
星期二, 12月 07, 2021


             (Boston Orange ) 波士頓猶太人外展組織Chabad於12月5日傍晚,在波士頓柯普利廣場舉行點亮燭台儀式,邀得麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)親自點燃巨型燭台。
             麻州眾議員Jay Levison,代表波士頓市長吳弭(Michelle Wu)的波士頓市議員Kenzie Bok也都出席儀式,並登上升降機,點亮燭台。
             波士頓Chabad指出,燭台是世界各地偉大的國際自由象徵之一。 它慶祝人類自由的偉大節日之一——燈節。
            在 Copley 廣場的波士頓 Chabad 是該機構一年一度的燭台照明活動,也是全球燭檯燈慶祝活動的一部分。





紐英崙余風采堂換屆 余寶愛、余宗濤連任主席


               (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 紐英崙余風采堂125日職員換屆,吃湯圓,報喜訊。2名主席余寶愛,余宗濤連任,宗親余麗媖榮任洪門致公堂總堂總理,年輕宗親余雅倫加入服務行列。












Thermo Fisher將在加拿大生產Merck的新冠病毒疫苗藥丸

           (Boston Orange編譯)路透社週一報導,賽默飛世爾科技公司(Thermo Fisher Scientific) 已與默克公司(Merck)達成協議,在加拿大生產其實驗性新冠病毒 (Covid-19) 藥丸。

總部位於華森市(Waltham)的賽默飛世爾(紐約證券交易所代碼:TMO)將在其位於安大略省的工廠生產這種名為 molnupiravir 的抗病毒藥物。該工廠生產的藥丸將在加拿大和英國以及其他一些全球市場銷售。默克(紐約證券交易所代碼:MRK)總共擁有三個莫奈拉韋(molnupiravir)生產基地,但它還與聯合國支持的藥品專利池 (MPP) 簽訂了許可協議,允許 經挑選的生產商在105 個低收入和中等收入國家生產藥丸的通用版本。

Molnupiravir 在美國還未獲得授權。上個月它在英國獲得了首個法規性批准。美國食品和藥物管理局的一個顧問小組上週以微弱優勢投票支持該藥丸,預計很快將獲得緊急使用授權。

賽默飛世爾股價受該消息影響不大,截至下午 1 點下跌約 3%

波士頓市長吳弭成立新冠病毒諮委會 17名成員有2華裔

         (Boston Orange 周菊子綜合報導) 波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 126日宣佈成立17人的新冠病毒 (COVID-19) 諮詢委員會。已獲提升至內閣層級的波士頓公共衛生局執行主任 Bisola Ojikutu 博士將擔任主席。

17名成員背景多元,從大型公立醫院的醫療主任到餐館老闆都有,其中有2名華裔,包括燒酒餐廳老闆梅沛傑 Miniluxe共同創辦人兼主席曾國安 (Tony Tjan)


