
星期四, 11月 20, 2014


駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處昨(十九)日在劍橋市艾美酒店(Le Meridien Hotel成立「台、美商業俱樂部」,預定每季辦一次活動,以加強紐英崙地區美商,台商,以及雙邊政府的交流,了解。
            經文處處長賴銘琪,麻州住宅及經濟發展廳廳長畢樂基(Gregory Bialecki)分別為這成立盛舉致詞。麻州眾議員陳德基也應邀與盛。
            轄管十四個州政府機構的畢樂基表示,麻州州長派區克(Deval Patrick)一向支持國際化,率領貿易團出訪,不只是做生意,更推動了經濟發展,國際參與。麻州機場的直飛城市,從以前的28個增加到現在的41個,不只是到歐洲,更包括了亞洲,中東,拉丁美洲,讓大波士頓真正的國際化了。
波士頓「台、美商業俱樂部 (US-Taiwan Business Club, Boston Chapter) 」的成立大會,昨日安排了三家企業介紹各自的業務內容,以及他們和台灣的關係。
都在台灣設有分公司的Nordson EFD的全球行銷主任Gaurav Sunny Verma,以及波士頓電力公司(Boston-Power)的技術長Rick Chamberlain博士,和來自台灣,在麻州經營的E Ink的財務長聶禮和等人應邀做講談。
Nordson EFD和波士頓電力公司都指台灣在生產技術,人才,地理位置等方面的優勢,是他們選擇與台灣合作的原因之一。
        昨日有不下八,九十人出席活動。T.D.T貿易公司總經理張耀熙,資訊樹(Info Tree)公司董事長楊義煌,新英格蘭台灣商會理事蔡明機,王本仁,波克萊台灣商會副會長蘇鴻昌,華美銀行資深副總裁李康美,副總裁林志超,紐英崙玉山科技協會前會長康麗雪等都對「台、美商業俱樂部」的未來,有很多期許。


            駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長賴銘琪(左二),經濟組組長石大玲(右起)會中邀嘉賓,E Ink財務長聶禮,麻州眾議員陳德基,麻州港務局 Michael Vanderberk等人合影。(菊子攝)

            經文處處長賴銘琪,麻州住宅及經濟發展廳廳長畢樂基(Gregory Bialecki)(前左一,二)是「台、美商業俱樂部」成立大會的致詞人。(菊子攝)


波士頓電力公司(Boston-Power)的技術長Rick Chamberlain博士說明該公司在台灣經營的概況。(菊子攝)

亞美社區發展協會年終頒獎 表揚有貢獻者

            亞美社區發展協會董事會主席李保華,行政主任陳潔瀅在會中報告了該會過去一年來的成就,未來方向,說明籌建中的綠路一號(One Greenway)北樓,已於十月七日舉行了封頂儀式,將在完工後為華埠帶來217個市價單位,95個可負擔住宅。
            會中最令人動容的部分,是現年十五歲的吳紫玲(Tiffany Wu),代表A-VOYCE發言,有關身份認同掙扎的講話。


            亞美社區發展協會的董事,左起,曹育倫,財政王英健,Amy Cheung,副主席Terry Kwan,以及右起,律師何厚臻,東方銀行資深副總裁陳咏梅,Peter Madsen等人。

            亞美社區發展協會行政主任陳潔瀅(左二)與該會工作人員。右起,Jeena Hah,劉安琪,雷珍霞,李麗華,駱偉傑,李玉華,以及呂嘉媚(左一)等人。(菊子攝)



麻州政府在大選日的十一月四日之後,登出三百多個職位招人。波士頓前鋒報昨(十九)日刊文質疑,即將卸任的麻州州長派區克(Deval Patrick)是否有妨礙下任州長用人權之嫌。
該文引述指出,曾任麻州督察長(inspector general),現於先驅學院(Pioneer Institute)任職的蘇利文(Greg Sullivan),希望這不是阻止下任州長選用自己所信任人選的做法。他表示,無論誰當州長,政府都必須執行基本功能,即將卸任的政府鎖定某些職位人選,對公眾並沒有好處。
            這些高層職位包括州政府資訊科技部門 MassIT , 年薪十四萬元的首席科技長;兒童及家庭局年薪可高達十萬元的項目完整性(Program Integrity)主任;性犯罪者登記局裏一個年薪十二萬七千元的職位;年薪十一萬六千八百元的麻州公共衛生局性傳染疾病主任。
            麻州行政及財務廳發言人 Alex Zaroulis 表示,麻州政府每年公佈數以千計的職缺。在2013年就公佈了4,714各職位。不過在今年還有六週才過完之際,麻州政府已公布了5200個職缺,比去年增加了百分之十。

