星期六, 9月 14, 2024

麻州長Healey 哀悼培訓中殞命實習州警Enrique Delgado-Garcia

              (Boston Orange 綜合摘譯) 麻州第90屆實習州警Enrique Delgado-Garcia在防禦戰術訓練演習中,身體突發狀況,送院搶救不治。麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey) 今早發聲明哀悼。

              麻州州警Tim McGuirk表示,Enrique Delgado-Garcia是在培訓實習中突然沒了反映。學校的現場醫療團隊立即上前救助,並安排救護車送去當地的醫療場所,不幸的是,儘管專業人員努力以赴,仍回天乏術。

              麻州州警發聲明表示,將盡力照顧Enrique Delgado-Garcia的家人。

              麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey) 聞訊,發佈「心碎」聲明,表示對所有認識Enrique Delgado-Garcia的人來說,這都是個令人傷心欲絕的時刻,州政府和州警部門向其家人虔誠致意。

Statement from Governor Healey on the Death of Massachusetts State Police Academy Trainee Enrique Delgado-Garcia

BOSTON – Governor Maura Healey issued the following statement on the death on Massachusetts State Police Trainee Enrique Delgado-Garcia:

“I’m heartbroken about the loss of Massachusetts State Police Trainee Enrique Delgado-Garcia, who had committed himself to a career protecting the people of Massachusetts. He was a beloved member of his academy class, known for his compassion and devotion to service. This is a devastating time for all who knew and loved him, and we are holding Enrique’s family and his State Police community in our hearts.”