         主席,Bisola Ojikutu 博士

Sabrina A. Assoumou 博士,醫學博士,Louis W. Sullivan 醫學教授,波士頓大學醫學院

Kizzmekia Corbett 博士,哈佛大學公共衛生學院免疫學和傳染病學助理教授

Shōjō  Ruckus 餐廳的老闆梅沛傑。
Louis ElisaGarrison-Trotter 社區協會主席,黑波士頓 COVID-19 聯盟成員

Paola García,塔芙茨醫療計畫(Tufts Health Plan) 社區關係經理

Yvonne Garcia,道富集團(State Street)幕僚長

Temple Gill,亨廷頓劇院公共事務和策略夥伴關係總監

曾國安,Miniluxe 董事長兼聯合創始人。
Nia Grace

,波士頓黑人休閒業聯盟聯合創始人,地下餐廳+休息室和 Darryl的角落酒吧及廚房東主

Julia Koehler 博士,醫學博士,波士頓兒童醫院,哈佛醫學院兒科助理教授

Amy LatimerTD Garden 總裁

梅沛傑 (Brian Moy)Shōjō Ruckus 餐廳的老闆

Dinanyili PaulinoLa Colaborativa 首席運營官

Cassandra Pierre 博士,波士頓醫學中心公共衛生項目醫學主任

Jake Sullivan,波士頓大學政府和社區事務副校長

曾國安,Miniluxe 董事長兼聯合創始人

 Liz Walker,洛士百利長老會資深牧師

Sandro Galea 博士,波士頓大學公共衛生學院的 Robert A. Knox 教授。

Joseph Betancourt 博士,麻州總醫院公平和社區健康高級副總裁。


波士頓公共衛生委員會執行主任兼COVID-19 諮詢委員會主席 Bisola Ojikutu 博士表示,為因應新冠病毒危機,波士頓市的重點採取4個關鍵策略,分別是增加人們接種疫苗、補充劑的方便,增加檢測,加強溝通,加倍預防。

Bisola Ojikutuc還提供了一些數據,包括波士頓市目前的確診率為5.2%,和2星期之前相比,增加了15%。值得注意的是,那些住院的人,大約有三分之二是未接種疫苗者。

Bisola Ojikutuc強調接種疫苗對結束疫情的重要性。她指出聯邦疾病防治中心 (CDC) 的研究顯示,未接種疫苗者感染新冠病毒的機率高5倍,住院機率高10倍,死亡機率高11倍。


Bisola Ojikutuc表示,較令人擔心的是波士頓市的5-11歲兒童,截至12月初,只有四分之一接種了新冠病毒疫苗,在60%的白人非西語裔兒童已接種疫苗之際,亞裔只有35%,西語裔10%,黑人7%接種了疫苗。



目前波士頓有 88,990 COVID-19確診病例。上週內急診科就診人數增加了 6%,過去兩週檢測呈陽性的人數增加了 15%,住院人數在過去兩週增加了 28%。上週每天新的陽性檢測高達 191.6 次,高於 BPHC 每週 67.9 次陽性檢測的目標。上週基於社區的測試也下降了 23%。接受測試仍然非常重要,尤其是在假期期間。然而,我們有理由感到樂觀,因為一周內接種的加強劑數量至少增加了 15%82,173 94,274),並且完全接種疫苗的個體比例增加到 67.1%

疫苗接種方面的種族差異,尤其是波士頓的加強接種率,仍然是一個嚴重問題。在已施打的補充劑中,黑人僅佔 13.4%,拉丁裔僅佔 9.4% 5-11 歲兒童接種疫苗的情況類似,白人兒童卻有57% 以上已接種,而拉丁裔兒童為 10.2%,黑人兒童為 7.8%。吳市長和波士頓公共衛生委員會都以減少這些差異作為結束疫情的市府優先事項。



BOSTON - Monday, December 6, 2021 - Today, Mayor Michelle Wu announced her COVID-19 Advisory Committee, a group of doctors, public health professionals and multidisciplinary leaders who will assist in decision-making around tackling new variants and working to end the pandemic in Boston. The Committee will be chaired by Dr. Bisola Ojikutu, Executive Director of the Boston Public Health Commission, who was elevated to a cabinet-level role under Mayor Wu. These leaders have backgrounds ranging from Medical Director at a large public hospital to restaurateur.

The full list is as follows:

Chair, Dr. Bisola Ojikutu 

·    Dr. Sabrina A. Assoumou, MD, Louis W. Sullivan Professor of Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine

·    Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett, Assistant Professor of Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Harvard School of Public Health

·    Louis Elisa, President of the Garrison-Trotter Neighborhood Association, member of the Black Boston COVID-19 Coalition 

·    Paola García, Community Relations Manager, Tufts Health Plan

·    Yvonne Garcia, Chief of Staff, State Street 

·    Temple Gill, Director of Public Affairs and Strategic Partnerships, Huntington Theater Company

·    Nia Grace, co-founder, Boston Black Hospitality Coalition, owner of The Underground Cafe + Lounge and Darryl’s Corner Bar & Kitchen

·    Dr. Julia Koehler, MD, Boston Children’s Hospital, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School

