
星期三, 4月 01, 2015


李德明(Norman Joseph Lee),現年四十七歲,住在麻州衛矛斯市。2015年三月五日(週四)與妻子到大開曼群島度假,在潛水時失蹤。當地民眾積極搜尋多日,仍找不到李德明蹤跡後,宣佈停止搜尋。

李德明的家人將於2015年四月十一日(週六)早上十一點,在麻州昆士市採石場 (Quarry) 120號的“義大利之子”大堂舉行“李德明一生“紀念會,並於下午兩點,舉行家祭。

李德明是李維燦 (Henderson Paul Lee) 和李關慶萍(Esther H.P. Lee 的兒子,1968年二月二日在麻州波士頓市出生。1986年時,從水橋-雷納姆(Bridgewater-Raynham)區域高中畢業,接著升讀麻州東南大學,並於1990年取得插畫/ 設計藝術學士學位。

李德明一生致力幫助幼小兒童,年紀還輕時就每年夏天在波士頓當義工,幫助華埠內匱乏資源的小朋友。他喜愛運動,小學,高中時踢足球,練體操,上大學後學擊劍。踏入社會後,他起初在黑馬(Dark Horse)公司做獨立插畫員,接著的廿多年,陸續為馬文(Marvel)及DC漫畫公司工作,實現了他從小就有的進漫畫界工作理想。


李德明的父親已於1982年先他而逝。德明身後遺有妻子,繼子Patrick Mooney繼子的未婚妻Molly Clayton,繼女Nora Mooney繼女的伴侶Andrew Blomquist他的母親李關慶萍(Esther H.P. Lee Howard),母親的現任丈夫Dan Howard姊姊李宛菁(Tina Lee),李宛莛 (Rita Lee Liebel) 姊夫Brian Liebel他的長期摯友Jeffrey Vecchiarelli他的教父David Chew以及他親愛的,住在波士頓地區,加拿大,香港,以及美國各地的阿姨,叔叔,表兄弟姐妹們。





WGBHwww.wgbh.org 經由教育,啟發,娛樂等節目及服務,來豐富人們的生活,並培養公民精神,文化,學習樂趣,以及不同觀點的力量


第七屆紐英崙中華民族舞蹈比賽 4/4 舉行


由於上個月波士頓地區受到嚴重風雪的影響,位於Woburn 的紐英崙中華藝術協會活動中心舞台上方的屋頂嚴重受損,必須經過整修才可繼續使用。眼看即將舉辦的第七屆中華民族舞蹈比賽的日期即將到臨,只好到處尋覓合適的比賽場所。真是傷透腦筋,因為日期太近,大部分場地皆已被租用。一直到今天場地的事才正式解決了問題,

        由紐英崙中華藝術協會主辦的「第七屆紐英崙中華民族舞蹈比賽」現正式決定改在 Lexington Johas Clarke Middle School 大禮堂, 40 Brookside Ave., Lexington, MA 02421 舉行,日期仍在 Saturday, April 4, 2015. 這是一整天的比賽,8:00AM 開始,6:00PM 結束。上午舉行雙人與三人組,以及12歲以下的個人組的比賽。下午舉行團體組與十三嵗以上個人組的比賽,歡迎有興趣的朋友們前往觀賞。

星期二, 3月 31, 2015

Governor Baker Signs Executive Order Initiating Regulatory Reform Review

Governor Baker Signs Executive Order Initiating Regulatory Reform Review
Year-long Review to Reduce Burdensome Regulations to Increase Efficiency and Competitiveness

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker signed an executive order immediately initiating a comprehensive review process for all regulations enforced by the Executive Department and leaving in place the regulatory pause announced by the administration earlier this year.

“State government must speak with one voice in its commitment to providing exceptional customer service for citizens, municipalities, businesses, non-profit groups, healthcare providers and educational institutions,” said Governor Baker. “This will be an intensive process that ultimately makes Massachusetts a more efficient and competitive place to live and work, while driving economic growth. I encourage all other areas of state government to put in place a similar process.”

