
星期五, 11月 27, 2020

感恩節期間麻州7天平均確診率升至3.3% 高危社區從63跳升至81

             (Boston Orange 整理編譯)累計2天後,麻州的新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)新增確診4464人,累計211,748人,新增死亡29人,累計10,401人。






波士頓「韌性基金」再撥出175萬元支援17 家非牟利機構


Seventeen community organizations will receive grants to help residents in the City of Boston impacted most by the COVID-19 pandemic


BOSTON - Friday, November 27, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh, along with the Boston Resiliency Fund Steering Committee, today announced over $1,750,000 in funding to 17 nonprofit organizations serving the community, as part of the next round of Boston Resiliency Fund (BRF) grants. Of the 17 organizations awarded grants, 70 percent are led by a person of color and 76 percent are led by a woman.  

"The Boston Resiliency Fund has served as a lifeline for our most vulnerable residents since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. In collaboration with our partner nonprofit organizations, we have supported programming for youth and families, ensured public health and availability of COVID-19 testing, and increased access to food and basic needs," said Mayor Walsh. "Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Boston Resiliency Fund and to the nonprofits who have been vital to our response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Boston Resiliency Fund shows the power of working together."

"Kelli Bos is thankful and humbled for being awarded funding from the Boston Resiliency Fund for our creative art and sewing program," said Kelli Conway, founder of Kelli Bos Sewing for Success. "The Boston Resiliency Fund will help us tremendously in providing a lifelong skill to children and families which will help them to sustain themselves for a lifetime, passing down their skills to generation, all while promoting positive mental health in a safe and loving environment."

"The Community Builders is helping keep Boston neighborhoods strong during the pandemic," said Elizabeth Gonzalez Suarez, Vice President of Community Life for The Community Builders. "With support from the Boston Resiliency Fund, the TCB New Franklin Park food pantry will continue to be a lifeline for families in need."

Since launching in March, the Boston Resiliency Fund has raised $33.4 million from over 6,700 individual donors. Including this most recent round of grants, the Fund has distributed $29.4 million to over 360 local nonprofit organizations in Boston. Overall, 56 percent of grantees are led by a person of color and 58 percent are women-led. Additionally, 29 percent of all grants have gone to immigrant-serving organizations. A map and list of every organization that has received funding from the Boston Resiliency Fund can be found here.

This round's grantees represent organizations working to expand access to youth development programming, promote public health in our neighborhoods, support families (especially those with young children), and increase access to food and other basic needs in Boston's neighborhoods. These grants are intentionally focused on supporting organizations serving immigrant communities and communities of color. The grants announced today range in size and will be awarded to the following organizations:

Expanding access to safe youth programming

Boston After School and Beyond: Boston Beyond will use the BRF grant to support a network of youth development programs that have committed to serving high-need Boston students and providing care for children who are doing remote learning so families can work and children can be safe. In total, over 130 nonprofit Boston programs are hosting 300+ different in-person learning and enrichment opportunities during and after the school day reaching 6,250 students. The network includes partners like the YMCA of Greater Boston, Boys & Girl Clubs of Boston, Catholic Charities of Boston, East Boston Social Centers, West End House, Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center, and many others. 

"Extraordinary collaboration is making the city a classroom for young people," said Chris Smith, executive director of Boston After School & Beyond, which coordinates a citywide network of after-school and summer programs.

Kelli Bos Sewing for Success: Kelli Bos will use the BRF grant to support extra-curricular learning and activities for students, seniors and families within the City of Boston. They will work with the Boston Centers for Youth and Families to teach sewing classes; students will learn how to make masks to distribute to the community. 

Transformative Culture Project: Transformative Culture Project will use the BRF grant to  expand their Creative Classrooms to additional schools and community centers that need support by hiring additional teaching artists and providing stipends to students for their time participating in the program. In addition, they will work with Outside the Box to increase community investment in these projects, as well as expand the reach of online Community Classroom resources to families throughout Boston. 

Promote public health in our neighborhoods

Black Boston COVID-19 Coalition: The Black Boston COVID-19 Coalition will use the BRF grant to collaborate with the City of Boston's Health and Human Services to increase the amount and continuity of testing, outreach and community health messaging in Boston's Black communities. They will also utilize youth and young adult outreach workers to spread educational information and  conduct COVID-19 wellness and safety checks for seniors and other vulnerable residents who continue to be homebound. Finally, the Black Boston COVID-19 Coalition will collaborate with the Health Commission on culturally-competent messaging on masks, physical distancing, education about COVID-19, holiday gatherings, and vaccines.

Building Alliance to Support Immigrant Mental Health (BASIMH): BASIMH will use the BRF grant to retain the services of 6 different multilingual providers and 2 program coordinators to support essential workers who are experiencing extreme stress related to COVID-19.  

