星期一, 7月 08, 2024

Free arts & crafts workshops begin July 9 in Boston Parks

Free arts & crafts workshops begin July 9 in Boston Parks

The Boston Parks and Recreation Department’s annual ParkARTS program is pleased to announce the return of free Arts & Crafts Workshops for children. From West Roxbury to East Boston, kids ages three to ten can enjoy a wide variety of arts and crafts activities led by local artists at the workshops held from 10 a.m. to 12 noon.

Participation is free and all materials are provided. All children must be accompanied by an

adult. Groups of eight or more must pre-register by emailing parks@boston.gov or by calling the Parks Department at (617) 961-3082. 

The Marionette Puppet Show series will also return in July and August during various children’s workshops. See Boston’s parks come alive with Rosalita’s Puppets featuring marionettes made by professional actor-puppeteer Charlotte Anne Dore. Each puppet show will begin at 11:00 a.m. See the schedule below for details. 

Arts and Crafts Workshops dates and locations are as follows, 10 a.m. to 12 noon:

Tuesdays, July 9, 16, & 23

Marcella Playground, Roxbury 

Harambee Park, Dorchester 

Wednesdays, July 10, 17, & 24

Iacono Playground, Hyde Park

Hynes Field, West Roxbury 

Thursdays, July 11, 18, & 25 

Fallon Field, Roslindale 

Walker Playground, Mattapan 

Friday, July 12, 19, & 26 

Mozart Street Playground, Jamaica Plain 

Joyce Playground, Brighton 

Tuesdays, July 30, August 6, & 13

LoPresti Park, East Boston 

Langone Park//Puopolo Playground, North End 

Wednesdays, July 31, August 7 & 14

Myrtle Street Playground, Beacon Hill
Gertrude Howes Playground, Roxbury

Thursdays, August 1, 8, & 15

Medal of Honor Park, South Boston 

Ringgold Park, South End 

Friday, August 2, 9, & 16 

Peter Looney Park, Charlestown

Ryan Playground, Dorchester 

Rosalita’s Puppets Marionette Performances are at 11 a.m. Dates and locations are as


Thursday, July 11: Walker Playground, Mattapan 

Friday, July 12: Joyce Playground, Brighton 

Friday, July 18: Fallon Field, Roslindale 

Friday, July 19: Mozart Street Playground, Jamaica Plain 

Thursday, August 8: Ringgold Park, South End 

Friday, August 9: Peter Looney Park, Charlestown 

For more information and updates on possible weather cancellations, please contact the Boston

Parks and Recreation Department at (617) 635-4505, on our social channels @bostonparksdept

on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, or by visiting www.boston.gov/parks.
