星期二, 9月 28, 2021

Councilors Breadon, Edwards, and Bok file hearing order to Review Rental Unit Conditions, Standards, and Inspections

Councilors Breadon, Edwards, and Bok file hearing order to 

Review Rental Unit Conditions, Standards, and Inspections

BOSTON – At this week’s Boston City Council meeting, Councilors Liz Breadon, Lydia Edwards, and Kenzie Bok will introduce a hearing order regarding rental unit conditions, standards, and inspections. 

The Councilors are calling for the review of municipal codes CBC 9-1.3 (Inspection and Re-Inspection of Rental Units) and CBC 9-1.4 (Rental Dwelling Unit Delivery Standards) in order to improve rental dwelling unit inspection and registry programs, living conditions for Boston renters and rental unit occupants, and public access to information regarding rental units.

“Having just concluded the September rental renewal turnover cycle and Allston Christmas, I have heard from Allston-Brighton tenants about rental unit conditions in questionable compliance with City regulations,” said District 9 Councilor Liz Breadon. “The issue is made worse by chronic offender large corporate landlords who allow violations to pile up and do not improve living conditions. We must review the City’s current property registration and inspection practices, require the disclosure of all individuals and entities with business ownership interest, public access to rental registry information, and hold accountable scofflaw rental property owners who continually fail to provide tenants with safe, adequate housing.”

“I’m looking forward to checking in with the Inspectional Services Department and ensuring that they have the resources they need to keep residents safe,” said District 1 Councilor Lydia Edwards. “I want to make sure that they are able to help residents that call on them and are able to effectively police bad actors.”

“Everyone deserves a safe and healthy living environment, and yet we know that due to bad actors including absentee landlords, many tenants are living in conditions that put their health and wellbeing at risk. I look forward to working with the Inspectional Services Department to find solutions, hold bad actors accountable, and improve living conditions for renters,” said District 8 Councilor Kenzie Bok.
