
星期一, 3月 28, 2016

Boston Public Schools Superintendent Chang and students celebrate UNICEF Kid Power with local Target

Boston Public Schools Superintendent Chang and students celebrate UNICEF Kid Power with local Target representatives

Elementary school students host pep rally to get active and save lives of malnourished children around the world

BOSTON — Monday, March 28, 2016 — Boston Public Schools Superintendent Tommy Chang today joined President and CEO of the U.S. Fund for UNICEF Caryl Stern, New England Region U.S. Fund for UNICEF Managing Director Matthew Bane and Boston Public School students in hosting a pep rally to celebrate the impact of the UNICEF’s Kid Power Boston team. 

UNICEF Kid Power gives kids the power to save lives. By getting active with the UNICEF Kid Power Band, kids go on missions to learn about new cultures and earn points. Points unlock funding from partners, parents and fans, and funds are used by UNICEF to deliver lifesaving packets of therapeutic food to severely malnourished children around the world. The UNICEF Kid Power school program is a teacher-led classroom experience that leverages easy-to-use technology to promote fitness and global citizenship. Boston kids have taken enough steps to walk the length of the Boston Marathon more than 12,000 times!

“Our students in Boston have big hearts,” said Mayor Martin Walsh. “They've experienced their own unique challenges and have developed a strong compassion for others through interacting with their families, teachers and classmates. This curriculum takes that experience another step further by enabling to make nutrition packets available to malnourished children. We're less than two weeks away from One Boston Day, and this program embodies the values that we have in Boston: be kind and spread goodwill, and most importantly, give back.”

Kids are encouraged to earn 5 Kid Power Points per day, which requires an activity level equivalent to taking approximately 12,000 steps per day. Earning 10 Kid Power Points unlocks one packet of lifesaving Ready-to-use Therapeutic Food.

“I extend my gratitude to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF for bringing Kid Power to Boston,” said Superintendent Chang. “This initiative offers our students an opportunity to be healthy and active, to study other cultures, and take on a philanthropic approach to helping others. They will have a positive impact on the world, and we’re glad to be a part of this movement of generosity and kindness.”

UNICEF Kid Power is a program of the U.S. Fund for UNICEF, and is made possible through the generous support of Presenting Sponsors Star Wars: Force for Change and Target. Kid Power Boston is also supported locally by City Sponsor, John Hancock, parents and fans. Target local stores proudly support UNICEF Kid Power.

“Every step that Boston kids take as part of the UNICEF Kid Power school program will bring them one step closer to ending global malnutrition while teaching them the importance of getting active and the world around them,” said Matthew Bane, Managing Director, New England region, U.S. Fund for UNICEF. “We’re excited that Kid Power is returning to Boston for the second year, and we’re thankful to Boston Public Schools for cheering on the Boston Kid Power team and supporting the program.”

More than 159 million children worldwide are malnourished, and one in four children in the United States is inactive. The UNICEF Kid Power program tackles both of these issues together by getting children to be active themselves and providing funding for support of nutrient-rich therapeutic food packets nutrition.



BOSTON - Monday, March 28, 2016 -- Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced today the official groundbreaking of a community-led archaeological dig at the Malcolm X Ella Little-Collins House in Roxbury. City Archaeologist Joseph Bagley and the Fiske Center for Archaeological Research at UMass Boston will join the Malcolm X family and local community members to undertake the two-week survey ahead of future renovations to the property.

"This is an exciting opportunity for residents to unearth an important piece of Boston's history," said Mayor Walsh. "I thank Joe for leading this effort, and we look forward to the results."

Visitors are welcome to the dig, and updates from the field will be shared online through the City of Boston's Archaeology Program's  Facebook, Twitter , and Instagram accounts.

"This is truly a community archaeology dig," said Bagley. "We have been working with the Collins family and the Roxbury community for months to plan and design this dig, and I'm excited Malcolm X's family and the community will be digging their own history."

The dig will begin today with a Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) survey that will look for below-ground anomalies that can be tested through archaeology. It will then be followed by excavations in areas determined to have greatest potential for artifacts and historical data through April 8th.

"Bringing UMass Boston's cutting edge geophysics to work with the City Archaeologist and the Roxbury community is exciting for us. Archaeology today is as much about the technology as it is about the digging," said Research Scientist, John Steinberg.

Rodnell Collins, the current owner of the property and nephew of Malcolm X, hopes that by helping to facilitate the survey he can raise public awareness of his family's history. Rodnell hopes to continue that mission by converting the home into residential units for graduate students who volunteer in the community.

The 1874 Malcolm X- Ella Little-Collins House was designated a Boston Landmark in 1998. In 1941 Kenneth Collins and Ella Little Collins purchased the house and was soon joined by her  brother Malcolm Little (later known as Malcolm X). Malcolm listed the residence as his official address until the late 1950s. The house is significant as the only surviving dwelling from Malcolm X's Roxbury tenure and a rare surviving structure from his youth. Boston's Archaeology Program is responsible for mitigating archaeological impacts to Landmarks-designated properties.