Executive Branch agencies will be charged with ensuring each regulation is clear and concise and that any newly proposed regulations are measured for their potential impact on businesses of all sizes or other entities, including municipalities and non-profits. Agencies will submit regulatory proposals and impact statements to their secretariat before review by the Secretary of Administration and Finance who will establish a process for encouraging public input, standards and schedules. The business and competitiveness impact statements will also be made available on the Commonwealth’s websiteThe Secretary of Administration and Finance may also provide for waivers or exceptions to regulations essential to public health, safety, environment or welfare.

“Making Massachusetts a better place for job creation and business development will require conducting a thorough review of our onerous regulatory environment,” said Kristen Lepore, Secretary of Administration and Finance. “I look forward to working with my fellow secretariats and all stakeholders to establish a careful and complete regulatory review process. We will ensure that all regulations administered by the Executive Department benefit the Commonwealth without undue burdens or costs and serve a legitimate purpose in making Massachusetts a safe, healthy, and effective place to do business.”

Only those regulations which are mandated by law or essential to the health, safety, environment, or welfare of the Commonwealth’s residents shall be retained or modified. In order to find that a regulation meets this standard, the government agency conducting the review must demonstrate that: there is a clearly identified need for governmental intervention that is best addressed by the agency and not another agency or governmental body; the costs of the regulation do not exceed the benefits; the regulation does not exceed federal requirements or duplicate local requirements; there are not any less intrusive or restrictive alternatives; the regulation does not unduly and adversely affect Massachusetts citizens and customers of the Commonwealth, or the competitive environment in Massachusetts; there is a formal process in place for measuring the effectiveness of the regulation; and, the regulation is time-limited or provides for regular review.

紐英崙至德三德公所慶羊年新春 五名主席有二新人

波士頓市議會議長林乃肯(Bill Linehan)當晚是以代市長的身份出席。他的幕僚長陳偉民,波士頓市長的幕僚長高丹尼也應邀出席。
文娛節目部分,有吳皓高歌“兒行千里”,華客符音文化教育集團的朱佩珊,劉楊演奏揚琴,琵琶,秦梓覃表演南拳南刀,由伯克利音樂學院畢業生田貞等人組成的Sun Beatzz樂隊,演唱他們自己作詞,作曲的“信仰”,“慢慢變老”。吳皓的體操冠軍女兒吳雅琪表演韻律操,兩名專業舞者表演拉丁舞蹈,“星樂隊”主唱之一的趙寶玲獻唱“龍船調”,“明日活今天”,周儉唱“貴妃醉酒”,“咏梅”,胡凡唱“聽海”,“趁早”,蔡倩婷唱“田納西華爾茲”,曾是廣西桂林電視台歌手的曾艷琴和曾是北京郵政歌舞團女中音歌手的吳影,打入深圳全國歌唱大賽十強的廉艷等三人合唱“西班牙女郎”,“天竺少女”,“為我們的今天喝采”等歌。
紐英崙至德三德公所今年春宴的抽獎環節,因為宗親及贊助商的大方捐贈,琳琅滿目的讓出席者十分期待,計有盛雄莊蔘行捐的花旗蔘,高麗蔘,燕窩,威達企業捐的靈芝皇十盒,吳皓捐的血壓儀,Nu Skin SPA機,紫菱髮廊捐的美容用品,以及吳振華,翁宇才,周樹昂,周麗桃各捐三百元,周林海倫捐二百元,曹品慈夫人捐二百元等湊成的一千六百元現金獎等等。







            田貞當主唱,和她的柏克萊音樂學院同學組成Sun Beatzz樂隊表演。(菊子攝)

Charter to buy Bright House for $10.4B

Charter Communications announced it plans to purchase Bright House Networks for $10.4 billion. The deal, which had been rumored in reports earlier this month, would combine the nation's sixth and fourth largest cable operators into a company that Charter said would be the second-largest cable operator in the United States.
Importantly, the agreement also signals a belief among Charter and Bright House executives that Comcast's $45 billion proposed purchase of Time Warner Cable will be approved by U.S. regulators. The merger between Comcast and TWC would create the nation's largest cable operator.
A combined Charter and Bright House would serve 26.4 million passings and 10.1 million owned and serviced video customers. In announcing the transaction, Charter said Bright House serves around 2 million video customers in central Florida including Orlando and the Tampa Bay area, as well as Alabama, Indiana, Michigan, and California. The addition of those customers would improve Charter's scale.