星期六, 6月 17, 2017

胡桃山音樂營 7/20 開營

 Foundation For Chinese Performing Arts  
            3 Partridge Lane, Lincoln, MA 01773
ChinesePerformingArts.net Foundation@ChinesePerformingArts.net 
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Upcoming Events
2016-2017 , the 28th Season
July 20 - August 13, 2017
The 26th Annual Music Festival at Walnut Hill 胡桃山音樂營

2017-2018 , the 29th Season

1, Saturday September 23, 2017, 8 PM
at NEC's Jordan Hall
Reflections on Diaspora花果靈根集

Bao Jian包键, Hu Jianbing胡建兵, 
Chen Tao陳濤, 
Liu Li 劉麗, Zhou Yi 周懿 , Weng Hui 翁慧, and 
Cai Zhenqi 蔡振起
Jianbing Hu and Bao Jian 
2, The 9th Annual Youth Poetry in Silk and Bamboo 絲竹春吟青少年中國器樂賽及音樂會
Audition: Saturday, September 30, 2017, 2 PM
at First Church Boston
Concert: Saturday, October 7, 2017, 7:30 PM
at First Church Boston
3, Saturday, November 4, 2017, 8 PM
at NEC's Jordan Hall
co-presenting with the 
Korean Cultural Society of Boston
The Parker Quartet 
and Jung-Ja Kim, piano

4, Saturday, January 27, 2018, 8 PM
at NEC's Jordan Hall
Pi-Hsien Chen 陳必先 , piano
PI-Hsien Chen 
5, Saturday, March 31, 2018, 8 PM
at NEC's Jordan Hall
Angelo Xiang Yu 于翔 , violin
and Andrew Hsu, piano
6, April 15, 2018 (application deadline)
The 27th Annual Chinese Brush Painting and Calligraphy Competition
Jury date: Saturday April 21, 2018 
7, Saturday, May 12, 2018, 8 PM
at NEC's Jordan Hall
Dang Thai-Son 鄧泰山, piano
8, July - August , 2018
The 27th Annual Music Festival at Walnut Hill  胡桃山音樂營



The 26th Annual Walnut Hill Music Festival 2017

date: 7/20/2017 check in, 

8/13/2017 check out. 

Concerto 2017: 

Rachmaninoff Rhapsody on a Th 

eme of Paganini

Saturday, 9/23/2017, 8 pm  at Jordan Hall 
Reflections on Diaspora花果靈根集

Jianbing Hu and Bao Jian

The 9th Annual Youth Poetry in Silk and Bamboo 
at First Church Boston


Audition: Saturday, September 30, 2017, 2 PM
Concert: Saturday, October 7, 2017, 7:30 PM


Saturday, 11/4/2017, 8 pm, Jordan Hall, 
Co-presenting with 
the Korean Cultural S

ociety of Boston 

The Parker Quartet and Jung-Ja Kim, piano
Saturday, 1/27/2018, 8 pm, Jordan Hall, 
Pi-Hsien Chen  陳必先, pianist

Saturday, 3/31/2018, 8 pm, Jordan Hall,

                                                   Angelo Xiang Yu 于翔, violinist
Andrew Hsu, pianist

Saturday, 5/12/2018, 8 pm, Jordan Hall, 
Dang Thai-Son 鄧泰山, pianist

We Need Your Support
Support us make a
www. ChinesePerformingArts.net   
 Your tax-deductible donation enables us 
to continue presenting the best artists, 
maintaining low admission and free student tickets.  
Please support us especially at this time

Your Donation is 

Order Ticket Online: www.ChinesePerformingArts.net

Foundation For Chinese Performing Arts Cathy Chan 譚嘉陵, Founder and President
