
星期三, 5月 11, 2016

波士頓商會年會 (圖片)

Baker-Polito Administration Awards Electric School Bus Grants to Four Schools

Baker-Polito Administration Awards Electric School Bus Grants to Four Schools
Clean Vehicle Pilot Will Test Electric Drive Buses and Vehicle-to-Grid Technology

BOSTON – May 11, 2016 – The Baker-Polito Administration today awarded four grants for the purchase of electric school buses and chargers to Acton-Boxborough Regional School District, Amherst Public Schools, Cambridge Public Schools and Concord Public Schools. The grants were awarded through the Department of Energy Resources’ (DOER) new Vehicle-to-Grid Electric School Bus pilot program, which aims to reduce schools’ petroleum use and test the benefits of electric school bus technology.

“Massachusetts schools are leading the way by testing clean and resilient energy technology that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation sector,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “This innovative project will also reduce fuel costs and aid our commitment to a cleaner future for the Commonwealth.”

“This pilot can drive home the opportunities for cities, towns, public authorities and businesses to clean up their vehicle emissions,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “We are committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and petroleum use by aiding the transition to cleaner, more efficient vehicles.”

“These electric school buses will reduce the use of petroleum fuel and create momentum for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in school districts across the state,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Matthew Beaton. “With this pilot project, Massachusetts continues its leadership in advancing clean energy technology and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.”

The Vehicle-to-Grid Electric School Bus pilot will be one of the first demonstrations of electric school bus technology on the East Coast of the United States. The pilot is intended to demonstrate that electric drive technology can help reduce emissions in the transportation sector that has traditionally been dependent on petroleum fuel and demonstrate how school buses can provide electric storage for the grid.

The pilot project will be administered by the Vermont Energy Investment Corporation (VEIC) and it willconsider the costs and benefits of operating electric school buses to determine if this is a technology that shouldbe more widely adopted. The goal is to reduce petroleum usage by approximately 22,680 gallons of gasoline equivalent.

“Not only will this pilot help Massachusetts transition to increased electric vehicles, but it will also demonstrate the opportunity to transport our children in clean vehicles, which will reduce costs and is better for our environment,” said DOER Commissioner Judith Judson. “These school buses will also make these four schools more resilient by providing backup power from the bus battery.”

The following school districts received grants:

Project Type
Grant Amount

Acton-Boxborough Regional School District
Electric type C bus and charger
Up To $350,000
Amherst Public Schools
Electric type C bus and charger
Up To $350,000
Cambridge Public Schools
Electric type C bus and charger
Up To $350,000
Concord Public Schools
Electric type C bus and charger
Up To $350,000

“With the potential to both minimize carbon emissions and reduce electric costs, the new Vehicle-to-Grid Electric School Bus pilot program could prove to be a beneficial tool for our local school districts,” said Senate President Stan Rosenberg (D-Amherst).  “Congratulations to Amherst Public Schools and the other school districts awarded for pioneering the use of this innovative technology.”

“Pollution from cars and trucks is the biggest cause of global warming in Massachusetts,” said State Senator Michael Barrett (D-Lexington).  “Clean electric vehicles can really help, but sales are not where they need to be.  It’s terrific to see the Concord Public Schools move out front.  The bus will not only minimize emissions; it will bring home the point that action in our own backyard is key to addressing the most urgent problems in the world.”

“We’re very excited about this pilot program, and I’m delighted because my towns have always been leaders in alternative, sustainable, energy solutions,” said State Representative Cory Atkins (D-Concord). “With programs like this one, we can teach environmental responsibility beyond the classroom and model it for our students and communities.”

“The new Vehicle-to Grid Electric School Bus program is absolutely wonderful. I am thrilled that Amherst was selected to participate” said State Representative Ellen Story (D-Amherst).
“With our longtime commitment to reducing school bus emissions, Amherst will be a good test site for this pilot.”

The Baker-Polito Administration is reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation sector in a variety of ways. The administration provides electric passenger vehicle rebates through DOER’s MOR-EV program, incentives for public entities to purchase electric vehicles, and grants to help build a public and private electric vehicle charging infrastructure through the MassEVIP program. In December, Governor Baker joined nine states and regions in endorsing the Subnational Global Climate Leadership Memorandum of Understanding (Under2MOU) as part of the administration’s commitment to addressing greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants contributing to climate change. In addition, Massachusetts is part of the International Zero Emissions Vehicle Alliance.


BOSTON - Wednesday, May 11, 2016 - In recognition of the Boston Water and Sewer Commission's (BWSC) long-term quality and reliability of water and sewer services in the City of Boston, the Commission last week received two awards from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) in celebration of National Drinking Water Week.

The BWSC was awarded the Regional Recognition Award for outstanding performance and achievements in 2015 for being a model public water agency that puts forth exemplary efforts in every area of water treatment and distribution, including the Lead Service Replacement Program.

