
星期五, 4月 25, 2014

哈佛首座冠華裔姓名大樓 趙朱木蘭中心昨破土 預定2016年中落成

哈佛大學商學院第十任,也是首任少數族裔的院長Nitin Nohria表示,“趙朱木蘭中心”將用作該院每年培訓逾萬名高級主管的場所。他也強調“趙朱木蘭中心”在哈佛大學落成,代表了世界及哈佛大學的更加全球化。
哈佛大學第廿八任校長暨首任女校長佛斯特(Drew Gilpin Faust)也稱昨日為歷史性時刻。她表示趙朱木蘭的一生是傳奇故事,她很榮幸有機會為該校有棟建築以趙朱木蘭命名,向她表示感謝,只是很遺憾,沒有機會親自見到她。
昨日應邀為“趙朱木蘭中心”破土典禮致詞的嘉賓,還有麻州聯邦參議員馬基(Ed Markey),中國駐美大使崔天凱,前澳洲總理陸克文(Kevin Rudd)。
曾任美國第廿四任勞工部部長的趙小蘭在典禮中表示,她母親是在2007年八月二日這天辭世的。從那天起,她父親就開始尋方覓法,要誌記她母親的一生傳奇,其中的方法之一,就是向栽培過他家六人的哈佛大學聊作回饋。這同時也彰顯了她母親的注重教育。她們希望,“趙朱木蘭中心”能為世界推動正面改變,一次一個人的培養出更好,更有良心的領導者,既能擴大哈佛大學商學院院長Nitin Nohria的國際化遠見,也能促進哈佛大學校長佛斯特(Drew Gilpin Faust)所強調的“不斷思考的習慣能造成最深的了解”。
趙朱木蘭和趙錫成共有六名女兒,其中四人,趙小蘭,趙小美, 趙小亭, 趙安吉都進過哈佛大學商學院就讀。趙家因此選在2012412哈佛大學375週年校慶,也是哈佛商學院首次錄取女生進入兩年制工商管理碩士項目的50週年紀念之際,捐出四千萬元,建“趙朱木蘭中心“。
在典禮中,哈佛大學商學院院長Nitin Nohria還送給趙加一座趙朱木蘭中心模型。


            左起,前澳洲總理陸克文(Kevin Rudd),趙小蘭的丈夫,聯邦參議員Mitch McConnell,哈佛商學院院長Nitin Nohria,哈佛大學校長佛斯特(Drew Gilpin Faust),趙錫成,趙小蘭,趙安吉,中國駐美大使崔天凱,麻州聯邦參議員馬基。(菊子攝)

左起,前澳洲總理陸克文(Kevin Rudd),趙小蘭的丈夫,聯邦參議員Mitch McConnell,哈佛商學院院長Nitin Nohria,哈佛大學校長佛斯特(Drew Gilpin Faust),趙錫成,趙小蘭,趙安吉,中國駐美大使崔天凱,趙小婷,趙小美,趙小甫 。(菊子攝)


        哈佛商學院院長Nitin Nohria(左三)把“趙朱木蘭中心”的建築模型,送給趙錫成(右三)等一家人。左一起為趙小甫,趙小美,趙小蘭,趙安吉。(菊子攝)

            左起,趙小婷,趙小美,趙錫成,趙小蘭,趙安吉,趙小甫等趙家人舉鏟破土。 (菊子攝)



麻州州長候選人葛羅斯曼(Steve Grossman)廿三日晚再進華埠,希望進一步了解亞裔社區對政府的期許,要求,強調一旦他當選州長,要一個人不漏的服務(Let no one left behind)
            他透露,自己是財政廳長,知道麻州目前舉債二百億元(20 billions)。在州政府不宜舉債過高下,要為改善交通系統找錢,方法之一是政府出一半,私人企業資助另一半。



            葛羅斯曼(左四)和部分出席者合影。左起,陳式儀,Peter Lin Macus,李超榮,馬滌凡,梅陳月嫦,周樹昂,梁志生,後排中為冼鳳明。(菊子攝)




