
星期五, 9月 26, 2014


 波士頓龍舟節籌備委員會的陶凱(左二起),汪剛柳,劉忠凱,NancyLeslie Swartz
(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)華美博物館共同創辦人陳國維924日晚在紐英崙華人歷史協會(CHSNE)年會中提醒在美華人,必須讓子孫了解歷史,才能讓後代華人在美生存得理直氣壯。
            波士頓龍舟節的創辦人Leslie Swartz,現任主席劉忠凱,以及籌備委員會的陳瑞虹,汪剛柳,陶凱等人聯袂出席領獎。
 左起,Friedrich Lohr,鄭達,Zeng Wan,朱寬玲,薩福克大學副校長Marisa KellyJonghyun 
            今年二月出版了“黃禍:反亞裔恐懼檔案(Yellow Peril: An Archive of Anti-Asian Fear)”一書的陳國維,本身是歷史學者,研究亞美歷史多年。他認為,華人進入美國已逾百年,但迄今仍如異類,在社會中經常遭受不形於色的歧視,或被人誤解。亞裔慣於沈默,固然是因素,絕大部分美國人長期以來接觸的書籍,影片,廣播,幾乎都從負面角度描述華人,以致美國人對華人的抱恐懼,反對,內化進他們的心裏,思想中。這一迷思不解,華人和美國人之間的關係,恐怕也難改善。
            紐英崙華人歷史協會當晚還宣佈了四名新董事,薛龍(Ron Suleski),余雪華,陳逸龍,李強。



賴銘琪還有心辦理“行動領務”,把在台灣已實施多年,波士頓市過去這一,兩年也已辦理的“車輪上的市政府(City Hall on the go)“,應用在為僑民服務上,考慮派員到勒星頓中文學校等探問僑胞有什麼需要。



MIT 又有一名學生隕落

麻省理工學院924日又隕落一人。該校昨(25)日在校園內追悼2017級機械工程系大二學生王菲比(譯音,Phoebe Wang)。
MIT校長雷一夫(Leo Rafael Reif)是在24日傍晚,以電子郵件向校內師生報告了這一噩耗。他在信中指出,王菲比來自賓州Chesterbrook,在宿舍內活躍,是交響樂團長笛手,朋友們都稱讚她幽默,熱愛音樂,充滿好奇心。
麻省理工學院在93日時才發生化學系研究生Austin Travis在租住的森林街(Forest)公寓內過世,24日又再失去王菲比。雷一夫在信中感嘆,最近這幾個月,該校有太多人離世,但他並未明說王菲比的死因。
            MIT雖然以擁有全美最完善的輔導項目聞名,精神健康和自殺問題在該校卻並不罕見。在2000年韓裔女生Elizabeth Shin自焚死亡後,她父母控告MIT未能妥善保護他們的女兒。該訟案在2006年和解。

星期四, 9月 25, 2014

Patrick Administration Awards $7M to Communities for Municipal Resiliency Projects

Patrick Administration Awards $7M to Communities for Municipal Resiliency Projects

Grants are first of their kind made available through Governor Patrick’s Climate Preparedness Initiative

BOSTON – Thursday, September 25, 2014 – Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Maeve Vallely Bartlett today awarded $7.4 million in grants to municipalities under the Community Clean Energy Resiliency Initiative. The funding will be used for six projects to implement clean energy technologies to improve resiliency at critical facilities. This is the first round of grants through the initiative, which is part of Governor Deval Patrick’s comprehensive climate change preparedness effort.

“This initiative is about being proactive, and not waiting until the next severe storm to react,” said Governor Patrick. “These grants will assist communities in delivering critical services to residents, keeping people safer during times of danger.”

Through the Community Clean Energy Resiliency Initiative, $40 million in state funding is available to cities and towns that identify the facilities in their communities where the loss of electrical service would result in the disruption of a critical public safety or life sustaining function, including emergency services, shelters, food and fuel supply and communications infrastructure. Municipalities can use the funding to implement clean energy technologies to keep their energy systems operable.

“The Patrick Administration is committed to innovative solutions that both mitigate and prepare for climate change impacts in the Commonwealth,” said Secretary Bartlett. “We are proud to partner with municipalities to prevent disruption to critical facilities and services during times of emergency, while also continuing to secure our clean energy future in the long term.”

Under the program, administered by the Department of Energy Resources (DOER), cities and towns can apply for either technical assistance or direct project implementation. Projects eligible for funding include clean energy generation, energy storage, energy management systems, islanding technologies and microgrids.

Funding for these project grants and for 27 technical assistance awards previously announced  comes from Alternative Compliance Payments (ACP), which are paid by electrical retail suppliers if they have insufficient Renewable or Alternative Energy Certificates to meet their compliance obligations under the Renewable and Alternative Portfolio Standard programs. Communities receiving technical assistance can apply for project implementation grants in a second solicitation later this year.

“This initiative provides opportunities for cities and towns to effectively support their communities during climate change-induced events by allowing continued service of critical facilities with clean energy technology solutions,” said DOER Acting Commissioner Meg Lusardi.

In January, Governor Patrick announced a coordinated plan for climate preparedness to increase resiliency across the Commonwealth. In addition to the energy resiliency initiative, the plan includes funding for critical coastal infrastructure and dam repair, including two new municipal grants offered by the Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM). Their Community Resiliency Program offered $1 million in municipal grants to reduce or eliminate risk associated with coastal storms and sea level rise. As natural solutions have often proved to be the best defense against nature, CZM also implemented a $1 million program for Green Infrastructure for Coastal Resilience pilot project.