UH Cancer Study Receives $1.5 Million Grant from NIH

UH Cancer Study Receives $1.5 Million Grant from NIH

Asian-American Breast Cancer Survivors Focus of Study

After earning her medical degree in China, Qian Lu, an associate professor of psychology at the University of Houston, felt she could help patients more by treating the mind as well as the body. She then decided to pursue a doctorate in psychology in the U.S.  
“I felt as a trained physician in China, I could help patients by saving a life, but there were a lot of conditions that were chronic and I couldn’t get rid of the illness. The key was to help patients have a better quality of life as a whole person, not just as a patient,” said Lu.
Lu’s commitment to helping others motivates her research at the University of Houston. She recently received a $1.5 million grant from the National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health for the study, “Joy Luck Academy: A Culturally Sensitive Social Support Intervention.”  This study will assess the impact of a culturally-based social support group among Chinese-American women breast cancer survivors. 
The five-year study follows 210 Chinese-American women recently diagnosed with breast cancer who actively participate in a support group called the “Joy Luck Academy” (JLA). These women work with a peer mentor, who is also a graduate of JLA and a cancer survivor, for eight weeks. Lu’s goal is to assess whether social support improves quality of life, and reduces depressive symptoms, fatigue and stress among women who have a breast cancer diagnosis.
“We hope to provide evidence for whether this program will work. If the JLA is effective and improves the well-being among Chinese-American breast cancer survivors, the model may be disseminated as an effective, low-cost intervention for other groups of Asian-American breast cancer survivors across the country,” said Lu.
A bestselling novel by Amy Tan about four Chinese immigrant women in San Francisco who meet, talk about their lives, share unspeakable loss and hope, and call themselves the “Joy Luck Club” is the inspiration for the name of the support group called JLA.
“Despite their own challenges, the women in the Joy Luck Club were happy when they were together and they would guide each other on their journey,” Lu said. “This name, JLA, developed by our research and community-based partner the Herald Cancer Association is very appropriate for our peer mentor support program. We are essentially bringing women together to guide each other on a shared journey.”
A pilot study was conducted by Lu’s team. Titled “Evaluating a Culturally Tailored Peer-Mentoring and Education Pilot Intervention Among Chinese Breast Cancer Survivors Using a Mixed-Methods Approach,” the study was published in the Oncology Nursing Forum this month.  During its research, the team found JLA reduced depressive symptoms.
“This is actually huge because it’s not that easy to reduce depressive symptoms,” said Lu.
Preliminary findings from the pilot study found many of the Chinese-American women with breast cancer felt lonely, hopeless, isolated and stigmatized. After participating in JLA, they felt they could open up and talk about their own experience as normal lives. They found they had mentors to look up to and peers with whom they could share their experience.
“JLA helps provide information to newly diagnosed breast cancer survivors, but also emotional and experiential support from a mentor who is a breast cancer survivor, adjusted well and knows what the you need to do to move beyond cancer,” said Lu.
The eight-week JLA starts with a presentation from an experienced professional. The topics include:
  • Understanding a pathology report
  • Understanding the treatment options
  • Understanding how to exercise appropriately
  • Nutrition information
  • Managing and recognizing emotions
  • Recognizing depressive symptoms
  • How to communicate with family members
  • How to build a better body image.
Lu will use two sets of measures in the research study. One measure includes various objectives and assessmentsthrough self-reporting. The other involves taking eight saliva samples in two days to measure the levels of cortisol in their saliva which is an indicator of their level of stress. Lu wants to see how the cortisone changes as a result of participating in JLA.
Lu notes psychosocial interventional have been shown to be effective for the mainstream population of breast cancer survivors, but few psychosocial interventions have been successfully designed for ethnic groups of color.  The larger contribution of the study is that this is the first randomized controlled trial to access the impact of a culturally-based social support program among Chinese-American breast cancer survivors, such as JLA.
“There was no study in this area, so we really don’t know what kind of intervention would work for Asian-American breast cancer survivors. This is really the first one,” said Lu.
To read the press release on the UH website, please visit http://www.uh.edu/news-events/stories/2014/November/112014LucancerstudyNIHgrant