
星期六, 10月 12, 2013


Hamburg, Germany To Showcase Major Urban Development Projects in Boston

“Building the City Anew – Imagining Tomorrow’s Metropolis”

Hamburg / Germany, October 10th -  From October 15 to 28, 2013, Boston will welcome a shared exhibition by the two major symbols of Hamburg’s ambitious urban design and re-development: The HafenCity Hamburg, Europe’s largest urban development project, is expanding the city center of Hamburg by forty percent with iconic mixed-use design on former brown fields on the Elbe River. The IBA (International Building Exhibition) builds on a 100 year-old German tradition of experimental design and urban planning with a seven-year project that is transforming an inner city island marked by waste dumps, industrial zones and public housing into vibrant and sustainable community living.

The joint exhibition, “Building the City Anew” will be presented at the Massachusetts State House, 24 Beacon Street, in Boston from October 15 through 28, 2013.  Hamburg’s Minister for the Economy, Mr. Frank Horch, will preside over an official Hamburg-Boston reception on Tuesday, October 22.

Boston and Hamburg face a number of common development and sustainability challenges: large scale urban development, waterfront development, sea level rise, and harbor islands preservation. In fact, Boston architectural firm Kennedy&Violich Architecture designed one of the innovative buildings on display at the IBA.  Their design, The Soft House, was the competition winner for most adaptable live/work row housing and opened in March 2013.  It offers a new model for carbon neutral construction and an ecologically responsive lifestyle that can be personalized to meet individual homeowners’ needs.

HafenCity Hamburg and IBA Hamburg share the vision of a European city meeting the challenges of the future without abandoning its own tradition and character.  Through the joint exhibition, HafenCity and IBA Hamburg also seek to initiate an international debate on the future of large cities, informed by projects and experiences of other European cities.  “In 2013 the IBA Hamburg is celebrating the culmination of seven years of development; HafenCity has been under construction for eleven years,” says Uli Hellweg.  “It is a good point in time to encourage debate in a European context, and to share Hamburg’s vision of the future with cities in the US.”

At the heart of the exhibition is an outsized compass symbolically pointing the way to the city of the future.  The directional points of the compass have been replaced with four major themes:  Growing City, Open City, Smart City and Civic City.  These form the conceptual framework to explain the strategies and projects which HafenCity Hamburg and IBA Hamburg are harnessing to meet the challenges of the future.  “Building The City Anew” is devoted to a diversity of approaches that respond to the strategic responsibilities of European cities.  Each urban development project is confronted by a unique set of preconditions.  The IBA Hamburg is transforming the structure of a ‘metrozone’, a previously marginalized urban area, through selective measures such as renovation and conversion activities; new cost and energy-efficient buildings and cultural activities that unite a historically diverse community.

The HafenCity Hamburg has redefined a major inner city area formerly devoted to port and industrial uses with award-winning architectural design and the highest standards for building energy efficiency.  ”With its attractive pathways and excellent connections to public transport, HafenCity encourages people to leave their cars at home, says Jürgen Bruns-Berentelg.  “The intensive mix of uses and the density of building create attractive short distances, which can be easily covered on foot or by bicycle – and most extend along the waterfront.”

“Building the City Anew” was previously shown in Europe, including the EU parliament in Brussels.  The US tour was launched in Baltimore in September and exhibitions in Chicago and Washington D.C. will follow this Boston showing.

