international vendors and food and beverage offerings housed in individual chalets. 

To kick off the partnership, Boston Garden Development Corporation worked with the City's Property Management Department to test new seating options and will be installing shaded picnic tables on City Hall Plaza that will provide gathering spots for commuters and visitors.   Delaware North will also join Mayor Walsh and the Main Streets Foundation, which supports local business districts in Boston, to sponsor the "Beer Garden on Bricks" programming moving forward.
This past spring, the City of Boston selected Boston Garden Development Corporation to improve City Hall Plaza.  The three-year contract began September 1, 2016.  

The License agreement provides the City of Boston a percentage of the overall annual profitability of all programming, including an escalating sponsorship model. 

Through the City's Operations Cabinet, Boston Garden Development Corporation will develop robust programming for the spring and summer months that works in conjunction with existing municipal commitments and local neighborhood events on the Plaza. Operating collaborators include Rink Management Service Corporation and Millennial Exhibitions.

The RFP for City Hall Plaza is one of several efforts that the Walsh Administration is pursuing to reinvigorate both City Hall and City Hall Plaza. Last year, Mayor Walsh launched RethinkCityHall.org and selected Utile to partner with the City on a City Hall campus plan study, a one-year comprehensive planning process that will serve as a roadmap for the operation and design improvements to City Hall and the plaza.

More information on upcoming events at City Hall Plaza, and vendor information for the holiday shopping market will be posted soon at:www.facebook.com/BostonCityHallPlaza.  

Women’s Economic Empowerment series 9/29

Massachusetts State Treasurer’s Office of Economic Empowerment (OEE) will facilitate the Women’s Economic Empowerment series in two pilot cities this fall. This new initiative, in collaboration with Citizens Bank, is a free 4-session program focusing on wage negotiation, money management, retirement and investment strategies for women of all ages, ethnicities, economic backgrounds and levels of fiscal knowledge.
In Massachusetts, women are paid 82 cents on the dollar compared to their male counterparts. This ratio is even worse for African American women who earn 61 cents, and Latina women who earn 50 cents. Learn more at www.EqualPayMA.com. Although the Massachusetts State Treasurer's Office has offered financial literacy conferences for over a decade, this pilot program is the first to specifically focus on empowering women to reach their full financial potential by enabling them to become more financially informed, delivering high-quality educational workshops and inspiring participants to pursue long term economic stability through unique salary negotiation training.

Space is limited:

This is a 4-session program. Please register for this program, ONLY if your schedule allows you to attend all four Thursday evening sessions.


Week 1: Personal Budgeting (September 29, 2016)
Week 2: Borrowing Basics & Beyond! (October 6, 2016)
Week 3: Secure Your Future (October 13, 2016)
Week 4: Negotiate with Confidence (October 20, 2016)


6:30 pm-8:30 pm


Where can I find workshop descriptions?
Please visit: www.mass.gov/treasury/empowerment/series for detailed workshop descriptions.
What are my transport/parking options getting to the event?
Parking: There is ample free on-street parking on Old Colony Avenue and St. Ann’s Road. There is also free parking in the two lots next to the building.
Getting to The Women’s Economic Empowerment Series in Quincy via MBTA:
Take the MBTA Red Line to the Wollaston Station. Upon exiting the station on Newport Avenue, turn left onto Beale Street. Take right onto Old Colony Avenue (Boncaldo’s Barber Shop and Coffee Break Cafe are visible on the corner). Walk down Old Colony Avenue, bearing to the right to stay on Old Colony Ave. for approximately 1/4 mile. The Quincy Center for Innovation will be on your left.
Where can I contact the organizer with any questions?
What if I have a conflict and cannot attend all four sessions, but want to learn more?
Please contact the Office of Economic Empowerment at financialeducation@tre.state.ma.usfor more information.