The BWSC also received the Citation for Consistent Performance for continued excellence in delivering safe drinking water in 2015, a first-time award from MassDEP.

"The Boston Water and Sewer Commission has the important task of ensuring long-term quality of our water and sewer services, and they continue to perform this task with excellence," said Mayor Martin J. Walsh. "With their recent expansion of services to promote the health and safety of our water services, the Commission continues to provide the very best services for our residents and I look forward to continuing our efforts towards creating a safer and healthier city."

Building on the Administration's commitment to protecting the health and safety of Boston's residents, Mayor Walsh in April announced the expansion of the BWSC's Lead Replacement Incentive Program to encourage Boston's property owners to replace private lead water service at their property.

The program expands eligibility to properties of all types including commercial properties with lead service lines two inches or smaller. The expansion doubles available financial assistance in the form of a credit of up to $2,000 to property owners who utilize a BWSC contractor to replace lead pipes on their property. Another incentive includes an interest free loan for up to 48 months for eligible property owners.  

"This award is a reflection of the unwavering leadership, direction and support that the Commission receives from Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh and of the tireless work performed by the employees of the Commission, enabling us to provide quality services to over 1.2 million people every day," said Henry F. Vitale, Executive Director of the BWSC.

To learn more, please visit www.bwsc.org

冰島新任外交部長率企業家訪哈佛、MIT 為創新取經

冰島新任外交部長,Lilja Alfreðsdóttir。(周菊子攝)
(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)今年四月才上任的冰島新任外交部長,Lilja Alfreðsdóttir,這兩天率領一個由冰島美國商會組織的40多家企業代表團訪問波士頓,參觀哈佛iLab,MIT媒體實驗室,為冰島創新之路找參考。
冰島總理Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson前一陣子才因為“巴拿馬文件”下台,冰島政府因此大幅度換血。
            冰島美國商會主席 Össur. Moderating董事長、執行長Jon Sigurdsson主持。講者包括冰島新任外交部長Lilja Alfreðsdóttir,Data Qlik副總裁Hjalmar Gislason,NAV 創投公司執行合Todd Hixon等人。
            Lilja Alfreðsdóttir表示,冰島的研發經費近年倍增,可和丹麥,芬蘭媲美,刻正推動創新。三名哈佛及MIT畢業生所創辦,以數據為導向的電子化數位銀行,佔地44英畝的數據中心等,就是例子之一。她相信在目前的發展趨勢下,將見到冰島有史以來最長的成長期。
            Hjalmar Gislason是來自冰島,在麻州落戶企業家。他以自己從紐約搬到麻州的經歷,闡述美國,麻州創業環境吸引人的地方,尤其是麻州劍橋市Kendall廣場的鄰近優秀大學,人才處處,最令人興奮。
Todd Hixon闡述創投資金未來依舊美好,和科技有關的投資交易將倍增,企業藉上市籌資的做法,有漸漸被私募資金取代的趨勢,2015年內有不下74家公司經由私募方式籌得一億多元。此外在全球化的走勢下,美國在整個資金市場中所佔比率也已由2004年的85%,縮減到2014年的75%
            冰島大學商學院助理教授Magnus Thor Torfason接著主持的座談,與談者除前述主講者外,還包括劍橋創新中心執行主任,波士頓影響樞紐(Impact Hub Boston)董事長Geoff Mamlet,,Volta Labs Venture Development創辦人兼執行長Kjartan Olafsson,NSA創投執行長Helga Valfells,開放公司(OpenCompan)共同創辦人兼執行長Stuart Levinson,私募資金投資人 Olaf N. Krohg。
            麻州國際貿易辦公室(MOITI)主任馬克蘇利文(Mark Sullivan)做閉幕致詞。

Van Cliburn金獎得主張昊辰 5/14 獨奏會

第13屆范克萊本 (Van Cliburn) 鋼琴比賽金獎得主張昊辰應中華表演藝術基金會邀請,訂五月十四日(週六)晚八點,假紐英崙音樂學院喬登廳 (Jordan Hall) 舉行鋼琴獨奏會。

張昊辰畢業於柯蒂斯(Curtis)音樂學院。曾在上海音樂學院學習;2001年11歲的張昊辰考取了深圳藝術學校,師從但昭義學習。張昊辰在2009年獲得金獎後,在全球演出。觀眾對他精湛的技藝,驚人的成熟以及華麗的技​​巧,目眩神迷。受到樂評家的好評。他的音樂會被《達拉斯晨報》和《沃斯堡明星電訊報》評為2010年度十佳演出之一。同一音樂季,張昊辰在波士頓的首演被 Boston Phoenix 列於“十佳名家系列”。《波士頓環球報》稱讚張昊辰的演奏為“在詩歌的氣質中展現了完美的技術和強大的力量,他是一位能量充沛的音樂家,他的想像力激發起了最為微妙的感官體驗。”

