
星期五, 10月 22, 2021

波士頓亞美電影節開幕 李保華、梁聯星、駱理德談華埠環境變遷 (圖片)


Showcasing stories from around the world, these documentaries illuminate our reality from serious social issues to heart-warming familial traditions. Documentaries have the power to build and embolden the community, making their influence more important and significant in contributing to how we are RISING TOGETHER! 

You'll be sure to find a documentary that will inspire you! Our featured documentaries will premiere at the designated start time and are available until Sunday, October 24, 10:00PM ET or until tickets sell out! 

Scroll for more details!




Documentary Film
A Letter to A'ma
Premiering October 23, 3:00PM EST until October 24, 10:00PM EST
Directed by Hui-Ling Chen | Documentary | 105 mins | USA
Followed by Q&A with Filmmaker
*Both film and Q&A are in Chinese with English subtitles

An art teacher returns to her childhood home to mourn the passing of her grandmother. As she pieces together the fragmented memories of her youth she finds herself coming face-to-face with the problematic issue of her country’s fractured history. Read More >>

[Available to view on-demand from premiere time until Sunday, October 24, 2021, 10:00PM ET]


Followed by Q&A with Director Hui-Ling Chen.
Moderated by Wing-Kai To.




Premiering October 23, 6:00PM until October 24, 10:00PM EST
Directed by Richard Lui | Documentary | 87 mins | USA 
Followed by Q&A with Filmmakers

When viewers say they cried, they say it was because of the uplifting hope of the courage and beauty the students share with us. As young as eleven years old, they are taking care of parents and grandparents who are battling sickness. We call them Care Heroes. And there are five million of them in America. Read More >>

[Available to view on-demand from premiere time until Sunday, October 24, 2021, 10:00PM ET]




Premiering October 24, 5:00PM EST
Directed by Jeff Mizushima | ​Documentary | 81 mins | USA 
Followed by Q&A with Filmmakers

"Who Is Lun*na Menoh" follows the life and work of the extraordinary Japanese artist. From her early career in Japan to the underground music scene in Los Angeles - from fashion show runways featuring her sculptural designs to art galleries showing her fantastical work, Lun*na's edgy, witty and beautiful creations are explored. Read More >>

[Available to view on-demand from premiere time until Sunday, October 24, 2021, 10:00PM ET]


Followed by Q&A with Lun*na Menoh & Director Jeff Mizushima.
Moderated by Anna Zeng.





BAAFF is a co-production of Asian American Resource Workshop and ArtsEmerson. 






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42 Charles Street, Suite A Dorchester, MA 02122

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