Municipalities receiving project implementation funding are as follows:

Berkley/Taunton - $1.46 million – The Berkley/Taunton Community Microgrid will be capable of providing near continuous emergency back-up services with a reduced carbon footprint while improving energy efficiency, reliability and resiliency to the towns of Berkley and Taunton. This project incorporates existing solar photovoltaics (PV) and diesel generation with a new battery array and control system within a microgrid configuration that will serve the middle school (a shelter), the Emergency Services Building, the Community School (a secondary evacuation shelter), the municipal fueling station/pump and the police/fire radio repeater.

Boston - $1.32 million – The City of Boston is proposing to install solar PV arrays with battery storage at four Boston Center for Youth and Families facilities that are designated emergency shelters and serve as local community centers for all ages. The solar PV with battery storage will enable the facilities to be islandable from the power grid, providing basic lighting, power and heating/cooling.

Greater Lawrence Sanitary District (GLSD) - $611,000 – The GLSD, a Regional Wastewater District, is pursuing a three phase construction project to accept source separated organics (SSO) and produce electricity and heat for its main plant and electricity for its pump station. With Phase 1 currently underway, DOER is looking to support Phase 2 by adding biogas metering and monitoring improvements, high pressure transfer pumps to move thicker SSO material and outside waste acceptance and blending tanks to move GLSD even closer to SSO acceptance and full utilization. This support will also prepare GLSD to embark on Phase 3, which will include the addition of a fourth anaerobic digester, gas storage, combined heat and power (CHP) generators (2), and biogas collection and safety equipment upgrades. This final phase will allow GLSD to operate completely separate from the grid during an outage.

Northampton - $525,401 – This project will incorporate solar PV and batteries with existing diesel generation at the Northampton Fire Department Headquarters, the sole city facility capable of providing a significant number of critical municipal services. The project will allow for diversified fuel sources available for power production during an extended outage, prioritize new emergency power generation systems, offset use of emergency fuel oil during long term power outages, reduce the environmental impacts from power generation for the facility and improve grid-tied power reliability by enabling peak-shaving and load shedding.

South Essex Sewerage District- $700,000 – This project is for the procurement and construction of a combined heat and power (CHP) facility at the South Essex Sewerage District, which includes Beverly, Danvers, Marblehead, Peabody and Salem. The CHP unit is designed to provide a portion of the electrical power, in parallel with the grid, to operate the District’s wastewater treatment process and pumping equipment. The unit is black-start capable and is anticipated to provide back-up power to some portion of the plant in the event of an outage. Additionally, heat generated by the unit will provide hot water for essential odor control and building space temperature control.

Springfield - $2.79 million – The City of Springfield, in partnership with Baystate Health, is currently in design development of a 4.6 megawatt CHP plant which will provide electricity, chilled water and steam to the hospital. The plant would include a gas turbine generator, heat recovery steam generator, absorption chiller, black-start diesel generator and load management system. The plant will produce 80 percent of the hospital’s annual energy consumption, 68 percent of electricity and 97 percent of steam.

"With September as National Emergency Preparedness month, this grant announcement is particularly timely, and is a vital contribution to our efforts to keep residents safe," said Mayor Martin J. Walsh. "This funding from the Commonwealth will provide four of our shelters with clean and reliable sources of energy, even if the grid goes down. I applaud the Patrick Administration for their leadership." 

“I want to applaud the Governor for making these crucial investments in Massachusetts communities in partnership with the Legislature. These funds will help to ensure that communities not only are prepared for the effects of climate change, but will make sure they do so using clean, reliable sources,” said Senator Marc Pacheco, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Global Warming and Climate Change.

“I am thrilled by Governor Patrick’s commitment to building resiliency in Massachusetts communities in the face of climate change. As we begin to experience more catastrophic weather events, it is critical to safeguard critical facilities to ensure that towns and cities can withstand potential impacts. It is also important that we invest in clean energy technology to mitigate the effects of climate change while preparing communities for severe weather events,” said Representative Frank Smizik, House Committee on Global Warming and Climate Change.

Since taking office, the Patrick Administration has been committed to mitigating the impacts of climate change by advancing renewable energy and energy efficiency in the Commonwealth. As a result, Massachusetts now has nearly 746 of wind and solar installed and has established the most ambitious energy efficiency plans in the nation.

The American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) has named Massachusetts number one for three years running. Last year, Governor Patrick set a new solar goal to install 1,600 megawatts by 2020, after reaching the previous goal of 250 megawatts four years early. The clean energy revolution is yielding economic benefits as well, with 11.8 percent job growth in the last year and 24 percent growth in the last two years; nearly 80,000 people are employed in the clean tech industry in Massachusetts.

羅德島華人 9/27 辦馮偉杰選州長造勢會

               為馮偉杰助選的這批華裔,為凝聚州內華裔選民的力量,將於九月廿七日,浙江大學文琴藝術團在普塔基托文高中(Pawtucket Tolman High)免費演出後,在演出場地對面,擧辦"全僑支持馮偉傑參選卅長盛會",邀請華裔選民親自會晤現任螺州克蘭斯頓巿(Cranston)市長的馮偉杰,並有錢出錢、有票投票的攜手締造歷史。
               浙江大學文琴藝術團當天將在普塔基市的托文高中(TOLMAN HIGH SCHOOL,150 Exchange St.  PAWTUCKET)表演精彩歌舞,慶祝孔子學院成立十週年。入場免費。