星期五, 10月 11, 2013

京盛園開幕 波士頓華埠再添一棟豪宅

波士頓華埠中心旁邊的京盛園(The Kensington)早於八月十六日已悄悄開張。波士頓市長萬寧路(Tom Menino) 昨(十)日才前往主持開幕式,親見波市第一座達到金級綠色標準(LEED Gold)的這市價樓宇長得什麼樣。
            座落地點為華盛頓街665號,就在帝苑大酒樓斜對面的京盛園,是華埠內最新的一座豪華樓宇,高27層,有381個出租單位,分別為面積大小在553平方尺到1558平方尺之間的套房,一及二睡房,租金在2920元到10,645元之間,還並不包括每月約 425元的停車位租金。
            由華裔建築師Michael Liu 設計的京盛園,六樓有戶外泳池,樓內還有客房可供租戶租用安置訪客,有3600平方尺的健身室,有110個停車位,可儲存282輛自行車,一樓有電子佈告版,讓租戶在回家時看一眼就知道,自己那天是否收到了包裹,一樓旁邊還有2400平方尺的零售面積。
            京盛頓投資公司行銷副總裁Charlotte Lewis表示,京盛園不單只為租戶提供有如五星級酒店般的設備及服務,最特別的是樓宇設計非常重視環保及節約能源,連浴室內都安裝有用水監視器,提醒租戶警覺自己盥洗沐浴是否用了太多水。
            波士頓市長萬寧路在致詞時感謝發展商劉易斯(Alan E. Lewis)等人堅持多年,斥資一億七千五百萬元蓋成京盛園,還大方捐出七百萬元,讓康樂樓可以順利翻新,擴建75個耆英住宅單位。
            華埠社區議會共同主席陳灼鋆昨日應邀致詞。他感慨表示,京盛園能建成,全靠劉易斯(Alan E. Lewis)的遠見,有心為華埠清理紅燈區。過去這些年間,京盛園的發展歷經許多波折,幸而劉易斯堅持,才終於建成。
            同時俱有旅遊直銷公司大圈(Grand Circle Corporation (GCC)董事會主席暨執行長身份的劉易斯也對京盛園終於竣工,有如釋重負的表情。
京盛園為示對華埠的友好,昨日還由京盛頓投資公司地產集團董事長Harold Nash代表該公司,捐贈二萬五千元給中華廣教學校。
出席開幕式的嘉賓中有人指出,下星期,坐落在凱悅酒店對面的海華地(Hayward Place)大樓也將落成啓用。


            波士頓市長萬寧路(左)和發展商劉易斯(Alan E. Lewis),華埠社區議會共同主席陳灼鋆,京盛頓投資公司行銷副總裁Charlotte Lewis為昨日的開幕式合影。(菊子攝)

        京盛頓投資公司地產集團董事長Harold Nash代表該公司捐款給廣教學校,校長曾秀芬(左),校董陳毓禮(右)代表接受。(菊子攝)


            波士頓市長萬寧路(左)和建築師Michael Liu(右二)等人打招呼。(菊子攝)


華埠Olympic旅行社涉嫌詐欺 檢察官提訴

波士頓華埠奧林匹克旅行社負責人杜琳達(譯音,Linda Do)涉嫌詐騙客戶,昨(十)日遭法院提審。
            薩福克郡地方檢察官丹康利(Daniel F. Conley表示,住在多徹斯特(Dorchester),1956年四月出生的杜琳達,被控以14項的偷盜250元以上罪名,9項從六十歲以上老人家處偷盜250元以上罪名。全案共有14名受害者,其中9人年紀在六十歲以上。
            助理地方檢察官尼爾費林(Neil Flynn要求法官把保釋金定為每項控罪5000原,或七萬元,並要求杜琳達交出護照,遠離受害者及證人。
            法官杜根(Raymond Dougan因杜琳達的個人知名度,批准她照檢察官要求的條件,保釋在外。但額外要求杜琳達佩帶全球定位系統(GPS)監測器,向法院呈交財務報表。
            根據檢察官的起訴文件,杜琳達是夏利臣街上奧林匹克旅行社(Olympic Travel)東主,從顧客那兒收取費用,代定機票,並向付現金客戶提供10%的折扣。但她或者是未做到所承諾的事,或者在收到費用後,取消了相關訂位,讓受害者拿不到機票,或拿不到退款。
杜琳達昨日由律師 Stephen Gomes代表,出席提審預定今日將再度出庭。華人前進會昨日下午派陳秀珍陪同七,八名受害者,趕到法庭,出席提審,表達他們的氣憤。陳秀珍表示,有受害者在九月三十一日時,通知該會,請求協助。各受害人損失五百到七千元不等。其中有兩個家庭,上週去到機場,才發現根本沒機票。




