Annissa Essaibi George在多徹斯特波士頓房屋局辦公室前重申公平、 正義、包容計畫。(周菊子攝) |
(Boston Orange綜合報導)
波士頓市長候選人Annissa Essaibi George在多徹斯特的波士頓房屋局辦公室前,晤見一小群黑人社區代表,重申她有更為「公平、正義、包容」的計畫,在撥款一億元改變黑棕社區所面對現況之餘,還將增撥5000萬元為小企業提供貸款及週轉資金。
Annissa Essaibi George強調,有計畫,沒經費,就是空話,所以她要在提出的計畫上增加經費數字,以及行動議程,以說到做到的真正落實。
Annissa Essaibi George說自己把對話得來的資訊,轉成承諾,以及繼之而有的行動計畫。她要彌平族裔財富,擁有住宅,就業培訓,教育及成就,就業等差距,把波士頓市打造成為更公平、正義、包容的城市。
Annissa Essaibi George和黑人社區活躍份子Shirley Shilingford(右)。 (周菊子攝) |
Annissa Essaibi George上WBUR接受訪問。 |
華人社區中的Annissa Essaibi George支持者,預定本週六到華埠牌樓 舉牌、造勢。(褚真威提供) |
Shilingford 和Terrence Williams等人的站台支持中,Annissa
Essaibi George強調,波士頓市的下一任市長需要作出特別承諾,以根除系統中的種族主義,族裔財富差距,以及從住宅,教育到人力培訓,交通等所有方面的不平等。
Essaibi George直言,她有「公平、正義、包容」的計畫,她的對手吳弭有氣候改變計畫,但沒有致力公平、正義的計畫。
Hill)長大,現在住在多徹斯特的Terrence Williams認為,Annissa
Essaibi George是唯一給出經費數目的候選人,相信Annissa會把他的聲音帶進波士頓市政府。
Annissa Essaibi George(右三)在聆聽及學習之旅中,到波士頓華埠的
C180麵包店(員皇冠麵包店)拜會,和出席的華人,右起Betty Kim,
Annissa Essaibi George在晤談現場的發言簡短,她的競選陣營事後發出新聞稿,重新列舉她早前提出的「公平、包容及正義議程」,要斥資一億元在波士頓市的黑人,拉丁裔,以及亞裔社區中實行該計畫。她將組成包括社區成員,宗教領袖,以及居民等的工作小組,針對社區所述說的各自需求,來帶領一個透明、公開的經費分配過程。
Annissa Essaibi George在21日聽到有人問及她對吳弭民調領先30%的看法時,嗤之以鼻的表示,那不真實;聽到如果當選,是否考慮成立亞美顧問會這問題時,表示當然,並補充的說她希望能照顧到所有族裔居民。
支持Annissa Essaibi George的華人,預定於10月23日到華埠牌樓前舉牌。(更新版)
Boston, MA—Today At-Large City Councilor Annissa Essaibi George highlighted her plan to close the racial wealth gap through homeownership pathways, workforce training, and jobs, as outlined in her Equity, Inclusion and Justice Agenda. Essaibi George was joined this afternoon by members of the Black community and community activists Ms. Shirley Shillingford and Terrence Williams.
“To close the racial wealth gap, Boston needs to root out racism
within our systems and tackle inequities in everything from housing and
education to workforce training and transportation. For the next Mayor to do
that she needs specific commitments, not just talking points,” said Essaibi
George. “I’ve released an equity plan with specific action points on how we
further equity, inclusion and justice in everything we do.”
“I have known Annissa for a very long time, and she has shown up
in our communities, at the food pantry or at the Caribbean Festival, time and
time again—not just during an election,” said Ms. Shirley Shillingford, a
longtime community advocate. “Annissa is the one who has laid out specific
commitments and dollar amounts to support the Black community. That’s
leadership, and that’s why she has my vote.”
“From education to housing to closing the racial wealth gap,
Annissa has offered specifics to make Boston a more equitable place for
everyone, especially our communities of color,” said Terrence Williams, who
grew up in Mission Hill and now resides in Dorchester. “I’m proud to
support Annissa in this race because I trust she’ll bring my voice to City
Essaibi George released her Equity,
Inclusion and Justice Agenda earlier this month, and announced
a $100 million investment towards implementing the plan in Boston’s Black
community as well as Latinx, AAPI, and other marginalized communities. She will
form a task force of community members, faith-based leaders, advocates and
residents to lead a transparent and open allocation process that is driven by
our communities and neighborhoods and speaks to their needs.
The plan includes specific action items to close the racial wealth
gap through investments in housing, small businesses, workforce training, and
- Further
investments in down payment assistance for first time and first generation
homebuyers, with a specific goal of increasing the rates of Black, Latinx
and AAPI homeownership.
- Lay
the groundwork for a $1 million investment in the Massachusetts Affordable
Housing Alliance’s STASH program.
- Leverage
community partnerships in schools, workforce development programs,
community and religious centers to conduct outreach about homeownership
technical assistance programs and opportunities.
- Create
a $50 million fund that can be deployed directly to support Black, Latinx
and AAPI entrepreneurs, and partner with local banks and micro lending
institutions to continuously refresh the fund.
- Identify
Black, Latinx, AAPI owned businesses that have been impacted by COVID-19
and triage support to them using existing city technical assistance
- Connect
with Black, Latinx, AAPI entrepreneurs who lost their businesses as a
result of the COVID-19 pandemic and develop an array of technical
assistance programs that will support them in rebuilding their credit and
potentially opening a business again.
- Increase
investments in the City’s workforce development programs by no less than
$10 million, prioritize Madison Pak and vocational education programs in BPS, and
increase the number of school to
career pipelines for individuals living, studying, and working in the
- Create
development opportunities for Madison Park students to build skills in
areas such
as building trades, technical assistance,
allied health, website building and development, social media operations, cosmetology, and culinary
experience by partnering with Boston-based
small business owners, labor unions, and training programs.
- Partner with employers across Boston to
hold monthly job fairs for students and build pathways to internships,
apprenticeships, and jobs for Boston’s youth.
- Reform
the City’s procurement process by filing a Home Rule Petition granting the
City of Boston authorization to directly manage our
procurement process, allowing the city to create smaller contracts that are more accessible to smaller businesses.
- Help
Black, Latinx,
AAPI Owned businesses win city contracts by
offering specific technical
assistance programming to help entrepreneurs prepare bids and ensure their
business is ready.