2013年4月,張昊辰首次在慕尼黑愛樂樂團的音樂季中亮相,與指揮大師洛林·馬澤爾合作;之後他與樂團共同赴中國巡演,在四座城市的演出票全部售空。 2014年,他第一次在倫敦BBC音樂節上與余隆的中國愛樂樂團合作,得到倫敦《電訊報》好評。2015-16在中國、香港及台灣舉辦獨奏會和亞洲巡迴音樂會。和倫敦交響樂團9月首次合作,10月和墨西哥國立交響樂團合作演出。同時張昊辰受邀成為杭州愛樂樂團的駐團藝術家。 2016年,張昊辰會在西班牙進行他的獨奏和協奏曲的巡演。


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2015 最受歡迎嬰兒名 Emma, Noah

Emma and Noah Once Again Social Security’s
Most Popular Baby Names for 2015

For the second year in a row, Emma and Noah are America’s most popular baby names.  This marks the third year at number one for Noah and the second for Emma.  There are two new names in the top 10 this year—Benjamin and Harper, the first time either name has ever reached such heights.  Like a name, Social Security is with you through life’s journey.  For future parents who need some inspiration and help with naming their baby, Social Security is unveiling a new baby names quiz at Social Security Matters, the agency’s interactive blog located at http://blog.socialsecurity.gov.  At the blog, people can find information on retirement, disability, and survivors benefits, online services, and much more.  It also is a place where the public can engage in conversations with the agency about what matters most.

Here are the top 10 boys and girls names for 2015:

            Boys: 1)  Noah                                  Girls:   1)  Emma
                       2)  Liam                                               2)  Olivia
                        3)  Mason                                           3)  Sophia
                        4)  Jacob                                              4)  Ava
                        5)  William                                          5)  Isabella
                        6)  Ethan                                             6)  Mia
                        7)  James                                             7)  Abigail
                        8)  Alexander                                       8)  Emily
                        9)  Michael                                          9)  Charlotte
                        10) Benjamin                                       10) Harper

For all the top baby names of 2015, to check out the new quiz, and to find where your own name ranks, go to Social Security’s website, www.socialsecurity.gov.

As she does each year on Baby Names Day, Acting Commissioner Carolyn W. Colvin encourages everyone to visit the agency’s website, have fun with the baby names list, and create a my Social Security account at www.socialsecurity.gov.  my Social Security is a personalized online account that people can use beginning in their working years and continuing throughout the time they receive Social Security benefits. 

Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) beneficiaries can have instant access to their benefit verification letter, payment history, and complete earnings record by establishing a my Social Security account.  Beneficiaries also can change their address, start or change direct deposit information, and print a replacement SSA-1099 online.  People receiving Social Security can request a replacement Medicare card online.

Individuals age 18 and older who are not receiving benefits can also sign up for a my Social Security account to get their personalized online Social Security Statement.  The online Statement provides workers with secure and convenient access to their Social Security earnings and benefit information, and estimates of future benefits they can use to plan for their retirement.

The agency began compiling the baby name list in 1997, with names dating back to 1880.  At the time of a child’s birth, parents supply the name to the agency when applying for a child’s Social Security card, thus making Social Security America’s source for the most popular baby names.

Each year, the list reveals the effect of pop-culture on naming trends.  This year’s winners for biggest jump in popularity in the Top 1,000 are Alaia and Riaan. 

Alaia jumped 2,012 spots on the girls’ side to number 664, from number 2,676 in 2014.  Perhaps this can be attributed to high fashion designer Azzedine Alaia, or maybe it is because of Alaia Baldwin, the model/daughter of actor Stephen Baldwin.

Riaan increased 1,360 spots for the boys, from number 2,286 in 2014 to number 926.  Of Indian origin, it is also the name of the young son of a well-known Bollywood actor, Riteish Deshmukh.
The second fastest riser for girls was Meilani.  If you have ever watched MTV’s “Jersey Shore,” and maybe even if you haven’t, you’ve heard of Jenni “JWoww” Farley.  She gave birth to daughter Meilani in 2014.  On a different American shore, out in Hawaii, is another well-known Meilani--Bethany Meilani Hamilton, the professional surfer whose story of surviving a shark attack was documented in the movie “Soul Surfer.”   

For boys, it was Huxley (a brave new comeback for the late science fiction writer?).

Some other notable names in the top 10 biggest increase category, and some possible reasons for their newfound popularity:

Omari and Jabari for boys.  Omari Hardwick is an actor, known for his roles in “Sparkle,” “The A-Team,” and BET Network’s “Being Mary Jane.”  He currently stars in “Power,” a popular cable TV series.  Jabari Parker is a professional basketball player for the Milwaukee Bucks.  He was the second overall pick in the 2014 NBA draft out of Duke.

Adaline and Zelda for girls.  The Age of Adaline” is a 2015 fantasy film starring Blake Lively, Harrison Ford, Michiel Huisman, and Ellen Burstyn.  As for Zelda, maybe the legend continues to grow?

Please visit www.socialsecurity.gov to view the entire list.