TeleHealth Access for Seniors: TeleHealth Access for Seniors will use this grant to provide TeleHealth-compatible smartphones or tablets to elderly and low-income patients in partnership with Mattapan Community Health Center so that patients will be able to manage their care at home through video-calls. 

Trinity Boston Connects: Trinity Boston Connects will use the BRF grant to sustain services for frontline youth workers. In addition, they will coordinate emergency resources for high need participants in their Trinity@McCormack program.

Supporting families, especially those with young children 

Boston Cares: Boston Cares has seen a 35% increase in the need for volunteers compared to this time last year, and BRF funding will allow them to continue to provide recruitment, management, and tracking of volunteers to fill these needs, specifically at Boston Public Schools. 

Delta Sigma Theta, Boston Alumnae Chapter: Delta Sigma Theta, Boston Alumnae Chapter will use the BRF grant to ensure they can continue to meet the academic and social-emotional needs for over 100 young girls, all of whom are Boston Public School students or residents of the City of Boston, through their Delta GEMS program. 

English for New Bostonians: Responding to needs raised by English as a Second Language (ESOL) students, ENB will recruit, train and deploy an "Allies for Immigrants ESOL Virtual Team" to work with students in virtual classrooms and small groups. The Virtual Team will help approximately 240 ESOL students get connected, offer Zoom troubleshooting, and help parents navigate school communication and support their children's online learning. 

Neighborhood Villages: Neighborhood Villages will use the Boston Resiliency Fund grant to support the Boston Children's Relief Initiative. This initiative will place AmeriCorps members in  Boston early learning centers and after-school organizations that are caring for and educating young children during the day while their parents work. AmeriCorps members will support the instruction of young children and support efforts to ensure that wraparound supports, such as nutrition and material goods, are delivered to children and families in need.

United South End Settlements: United South End Settlements will use the BRF grant to continue providing fresh produce and pantry items for 200 households in the South End and Roxbury. 

Ensuring and increasing access to food and other basic needs in our neighborhoods

STEAM Ahead: STEAM Ahead provides free S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) programming to underserved groups of youth throughout Boston.  STEAM Ahead will use the BRF grant to prepare healthy grocery packs along with educational materials and deliver them directly to their participants and their families. They will also distribute free personal protection supplies to city residents who are at the highest of pandemic risk.

The Community Builders, New Franklin Park: The Boston Resiliency Fund grant will enable The Community Builders to operate and stock the New Franklin Park (NFP) food pantry for residents. The pantry currently distributes food almost every week to over 400 households in its Dorchester neighborhood.

The Food Project, in partnership with Dudley Square Neighborhood Initiative: DSNI has addressed the need for food access in its community by coordinating an outdoor food distribution site throughout the pandemic, providing resources from the YMCA, Breaktime, The Food Project and the Mayor's Office of Food Access. Together, they will use the BRF grant to establish an indoor food hub in the community space at The Food Project's office, with capacity to sort, pack and distribute food on a curbside basis on West Cottage Street in Dorchester. 

Transgender Emergency Fund of Massachusetts, Inc.: The Transgender Emeregency Fund of MA will use the BRF grant to provide ongoing support to low-income and homeless transgender and gender non-conforming individuals living in Boston.

Urban Guild, Inc.: The Guild will use the BRF grant to continue their work of providing holistic support for their community, including distributing personal care supplies and providing food access support for their community by purchasing and distributing food boxes through local businesses. 

The Boston Resiliency Fund exists within the Boston Charitable Trust, an existing 501(c)(3) designated trust fund managed by the City of Boston's Treasury Department. For more information on how to make a donation, or how to submit a statement of interest form, please visit: boston.gov/resiliency-fund. For general inquiries, please email brf@boston.gov

Marty Walsh, Ed Flynn, Aaron Michlewitz 當義工 為松街客棧流浪漢準備感恩節大餐

儘管新冠疫情日趨嚴重,波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)和波士頓市議員愛德華費林(Ed Flynn),麻州眾議員麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz)仍然親自出席當義工,在松街客棧(Pine Street Inn)每年一度,為流浪漢準備感恩節大餐的活動中服務。

創辦於1969年,位於南端(South End)的松街客棧,每年都為大約2000名無家可歸者準備感恩節大餐,讓他們在節慶日也得想溫飽。(圖片取自推特,Ed Flynn授權使用)


星期四, 11月 26, 2020

紐英崙中華公所3年後百歲 開會記錄,中英文仍有落差

               (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)中文?英文? 只差3年就100歲了的紐英崙中華公所,1124日晚在本年度最後一次董事大會中,因為會議記錄中英文版本有出入,議論起中華公所應尊重傳統,保持以中文為重,還是應該跟隨地理現實與時代,更重視英文。