·    Amy Latimer, President, TD Garden

·    Brian Moy, restauranteur and owner of Shōjō and Ruckus

·    Dinanyili Paulino, Chief Operations Officer, La Colaborativa

·    Dr. Cassandra Pierre, MD, MPH, MSc, Medical Director, Public Health Programs, Boston Medical Center

·    Jake Sullivan, Vice President for Government and Community Affairs, Boston University

·    Tony Tjan, Chairman and CoFounder, Miniluxe

·    Reverend Liz Walker, Senior Pastor, Roxbury Presbyterian Church

·    Dr. Sandro Galea, MD, MPH, DrPH, Robert A. Knox Professor at Boston University School of Public Health.

·    Dr. Joseph Betancourt, MD, MPH, Senior Vice President, Equity and Community Health at Massachusetts General Hospital.

“I’m grateful to these leaders for their willingness to serve the public in this pivotal moment. We have both a responsibility and an opportunity to take on our biggest public health challenges, and take every action possible to protect our residents and end this pandemic. I look forward to working with and receiving the wisdom of this dedicated group,” said Mayor Michelle Wu

“Boston is taking an aggressive, public health approach that will keep city residents safe, our children in school, and our local businesses open. The diverse makeup of this committee is yet another example of Mayor Wu’s commitment to ending the pandemic and addressing the significant health care inequities in our city. COVID-19 cases are surging here and across the country, making it a critically important time to get vaccines and boosters to as many people as possible, especially in communities where vaccine and booster rates are troublingly low. I am confident that Mayor Wu’s leadership and the insights of the Advisory Committee put us in a very strong position to end the COVID-19 pandemic in Boston,” said Dr. Bisola Ojikutu, Executive Director of the Boston Public Health Commission and Chair of the COVID-19 Advisory Committee.

The current data send a clear message to our city residents: get vaccinated, get boosted, get tested if you have symptoms, and continue to take precautions, such as wearing masks when indoors and while traveling, washing your hands, and limiting the size of holiday gatherings. There are currently 88,990 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Boston. Emergency department visits have increased by 6 percent over the past week, positive tests are up 15 percent over the last two weeks, and hospitalizations have increased by 28 percent during the last two weeks. New positive tests are up to 191.6 per day in the last week, above BPHC’s goal of 67.9 positive tests per week. Community based testing is also down by 23 percent in the last week. Getting tested continues to be very important, especially during the holiday season. There is reason for optimism however, as the number of booster doses administered increased by at least 15 percent over a one week period (82,173 to 94,274) and the proportion of fully vaccinated individuals has increased to 67.1 percent. 

Racial disparities in vaccination and particularly booster rates in Boston remain a serious area of concern. Black residents account for only 13.4 percent of the boosters administered and Latinx residents account for just 9.4 percent. Similarly, over white children account for over 57 percent of vaccinations for children ages 5-11, as compared to 10.2 percent for Latinx children and 7.8 percent for Black children. Both Mayor Wu and the Boston Public Health Commission have made reducing these disparities a major priority in the City’s efforts to end the pandemic. 


2022國際領袖基金會 暑期公共事務實習計劃


(華府訊): 國際領袖基金會 (ILF) 2022暑期公共事務實習計劃 (Civic Fellowship Program) ,即起接受申請。約30名獲選的傑出亞太裔大專院校學生將在暑假期間到華府,進入各聯邦政府機構,美國國會議員辦公室,非牟利機構,或智庫等處實習810週。

國際領袖基金會每年遴選約30名亞太裔大學生,頒給獎學金,安排參加講座、領袖力培訓課程,並進入美國首府華盛頓特區(Washington DC)的聯邦政府各行政部門正式實習,可深入了解美國國會、白宮的實際運作。




國際領袖基金會主席徐紹欽 (Paul Hsu) 表示, “國際領袖基金會的目標之一是培養並支持下一代的公共服務領袖”。他說,  加強接觸並認識公民參與非常重要,這樣青年領袖才能以適當方式採取行動,支持他們的社區”。

國際領袖基金會行政主任王靈輝 (Linh Hong) 表示,”培養下一代亞太裔領袖是我們的核心使命,我們幫助大專學生獲得技能,經驗,以及成為領袖的必要見識,以持續前輩們的奮鬥。國際領袖基金會公民事務獎學金是學員們快速啟動事業及領導旅程的獨特機會”。



查詢詳情或送交申請文件,請上網 https://www.ilfnational.org/fellowship/.




