
星期四, 6月 13, 2024


             (Boston Orange 編譯) 大波士頓商會 (GBCC) 基金會日前公佈今年的引領潮流供應商多元化計畫,在2023年內促成引領潮流者 (Pacesetters) 和麻州內有色企業的生意往來額增加了5.2%,在全美增加了9.7%


             大波士頓商會基金會董事長James E. Rooney表示,2018年該會創設這”引領潮流者計畫"時,該會在這第一次的大規模供應商多元化行動中,帶領大波士頓企業社區。每年他們都可看到”引領潮流買家”們實踐承諾,促進公平的購買實務,和更多的有色企業成為夥伴。就如”引領潮流者數據”所展示的,企業執行長,採購專員,以及許多其他人,都在為更為包容、賦能的未來商業領路。

             2024年的引領潮流者獎,獲得年度企業獎的公司是RTX,獲得年度推動者獎 (Champion of the Year)的是麻州大學採購長David Cho,獲得年度夥伴獎 (麻州) 的是道富集團 (State Street)及系統客製顧問公司( System Custom Consulting),獲得年全國年度夥伴獎的是道富集團和橘子實驗室媒體 (Orange Lab Media)

             引領潮流者包括伯克夏爾銀行(Berkshire Bank),貝斯以色列雷西健康 (Beth Israel Lahey Health),麻州藍十字藍盾,波士頓兒童醫院,波士頓計畫發展局,公民、康卡斯 (Comcast)Consigli,達納法伯癌症機構,東方銀行,愛默生學院,Encore波士頓海港,波士頓聯邦儲備銀行,穫多利,Gilbane,大波士頓商會,Greylock聯邦信用社,John Hancock,自由互惠保險公司,麻州賭博局,麥肯錫顧問公司,全國電網,Nitsch工程公司,東北大學,NutterP&G 吉列公司,Point 32健康,RTX,賽諾菲 (Sanofi),道富集團,薩福克大學,麻州大學,Vertex,企業協會夥伴,麻州企業圓桌會,麻州生物協會 (MassBio),麻州競爭力夥伴 (MACP),麻州NAIOP,企業領導力聯盟,西麻州經濟發展協會,屋斯特 (Worcester) 區域商會。

     Chamber Foundation Announces Pacesetters Data & Pacesetters Awards

Pacesetters Increase MBE Spend 5.2% in Massachusetts & 9.7% Nationally 

The Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s Pacesetters supplier diversity initiative, a collective effort to use equitable procurement to create a more inclusive regional economy, is pleased to announce that Pacesetters increased their spend with businesses of color in 2023 by 5.2% in Massachusetts and 9.7% nationally.
In 2022, Pacesetters buyers spent more than $322 million with Massachusetts MBEs and $5 billion with national MBEs. In 2023, Pacesetters buyers increased their spend with MBEs, spending more than $339 million with Massachusetts MBEs and more than $5.5 billion with MBEs nationally.
“When we founded the Pacesetters initiative in 2018, the Chamber Foundation led Greater Boston’s business community in the first large-scale activation of the buyers in supplier diversity. Every year, we see the Pacesetters buyers commit and act to advance equitable procurement practices that create more partnerships with businesses of color and greater success. As demonstrated by the strong Pacesetters data, our CEOs, procurement officers, and broader teams are leading the future of commerce that is inclusive and empowering,” said James E. Rooney, President of the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce Foundation.
Successful supplier diversity requires commitment, action, and urgency, and we are proud of the Pacesetters business leaders and companies who are moving the needle.
The 2024 Pacesetters Awards honorees are:
2024 Pacesetters Awards
Company of the Year: RTX
Champion of the Year: David Cho, Chief Procurement Officer, University of Massachusetts
Partnership of The Year (Massachusetts): State Street & System Custom Consulting
Partnership of The Year (National): State Street & Orange Lab Media
