
星期四, 9月 09, 2021

北美洲舜裔篤親總公所副總理陳文浩辭世 享年68歲

             (Boston Orange) 北美洲舜裔篤親總公所副總理暨波士頓華裔退伍軍人會會長陳文浩,近年與癌症抗爭,97日在妻兒環伺中,安詳辭世,享年68歲。

              陳文浩於1952年出生,1966年從香港移民波士頓,在南端(South End)長大,青少年時學習武術。19731976年間,參與越戰,在海軍服役。退伍後進入Wentworth科技學院進修,並於畢業後在1979年加入Teradyne,擔任電機工程師,2018年退休,任職約40年間,曾多次奉派到韓國等其他國家支援公司海外業務。



陳文浩身後遺有結縭42年賢妻,與他一同在社區服務多年,現任紐英崙余風采堂主席的陳余寶愛,兒子Adam Chan,女兒Jennifer Chan,以及他們的家人。

              陳文浩的追思會將於912(週日)下午3點至7點,在永福殯儀館舉行,訂913日早上9點半至11點,在佛士曉墳場(Forest Hill Cemetery)安葬。

              陳家婉謝鮮花、奠儀,敦請有意紀念陳文浩者捐款支持華埠退伍軍人會,:  American Legion Chinatown Post 328 (in Memory of Man Ho Chan), 90 Tyler Street, Boston, MA 02111


It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of our Post Commander, Man Ho Chan. Man Ho was a member of the Vietnam War era. 

He was born in Hong Kong and grew up in the South End of Boston, Massachusetts and went to Boston English High School. He joined the US Navy in January of 1973 to December of 1975 and served as the Ship Serviceman Barber (SHB3) on board the U.S.S. Mount Vernon (LSD-39). In April 1975, during the Fall of Saigon, the USS Mount Vernon was one of the many ships that participated in Operation Frequent Wind, evacuating American civilians and refugees in Vietnam.

After the service, Man Ho came back to Boston and continued his education and graduated from the Wentworth Institute of Technology in 1979 and worked at Teradyne, Inc., for 39 years as an Electrical Engineer. 

He joined the American Legion in 2012 and was elected to Sgt-at-Arms (2013-2015), Jr. Vice Commander (2015-2017), Sr. Vice Commander (2017-2019), and then elected Post Commander in 2019 to the present. Man Ho participated and led many activities throughout the years, including our annual toy drives, Memorial Day flag planting, and our many parades. Him and his wife, Paula were very active in the Chinatown community, having been involved with several Chinatown organizations, including the Gee How Oak Tin Association of New England and the Shun Yi Association, among a few.

We are grateful for our Commander's service and for the many years he has dedicated to the Legion and to the Chinatown community. 

Fair winds and following seas, Commander. We salute you.