海外夥伴據點  共創僑務未來


星期日, 3月 27, 2016


之一的新英格蘭音樂學院教授 Paul Katz 與殷氏四重奏樂隊成員合影。(周菊子攝)
殷氏四重奏樂團應中華表演藝術基金會之邀,3月26日晚在新英格蘭音樂學院喬丹廳演出,儘管會場中音樂大師及傑出年輕音樂家雲集, 仍贏得全場起立鼓掌的滿堂彩。
26晚他們演奏的曲目全為貝多芬作品,包括降E大調,作品127 四重奏,F大調,作品 59,第一號四重奏。
新英格蘭音樂學院教授Victor Rosenbaum會後表示,殷氏四重奏樂團十分卓越,把貝多芬的全方位天才出色的表現了出來。
音樂界人士顯然都知道這會是一場高水準音樂會,這晚全在新英格蘭音樂學院喬丹廳不期而遇,包括曾任新英格蘭音樂學院院長,現為波士頓愛樂青年管弦樂團主任,音樂交響樂團(Symphony Pro Musica)及El Sistema USA兩樂團指揮的馬克邱吉爾(Mark Churchill),新英格蘭音樂學院的Sam Qu,以及許多新英格蘭音樂學院,波士頓大學,波士頓音樂學院,朗琴音樂學院的老師,都擠身觀眾席,欣賞優美樂音。
波士頓音樂情報員發行人Lee Eiseman,著名的中提琴演奏家及老師Dimitri Murrath,也是名人聽眾之一。
會場中,還有不少傑出的年輕音樂家,包擴在殷氏四重奏之後,成為哈佛大學駐校弦樂團的派克(Parker)四重奏,以及Omer四重奏,各有3人到會。在國際比賽中得獎的 Angelo Xiang YuJonah EllsworthYoojin Jang, Inmo Yang等人,也都來觀摩,欣賞。
殷氏弦樂四重奏樂團,經過多次重組後,目前的成員為小提琴手 Robin Scott  Janet Ying,中提琴手Phillip Ying,以及大提琴手David Ying。

新英格蘭音樂學院前任校長,也是大提琴家的 Laurence Lesser (左),
新英格蘭音樂學院及Mannes 音樂學院老師,既是作曲家,也是指揮家
的Victor Rosenbaum(右)都來聽音樂會。(周菊子攝)


六小齡童到哈佛 數百學生、群眾蜂擁歡迎 (圖片)






星期六, 3月 26, 2016


蘇宇寅,徐上祺,Erina Ardinanto,,張湋忻,石薇宜,冼卓豪。
            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 亞裔創業基金(AEF)日前邀“九裁縫(9 Tailors“的石薇宜,“維埃納米蘭(Vienne Milano)”的張湋忻這兩名創辦人,在波士頓市林肯街一店舖分享經驗,見證創業不是男士的專利。
            日前的這場交流座談,主題是“在時裝、零售業中的亞裔女性”,由開設”高表現生活輔導(High Performance Life Coaching,www.annatsui.com)“的徐上祺主持,量身定做服裝店的石薇宜,創辦針織襪子品牌的張湋忻分享創業路經驗。          
            2003年她從布朗大學畢業後,進了德勤會計師行(Deloitte Consulting)工作,為財富500強公司提供各種企業解決方案的諮詢服務。但不滿於現狀的她,既想到小時候母親常的,”如果做夢,要做大夢“,又受到父親慫恿,鼓勵,創辦自己的事業,會是既勇敢,又正確的決定。於是2008年底,她真的開張了自己的店鋪,“九裁縫(9tailors, www.9tailors.com)”,出售男士客製化服裝,還從原本在自己家裡經營,拓展到在林肯街上租下一個實體店面。
左起,Victoria Liu, Dina Akel,蘇宇寅,徐上祺,Erina Ardinanto,,
            2011年時,她開始想要把奢華的針織襪子,重新引進美國,在網上開創了“維埃納米蘭(Vienne Milano,viennemilano.com)”公司,希望那些很棒的襪子,讓女人們感到自己優雅,精緻,性感,有權力,在每一個場合中都因此展現出自己最好的一面。現在,她還在拓展市場中。


(Boston Orange 周菊子報導)留美華人企業家協會(OCEAN)沉寂二年多後,今年二月在哈佛大學科學中心改選幹部,推舉蔣華為主席,楊洪芳為會長,今(26)日下午再在美東亞裔活動中心開全體會員大會,重新推動會務。
            新任會長楊洪芳非常盡責,會後立即整理出會議紀錄,匯報當日共有17人出席,包括從中國回波士頓,當日特地出席的該會創會會長李剛 在內,13人有意願擔任董事,並在無異議聲中悉數當選。
            前任會長蘇壮,曾為該會辦過十餘屆企業管理培訓班的吳凱彬,會後由董事長蔣華提名,依序當選為副主席,董事會秘書長。對該會貢獻良多的金門超市總經理胡運炤及北岸汽車商場執行長Jacky Li,獲邀為顧問。
            該會將由會長楊洪芳與資深會員,吳凱彬,黃玲,Jeff yang組成主要工作團隊。
            在聚餐,聯誼之外,該會特地邀來南京銀都奧美廣告中司董事長暨南京市工商聯合會副會長張麗,發表“不放棄或責任”演說,地產專家及投資者Lan Mi闡述“在做全職工作之際,創造第二份收入的方法”。
