
星期五, 10月 22, 2021

波士頓市提早投票 10/23-29 選務局提供多語選票問題說明



2021 年 11 月 2 日星期二,波士頓選民將收到一個關於擬議章憲章修正案提案(Proposed Charter Amendment)的投票問題。該信息郵件為您提供了具有約束力的問題的文本,該文本將出現在常規市政選舉的選票上。它還規定了擬議的修訂城市憲章語言(Amended City Charter language)的語言,它不會出現在您的選票上,但如果問題通過,它將成為城市憲章的一部分。


問題 1(約束性)

本市是否應該批准市議會, 提出下述的憲章修正案?



《波士頓市憲章》的擬議修正案, 將會從多方面改變波士頓市的預算程序。






問題1所涉及的城市憲章(City Charter)修正案的案文如下:

制定和批准市政預算。波士頓市(City of Boston)的市長和市議會應共同擁有預算權力,有權對全部或部分撥款令或撥款令中的項目進行修改,並根據 1936 年法案第224章2節(Acts of 1936, c. 224, s.2,)修改波士頓公立學校的預算, 由1986年法案第701章5節(Acts of 1986, c. 701, s. 5)修訂,並由1987年法案第613章2節【第75節】(by Acts of 1987, c. 613, s. 2 [section 75])進一步修訂,章程闡明預算程序並採取其他必要的行動來修改、批准或不批准本市的年度預算,但發出撥款令的權力除外,該權力應保留給市長。為進一步促進公眾參與和民主參與城市支出,在2024財年,波士頓市(City of Boston)應根據城市法令設立一個獨立的參與式預算辦公室(Office of Participatory Budgeting),並設有外部監督委員會,以創建和監督對所有波士頓居民開放的公平且具有約束力的決策過程,與G.L. c. 44, § 53一致。




波士頓亞美電影節開幕 李保華、梁聯星、駱理德談華埠環境變遷 (圖片)


Showcasing stories from around the world, these documentaries illuminate our reality from serious social issues to heart-warming familial traditions. Documentaries have the power to build and embolden the community, making their influence more important and significant in contributing to how we are RISING TOGETHER! 

You'll be sure to find a documentary that will inspire you! Our featured documentaries will premiere at the designated start time and are available until Sunday, October 24, 10:00PM ET or until tickets sell out! 

Scroll for more details!




Documentary Film
A Letter to A'ma
Premiering October 23, 3:00PM EST until October 24, 10:00PM EST
Directed by Hui-Ling Chen | Documentary | 105 mins | USA
Followed by Q&A with Filmmaker
*Both film and Q&A are in Chinese with English subtitles

An art teacher returns to her childhood home to mourn the passing of her grandmother. As she pieces together the fragmented memories of her youth she finds herself coming face-to-face with the problematic issue of her country’s fractured history. Read More >>

[Available to view on-demand from premiere time until Sunday, October 24, 2021, 10:00PM ET]


Followed by Q&A with Director Hui-Ling Chen.
Moderated by Wing-Kai To.




Premiering October 23, 6:00PM until October 24, 10:00PM EST
Directed by Richard Lui | Documentary | 87 mins | USA 
Followed by Q&A with Filmmakers

When viewers say they cried, they say it was because of the uplifting hope of the courage and beauty the students share with us. As young as eleven years old, they are taking care of parents and grandparents who are battling sickness. We call them Care Heroes. And there are five million of them in America. Read More >>

[Available to view on-demand from premiere time until Sunday, October 24, 2021, 10:00PM ET]




Premiering October 24, 5:00PM EST
Directed by Jeff Mizushima | ​Documentary | 81 mins | USA 
Followed by Q&A with Filmmakers

"Who Is Lun*na Menoh" follows the life and work of the extraordinary Japanese artist. From her early career in Japan to the underground music scene in Los Angeles - from fashion show runways featuring her sculptural designs to art galleries showing her fantastical work, Lun*na's edgy, witty and beautiful creations are explored. Read More >>

[Available to view on-demand from premiere time until Sunday, October 24, 2021, 10:00PM ET]


Followed by Q&A with Lun*na Menoh & Director Jeff Mizushima.
Moderated by Anna Zeng.





BAAFF is a co-production of Asian American Resource Workshop and ArtsEmerson. 






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City of Boston now accepts application for mental health crisis response



BOSTON – Friday, October 22, 2021 – Mayor Kim Janey and the Office of Health and Human Services (HHS) today announced applications are now being accepted for the Community-Led Design Group for mental health crisis response. This group of community members will be composed of Boston residents with professional and/or lived experience with mental health issues who are committed to designing a pilot for a community-led response to mental health crises. 

Mayor Janey tasked the Health and Human Services Cabinet (HHS), Boston Police Department (BPD), and Boston EMS with creating pilot programs to reimagine the way Boston responds to mental health crises in our neighborhoods in April 2021. This collaboration, which included multiple community listening sessions and public meetings, resulted in three pilot plan initiatives to improve mental health responses: (1) improving the existing co-response model, (2) introducing an alternative response, led by Boston-EMS and mental health workers, and now (3) creating a community-led response.