國際領袖基金會 (International Leadership Foundation) ,係全美最著名的青年領袖人才訓練機構,以提升美國亞太裔地位,培育國際青年未來領袖為目標,並結合美國政經資源,以促進美國及亞太地區國際交流活動為宗旨的非營利性組織。過去近二十年來,國際領袖基金會結合美國及亞太地區的領袖資源,提供獎學金及領袖訓練,已培育、輔導上千名美國亞太裔優秀大學生參加「公共事務實習計劃」,進入美國聯邦政府各行政部門正式實習,並經由組團參訪拜會國會及政府各部會,更全面的瞭解了美國國會、白宮運作及制定政策的方式與流程。


國際領袖基金是由前美國聯邦交通部次長長傑龍 (Joel Szabat),以及前美國聯邦商務部副助理部長董繼玲以他們共同創辦的「沙加緬度教育夥伴計劃(PIE)」為基礎,於1994年在加卅創辦的培育亞太裔青年領袖機構。2000年起,該會聯合全美亞裔企業及社區領袖在華府增設了全美「暑期公共事務實習計劃」。



ILF Civic Fellowship Program Accepting Applications for 2022 Fellows

Washington, D.C. – The International Leadership Foundation (ILF) is now accepting applications for the Summer 2022 Civic Fellowship Program. Every year, ILF’s selection committee identifies approximately 30 outstanding Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) college students to spend 8 to 10 weeks interning at a federal agency in Washington D.C. during the summer term. Students are also placed in the U.S. Congress, nonprofits and think tanks.

 ILF Civic Fellows receive a stipend upon program completion and in addition to their full-time federal internships, they attend professional and leadership development workshops and seminars. They also have the opportunity to hear from prominent AANHPI public service leaders through a series of fireside chats and panel discussions. Fellows are responsible for their own travel, housing, and living expenses.

 “One of ILF’s goals is to prepare and advocate for the next generation of leaders in public service,” said Dr. Paul Hsu, Chairman of ILF, “It is so important to increase exposure and understanding of civic engagement so that young leaders can take action to support their communities in relevant ways.”

 “Developing the next generation AANHPI leaders is at the heart of our mission,” said Linh Hoang, Executive Director of ILF, “We help college students acquire the skills, experience, and insights necessary to become leaders and continue the fight of those who came before them. The ILF Civic Fellowship is a unique opportunity to jumpstart their careers and leadership journey.”

 Undergraduate students of AANHPI heritage are encouraged to apply. Eligibility requirements include U.S. citizenship, minimum of 3.0 GPA, and current undergraduate student in good standing at their prospective university. Additional documents such as an official transcript, resume, and at least one letter of recommendation are also required.

 Applications are open now and must be submitted by Friday, January 14, 2022 at 5pm ET.  To learn more or submit an application, please visit www.ilfnational.org.

 Important note: ILF anticipates the widespread availability of effective COVID-19 vaccines in the first half of 2022. Applicants should expect that summer internships will be on-site in Washington, DC. However, some or most internships may be virtual, depending on each federal agency’s policy. ILF will keep applicants informed during the application and placement process.

星期一, 12月 06, 2021




2021 11 月的市級選舉中,代表了79%選民的 99,000 多波士頓人,投票支持選舉產生的學校委員會。

波士頓人支持選舉產生的學校委員會(Bostonians for an Elected School Committee)這組織,呼籲市議會和市長執行選民的明確授權並批准地方自治請願書,以恢復波士頓居民投票選舉其學校委員會的權利。這是一個明顯的投票權問題。


Boston residents call on city leaders to restore their right to elect the School Committee

Bostonians love to argue about politics. But there’s one major issue on which Bostonians overwhelmingly agree: They want to elect their School Committee. They believe that this critical policy-making board, whose decisions affect the current and future lives of 50,000 Boston children, should be directly accountable to the city residents.