星期三, 11月 25, 2020

波士頓華埠牌樓旁毒販出沒 華商會請中華公所支援加裝監視錄影機

             (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)波士頓華埠牌樓附近從醉貓聚集地變成毒蟲? 波士頓華埠商會(CBA)24日晚上紐英崙中華公所陳情,呼籲加裝監視錄影機,鼓勵民眾參加華埠巡邏隊,以維護華埠治安。










"你想知道的都告訴你" BTBA前輩分享返台經驗

             (Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)波士頓台灣人生技協會(BTBA) 日前在網上舉辦「海外生醫人返台心得分享」會。陳映嘉,曾意儒,陳昇宏三人依序分享在產學研界工作經驗。近80名出席者因為他們的坦率,聽得欲罷不能,會議不得不延長了至少20分鐘。










            曾意儒的分享,讓出席者一窺台灣學界現狀,包括各校碩博士招生有人數配額限制,助理教授不得收博士生等規定,做課題需要先考量這些情況,做相應設計。一般在大學內當教授,還得一年教18個學分的6門課,如果兼任行政工作,可以只教3門課。她建議有心回台灣從事教職者,可上 https://udb.moe.edu.tw查詢各校資訊。




            波士頓台灣人生技協會會長孟憲薇,蔡佩珊表示,該會為協助台灣生技人拓展人脈,機會,交流經驗,已開辦「生技來一刻」的Podcast節目,迄今已播出4期,有孟憲薇,陳範恩,魏曉英,蔣先慧,Mike Shih等人分享經驗,後續訪談第 5 期陳思達醫師,第6期李文機博士,將於12月推出,希望讓更多人收聽,獲益。查詢可上網https://btbatw.org/podcast.html。(更新版 2)

感恩節前夕 全世界新冠病毒確診人數破 6000萬大關 麻州30小時確診人數統計新增3224 死亡53


慶祝節日 即起每週六波士頓計時停車位可免費停2小時


Discounted Bluebike memberships, free passes for essential workers also available


BOSTON - Wednesday, November 25, 2020 - As a way to support Boston's small businesses during the holiday season, Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced that the City of Boston will provide two hours of free parking at the city's 8,000 metered spaces on Saturdays during the holiday season, beginning this Saturday, November 28 (Small Business Saturday). Parking meters are located throughout Boston's downtown, as well as in several of the city's residential neighborhoods that host commercial districts, including Boston's Main Streets. 

The City is also offering a holiday discount for the Bluebikes bike-sharing program, including a 30 percent discount on annual memberships on Monday, November 30 (Cyber Monday). Additionally, free 90-day passes are still available for employees in retail shops and restaurants in Boston. These efforts build on the City's ongoing commitment to support small businesses that have been hit hardest during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

"While shopping during the holiday season will look different this year, we are doing more than ever to help our small businesses get through a very difficult time," said Mayor Walsh. "Our small businesses contribute so much to our local economy, and I encourage everyone to shop safely and shop local this year." 

Two hours of free parking at metered spaces will be offered in Boston on the following days:

  • Saturday, November 28 (Small Business Saturday)
  • Saturday, December 5
  • Saturday, December 12
  • Saturday, December 19
  • Saturday, December 26

While payment at meters will not be required on these five days, the time limit on the meters will be in effect. The purpose of this is to allow as many customers as possible a chance to take advantage of this opportunity. 

"We are pleased to provide this incentive for Boston residents to shop locally this holiday season," said Boston Transportation Department Commissioner Greg Rooney. "Parking meters are located throughout several of Boston's neighborhood commercial districts, and I encourage drivers to take advantage of this opportunity."

The City is asking everyone who participates in in-person shopping this weekend and this holiday season to take steps to stay safe from COVID-19, including: wearing a face covering in public, staying 6 feet apart from others whenever possible, avoiding crowds and crowded places, bringing an alcohol-based hand sanitizer and washing your hands often, and staying home if you are sick. The City is also encouraging shoppers to consider alternative, safer options including shopping online, using contactless services, such as curbside pick-up, and shopping in open air markets. 

To date, a total of more than $9.6 million in debt-free grants have been issued to 3,391 small businesses across Boston. The Office of Economic Development's Small Business Unit continues to engage with Boston's business owners through weekly calls, office hours, and ongoing surveys in order to best understand their needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Small Business owners are encouraged to complete Survey #10 to share their thoughts and experiences to better shape our programs and policies to serve the small business community. For additional questions, the Small Business Unit can be reached at smallbiz@boston.gov.