Eastern Nazarene College - 180 Old Colony Avenue, Quincy, MA 02170 - View Map


BOSTON – In the third such settlement in the past year, a company has agreed to provide refunds to Massachusetts homeowners who were improperly charged for force-placed insurance policies, Attorney General Maura Healey announced today.  
Today’s settlement with QBE Insurance (QBE) requires refunds for Massachusetts homeowners whose mortgage lenders wrongly force-placed the consumers with QBE despite the fact that the consumers already had home insurance with other companies, as well as consumers who were overcharged by QBE because their homes were misclassified as commercial properties. 
“We will continue to ensure that mortgage lenders and their insurance business partners do not overcharge Massachusetts residents or force them to pay for unnecessary insurance,” AG Healey said. “Today’s agreement provides Massachusetts homeowners the restitution they deserve.”
The AG’s Office will conduct an audit to ensure all eligible consumers receive full restitution. To date, the AG’s Office has identified potentially improper charges that could result in more than $1 million in relief to Massachusetts homeowners. Aside from amounts identified in the audit, the agreement also requires QBE to pay $375,000 to the state.
Force-placed insurance is property insurance taken out by a mortgage lender to protect a home when the homeowner does not have insurance in place. Mortgage servicers often rely on force-placed insurance companies, like QBE, to monitor whether borrowers have maintained appropriate insurance coverage.
When a borrower is believed to have failed to maintain appropriate coverage, the insurer issues a force-placed insurance policy and the mortgage servicer charges the premium for the policy to the borrower. Force-placed policies are considerably more expensive than regular homeowners insurance policies.
In November 2015American Security Insurance Company, a subsidiary of Assurant, entered into a settlement with the AG’s Office in which it similarly agreed to refund premiums to thousands of Massachusetts homeowners who were required to purchase unnecessary or overpriced force-placed insurance policies. In February, mortgage lender and servicer HSBC agreed to refund Massachusetts consumers the improper compensation it received tied to force-placed insurance. 
The AG’s Office continues to review force-placed insurance practices. Consumers who have complaints or disputes relating to force-placed insurance or their mortgage are encouraged to file a complaint with the AG’s Office. Consumers who have questions about the settlement or force-placed insurance can call the Attorney General’s Insurance Hotline at 1-888-830-6277, Extension 3.
This case was handled by Assistant Attorney General Tim Hoitink, Investigations Supervisor Arwen Thoman, Mathematician Burt Feinberg and Division Chief Glenn Kaplan of AG Healey’s Insurance and Financial Services Division. 

Baker-Polito Administration Launches Drought Emergency Loan Fund

Baker-Polito Administration Launches Drought Emergency Loan Fund
New fund will provide affordable working capital to family farms and other small businesses impacted by historic drought conditions

BOSTON –Today the Baker-Polito Administration announced the launch of the Massachusetts Drought Emergency Loan Fund, which has the capacity to provide up to $1 million in micro-loans to family farms and other small businesses affected by widespread drought conditions in Massachusetts. The Drought Emergency Loan Fund is part of the Baker-Polito Administration’s coordinated response to five consecutive months of abnormally dry weather across the Commonwealth.

“Small businesses are the bedrock of the Massachusetts economy, and our administration is deeply committed to maintaining the health and vibrancy of family-owned businesses,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Like the emergency loan fund we launched following record snowstorms, this Drought Emergency Loan Fund will provide affordable working capital to small businesses grappling with the aftermath of extreme weather.”

“Massachusetts family-owned farms play an integral role in our state’s broader economy, by providing jobs, driving regional tourism, and conserving land,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “This new loan fund is one important component of our comprehensive effort to help family farms and other agriculture-related small businesses recover from this summer’s prolonged drought.”

“Farms around the Commonwealth are a vital part of our state’s economy, and continue to ensure residents have access to healthy, locally-grown culinary products,”said Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources Commissioner John Lebeaux. “The Massachusetts Drought Emergency Loan Fund will allow Massachusetts’ farmers to seek financial relief during this period of prolonged dry weather as they continue to offer fresh, nutritious products to consumers.”

“We are pleased to offer this support to struggling family farms and related businesses hit hard by the drought,” said Larry Andrews, President of MGCC. “Our team will provide prompt review of each application and work to help local farmers in need.”

“This affordable, flexible loan program agricultural businesses regain financial stability and recover quickly from lost revenue due to the drought,” said Assistant Secretary of Business Development Nam Pham.

For more information about the loan fund, and to access an online application, visitwww.massgcc.com.