"九人“排球紀錄片 4/27 在麻州做世界首映

甫卸任的波士頓市長萬寧路(Tom Menino),也現身片中。
這部片介紹了九人排球在美國發源於波士頓的歷史與精華,訪問了1967年打入奧運的Kevin Wong,如今九十一歲的華埠排球先驅等許多人,還加差了許多檔案影片,照片,讓人對這如今每年在勞工節時進行整個北美大賽的活動,有更深入的了解。
該片導演梁適(Ursula Liang)在麻州牛頓市長大,目前住在紐約布朗克斯(Bronx)。她是一名新聞從業人員,曾是紐約時報的風采(Style)雜誌編輯,ESPN雜誌的作者,記者,做過WBAI亞太論壇廣播節目的主播,也是獲得艾美獎提名的亞太電視節目“炒(Stir)”的製片,紀錄片“我愛你,媽咪”的副製片。“九人”是她身兼導演,製片,攝影的作品,也是她擔任導演的處女作。
波士頓獨立電影節(The Independent Film Festival Boston)今年甫於四月廿三日開幕,為期一周,將在戴維斯廣場(Davis Square)的尚莫維爾電影院(Somerville Theatre),哈佛廣場的布瑞托(Brattle)電影院,布魯克蘭鎮(Brookline)的庫里吉角(Coolidge Corner )電影院,以及麻州大學波士頓分校等地,放映約一百部片。“九人”一片是電影節中做世界首映的其中一部片。
紐英崙華人歷史協會將在首映後舉辦接待酒會,邀請觀眾和導演URSULA LIANG見面。首映加接待會的門票價格為23,只參加接待會,預先購票12元,現場購票15元。購票可上網http://www.tickettailor.com/checkout/view-event/id/14578/chk/5195




Grant to fund study of illegal gun trafficking in Boston

Mayor Walsh Convenes Mayors, Municipal Leaders, Law Enforcement for New England’s First Regional Gun Trafficking Summit 
Multi-partner grant will fund study of Boston gun market; Creation of New England Regional Crime Gun Center Would Boost Information Sharing

BOSTON - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today hosted the first-ever New England regional summit to address gun trafficking, bringing together mayors, municipal officials, law enforcement, subject matter experts, and community partners to discuss leadership commitments to combat gun trafficking through regional partnerships. Today’s summit addressed three major areas: the need for full and effective law enforcement investigations; the kickoff of important research on illegal gun trafficking and drug patterns in Boston that will lay the groundwork for future action; and the proposed creation of a New England Regional Crime Gun Center.

“Today we’re establishing a bold and united new front in the battle against gun violence in Boston and across New England,” Mayor Walsh said.  “We are all here—together—because we understand that the illegal trafficking of crime guns is a regional problem that demands a regional solution. Lawbreakers don’t respect borders. And more than that, they take advantage of our different jurisdictions to move the guns, the money, and the drugs that are involved in violent crime.”

The day-long summit included a wide range of sessions: a panel discussion with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and the United States Attorney’s Office; research presentations on Boston’s illegal gun markets and online gun sales; a roundtable discussion on gun trafficking with city and town officials; a legislation update; and an hour-long discussion with community partners.

 “Day in and day out, we see too many illegal guns on our streets, not just in Boston but across the region,” said Police Commissioner William Evans. “It is very important for us to come together to adopt a regional approach.  Everyone must do their part to keep guns out of the wrong hands and continue the conversations that will help suppress gun violence.”

Grant to fund study of illegal gun trafficking in Boston

Mayor Walsh announced that the Program in Criminal Justice at Harvard University will conduct a detailed study on illegal gun trafficking in Boston. The study will be led by Professor Anthony Braga, who has worked for more than 20 years on violent crime issues in Boston, and will be supported by a $214,000 grant from Everytown for Gun Safety, Fund for a Safer Future, and the Rappaport Institute for Greater Boston.
“Understanding the nature of a problem is critical for developing appropriate responses to it,” Professor Anthony Braga said. “The little we know about how illegal guns end up in the wrong hands in Boston is dated and anecdotal.  Effective crime gun policy needs to be informed by timely and accurate scientific evidence, and this study aims to provide that.”
Braga will work in close partnership with the Boston Police Department and in consultation with the US Attorney’s Office and ATF. He will work in the Boston neighborhoods most affected by gun violence to better understand how criminals, juveniles, and other high-risk people acquire illegal guns on our streets.
“There is only so much that mayors and other local officials can do to protect their cities from  guns trafficked across state lines – in fact, 90 percent of the guns found at crime scenes in New York City were originally bought out of state and brought to the city illegally,” said John Feinblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety and policy advisor to former New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg. “Everytown is proud to support research that will help us understand how guns are being trafficked in New England so we can crack down on this activity across the country and keep our communities safe.” 