In the November 2021 municipal election, more than 99,000 Bostonians, representing 79 percent of voters, cast their ballots in favor of an elected School Committee.

Bostonians for an Elected School Committee calls upon the City Council and Mayor to carry out the clear mandate of the voters and approve a home rule petition to restore Boston residents' right to vote for their School Committee. This is a clear voting rights issue.

Every other community in Massachusetts already has that voting right. Only Boston does not. The restoration of democratic control over the Boston Public Schools is long overdue. It should be the first order of business for our new city government.

Statements from community leaders:

Tanisha M. Sullivan, President of the NAACP Boston Branch says: “The NAACP has consistently fought for the protection and expansion of voting rights regardless of where that fight takes us—but, especially when the issue is in our own backyard. For decades Bostonians have been denied the right to vote for our School Committee, and this year Bostonians from every corner of our city, across all backgrounds, declared ‘no more’. On this point we all agree. It is now time for the city council to act and lead us in our pursuit to restore our right to vote on the School Committee.”

Erik Berg, Executive Vice President of the Boston Teachers Union, says "As educators, we teach the value of democracy to our students. Providing Boston residents the same right as voters in every other community in Massachusetts to elect their School Committee is the most democratic way to ensure that the committee is representative of and accountable to the students, families, and communities they represent.

“Boston voters overwhelmingly voted in the November election to shift from a Mayor-appointed committee (the only one in Massachusetts) to an elected committee. The Boston City Council needs to honor the will of their constituents and democratize the Boston School Committee."  

Jonathan Rodriguez of Mijente Boston Asamblea:
"Our city must act on the overwhelming mandate given in November from voters across the city. Across the country, we join the chorus of cities devolving local power to school communities. It’s  no coincidence the most disenfranchised have been communities of color."


Susan Naimark, who served as an appointed School Committee member for eight years, saw firsthand the downside of a governing board that was not accountable. “One of my biggest frustrations as a member of the appointed School Committee was our poor process for getting input from those we served,” she says. “I spent a lot of my time checking with frontline educators, parents, and community members closer to the ground when policy proposals were presented to us. Too often, I got a very different perspective on the problems and possible solutions than those presented from above.

“The lack of trust of the school system on the part of families of color was always evident. Restoring democratic representation, while not a panacea, is one piece of restoring voice, accountability, and trust to those families who use our public schools.”

Ivelisse Caraballo, Co-Executive Director for the Collaborative Parent Leadership Action Network (CPLAN), notes that “CPLAN (i.e., parents) has been fighting for equity in education because we believe that the power must be within those that are directly impacted by policies created on a legislative level. Elected officials represent OUR voices, but only if our voices are included in the decision-making process. Consistent with this, Boston residents have been making history in shifting the power dynamics in politics. It is evident that Bostonians are also demanding equitable processes that include the input of constituents.”

Neema Avashia, a teacher at the McCormack School, saw the School Committee take away the school’s athletic fields because the mayor’s office had another use for the land. “I don’t know that the outcome of School Committee votes would have been different with an elected School Committee. But I do know that as citizens of the city of Boston, we would have had recourse when our needs were ignored,” she says. “The members' continued presence on the committee would be contingent upon our votes, instead of upon enacting the will of the mayor.”

Beth Huang, executive director of the Massachusetts Voter Table, said the will of Boston voters is clear: "Nearly 100,000 voters in Boston have shown their support for an elected school committee. Voters overwhelmingly want students, parents, educators, and residents to have a greater say in how Boston Public Schools serve our communities. It's time for the City Council and the state legislature to take action on the will of the voters by passing the home rule petition."


Bostonians for an Elected School Committee is a broad coalition of organizations and people across the city, including 15 steering committee organizations, that campaigned for Question 3 on the November ballot, an advisory question on restoring the right of Boston residents to elect their School Committee.