            南端的流浪者之家,松街客棧(Pine Street Inn),日前就辦了一次選民登記華棟。該庇護所主任 Lyndia Downie表示,過去八年來,每逢大選舉,他們就和蘿
絲的地方(Rosies Place),聖法蘭西斯屋(St. Francis House),婦女午餐地等為流浪漢服務的組織合作,選民登記,登記了不下一百名選民。


from The National Family Partnership (NFP): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pYlO2BUrvs

The 28th annual Red Ribbon Week is this month, and the NFP has launched it's month-long, national contest:
10 families across America will win $1,000 for their school and an iPad for their home. This campaign is for prevention of drug and alcohol abuse by youth. Here's the link for you: redribbon.org/contest.

(The contest has started and continues all month long, not just during Red Ribbon Week)


The National Family Partnership® (NFP) announces the national contest for its 28th annual Red Ribbon Week®Oct. 23-31.

Here’s how to enter to win $1,000 for your K-12 school and an iPad for the home:

1.) Students bring the Red Ribbon Week® message home by working alongside parents to decorate their front door, mailbox or fence with a red ribbon and this year’s theme “A Healthy Me Is Drug Free™.” 

2.) Take a photo with the family and your Red Ribbon Week® decoration, then upload to redribbon.org/contest by Nov. 4 (must be 18+ to upload your photos). 

3.) The voting begins! Ask your family and friends to vote for your entry at redribbon.org/vote  Nov. 5-19.
Ten lucky winners from regions across the U.S. will win.

Winners will be announced at redribbon.org on December 6th and recognized at winning schools throughout December.   

“Students will once again take Red Ribbon Week’s® message of prevention home to their neighborhoods with this national contest,” said the NFP’s Volunteer President Peggy Sapp.  “By decorating their homes together with this year’s Red Ribbon theme, families carry the message to their communities.”

Watch this video to see how easy (and fun) this contest is for families:

The nation’s oldest and largest drug prevention campaign reaches more than 80 million people nationwide.   

The DEA is co-sponsoring this year’s national contest. "DEA is excited to partner with the National Family Partnership® on this contest that empowers communities to come together to talk about the drug problem,” said DEA Administrator Michele M. Leonhart.  “Red Ribbon Week® is also when we honor DEA Special Agent Enrique ‘Kiki’ Camarena, who made the ultimate sacrifice to keep our communities safe.” Adds the NFP’s Peggy Sapp: “Take the Red Ribbon Week® pledge across America to help children grow up safe, healthy and drug free.”  Visit redribbon.org/contest for contest information.  

US Design Firm Unveils Master Plan To Dubai Prime Minister For Dubai Int'l Financial Center

Hollywood, CA design firm, 5+design presented its Masterplan for the Dubai International Financial Center to UAE Prime Minister and ruler, Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum and Deputy Ruler of Dubai and President of DIFC, Sheikh Maktoum Bin Mohammad Al.
“We were honored to have been chosen for such a brilliant project,” said 5+design Managing Partner, Michael Ellis. “ DIFC is really going to change the landscape of Dubai and bring continuity between the rest of the world’s International Financial Centers. The Center is in  prime position to capitalize on the MENASA region’s growing opportunities and given the prominence of Dubai, it was only logical to establish a financial district.”
DIFC strategically fills the time zone gap between the leading centers of London and New York in the west and Hong Kong and Tokyo in the east. Through visionary foresight, the Dubai International Financial Center is fast becoming one of the world’s leading centers of finance. In the space of a decade, the onshore financial center has steadfastly established itself as the region’s gateway for capital and investment.