“I have made it a priority as Mayor to bring safety, healing, and justice to all of Boston’s communities and neighborhoods,” said Mayor Janey. “That includes reimagining how we respond to mental health crises in our city. This Design Group will help residents and their families get the right type of care they deserve, and I encourage everyone with an interest to apply.”

The goal of this program is to assemble a group of individuals from a variety of Boston neighborhoods, identities, and backgrounds. The Design Group members must be Boston residents and dedicated community members who are willing to engage in this challenging process. Community members are encouraged to reference their own lived experience and how it shapes their desire to join the Design Group in their application. Translation services will be made available for residents who do not speak English and candidates can request their preferred language in the application. 

A monetary stipend of $1,200 will be provided to each member in acknowledgment of the time and effort that goes into serving on the Design Group and to help offset any necessary childcare and transportation costs associated with their participation. All applications must be submitted by Wednesday, November 10, 2021 by 5:00 p.m. Applicants are also welcome to submit their applications by mail or in person at City Hall (suite 806). 

"As we re-imagine the City’s response to mental health crises in our neighborhoods, it’s critical that we make sure that the voices of community members are represented," said Chief of Health and Human Services Marty Martinez. "The Community-led Design Group is an important component in a multi-pronged approach that brings those voices to the table." 

Mayor Janey’s August announcement introduced three models of piloting how the City would respond to mental health crises. In addition to the community-led response, Mayor Janey also announced co-response and alternative response models. 

Co-response will improve and expand dedicated teams of police officers and mental health workers to respond to 911 calls that report a mental health crisis with a safety risk. 

·    Currently, dispatch of co-response takes place on a case-by-case basis. The pilot initiative standardizes this process. Dispatchers will automatically ask if a co-response team is available to respond to mental health calls that pose a safety risk. This component of the pilot began in September.

·    In addition, co-response cars with a police officer and mental health worker can currently be asked to respond to any call type. The pilot will designate dedicated co-response cars, which will only be dispatched to calls that are likely to have a mental health concern. This component of the pilot began in October, in Boston Police Districts A1 and B2, in the Downtown/Charlestown and Roxbury neighborhoods.

Alternative response will deploy teams of Emergency Medical Technicians and mental health workers to respond to 911 calls that report a mental health crisis without a safety risk. This work to develop this response is in partnership with unions representing BPD and EMS employees. 

For more information about the City’s Mental Health Crisis Response Pilots, please visit here.

El Planeta Newspaper Endorses Michelle Wu for Mayor

 El Planeta Newspaper Endorses Michelle Wu for Mayor

Boston, MAThe Editorial Board of El Planeta Newspaper has decided for the second time in its 17 years history to endorse a political candidate for office. Citing her longtime commitment to advancing racial fairness, health and education services, El Planeta said they are endorsing Wu because Boston is ready for new leadership.


“Our values of freedom, democracy and tolerance are at stake in our city and in our country, so we have decided to act.  We support and endorse Michelle Wu as the best choice for Mayor of Boston because we know she will work and fight for those values,” wrote the editorial board of El Planeta, the largest Hispanic paper in Massachusetts.


This endorsement comes on the heels of the release of Michelle’s new Spanish-language TV ad “Boston Para Todos” and two new Spanish radio ads, including a jingle in the traditional Plena style of Puerto Rican music “El Gran Cambio”. (attached)

“This election is about the future of our city. As the daughter of immigrants and mom to two boys in our public schools, I’ll fight to make Boston a city for everyone. We’re building a multiracial, multilingual, multigenerational coalition to last long after Election Day—and bring all of us together to deliver change in office.” said Michelle Wu.


El Planeta’s endorsements add to an enthusiastic multigenerational, multicultural coalition of grassroots supporters, including leaders Senator Elizabeth Warren, Senator Ed Markey, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, Mayor Kim Janey, Sheriff Steve Tompkins, Suffolk County Register of Probate Felix Arroyo Sr., Boston City Councilors Ricardo Arroyo, Liz Breadon and Lydia Edwards; State Senators Assistant Majority Leader Sal DiDomenico, Sonia Chang Diaz and Julian Cyr; State Representatives Assistant Majority Leader Mike Moran, Ways and Means Chair Aaron Michlewitz, Jay Livingstone, Adrian Madaro, Vanna Howard, Natalie Higgins, Liz Miranda, Tram Nguyen, Maria Robinson, Andy Vargas, and Tommy Vitolo; former State Representative and Assistant Majority Leader Byron Rushing; former State Transportation Secretaries Fred Salvucci and Jim Aloisi; former MBTA FMCB Chairman Joseph Aiello; former Boston City Councilor Tito Jackson; former State Representative Charlotte Golar Richie; labor unions 1199 SEIU, 32BJ SEIU, North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters, Teamsters Local 25, New England Joint Board of UNITE HERE!, UAW Region 9A, Laborers Local 22, Alliance of Unions at the MBTA, MBTA Inspectors Union Local 600, OPEIU Local 453; climate organizations Sunrise Boston, Sierra Club, the Environmental League of Massachusetts, 350 Mass Action; Working Families Party; Progressive West Roxbury/Roslindale; Boston’s Ward 1, Ward 4 and Ward 5 Democratic Committees; The Boston Guardian; and fellow municipal elected officials from across Greater Boston and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. For all of Michelle for Boston’s endorsements, visit michelleforboston.com/endorsements.



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