星期四, 7月 18, 2024

大波士頓商會執行長James Rooney走馬上任ACCE董事會主席

              (Boston Orange 摘譯) 大波士頓商會主席兼執行長 James E. Rooney 開始擔任商會高階主管協會 (ACCE) 董事會主席。

ACCE 成立於 1914 年,是一個全國性協會,在全美有 1,600 多個商會、經濟發展組織、會議和旅遊局等的會員組織,代表 9,000 多名商會專業人士。 ACCE 商會總共有120多萬會員,各種規模的企業都有。

ACCE董事長及執行長Sheree Anne Kelly表示,ACCE致力協助全美商惠成功發展,該會董事會的領導力對整個行業的未來至關重要。James E. Rooney經驗豐富,行動力強,將對董事會及會內企業都有很大益處。 

James E. Rooney, President & CEO of the Greater Boston Chamber, Begins Term as ACCE’s Board Chair 

Rooney to lead National Chamber Organization with 1,600 Members  

BOSTON, MA —  James E. Rooney, President & CEO of the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce, begins his term as Chair of the Board of Directors for the Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives (ACCE).  Established in 1914, ACCE is a national association with more than 1,600 Chambers of Commerce, economic development organizations, and convention and visitors bureaus as members across the country, representing more than 9,000 Chamber professionals. The combined membership of ACCE Chambers exceeds 1.2 million businesses of all sizes.  

“I am honored to serve as ACCE Board Chair, and I am eager to partner with President Sheree Anne Kelly and the ACCE team and Chamber executives from across the county.  During my term, we will build on the excellent leadership of my predecessors Carlos Phillips and Christy Gillenwater to continue elevating the importance of Chambers to the success of every Main Street and Downtown in America. Chambers lead in transforming lives, careers, businesses, and communities, and I am proud to ensure that our national, collective voice drives impact every day,” saidJames E. Rooney, President & CEO of the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce and ACCE Board Chair.  

"At ACCE, we are committed to the success of Chambers across the country, and the leadership of our Board is critical to the future of our industry. Jim Rooney brings years of expertise, action, and impact to his role as ACCE's Board Chair that will benefit the Board's vision as well as Chambers of all sizes across the country. I am looking forward to working with Jim to strengthen ACCE as well as the entire Chamber industry," said Sheree Anne Kelly, President & CEO of ACCE.  

"As Jim begins his term as ACCE Board Chair, I am confident that Jim will bring his thoughtful, bold leadership and passion for shared economic prosperity to this national role. As a trusted leader, Jim will lead the ACCE Board and inspire Chambers across the country while offering his expertise in economics, public policy, global meetings and conventions, transportation, and more,” said Corey Thomas, CEO of Rapid7 and Boston Chamber Board Chair.  

“The ACCE Board and membership are fortunate to have Jim Rooney serve as our next Board Chair. With Jim's vision and innovative leadership, ACCE will continue the important work of growing and uplifting the Chamber industry across the country," said Mark Eagan, President & CEO of the Capital Region Chamber based in Albany, NY.   

"As we begin a new Board term, I am excited to welcome Jim Rooney as our ACCE Board Chair. We have the immense opportunity to lead and inspire our Chambers and communities, and I am confident that Jim will harness our collective voice to keep moving the needle for our members and industry," said Katie Kirkpatrick, President & CEO of the Metro Atlanta Chamber. 

ACCE delivers best practices, industry trends, corporate partners, networking, and new ideas to advance the priorities of Chambers. ACCE offers resources, industry information and data, and professional development opportunities through conventions, an award-winning digital magazine, online education, and other activities. To learn more about ACCE, visit their website.   

Download the press release here.