The study will use a variety of data and methods to answer questions such as where illegal guns come from and how illegal guns are acquired on Boston’s streets. The study is intentionally designed to make concrete policy recommendations on how the City can reduce the flow of illegal guns to high-risk individuals. A number of legislative, regulatory, enforcement, and community-based interventions will be identified and considered as a result of the study.

The Boston study will also provide a roadmap to help other jurisdictions in New England understand the nature of their illegal gun problems.  Much of the Boston work will be used to inform a regional approach to shutting down cross-jurisdictional pipelines of drugs and guns.  Professor Braga and his team will also be part of this regional effort and will provide analytical guidance to participating cities.
Proposed Creation of New England Regional Crime Gun Center
Mayor Walsh called on summit attendees to create a working group to support planning for a New England Regional Crime Gun Center. The center will be a centralized location for tracing and analyzing crime guns to disrupt regional gun trafficking networks and better position law enforcement to hold violent gun criminals accountable. Centralizing this information increases efficiencies, overcomes statutory restrictions, and ensures that trafficking leads are directed to the appropriate investigators. The members of the Working Group will be tasked with outlining and establishing the New England Regional Crime Gun Center and formalizing policy for the sharing and distribution of data and data analysis amongst regional stakeholders.

Regional Gun Trafficking Summit Attendees

Attleboro Mayor Kevin Dumas
Attleboro Police Chief Kyle P. Heagney
Beverly Mayor Michael P. Cahill
Braintree Mayor Joseph Sullivan
Brockton Mayor Bill Carpenter
Chelsea City Manager Jay Ash
Everett Mayor Carlo DeMaria
Fall River Police Chief Daniel Racine
Gardner Mayor Mark Hawke
Lawrence Mayor Daniel Rivera
Malden Mayor Gary Christenson
New Bedford Police Chief Daniel Provencher

Newburyport Mayor Donna Holaday
Revere Mayor Daniel Rizzo
Peabody Mayor Ted Bettencourt
Salem Police Captain Thomas Griffin
Springfield Mayor Domenic J. Sarno
Springfield Police Commissioner William Fitchet
Providence, RI, Public Safety Commissioner Steven M. Paré
Milford, NH, Police Chief Michael Viola
Milford, NH, Town Administrator Guy Scaife
Manchester, NH, At-Large Alderman Daniel O’Neil
Bridgeport, CT, Police Chief Joseph L. Gaudett, Jr.
Hartford, CT, Police Chief James Rovella
Hartford, CT, Sgt. John O’Hare
Portland, ME, Police Chief Michael Sauschuck
Village of Essex Junction, VT, Vice President of the Board of Trustees of the, Dan Kerin



BOSTON – Thursday, April 24, 2014 – Governor Deval Patrick was today informed by United States Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius that the Commonwealth has been granted an additional year to transition into full compliance with the Affordable Care Act.

HHS has added another year to the period during which the state’s health insurers may use “rating factors” such as group size or industry to create insurance rates for the small group market. The Commonwealth now has until 2017 to fully transition into the ACA’s requirements.

“I thank the Obama Administration for affording us this flexibility that will help our small businesses more smoothly transition into compliance with the Affordable Care Act,” said Governor Patrick. “The Commonwealth remains a national leader in health care coverage for our residents and we will continue working closely with our partners at the federal level to ensure the ACA is successfully implemented in Massachusetts.”

Under the Affordable Care Act, all but four of the rating factors used to establish health insurance premiums in Massachusetts were eliminated. The allowed rating factors under the Affordable Care Act are age, geography, family size and tobacco status. Disallowed rating factors by which health insurance carriers will be allowed to use in calculating premiums include: industry, group size, participation rate, use of intermediary and membership in a group purchasing cooperative.  Under today’s guidance, the Commonwealth will have an additional year to phase out those disallowed rating factors, easing the transition for small businesses and consumers across the state.

“The extended transition is good for our market,” said Insurance Commissioner Joseph G. Murphy.  “The additional year will benefit our small employers and give them extra time to ensure that they are making the best insurance choices for their workers.”

Massachusetts was initially granted a three-year transition period in September 2013 following a request by Governor Patrick.