星期二, 6月 20, 2017

頂大學人系列講座 6/24

 We are proud to present the last but not least of the 2017 Scholar Forum Series cosponsored with Education Division, TECO-Boston and MIT Taiwanese Student Association, June 24, Saturday 2-5pm at MIT Building 4, Room 231.  Three outstanding speakers in three interesting fields are among the feast.  Please markup your calendar.  Hope to see you there.

 Best Regards,

Nutrition, the modern concern. 營養, 摩登的煩惱.

Over the past century, the opinions of nutrition swung like a pendulum. The information I will present is updated to March 2017.
I bet the internet overwhelms everyone with food advices.  How do we determine which one is believable?

Dr. Shiao-Yu Lee is a medical veteran for more than forty years and a retired medical faculty of Harvard Medical School.


Title: Recent Developments of Digital Humanities in Taiwan and China Biographical Database
The influences of employing digital resources and tools for humanities research grow significantly in recent years in Taiwan. Digital Humanities (DH) is the term for referring to this relatively new trend in the research community. In this brief talk, I will review the background for the current developments of DH in Taiwan, introduce the national plan for DH pedagogy in Taiwan, and present some interesting research DH projects in Taiwan. I will also discuss my work as a Fulbright and TUSA scholar at Harvard. We will see how computing technologies can be used to assist the construction of the China Biographical Database, which in turn is facilitating historical research about Chinese history worldwide. More specifically, we will go through examples of how we can extract information about named entities from historical documents that were written in classical Chinese.
Speaker Biography
Chao-Lin Liu is a distinguished professor of the National Chengchi University (NCCU) in Taiwan, while he also actively participates in the teaching and research activities in the Graduate Institute of Linguistics of NCCU. He received a doctorate in Intelligent Systems from the University of Michigan. In the past many years, he and his colleagues applied and designed computing methods for the analysis of documents about law, business, politics, literature, and history. Those documents were written in English, vernacular Chinese, and classical Chinese. He returns to Harvard as a Fulbright and TUSA scholar between August 2016 and July 2017, after his visit to Harvard as a visiting scholar in 2014. He participates in the China Biographical Database Project, led by Professor Peter K. Bol, for the current visit at Harvard.
Title:  A Short history of cartography

從英John Thornton之English Pilot中的舟山地圖,囘顧120 C.E. Ptolomy's Geographia 到十四世紀的portolan 海圖,大發現時代荷蘭出版的地圙,Mercator 投影法,Waldseemuller 定名新大陸叫 America. 再看180 B.C.E.馬王堆的絹本地形圖,長沙以南到海的河流都正確,最有名的宋代ll37年的禹跡圖,以一百里為方格,江河及海岸線已如真。鄭和航海圖只剩茅元儀的武備志存有部分,已不如歐洲地圖之真確。緯度易測,經度很難,要到l760 Harrison制出Chronometer才有解決。
From 1703 John Thornton's English Pilot's Chusan map,we race back to Ptolomy's Geographia as the beginning of Western mapping, to 14 century's portolans, Dutch map production in the age of discovery, Mercator's projection,Waldseemuller's christening of new world as America. We will look at 180 B.C.E.'s map of Hunan to the south sea, 1137's map of China with its grid system, the remanent of Zheng He's sailing map which was not depicting the true land forms but only as sailing instructions. Ptolomy promoted longitude and latitude but only in 1760 with Harrison's Chronometer was longitude measurement becoming easy.
Sunshine Yuan was born in Shanghai, 1943, B.S. in geology and chemistry, N.T.U., 1971 Ph.D., synthetic chemistry, U.T. Austin,
1971-3,postdoc. MIT, Worked as Chemist at Interx, KS.,Koch isotopes, Kor isotopes, Tracer Technology, Masstrace, Cambridge Isotopes Lab, all in MA.
